Who are you?

Author's POV :

Akihiko entered the Uni. Normally, he would have gone through short route, directly to the auditorium as there will be an autograph signing ceremony held tomorrow, where everyone will be able to meet the writer of the play but today he took the long route, as he doesn't even want to go near that place. He passed from the University's garden. It's Akihiko's favourite place he would often visit this place as it is not too much crowded, that's why he didn't get the chance to make friends in the class. He threw his bag on the ground spread his arms and inhaled the fresh air.

Akihiko :"No need to remember bad things, always look forward to the good things that our future hold. You can do this Akihiko! Fighting!"

He cheered himself.

He picked up his bag. Went straight to the auditorium. Lisa and other students were taking down the decorations and were preparing for the autograph ceremony which will be held tomorrow. He went to Lisa.

Akihiko " Good Morning! "

"Ah! Morning, Hiko!. How are you now?"

Akihiko felt a sting in his heart at this question but smiled.

Akihiko :"I'm fine! I guess."

Lisa realised that she shouldn't have asked that question, so she immediately changed the question.

Lisa :"Um! Hiko! You wanna help us?"

Akihiko :"Yeah! Why not!.... What do I do?"

Lisa :"Can you take down those red decors on the chandelier."

She pointed towards the ceiling at the chandelier.

Akihiko :"OK! But how to get there... I mean it's too high"

Lisa :"Oh! I've asked a student to get the ladder. Just wait a bit. I'll get going I need to do some work in the backstage. If you need me just call me. OK bye."

Akihiko :"Bye!"

Student : "Where is Lisa? She asked for this ladder. Where do we put it?"

Akihiko ran towards them.

Akihiko :"Ah! Put it under the chandelier."

Student : "Oh! OK. Step aside."

They placed the ladder and went to do their own work.

"Now, Let's get to work" Akihiko said to himself and stepped on the ladder. He stood on the second last step of the ladder. Took the decorations down one by one and threw it in the cardboard box placed near the ladder on the ground.

Akihiko was humming while doing the work. When he heard someone talking, standing near the door. What caught his attention was when the name 'Akia' was mentioned. He turned to see who was it but he couldn't see him as a student was standing right infront of him. Akihiko shrugged his shoulders and went back to do his work.

"Excuse me!"

Akihiko looked down and was surprised seeing Shen standing down. He lost his balance and fell on top of Shen. Shen's back hit the ground and he hissed, he opened his eyes when he felt pressure on his chest or you could say his whole body because Akihiko was lying on top of him with his head on Shen's chest. He raised his head and looked right into Shen's eyes. Thier eyes locked on each other.

Only one thing came into Shen's mind.

'These eyes!' - Shen

"Hiko Ge, Are you ok!?"

Akihiko turned his head in the direction of the voice. A young boy stood there with a bag on his shoulder. He didn't looked like a Uni student, heck he didn't even looked like a college student. He had a worried look. Akihiko smiled seeing the boy completely forgetting that he was practically lying on top of someone.

"Kit!--" Akihiko started but couldn't continue as someone cut him the middle.

Shen : "Are you planning to spend your whole day lying on top of me."

Akihiko looked down confused as if he didn't understood what the other said.

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Shen :"Are you dumb!? Get off of me!"

Akihiko "Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't do it on purpose"

Akihiko stood up and gave his hand to Shen.

Shen :"Ofcours you wouldn't do it on purpose or else--" Shen stopped midway when his hand came in contact with Akihiko's.

'This touch!' - Shen.

Shen took his hand back and stood on his own.

Akihiko :"You were saying something"

Shen :"Nothing!"

The boy from earlier came running to Akihiko and held his arm with both hands. Shen's eyes fell on the hands around Akihiko's arm.

Kit :"Hiko Ge! Are you OK? Are you hurt?"

Akihiko :"Kit! I'm fine, look I didn't got hurt thanks to someone" Akihiko whispered the last words but ofcours that certain someone heard it and scoffed.

Kit :"But you fell off the ladder!"

Akihiko :"I'm fine! Now tell me, how did you get here? Don't tell me you didn't go to school today"

Kit :"No! You forgot we have a week off so I came to visit you as Lisa Jie told me that tomorrow you will participate in a autograph ceremony. So I came to help"

Akihiko :"Oh! But you should have told before you--"

Shen coughed signaling that he was still standing there.

'Are they treating me like air!' - Shen.

Akihiko turned to Shen.

Akihiko :"Ah! Sh--you were here for...."

Shen :"I--I--"

'What do I say I came here to see him. No! He'll definitely think of me as a weirdo' - Shen.

Shen :"I came to look for Miss. Akia. Where is she?"

Akihiko :"Ah! Akia!, She--" 'Is standing right infront of you' Akihiko thought and wanted to bang his head in a wall.

Akihiko :"She is not here. Why would she be here. She is not a student here."

Shen :"I heard of the autograph ceremony so I thought maybe she'll come as she was playing Celles"

'Why am I explaining to him, I never do explanations. God!' - Shen.

