Ten Days in With Old Acquaintances

(Denzel's POV):

Ten days have passed since I have arrived to this world. When remembering the first night that I had killed people mercilessly, I didn't feel much regret for doing something that. I instead took the time to learn out ice magic more and try to learn the blacksmithing tech.

I have started development on a certain weapon. I wasn't able to think about the others but when Seymour simply allowed me off after day five, I had created a pair of gauntlets.

Right now though, I am currently enchanting it to the limits by allowing it to transform to any desired weapon.

I had already created the all absorbing shield that will defend against powerful attacks and all forms of magic. I'm currently infusing another type of weapon I can transform it to. I opened a scroll that contains the blueprints of the gauntlet.

My location is currently the central spawn where I'm settled down in an inn. I have some friends with me who are what I consider the closest to me.

"Denzel, are you in here?"

I heard the soft knocking on the door. I usually ignored any form of knocking on my door. However, the person was one such friend of mine that I let her in.

"It's unlocked!"

I continued to work on improvising of my weapon to make it better for me. When I heard the door open, I immediately turned to see a girl with short, blond hair and orange eyes. She has a height that's nearing mine and a slender body.

"What do you need Bella?"

That person was Bella, she's one of my closer friends from the past until now. It's seems she has something?

"No, nothing... I just wanted to check on you." - Bella

She simply moved around the room and sat down on the bed while watching me work. I attempted to transform it to the sword design that was drawn and ended up in success this time.

Both gauntlets changed into twin swords with beautiful edges. Ooh! Finally!

"Hmm? Is it complete?" - Bella

She seems to have noticed? Aight, let's have her witness it.

I held both swords and formed a ready stance.


The twin swords started changing up its form at a high speed and converted itself into a pair of equipped gauntlets.

"It's a success... Phew!"

I took off the pair of gauntlets and laid myself down flat on my bed right next to Bella. She looked at the pair of gauntlets with interest and started inquiring some questions about it.

"This is?" - Bella

"Probably my weapon for the rest of this experimental hell hole."

"It can turn into a sword, and a gauntlet?" - Bella

"It can also turn itself into a shield if I want to, though it takes both to form a single defensive shield to fully protect me."

"What are you gonna call it?" - Bella

A name? I wonder... I don't have a great sense of names here...

After thinking for a while, there was only one thing I came up with.

"Omni... Telum? Omnitelum?"

"Hmm, what does it mean?" - Bella

"It's the latin of 'All kinds of weapons'? Not sure..."

"Even though it's only those three?" - Bella

"Not really, I plan to make every kind of weapon I know infused into that."

"I see, it sounds cool! Let's show it to the others!" - Bella

"Huh? Wh?! Wai-!"

Bella took both of my gauntlets and started pulling my hand. She seems determined to show it to the other girls.

We moved to the dining hall where it's packed with various party groups.

They immediately turned their heads toward me and Bella who are making loud steps.

She kept pulling me towards the table at the corner where three girls are seated. One had black hair that reached her back, the other had orange hair and is looking at me. Her blue eyes connected with my gaze and cause her to turn away while blushing. The last girl had brown shoulder-length hair and has her back turned to me.

"Guys, Denzel's here!" - Bella

"Oh Denz! Good morning!"

"Morning Denz!"


The three girls immediately greeted me and suddenly received stares of jealous from various players.

"Morning everyone..."

I sat beside the orange haired girl which turned her head towards me.


"What is it Lilith?"

When Lilith looked at me, she seemed to have turned a bit more shy than the usual. Lilith is one of my childhood friends that have a bit of a mental issue. Her personality switches at random or situational times, causing her to have a variety of personas that seem like she's colorful.

"H-help me level up later..." - Lilith

Oh, she wants to catch up huh...

"Alright, where do you wanna go later?"

"The north... Within the snowy areas..." - Lilith

And that's settled!

"Let's pass by the mountains first... You still have your all-purpose crystal right?"

She took out a black crystal that has its function to cure all effects, heal, and teleport players within the map. It was an all purpose object that will allow us to get used to this game for the first fifteen days.

