Visit To Hospital

Author's POV :

Akihiko got worried as to why was Kit taking so much long. He had went out to call Lisa. Akihiko was about to get up when the door opened and Lisa along with Kit entered. Akihiko could see Kit's reddened eyes. He shook his head. 'This kid!'

Lisa :"How are you feeling Akihiko?"

Akihiko :"I'm fine now. Thanks"

Lisa smiled. Akihiko looked at Kit who was standing far away from him near the door.

Akihiko :"Kit! Come here"

Kit walked to Akihiko . Akihiko held Kit's small hands.

Akihiko :"Why is my kitty so sad?"

Akihiko call him kit while others kitty. Akihiko calls him kitty when he wants to console him or cheer him up.

Kit looked up and saw Akihiko smiling. He teared up.

Kit :"GeGe got hurt. GeGe will also leave me."

*GeGe means Big Brother in Chinese

Kit was a sensitive child. He had insecurities that like his parents everyone he loves, will leave him.

Akihiko hugged him.

Akihiko :"GeGe will never leave you because Kit is such a good boy how can GeGe leave him. And GeGe is OK. Hmm"

Kit :"Hmm! Ge I don't wanna go back but teacher has called me back. My time has ended. I have to go back."

Akihiko :"Go back. And study hard. Hmm. I'll come to visit you soon."

Kit nodded and looked at Lisa. Lisa held his hand and took him out.

Akihiko picked his phone from the table and called Mike.

Mike :"Hello! Hiko"

"Hi! Mike. I wanted to ask if Emma Jie has been discharged or not."

"No! She'll get discharged in the evening. Why are you--"

"Can I visit her. I'm worried about her"


"Which hospital?"

"Crystal Plus Hospital"


Akihiko's got up went out of the room signed the register and went out of the infirmary.

He went to the auditorium picked his bag and went out. He was given half day leave.

He hailed a cab and went to hospital. In the cab he texted Yifeng.

(Texts will be in <>)






Akihiko shook his head and put his phone back into his pocket. He arrived at the hospital.

[Crystal Plus Hospital]

Akihiko went inside and asked about Emma at the reception. He was told that Emma was in room no 611.

He went there. He opened the door and was greeted with an amazing scene. Mike was leaning on Emma half on the bed. Akihiko turned red. Akihiko turned to leave but he banged his head on the door. Mike turned his head and Emma peeked from behind Mike. Akihiko turned around.

Akihiko :"I'm sorry. I guess I walked in at the wrong time."

Mike moved aside and came to Akihiko.

Mike :"What are you saying?"

Akihiko :"I knew you were fast but this fast"

Mike hit Akihiko on his head.

Mike :"Ya! I was only fixing her pillow"

'What? I thought they were kissing. Aya Akihiko what were you thinking' - Akihiko.

Emma :"What happened? Why are you hitting him. Stop bullying him"

Mike :"Ah! Sorry Hiko!"

Akihiko :"It's OK!... How are you Emma Jie"

Emma :"I'm fine! Come sit here"

Akihiko sat beside Emma. Emma looked at Akihiko . Hiko knew what was she gonna ask.

Akihiko :"Jie! I'm fine really. Look"

Emma :"I know my Hiko is so strong but do remember you are not alone. Never. Hmm. We are always here for you"

Akihiko :"Hmm! Are you hungry. Should I go bring something for you"

Emma :"No need. We already ate"

Akihiko :"We!?"

Emma :"Me and Mike"

Akihiko :"Oh!"

Akihiko looked at Mike. Mike mouthed him 'Don't'. Akihiko smiled and nodded his head.

Mike :"I'll go to check the discharge procedure"

Mike went outside.

Emma :"Aki--"

Hiko's phone rang. He took his phone and went out of the room.

Akihiko :"Hello!"

Fiang :"Hey! Hiko. I wanted to tell you that Shen went back to Uni. So I thought maybe you could visit Yeon if you want to."

Akihiko :"Ofcours I want to. I'll come right away. Where are you guys."

