Youngster Connections

(No POV:)...

In a dark faraway location... A group of female friends are walking with the same number of males alongside each other. They are a party of friends with a small goal in mind.

One of the guys wearing very light clothing starts talking...

"What happened to Rika?" - ???

A thin girl with two daggers on her belt responded...

"I don't know, I hope she's safe. She suddenly disappeared from our hands." - ???

All of them kept displaying worry for their missing friend.

Their faces aren't visible due to the dark shade of the night...

"Why are we here anyway?" - ???

"We're here cause we have to break Rika out." - ???

"Isn't this the imperial castle of the 2nd top faction, Asylum?" - ???

"Yes why?!" - ???

"I know one of the top brass in here. In fact, we're best friends..." - ???

"Then how about you two talk things out?" - ???

A man with a similar build to Denzel harshly told the light clothed boy in front of him.

"Just shut up, most of you guys shouldn't forget how you had trouble in which I had to clean up alone." - ???

"..." - ???

"What's more, did you even land a proper strike on me?" - ???

Slowly it turns into an argument of a light and heavy fighter.

"How about you shut up because you've been running your stupid mouth for a while." - ???

"Aren't you just trash who aims for women?" - ???

"Oh now you really said it!" - ???

The heavy fighter with a broad body became enraged after being hurled on by insults one after another. He took out his broadsword, swung it around and formed a stance.

The young boy unsheathed a dagger in his left hand and a short sword in his right.

"How naive... You wanna go?" - ???

"You noisy brat! You'll die right here! Right now!" - ???

They charged towards each other preparing to kill and to die.

The young boy parried the broadsword and redirected it skillfully to his right. He then used his dagger to create a sweep through the neck.

"Chih!" - ???

The heavy armored guy took his hand off the sword to block the incoming dagger...

"Stop it!" - ???

The girls started to panic and most of the guys joined the fray.

They start clashing of two against three. The two males which are fighter and gunslinger against three assassins...

As the sounds of clashing of metal continue to resound outside the castle walls.

Soon after it escalated into a three way fight. It kept on until a single spell.

"Cold Snare!" - ???

Ice starts to envelop the feet of all the people that was fighting randomly. The caster of the cold snare looked irritated by the stupid noise but suddenly felt nostalgia.

"Malech?! You finally arrived!" - ???

"Denz?! You finally showed up!" - ???

The person who halted them was none other than Denzel, riding a carpet with a bunch of sleeping girls.

"Is that Rika?!" - ???

The thin girl looked at Denzel in an excited and confused state.

"Rika? You mean her?" - Denzel

Denzel points to the girl sleeping in his lap.

"What did you do to her?" - ???

The guy with the similar build to Denzel sent glares of jealously and hatred.

"Honestly, my day has been quite hectic. So I would like to avoid stupid shenanigans such as stupid arguments..." - Denzel

"Quit it!" - ???

The gunslinger suddenly shot bullets to try and kill Denzel. Little did he know he has a lot of countermeasures...

Without opening his eyes, Denzel simply averted the disaster...

"Vajra..." - Denzel

He simply changed his gauntlet into Vajra, his trusted shield.

"What the!?" - ???

"Warning shot, Bullet Mist..." - Denzel

The area starts to accumulate cold ice and suddenly turns colder. Bit by bit the mist turns into hail which could be painful when hit at a high velocity...

"What the? It's getting colder!" - ???

The man shouted in confusion, he couldn't bear the difference in ability but he believed in his own determination...

"That doesn't change anything, she's ours!" - ???

"I warned you... Aim and Fire!" - Denzel

All accumulated hails turned and went straight to the man with a similar build to Denzel.

"Augh! Ghaa!" - ???

"Now then, let's be real here. Who are you lot?" - Denzel

Most members of the group were shocked by the revelation...

(POV Shift: Denzel's POV):

"Now then, let's be real here. Who are you lot?"

I immediately released terror to ensure that they would answer without questioning back.

All of them groaned and felt the terror.

"Denz, it's me Jerald." - Jerald

"Your trash talking accent is as good as ever, inducing fights just for fun."

"Denz?!" - ???

"Vince? You're with them too huh?"

Bit by bit I remember the faces of the three youngsters I met after the tarot card tournament. They are powerful assassins but they weren't able to beat me even if they join forces.

They seem to have changes in their weapons. Malech's main weapon changed to a sickle and chain styled weapon. Jerald uses his daishō as usual, and Vince is using a naginata.

"Anyhow, who are the rest? Malech, introduce me."

"Sure! Guys, he is Denzel, the person I was talking about." - Malech

Malech started talking about me with added up propaganda. It's a bit embarrassing but it should be fine.

