Kim Yeon

Kim Yeon's POV :

I'm on my way to the Engineering department of our Uni to get Shen's work done.

'Why I'm going there?'

Simple if you want info about someone there is one guy you can count on, personally I don't like him but I need this guy's info so.... Let's go.

Author's POV :

Yeon entered the Engineering department and went straight into a class. The whole class was empty only one guy sitting in a corner with his laptop, wearing a hoodie. Yeon walked upto him and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, the boy flinched and backed away.

'Aya! I forgot he SOMETIMES gets scared easily' He thought and took a few steps back and raised both of his hands as if surrendering.

Su Yin :"Oh! It's you. What do you want Yeon!"

Yeon :"Yin! I want your help"

Su Yin :"How many times do I have to tell you, we are not that close don't just call me like that. I am Su Yin!"

'There he goes again. A few moments ago he was bieng a timid scared guy and now he's bieng utterly ridiculous and rude. I'm so done with this shit. Remind me why are we friends again. And Why do I wanna punch him in his shitty face. Arggh!' thought Yeon.

Su Yin :"Are you gonna stand there like a dead person or are you gonna talk?"

Yeon :"Ah! Right actually Shen needs your help. Some weirdo is slandering him, he wants you to find him."

Yeon said and showed his phone to Su Yin. Su Yin took the phone and started reading the comments. Then he looked at Yeon with a worried expression.

Su Yin :" How can someone do this?"

He said with tears in his eyes.

'What the hell!' The only thought in Yeon's head.

Yeon :"So, Helping or not"

Yin :"Ofcours I'll help gladly"

He said with a smile.

Yeon sat beside him and Su Yin connected the phone with his laptop and his fingera glided on the buttons, after a few minutes.

Su Yin :"Done!"

Yeon :"Really! Let me see....Who is this shithead?"

Su Yin :"Lin Yong, a third year student of Business faculty. He doesn't come from a rich family. He only has a father, who is a taxi driver. He won the most handsome face of the year constantly until Shen and you came that's why he has a big fan base in the Uni. You mess with him you mess with his crazy fans.But he didn't do much against you guys cuz he couldn't do it, but I don't know why he became so bold all of sudden. "

Yeon :" I think Shen's in a mess again but as the saying goes you mess with Shen you mess with me."

Su Yin :"Again!?"

Yeon :"Ah! Nothing... I'll go and meet this guy and see who is supporting him. And Yin... I mean Su Yin don't tell Shen about any of this, alright. I'll handle this matter by myself."

Kim Yeon's POV :

I waved at him and left the room, I heard him saying.

Su Yin :"Suit your self."

Yeon :"Aish! This brat."

I came out of the Engineering department and went back to the business faculty. It's good that Shen has gone and Fiang hasn't arrived Yet. Let's go meet this Lin Yong guy. *Sigh*.

I got his schedule from Yin so I knew where I can meet him. He'll be at management class and it is ending in a few min. I waited outside the class. The class was finally over. I saw him coming out of the class with one of his friends I guess. I went up to him.

Yeon :"Lin Yong! Right?"

Yong :"What do you want?"

Yeon :"We need to have a talk"

Yong :"I don't talk to random--"

He wasn't finished his friend whispered something in his ear.

Yong :"--random faggot!"

'Woah! Dude I'm immune to that thing I would have beaten the shit out of you if you had said that to my Fiang' Yeon smirked.

Yeon :"I'm not here to talk about my preferences. I'm here to talk about your shitty mouth that spouts rubbish"

Yong :"You--"

Yeon :"Who's behind you!"

Yong :"Maybe we should talk somewhere else!"

Yeon :"Whatever!"

I know it's a huge stupidity to just walk to where this guy is taking me but do I have a choice I have to find out who's trying to harm Shen. I can't just stand on the side lines.

We walked to the back entrance of the Uni. It is less crowded here but there are students that's a relief. He was walking infront of me. He stopped and turned to me with his idiotic smirk. I hate this guy.

Yong :"Aren't you an idiot to walk into my trap."

Before I could say anything a few bulky people came out of a car.

'Shit! I'm in trouble'

And that's how they started beating me. I wasn't down until one of those monsters had hit me with a metal bat.

'Ouch! That hurted' -Yeon.

I wanted to see my Fiang. Am I going to see him again. What will happen to him, to Shen.

Author's POV :

Yeon's eyes started to get heavy.

Yeon :"F--Fiang!"

A faint name came out of his mouth and the next moment he could see a figure running towards him with a blurry vision, he didn't need clear vision to recognise his Fiang.


'No! Don't come here they'll hurt you!' Thought Yeon as he didn't had the energy to speak anymore. But then he saw his personal bodyguard Tim and a few more men in black behind Fiang.

Those goons ran away.

Fiang ran upto him and held him in his arms. He was crying.

Fiang :"Idiot! Why? *Sob* I hate you."

'I love you too!' Yeon couldn't voice out his thoughts. He smiled and then closed his eyes. He could here Fiang screaming.

Fiang :"HELP!! Help me take him to the hospital . Quick."

Tim Yeon's personal bodyguard came running to him and and checked Yeon's body and his vital points.

Fiang :"What are you doing doing. Help me get him to--"

Tim :"Young Master is fine. His vital organs didn't get damaged. We need to give him first aid. The Uni's infirmary will do"

Fiang nodded his head. They took Yeon to the infirmary. They laid him on one of the beds. Yeon was murmuring something. Fiang got close to him while Tim went to get the doctor.