Fiang :"Crystal Plus Hospital"

Akihiko :"What? I'm at the hospital right now. I'm in main building, where are you guys?"

Fiang :"We are also at the main building. Room no 715"

Akihiko :"Give me some time. I'll sort out everything here and then come."

Fiang :"By the way what are you doing at the hospital. Are you alright"

Akihiko :"I'm fine! I came to visit someone. OK I'll be there OK by.

Fiang :" By! "


Hiko looked at Mike who was coming out of the lift.

Hiko went up to him.

Akihiko :" What did they say? "

Mike :" It's still early. They will discharge her arout 6 in the evening."

Akihiko :"Oh! I need to visit someone. I'll come to get my bag later. By"

Hiko said and entered the elevator and pressed 7.

Akihiko was walking in the corridor.

"712...713...714....Ah! 715"

He knocked at the door before entering and saw a flustered Fiang leaning on Yeon while Yeon held his shirt's collar with both hands.

Akihiko :"It's OK I know you were just fixing his pillow"

Fiang :"Rig--"

Yeon :"What are you saying. What pillow. Obviously we were kissing.... Ouch!!.... What did I do?"

Fiang hit Yeon. And asked the now flustered Akihiko to sit at the sofa. Akihiko sat down on the sofa.

'I need to stop embarrassing myself' - Akihiko.

Yeon :"So Miss Akia, Celles or should I call you Akihiko?"

Akihiko turned to look at Fiang who was glaring at Yeon.

Fiang :"I know he's a crackhead but he can help you and I assure you he won't tell Shen a thing. But you need to trust us. Hmm"

Akihiko nodded his head. Hiko told them everything as to why did he became Celles but ofcours leaving the part where he was taken to the parking lot.

Fiang had turned red and Yeon was laughing like a maniac. Fiang elbowed him to stop laughing.

Yeon :"OK I'll stop laughing. So, What do you want as help from us?"

Akihiko :"Nothing much. Just don't tell Shen"

Yeon :"Are you trying to trick him. Are you playing with him?"

Yeon turned grim serious.

Akihiko :"N--no! I never thought it like that. I just I--"

Yeon :"What--"

Fiang :"You are scaring him."

Yeon :"Stay out of this Fiang. So Akihiko Why?"

Akihiko :"I don't want him to think that I'm a lier, that I tricked him or made fun of him--

Yeon :" By telling anyother lie? "

Akihiko :" That's where I want your help"

Yeon :"Akihiko, Shen is not like everyone else he's special Hiko. If his enemies try to kill him he won't complain. Because he knows that they are his enemies but he can't bear bieng deceived by those who he cares about"

Akihiko :"So you are saying I should tell him the truth."

Yeon :"No"

Akihiko :"Huh!?"

Hiko turned his head to Fiang. Fiang just shrugged his shoulders.

Yeon :"He didn't say he cares about you"

Akihiko :"But--"

Yeon :"No buts just listen to me and don't tell him."

Akihiko nodded his head.

Yeon :"Hiko can you bring me a cup of coffee"

Akihiko :"Alright!"

Hiko went outside.

Fiang turned to Yeon.

Fiang :"But you did notice that he was bieng so soft and loving to Akia"

Yeon :"Right. He was bieng caring towards Akia not Akihiko"

Fiang :"So you are trying to say that we have to play along for Shen to realise that he likes Akihiko not Akia"

Yeon :"Yup!"

Fiang :"But why. Isn't it like we are meddling in their lives."

Yeon :"For the meddling part. Yes we are and as to 'Why', didn't you notice Hiko clearly likes our Shen . He just hasn't realised his own feelings."

Fiang :"And what about Shen?"

Yeon :"He clearly like Akia as for Akihiko, we have to wait and see. I just want to help them."

Fiang got up and hugged Yeon.

Fiang :"I didn't knew you were also smart"

Yeon :"Are you complimenting or insulting me?"

Fiang :"BOTH!"

Yeon chuckled. The door opened again and Akihiko was once again embarrassed.

'Help me! God!' - Akihiko.