Beyond that, the crystal will disappear from the inventory and will mark the beginning of various early game events in this game to stir things up.

We had breakfast together as Bella sat beside the two girls.

"May, Denzel seems to have upgraded his weapon." - Bella

"Again?! When did that happen?" - May

The black haired girl, which was May. Became surprised to the sudden improvement of my equipment.

"It only happened earlier... I can show it to both of you later."

"Really? What did you name this weapon?"

The brown haired girl stood and bent herself forward to probe in further.

"Bella didn't tell you? It's Omnitelum."

"That's a good name... How many upgrades do you plan on adding?" - Lilith

"Honestly, I don't know..."

"There he goes again Ashley, he's going all out in his life." - May

"Although it's pretty exhausting that he always has something new up his sleeve... It's still pretty surprising nonetheless..." - Ashley

Ashley returned to a sitting position and continued eating her breakfast. Everyone's going at a slow pace huh...

I took out the wine bottle I bought some time ago and poured half of my drinking cup with it. The others seemed to be drinking juice or just water to alleviate their thirst.

"Tenth day guys... Though I think it's gonna be a long life trying to complete this game... I sure hope we do!"

We raised our cups together and drank our beverages. I seemed to have lightened up with the taste and am now ready for some early hunting. We finished up our breakfast and started preparing for our things to do for the day.

"Alright, stay safe everyone! We'll go ahead!"

"Stay safe!" - May

"Bye bye!" - Lilith

Everyone else have gone on shopping around already and is seemingly preparing for something.

"Lilith, let's head to the mountains..."

Both of us took out the black crystals.

"Teleport! Northern Range!"

The two of us were enveloped in a black sphere and disappeared. The moment we opened our eyes, a large keep was already in front of us.

"Holy crap that's fast!"

"I know that they're pretty great with handling things but... As expected this is a little too fast..." - Lilith

"Oh! It's you Denz, along with a harem member."

Michael notices me immediately after exiting a room near the entrance. Lilith seemed to blush a bit when she heard Michael's statement.

"Leave that be, we're currently here for a short visit after not showing myself for a few days. Where's Seymour?"

"He's currently in the map room. It's on the hallway here so just look left." - Michael

I thanked Michael as I started pulling Lilith a bit for her to enter the keep.

"This is grand..." - Lilith

"Well, he does plan for a castle so it's kinda expected to make it look as grand as possible."

From what I know the interior design was up to Robin and Allen.

"There's Seymour. Yo!"

"Oh, Denzel's back! How was your time?" - Seymour

I started to feel like a detached force from Seymour's group the moment he said something like that. I tried lying to myself but I had thought that I see some people quite a bit too important for me.

"It was kinda horrible, but it was fine nonetheless. How about you guys here?"

"We're already complete with the keep, and we're starting the walls by tomorrow. The perimeter is huge so this one will definitely take a while." - Seymour

When I looked at the map, I noticed that it contained the details of the inside of the keep. When I looked a bit downwards, I saw a black haired guy that has a bit of a tanned skin.

"What's Julius doing here asleep?"

"He's been up all-night helping me with the layout of the keep. He made the maps to highlight all the rooms within this structure. Besides, he's one of our powerful pieces." - Seymour

Damn Julius... I swear he might end up undertaking reconnaissance missions soon enough.

"What about the others?"

"They were currently mining around. Speaking of which, Michael found two weird things. No, three actually..." - Seymour


I received a large plastic bottle from Symor who seems to be grinning a bit.

"Denz, what is that?" - Lilith

As Lilith became curious, I start checking on whatever the hell this object is. After the scan, I opened a panel that contained the explanation.

"Rushdown pills... These pills will boost a players stats by two for five whole minutes. After that effect, there will be a powerful debuff that will enfeeble the player's stats by half for another five minutes. Oi, you serious about giving this to someone like me?"

"Yep, you're an essential member of the team after all." - Seymour

He got me... I never anticipated that he'd drop me the risky choice of going all out for five minutes while being fucked over after that.

"You know what? Thanks... I might be able to actually use this..."

"Let's see about that soon. Show yourself to the others before going." - Seymour

"Got ya~"