Demon's Mission

(Michael's POV):

Some time after two months of living in this world I grew bored of living in here already. I kept wandering around the castle and kept a schedule of training, farming levels and items. I didn't particularly hear from any of the other members in regards to possible explorations. But apparently, Seymour had enough of me doing nothing.

"Michael, it's about time for you to sate your boredom of this virtual world and explore... Thus, I have a place that I would like to recommend you in exploring." - Seymour

We're currently in the map room with Allen who is explaining the locations.

"Over here in the far west side is a biome that is similar to the corruption biome Seymour has explained to me. It is a biome that contains red substances having material that is rumored to be crimtane." - Allen

"Crimtane? Damn, isn't that basically crimson equipment?"

"Yes, one of your favorite materials right? You should get yourself stacked in there so you can make actual progress with your growth." - Seymour

"Right, but anyways... Michael, if you investigate well within the crimson biome, there will be various mounds of crimstone piled up in various places. If you carefully check each one you may be able to find an entrance to the underground extension of the biome." - Allen

"What's in it though?"

"What you're going to do is find one that has a thick bubble layer right at the entrance. It contains a powerful zodiac item that will be essential to surviving in this world." - Seymour

"Zodiac you say? Didn't you get one some time ago?"

"Yeah, I have about three of it now. I got Ophiuchus, Taurus, and Gemini so far. If I get all thirteen then we're definitely set for good." - Seymour

"I see... What kind of effects do they have?"

"My bad but, that currently remains a secret until further notice." - Seymour

I didn't particularly have any idea what to think about Seymour keeping secret about some of his abilities. He didn't use his tarot cards in combat and is hiding even more things in his arsenal which will keep him completely shrouded in mystery in terms of combat. That issue will make people completely aware of his possible moves that will guarantee a shock due to lack of information.

"Anyways, this biome is swarmed by dangerous monsters Michael. According to information brokers in this game, the monsters there seem to be around middle class. It's not just that but there will be a major issue in there." - Allen

Major issue you say? Like a boss monster?

"I know what you're thinking Michael. Yes, there's a boss monster lurking somewhere within the biome. It was said that one lurks in each of the chasms so it's not really a strong monster to fight alone so..." - Seymour

Oh no no no, I know what you have in mind there!

"No usage of tarot cards again." - Seymour

"Damnit, well it's most likely weaker than the boss monster we faced last month so eh."

"Yeah, so if you're ready you can exit this place anytime." - Seymour

Seymour points towards the main entrance and shrugs his shoulders off.

Well, a fun deadly quest just for me~

"Thanks for the explanation Allen, it'll really help me."

"No worries, I always get everyone covered in information control after all!" - Allen

Allen waves his hand off as I face Seymour with determination.

"I'll be back then."

"Good for you, I'm also gonna explore later towards the corruption biome to do the same thing." - Seymour

I actually know well why Seymour would spread out the members of Asylum. He intends to collect all thirteen of the zodiac artifacts and will become strengthened greatly. However, giving him absolute power over everything isn't really gonna change his personality much. He'll still be the emperor that will train all his subjects to become proper people and live a life that will ensure that people aren't scum in his castle. Cause if we did become arrogant and fill ourselves with pride, we'll be punished very hard.

"Well, it's not really that big of an issue if I fight without my tarot card. I still have the holy potion I found some time ago after all."

Some time ago, I found a shrine with a chest in it. It contained various common loot along with a single large gem that is at the size of a basketball. It gushes out liquid in which I curiously tried to drink.

It completely invigorated me back to normal. The effect of this gem in which I called a holy potion was really useful in a sense. The effects of the potion are listed by myself after experiments.

It instantly heals all injuries excluding decapitation, hunger, and permanent effects like miasma or so. Not only that but it clears up all status ailments and debuffs like broken armor, bleeding, poison, and decay.

And for the effects to kick in within ten seconds is just the epitome of overpowered gear. There is literally no way to die unless I run out of potions during a fight.

I went out of the castle and went straight to the north. I activated some spells I have learnt by clearing dungeons and gave me nice improvements on utility. One such spell is very useful in travel.