Yeon :"Shen... Shen ... Find him. Get him. Shen"

Fiang :"Where is Shen? Yeon, Where is he?"

Yeon :"Arts faculty.... Audi--"

Fiang :"Auditorium?"

Yeon nodded.

Fiang was about to go when Yeon held his wrist. He opened his eyes slightly.

Yeon :"Parking! Stay away from the parking area"

Fiang nodded his head.

Tim came in the room with the doctor. Fiang ran out saying.

Fiang :"Take care of him I'll be back."

Fiang ran out to the Arts faculty directly to the auditorium. He saw a boy standing outside, ignored him and ran in directly. He saw Shen with a boy. He ignored the other boy and yelled standing at the door.

Fiang :"Shen! Yeon.. Yeon! Something happened. Let's go. Fast."

Shen turned to Akihiko and said something that Fiang couldn't hear. Shen ran towards him and both of them ran out togather.

Shen :"What happened?"

Shen asked while running.

Fiang :"I don't know exactly what happened but I saw a live video being posted on the Uni's website some guys were beating Yeon. I contacted Tim. And we went there and saved him. He's been calling you in his unconscious state. What's going on?"

Shen :"Is it--"

Fiang :"Is it what?"

Shen :"Nothing! Let's go first."

They entered the room of the infirmary. Yeon was lying on the bed in bandages.

Shen gritted his teeth in anger.

Shen noticed Fiang's sad face he wanted to give him some space.

Shen :"I'll go ask the doctor about his condition, whether we should move him to the hospital or not."

Fiang :"Hmm!"

Shen went outside.

Fiang sat on a stool beside Yeon's bed and held his hand.

Fiang :"Michen!"

(*Michen = Crazy in korean)

Yeon was originally from South Korea.

Yeon smiled even in his sleep.

Fiang :"You still have the nerve to smile. Michen!...Michen!"

Fiang :"Do you hear me! Kim Yeon!. Michen!"

He took his phone out of the pocket and pressed the power button. The Lock screen display appeared.

Fiang smiled seeing the picture. This picture was taken in the amusement Park. That day was the happiest day of his life.

Shen came back into the room.

Shen :"Wasn't he the boy who was with that Akihiko guy"

Fiang :"What guy?"

Fiang said who was sitting beside Yeon who was lying on the bed with bandages.

Shen :"Ah! Nothing! How's he doing?"

Fiang :"He's fine!, Don't worry"

Shen :"I'll make them pay for this!"

Fiang :"Just be careful don't end up like him. I won't be able to take care of two bedridden guys"

Shen :"You won't have to. I'll be outside if you need me."

Fiang :"Hmm!"

Shen went out. Fiang remembered that he forgot to ask if they had to move Yeon or not. He went outside and started looking for Shen. He saw Shen standing in the door of a room. He went upto him. He heard Shen saying.

Shen :"Akihiko?"

Fiang :"Shen?"

Shen turned.

Shen :"Ah Fiang! What are you doing here?"

Fiang :"I wanted to ask if we have to move him or not?"

Shen :"Ah! Yes the doctor said it will be better to get him checked at the hospital too. So Let's go"

Fiang :"You go ahead. I'll follow behind."

Shen :"OK"

Shen went away. Fiang peeped into the room. He saw a boy on the bed his color was pale and a boy sitting beside him. The boy on the bed slowly opened his eyes. The other boy said something, stood up and came out. Fiang moved away. The boy went outside.

Fiang went inside. He didn't knew why but he had a feeling that he was doing the right thing to meet the boy inside.

Akihiko turned his head towards the door. He was clearly surprised but smiled.

Fiang :"Hello!"

Akihiko :"Hi!"

Fiang :"Can I Umm sit here?"

Akihiko :"Sure!"

Fiang sat beside Akihiko.

Fiang :"Have we perhaps met somewhere before?"

Akihiko :"Maybe! It is a small world you know"

Fiang smiled than he got closer to Akihiko and observed him sharply.

Akihiko :"You shouldn't do this You are engaged, remember and you have an obsessive fiancé."

Fiang's eyes widened. He was a keen observer and he remembered things for a long time. Akihiko saw Fiang's surprised expression. He was about to say something but Fiang stood up and covered his eyes with his hand. Shen was confused as to what Fiang was trying to do.

Fiang :"Aaaa! Wo de Tian Na! It really is you"

(Wo de Tian Na = works as 'Oh My God' in Chinese)

Akihiko removed Fiang's hand and looked at him.

Akihiko :"What are you talking about?"

Fiang :"You are Akia!. Right!?"

Akihiko was too shocked but nodded unconsciously then shook his head. Fiang laughed.

Akihiko :"Don't laugh"

Fiang :"OK you need to tell me everything. No wait..... I'll come back to meet you later I have to leave for the hospital."

Akihiko :"Why hospital. What happened."

Fiang :"Some guys has beaten Yeon and he's kinda injured--"

Akihiko :"Is he alright?"

Fiang :"Don't worry, he is fine. I guess so."

Akihiko :"Can I come along"

Fiang :"Now is not the right time. I'll take you to meet him later. OK take good rest. Bye."

Akihiko :"By-- Wait can I have your cell phone number?"

Fiang :"Why not!"

They exchanged their numbers. Akihiko looked at Fiang.

Akihiko :"Don't tell Sh--I mean anyone about this"

Fiang :"Rest assured! I won't tell Shen"

Fiang said and went out. Akihiko after realising what Fiang had said turned red out of embarrassment and hid under his blanket.
