Hero's Exploration in the Skies

(Robin's POV):

Fifteen days had passed through since we got initially stuck in Survivor's Path. We initially push forth our progress with creating a castle keep. After the completion, we immediately went to progress on creating the castle walls. Seymour and Allen had prepared a large perimeter around the mountain range. Even with the layout placed on, there is still a large room to go for an invasion.

When Seymour tasked me to mine on a different area for the first day, I had collected some interesting potions that could signify something. Right now, since we have created a major progress in getting stronger while building the castle wall.

I went outside as the day just started, I immediately saw Seymour training alone with some abilities at hand.

"Training early?"

"Oh Robin! You also training early?" - Seymour

"Nah, I actually want to take the day off today."

"Go ahead, if you ended up recruiting a few friends then we have the inn prepared for that." - Seymour

Five days ago, Denzel brought some of his friends with him which are all female. Is he planning to make some harem?

Denzel always shows his kindness to various people. However, he somewhat takes it too far for many cases.

"About that, I want to explore more in this world. Just that I'm going alone."

"Where do you plan on going though?" - Seymour


Seymour narrowed his eyes out of suspicion and looked at me somewhat weirdly. The pressure disappeared pretty quickly though.

"Right, this game is basically a mishmash of various games in a virtual world. You might be able to collect wonderful loot somewhere." - Seymour

"Alright, let me prepa-"

"But!" - Seymour

Seymour interrupted me from talking which seems to me that he has some warning.

"There are activities that might as well be harmful. Exploring the skies should be somewhere within the early game. But going up there might be very dangerous. Proceed with extreme caution, you might be swarmed by flying enemies easily." - Seymour

I smiled to Seymour's warning and took out a purple potion.

"That seems to be a potion that allows you to traverse to the skies?" - Seymour

"Yep, it was called a gravitation potion. The item description says that it will allow me to freely control my gravity mid-air."

"Hmm, alright... Good luck." - Seymour

"Right, I'll be right back!"

I drank the purple potion that tasted like grapes and started to feel lighter. I started visualizing about reversing my gravity and it launched me to the sky. Fast! I need to stabilize it so I can hover!

After finally stabilizing somewhere in the sky, I started moving around the sky freely. I traversed through the skies and had noticed what Seymour was warning me about.


A flock of harpies was flying in towards my position mercilessly. I channeled a heavy amount of mana towards the harpies and fired a powerful light magic attack.

"Searing Light!"

A bright white light shined through in one direction and annihilated all but two harpies. That's tragic, but gotta learn aerial combat then.

I took out a runic sword forged manually by Denzel using gold and diamond. These weapons are pretty damn neat from Denzel's creativity... Though it is as powerful right now, the enchantment on it was just the cherry on top...

The rune effect wasn't really necessary against monsters so I didn't bother activating the sword. I flew towards one harpy and sliced off its wings, causing it to free fall for a few seconds before disappearing into a bunch of particles.

The last harpy tried to strike me with its claws while spreading its wings to display dominance.

"My bad but..."

I raised my altitude and grabbed the harpy by the neck. The harpy closed up its wings while trying to shake itself off. After stopping, I raised the harpy up and freed its neck. While letting go, I twisted my body around to launch a reverse slash which connected. The harpy was sliced into two parts and blew up into particles. I saw the drops in which I caught in my left hand.

The dropped items automatically go towards your hand and considers itself as a collected item. If you hold the item then it will show the actual size. I opened my inventory by swiping thin air on my top left to the right.

"Four harpy feathers, and silver coins huh... I guess they might be real big guns for the early game. We're probably and exception though..."

I continued to fly in one direction. After encountering a few harpies here and there I had bumped and got stuck on clouds.

"What the crap..."

I raised my altitude and noticed ground blocks on top of the cloud. I landed on the ground and noticed a single house that is made of blue and yellow bricks. When I started walking towards it, I started to hear a bunch of voices.

Forerunners? My bad but this is my loot.

I went around the house silently and checked where the door was. After finding the entrance, I stood by the door and channeled up some mana.

