Youngster Circumstance

(Robin's POV):

I brought in Jay to the sky house and offered him some tea.

He was initially fascinated by the design and the organization of the equipment. He often asked questions about me and is seemingly interested in my current life.

"You're living alone huh? Are you a solo player?" - Jay

"As for the moment yes, but I'm involved in a faction."

"Faction huh... I wonder strong you are..." - Jay

Jay seems to start emitting a light pressure even as a kid. I shut him up by taking out my tarot card.

"T-that is!?!?" - Jay

"As you can see, I have a tarot card. If you do something stupid I'll eliminate you in twenty seconds."

"N-no, I wasn't thinking of such thing!" - Jay

Jay starts panicking and loosens up the curious pressure he emitted. He shrunk down to my level of pressure which isn't really my strong suit.

"So, do you want me to pick up the others while you wait here?"

"Uhh sure! I'll head outside too because I want to see what you'll do to bring them up here." - Jay

Pretty curious eh? Well at least I'm glad that he doesn't plan on stealing shit here.

"Leave the tea on the table, don't worry about it getting cold."

Jay followed behind me and watched me as I turn to him from the very edge of the cloud.

"Well, see you in a bit..."

"Huh?!" - Jay

I simply dropped off and prepared my wings for acceleration downwards.

I don't really have to use my wings when I can negate fall damage normally. Though I just wanna show how flashy I could be.

Once I reached the ground, I landed gracefully and emitted a little shockwave which kinda splattered both ground and water.

I then saw three figures on the ground that are talking about something. They immediately stopped and looked at me in awe after I spread out my wings completely.

"You three, are friends with Jay?"

"Uh, ah! Yes we are! What happened to him!?" - ???

They set their guard up assuming something horrible happened to Jay. Their eyes started to narrow down a little bit.

"Don't be alarmed, he's watching from my skyland right now. I'm gonna take you guys up there too."

"How can we know if you're not lying?" - ???

The person who asked me that question was a guy with a somewhat average body with a calm and serious atmosphere.

"Well, how else could I prove it other than bringing you guys up there?"

"Now now you two, don't be so tense! I just got a contact from Jay to tell him to come back as soon as he can because he's getting flocked by harpies." - ???

The guy who responded had a large burly body but seems to be friendly and slack. He seems pretty interesting to be an intellectual at this point.

"So, how are we gonna get back up there fast?" - ???

"Ah well, hold on a bit."

I moved closer towards them and hid my wings. I then start to channel a recall using the magic mirror. I can bring a group with me all the way up there by simply adding more mana to turn it from a solo recall to an area recall.

"Close your eyes cause it'll be bright."

I checked on the three who closed their eyes immediately while being nervous. The magic mirror shined brightly that it covered all four of us and teleported us up to the skyland.

The first thing I did after teleporting was using some abilities.


I immediately shined some light to attract all the harpies all the way to me. I moved away from their group and prepared various magic.

"Shining Beacon!"

I set a skill active to cast again instantly once cooled down. Shining Beacon has a very short cooldown that could pretty much be a very powerful asset in combat. It deals moderate damage for it's short cooldown but can stack infinitely in combat. The increase is about five percent from the base damage. It deactivates normally when out of combat and will reset the stacking to zero.

Since these harpies don't really have a lot of health. It'll be a quick elimination if I just continuously dodge.

The harpies made basic moves like trying to strike with the talon or shooting some feathers out.

I simply followed a flow and dodged it all pretty easily.

After all harpies died. I received a round of applause from the group that witnessed it.

"Very impressive sir Robin!" - Jay

Don't call me sir, I'm only twenty-one...

While keeping a retort to myself I walked back to the entrance of the house and urged them to come inside. After coming in, I brought them immediately to the kitchen and let them sit on the table altogether while I prepared more tea.

"So hospitable... Robin, do you live by yourself?" - ???

"In real life? Yeah, but I just moved here earlier from my friend's castle. Oh right, who are you guys?"

One by one, they introduced themselves but Jay mostly took over with the information collecting. With this I have some acquaintances to at least help me in gathering information.