"Fire Wings!"

A pair of wings spread out completely. The pair of wings was made with nothing but fire, making it work very well if I had the demon card active.

I can fly a set speed using these wings but I will run out of mana if I keep it up continuously.

I flew sky-high and went straight to the north, toward Denzel's unfinished palace because I have some weapons to claim.

After an hour of travel, I met Denzel and his friends which are chatting around.

Boy, last time I went here it's only one large room with some places to go to... But that spiral staircase sure is something!

I went towards one of the underground junctions and noticed Denzel's presence almost immediately. A thick presence was felt while I take a descent towards the stairs. It soon disappeared which probably meant that my arrival was probably perfect timing.

When I had arrived to the junction, I saw Denzel sitting down while looking very exhausted. He leans his head backwards and sees me after leaning back his head too much.

"Haaaah..." - Denzel

Denzel returned to his normal slouching position while sighing out. Oi! You looked like you became more exhausted with seeing me!

Denzel stood up and left the forge after performing a set of actions on halting on his work.

"Yo, fancy place so far."

When I looked around the inside of his palace, it looks very fancy. Careful detailing of the walls, the roof and the floor and proper materials used in decoration. The underground junction wasn't made with crystals, he made use of the extra marble in the Asylum's storage and turned it into a beautiful underground facility.

"Yeah, the entire structure will be done in about, six more months after all." - Denzel

"Jeez, are you sure that you'll stay alive during that?"

"Who do you think I am? I can managed long term sessions unlike you, Gas Guzzler." - Denzel

"Hush! Don't call me that here!"

"Anyways, you're here to test the weapons?" - Denzel

Denzel turns his head towards the other room which contained a scythe and a trident. Both weapons look very nice considering that the color of the scythe looks pretty demonic and the trident looking nice.

"Hell, yeah."

"The names are up to you." - Denzel

We went to the room and held one weapon each. We transferred to the other underground junction to test these weapons. While passing by the spiral staircase, an orange haired girl called out to him. I think that's Lilith? One of Denzel's very close friends?

"Ah Denzel, testing the weapons with... Michael?" - Lilith

Well, seems like I'm forgotten already...

"Yeah, don't tell anyone to come to the dojo for now. It could be dangerous for you guys." - Denzel

"Alright~!" - Lilith

After that, we had entered the underground junction that leads to the dojo.

"Aight, I'll use it first as an example." - Denzel

Denzel takes the scythe and splatters some blood in it. The blade extends by a little bit and is seemingly attracting the blood that splattered on the floor.

"Damn, that seems neat!"

"Well yeah, the blade will extend by a little bit for each ounce of blood it absorbs. The exact measurement would be an extension of one inch per ounce of blood. I made sure that this weapon will be able to conduct fire so you could use your abilities in it." - Denzel

"Holy smokes where did you get the idea?"

"Well, myself of course. I just had to bring this idea to Karl to turn it into a formula for enchantment." - Denzel

Denzel knows how to enchant things. Combining it with his ability to creating overpowered weapons and armor is pretty much absurd in a sense.

"What about this trident?"

"This one's pretty simple, the penetration ability is the real deal but the nice twist is that..." - Denzel

Denzel pointed the other end of the trident which has a hole inside it. He then channeled some mana and the opening spewed up a small frostfire ball.

"Say what?"

"If you channel some mana in it, you can cast a fireball of any element you desire." - Denzel

"Is it really just a fireball?

"I think you can pour more mana to make it spit fire in close range instead but I'm not sure about it. Oh wait! Before I forget!" - Denzel

Denzel took the scythe once again and came close to me to point out something.

"You can use the toggle to either extend your reach or to recover health. Don't tell anyone that it has a full hundred percent lifesteal ratio. It's deadly broken if you managed to stack up some range before going for full lifesteal. Don't worry about the weight of this weapon, it becomes lighter the more blood it absorbs." - Denzel

Looking at the scythe, it started shrinking back to its original size.

"And that will happen if you stay out of combat for a while." - Denzel

I thanked Denzel by passing him a scroll that contained ice magic abilities and left the palace.

With this, I'm completely set for the crimson!