"I detect mana!"

The voices from inside the house started making a commotion which left me with no choice.

I kicked the door open and activated a useful ability.


"My eyes!"

"I can't see!"

I blinded the two enemies in front of the entrance. I then readied my sword while closing in the position to kill one player. I swung it in an upwards diagonal formation from the right and made a lethal slice on one player.


I immediately rotated and started moving to attack the enemy on the right this time. He started recovering his eyesight while swinging his sword everywhere. He erected a barrier to protect himself after hearing his ally receive damage.

"Runic Blade activation... Magic Breaker!"

The ability Denzel imbued in this sword was the ability to break any form of mana. I can disperse magic attacks, destroy barriers, and disable magic items from activating their effects. It's an indispensable ability to fight against any enemy with decent magic defense.

My attack was halted by the erected barrier, it lasted for a few seconds before it melted down into and allowed me to slash through.


After slicing through the enemy's body, it decapitated the person into two halves making him disperse into particles.

"That's two kills..."

"Wh?! Who are you!?"

A tall guy with some armor made out of lead showed up from a separate room. That guy has some armor, let's take em on...

I immediately dashed towards the panicked man. The guy stepped back and started shouting.

"Player attack!"


When passing through a door, I noticed an enemy preparing magic and launched a fireball. I raised my sword to block it with the flat surface.

I lowered the runic sword and swung it at the panicked man who formed a stance.


Clashing metal resonated throughout the hallway. My sword was effectively deflected and made me lower it once again. I rotated my body this time and followed up with a back hand slash...


"Plasma bolt!"

A combination of thunder and ice magic gets hurled in towards me. It was merged together to form a single ball of cold thunder.

I continued my rotation and sliced the inbound plasma ball.


The magician became shocked for a second which gave away a lethal opening. I closed in the position before it could end in a much worse situation.

"Kh! Aqua cloud!"

An opaque barrier was formed in front of me, I sliced through it and dispersed the barrier.

"Impos- khaa!"

"To make things easier, please die quicker..."

The magician fell down to the floor and looked at me with disdain and despair.

"My class may be Legendary Hero but I'm no hero."

I stabbed the runic sword into the stomach of the stumbled magician which made him disperse into particles before becoming a confirmed kill..

"Impossible... We couldn't... last far..."

"Ho? You're still alive?"

The guy with lead armor stood up while holding his missing right arm. I had cut off the lower half of his right arm which made him unable to wield his sword.

"Are you gonna spare me?"

"Nah, you'd be better off dead now so you can join your friends on a different server. My bad if I had to kill you now."

"No, I thank you rather for letting me join my friends."

The armored man spread his body around to let me officially kill him. I sliced off his head and made him disappear into particles.

I collected the materials they had kept on themselves and noticed some pretty neat looking materials. I kept everything in the inventory and took out the materials.


I opened a panel which will display the properties of the weapon.

"A weapon that will summon starts to attack the target who takes damage from this sword.

Sweet game treat!

I tried holding two swords at the same time. I noticed a mirror and moved towards it to see how I look.

"I look bad with it, I should just keep it as a secondary weapon for now."

I hid the weapon into a quick summon slot in which I can take it out anytime. It takes four spaces which makes me allow to take three more swords in.

I started moving around the sky island and made out my maneuvers to clear up anything I probably missed.

My gravitation potion ran out of its duration. I became stuck here in the sky without knowing how far I'll end up falling.

I took out a small mirror from the inventory and looked at the properties.

"I haven't even tested this out yet..."

Magic Mirror, if I channel some mana here I will be transported back to the place where I slept...

I channeled in some mana into the magic mirror and made my surroundings become completely bright. It was so bright that I had to cover my eyes to prevent being blinded. As the light went away, I was standing on top of my bed.

"It's working huh?"

There was another way to return to the castle without the magic mirror. The black crystal's effectivity probably doesn't last longer than fifteen days but it was enough to allow us to get used to this world.

Exploration complete...