"Jay, I'm actually in here with a purpose. I was tasked by the faction leader to collect information within the area in case of possible larger factions making a move."

"I see, who is your leader? Or rather, what is the name of the faction? Seeing you have a tarot card the members must be st-" - Jay

I interrupted him so that I could head straight to the point of asking him for valuable information we could trade on...


"Asylum?!?!?!" - Jay

But apparently, he was completely shocked.

"You're from one of the strongest?!?! Who are you exactly?!" - Jay

The other members stared at me in surprise but is clinging in to their calmness.

"Hmm... Let's just say I'm one of three strongest just below our leader himself."

"One of the three kings?!" - Jay

Did we have such a title there?

"What do you mean?"

"Ah well, the public has seen you guys as a possible threat after having a lot of winners in the tarot card event. It was divided really well with having three kings from three various elements. The other winner was a magician so he was branded as the Royal Magician." - Jay

"Sounds interesting, do you know more?"

"One person has extreme expertise in fire, just like a real demon. He held a scythe and defeated an angel in his battle. He had extremely fluent dodging abilities and intellect to outmaneuver and outsmart his enemy." - Jay

"Hmm... That should be Michael, he's our expert in fire magic after all."

"I see... Then there's this guy who just didn't use any magic at all, he just kept at it with fighting against a Paladin High Lord. Nothing but physical means... A real martial artist... In the end, he won without taking damage. It's scary if we fought him..."

Speaking of which, my last enemy was an arch paladin. They were pretty annoying specially with their damage output reduction abilities and stupid-tier self-heal.

"That would be our leader, Seymour..."

"The leader himself?!?!! No wonder he's too strong! How much can you fare up with him?" - Jay

"Nope, not at all... With the three of us together we can damage him but alone? I'd be screwed with very low damage dealt to him after all. Besides, he's the one that trained us three so he absolutely knows all of our trickery in dueling."

"I see... Then this last guy... He uses ice magic like a monster. It's hard to find gaps to escape when you're against him. He'll freeze what's in front of him, the entire ground, and let frozen stalagmites emerge from the frozen spots at will. His weapon changes to however he wants too! He's a complete all-rounder in that sense! Though he barely survived because he's against another demon. It feels like even though he lived at one health, he seemed to have everything planned out." - Jay

"That's Denzel, his planning on duels are pretty extreme and will not allow any escape routes. He'll bring in storms of attacks to damage the enemies and controls their movement really bad. He can trap, damage, and protect pretty quickly. He's the one that has like a strong arsenal of attacks but he just enjoys risks and gambles..."

"Damn, that's quite a horrible team to fight against. I'd like to avoid fighting against you guys." - Grace

"Yeah, there's no way we could win against such a team with high expertise on Fire, Ice, Light, and..." - Ridley

"I don't know but we still need to find Kaede..." - Jay


I became interested to what Jay's goal was... When I probed in, I didn't really understand what he was talking about until the guy who has a serious attitude finally pitched in.

"Ah, it's his twin sister named Gayle... He's pretty protective of her but the two got separated. We're currently looking for her along with her friends that she joined in." - Rylle

The large burly guy followed up with a joke to tease Jay.

"Well, he's clearly worried because her boyfriend is with her after all. He's just overprotective of his twin sister." - Ridley

Ah, now I see...

"I won't allow any man near her!" - Jay

"Calm down Jay, there's nothing to worry about really. They're safe because they're altogether. Terrence is there too just so you know." - Grace

Grace seems to be worried about someone else that's also with Jay's twin sister.

"Alright, how about this."

"Huh?" - Jay

"I'll have you guys relay some information about the surroundings here along with the locations you guys explore. Collect every bit of info of the surroundings and which factions or parties are occupied with which."

"Why do we have to do that?" - Rylle

Rylle gives me a serious stare and seems to be demanding for an answer.

"In that case, I'll keep you guys as a connection and will save all four of you if you enter trouble. You then will be allowed in and out of the Asylum castle as guests."

"Wha-?! Isn't that a little?" - Jay

"Take it? or leave it?"

After they pondered for a while, they agreed to form a connection with me via friend list.

"I look forward to working with you guys."