Akihiko :"No she is--"

Student :"Tanaka! I'm putting this box back in the locker"

The auditorium was nearly empty only Akihiko , Shen and Kit were left. Rest of the students went to set up the autograph stall in the middle of the Uni.

Akihiko :"OK!"

Shen also turned to leave but something rang in his mind 'Tanaka!'

"Ah! My brother is Tanaka Akihiko!" He remembered what Yifeng had said last night, at that time he found it weird but didn't ask. Now that he remembered he was at it again. He turned around grabbed Akihiko's arm and turned Akihiko to himself harshly.

Kit :"Hiko Ge! You--"

Shen glared at the young boy. Akihiko turned to him and gestured him to go out. He obeyed and went outside. Akihiko turned to Shen before he could have said anything Shen spoke.

Shen :"Who are you!?"

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Akihiko didn't understand what the other was saying.

Shen :"What is your relationship with Akia!"

'Why does he feel like her?'

Shen was pissed at this fact.

'What if he's the one who hurted her?' - Shen

Akihiko :"Akia is my--"

Shen :"DON'T! don't say that she is your friend"

Shen stopped then continued.

Shen :"If Akia is your friend why both of you have the same surname? I clearly remember it."

Akihiko :"Ah! That Umm--Ah"

'Yifeng! You're dead. If I get out of this situation alive I'm gonna kill ya' thought Akihiko.

Shen :"Tic toc tic toc. Hello? my time and patience is running out. Answer!"

Akihiko :"Actually Akia is--"

Fiang came running.

Fiang :"Shen-ah! Yeon.. Yeon! Something happened. Let's go. Fast."

Shen turned to Akihiko.

Shen :"It's not over yet!"

Akihiko's eyes widened at this line. Shen didn't notice it and started moving towards the door with Fiang. Akihiko held his hand on his chest, his heart was beating fast. He was sweating. His hands were trembling. All the things from last night came back to him. His legs gave away he fell on his knees holding his heart.

He saw the fading figure of Shen and stretched his hand. Shen didn't turn around he didn't heard anything. He was too worried about his friend.

Akihiko :"Sh--Sh-Shen....Sh--"

And he fell on the ground his vision engulfed with darkness.

Before losing his consciousness he heard footsteps running in his direction and someone calling him.


And he lost consciousness.

Kit held Akihiko in his arms he was just a little boy he didn't knew what to do.

Krist :"HELP! someone please help. Hiko Ge wake up! Li--Lisa Lisa jie right"

He took his phone out and called Lisa.

Lisa :"Hello! Kitty have--"

Kit :"Jie! *sob* Jie!--"

Lisa : "Kit! What happened!? Why are you crying?"

Kit :"Hi--Hiko Ge! He fainted in the-- in the au--auditorium"

Lisa :"What!? How--"

Kit :"Come quick! Please"

Lisa :"OK! I'm coming"

Beep. The call got disconnected.

Akihiko :"Sh--Shen.."

Kit looked down at Akihiko .

Krist :"Hiko Ge!"

A few moments passed and Lisa ran into the auditorium with a few more students.

Those students took Akihiko from Kit. Lisa held Kit.

Lisa :"Take him to the infirmary."

They took Akihiko to the infirmary.

Lisa looked at Kit.

Lisa :"Hey! Hey! Look at me. Your Akihiko Ge is fine. Hmm! Maybe a bit tired but he's fine."

Kit :"No! He's not tired that bad Gege did this to him!"

Lisa :"What bad Gege?"

Kit :"I don't know!"

Lisa :"OK! Let's go to the infirmary."

They entered the infirmary and Kit stopped near the door Lisa turned to look at Kit. He looked very angry.

Kit :"Bad Gege! What did you do my Hiko Ge!" Kit pointed towards Shen. Lisa turned to look to where was Kit pointing and her gaze halted on Shen.

Lisa :"Wang Shen!"

Shen :"Do I know you?"

Lisa :"I mean Senior Wang what-- Kit! Stop"

Lisa ran to stop kit who was launching an attack on Shen.

Kit :"He hurted my Gege. Bad Gege! Bad Gege"

Lisa :"I'm sorry he's a bit upset!"

Shen nodded and went in a room of the infirmary.

Shen :"Wasn't he the boy who was with that Akihiko guy"

Fiang :"What guy?"

Fiang said who was sitting beside Yeon who was lying on the bed with bandages.

Shen :"Ah! Nothing! How's he doing?"

Fiang :"He's fine!, Don't worry"

Shen :"I'll make them pay for this!"

Fiang :"Just be careful don't end up like him. I won't be able to take care of two bedridden guys"

Shen :"You won't have to. I'll be outside if you need me."

Fiang :"Hmm!"

Shen walked out of the room. He was walking when he heard a voice.

"Hiko Ge! Wake up!"

He went to peek in and his eyes widened on seeing Akihiko lying on the bed unconscious, his face pale.

"Akihiko? " He said in an inaudible voice.