"Anyways Denz, they are Thrish, Gayle, Angel, Jilean, and Bea." - Malech

"Umm, hello." - Gayle

"Greetings..." - Thrish

"It seems that you guys were looking for Rika? Well, she's just sleeping in my lap peacefully this whole travel so maybe you need her for reasons?"

"Ah yes, she's our dear friend and someone who is like a mother to us." - Bea

"So that's the case huh?"

"Answer me!" - ???

"This guy is Miguel Denz, I don't know about him so he's probably jealous." - Malech

"I see..."

No choice, I have to wake up Rika.

"Rika, wake up."

"Nnn, Denzel's lap is comfortable~" - Rika

No good, she's still asleep.

"She's in really deep sleep huh... I guess I should do this method..."

I moved my hand to her cheek and spread out a bit of mana to make her a bit more sensitive...

"Denz, nn." - Rika

"Rika, you should wake up, your friends are here..."

"Nnn..." - Rika

Rika finally opened her eyes and looked at me directly...

"Good evening, Denz." - Rika

My hand is still holding her cheek so she may be a little embarrassed. I simply smiled and looked at the others.

"Look at them."

Rika twisted her body to a sitting position and turned to her friends, her eyes opened wider as she couldn't believe the spectacle.

"Mom!" - Gayle

Gayle immediately ran towards Rika and hugged her the instant.

"Gayle?! Everyone?! You're alive!" - Rika

The rest of the female camp went in to hug Rika while the guys came to me while I was sighing in a low voice.

"Haaaa, another reunion..."

"Denz, who are those in the back?" - Malech

"Ah, these are my benefactors from real life. I'm keeping an eye on them so they wouldn't die easily even in combat."

"Really now? Anyways, the last guy is Leo." - Malech

I offered everyone a handshake in which they did accept. It seems Miguel has also calmed down now.

"My bad, I lost my cool there for a second. It's just that Rika goes through terrible experiences." - Miguel

"She told me that already, and it seems that she was separated from you guys?"

"Yeah, it was done by the top faction. They keep changing their name so currently, they're called "Virtual Gods"." - Miguel

"I already know that. So, what do you guys want to do?"

"I want Rika." - Miguel

Hold up a bit, that kinda pissed me off...

"Hold on, can you repeat what you just said?"

"I want Rika to stay by me." - Miguel

"Rika, what do you say? Come back with us." - Leo

Rika, after finally being released by her friends was dragged into our conversation.

"Ah, umm..." - Rika

I simply smiled after looking at her.

"Rika, what do you want to do?"

"I..." - Rika

She seems to be hesitating to choose... I got an idea...

"How about we make them stay in the crystal palace after the raid?"

"Denzel, you kidding?" - Jerald

"Dude, offering us to stay at your palace? Yes please!" - Malech

"However, there are rules..."

Rika seems to understand what I'm planning.

"I allow the usage of the dojo, library, and the public storage only. Sorry but Miguel and Leo has to build a house or two to live in. Malech, Jerald and Vince are gonna be using the last three rooms just below the sky floor."

"We have to build a house for ourselves?" - Miguel

"Don't worry, I'll help with both the construction and design."

Miguel's face scrunches up with dissatisfaction. Maybe he isn't fond of it?

"What do you say?"

"Should be fine I guess." - Miguel

I should be careful with my actions here, they might become very harmful for us...

"Anyways, since we're here. Malech, confirm the information."

"All of it is true, we're only a party of friends without a faction. I don't see the others as friends though." - Malech

Malech immediately looked at Miguel and Leo and turned back to me.

I moved my mouth closer to his ears and whispered in curiosity...

"Do you really not trust them that much?"

"Their poor judgement and superiority complex almost made us lose Bea and really lose Rika once. So it's natural for me to not trust them." - Malech

"What a facade."

So we have two idiots that's gonna join huh. Yep, they don't deserve to be in the Asylum.

"By the way, where's William?" - Malech

William was a young member that met Seymour directly, I met him once and got me connected with these two.

"I'll tell him to meet you guys in the palace."

Since we're being a bit loud here May and the others started to wake up. The male camp was fascinated but I sent a sharp glint filled with killing intent. As a result, Miguel snapped once again.

"You fucki-" - Miguel

I used an orb to silence Miguel just because he's completely annoying.

"For now, you guys are with me. I'll let you guys enter the castle under me."

"Sure!" - Malech

"Denzel, who are they?" - May

"New acquaintances for you guys. Malech will take charge if I'm not around."

"Hear that? Follow my judgement Miguel and Leo, even if you two are older." - Malech

The two frowned to Malech's proclamation.

I used telepathy to talk with Malech about one very important thing.

"Worst comes to worst, kill them both..."

"Got it!" - Malech

We entered the castle while I'm having complex feelings...