Ring Around the Castle Perimeter

(Denzel's POV):

While having this ominous feeling behind me, I had Malech take charge on defending the female camp. Along with him was Jerald, Vince, William who is about to come soon, Miguel, and Leo. The female camp wouldn't let themselves be captured that easily too as they have leveled up quite a bit.

We're now in the empty inn just inside the wall of defenses. We consider this place as the most secure location within the castle with lots of protection.

The raid should start in about a day starting from sunrise.

So, to spend most of the time remaining, I went around the castle in one lap of jogging as training.

I ran around the castle wall enjoying the scenery of the lush green grass, the changing altitude of a mountain, the blue skies, and hostile creatures killing each other.

There isn't much to explain here except for the part where I could say that it's completely peaceful right now.

The castle was formed in an irregular shape. It has thirteen turns before I could finish a lap in it. The whole perimeter on the inside is also quite large, ranging up to fifteen kilometers.

However, I didn't really give up since I'm basically used to this. Too bad I couldn't go for five laps just because I'll be taking up too much time.

I looked up to one of the corner towers and waved my hand.

I saw Mitch keeping an eye whether there are scouts checking.

He noticed me and waved his hand while firing his musket towards the distance.

I checked the direction where he shot and I saw an enemy scout being killed in a single shot.

Seymour made this plan for us yesterday to ensure that there aren't any early strikers to weaken our defenses. According to him, the enemy would send packs of monsters towards us from time to time tomorrow and send on a full scale raid the day after. So he sent me, Robin, Julius, Ross, and himself to go for a lap of jogging and he had Karl and Mitch keep watch of the perimeter from the towers.

From random time intervals I would sense packs of monsters moving towards me. This time, what showed up was a pack of wolves.

The hungry wolves rushed towards me but their numbers slowly die down from the back to avoid suspicious. Mitch shot down five out of ten wolves and moved to the next tower.

"That was neat, now that I only have to kill five of these."

I used visualization only to cast my magic this time.

Picturing it like this:

A large ice spike materialized in front of me. It duplicated itself multiple times and created twenty four more ice spikes...

Distance and direction now, I'll set it to stop once it hits the wall or ground. All twenty-five spikes will collide at a predetermined target to hit the wolves at the perfect timing.

I opened my palm as to command all spikes to fire towards the target.

All spikes are carefully placed and angled to ensure the accuracy of the attack.

As a result, I managed to joust all five wolves with five spikes each. As the spikes gouge deeper into the wolves, they turned into particles before disappearing into the atmosphere.

One thought crossed my mind though.

"I wonder if killed creatures turn into atmospheric mana?"

I started jogging once again with that thought on mind.

More packs of mobs start to show up to annoy me. I annihilated all of which wordlessly without hesitation. It was honestly starting to become more boring than it usually was.

Just before I was going to finish my lap, another pack of wolves showed up. However this time, a young boy wearing a dark robe showed up running quickly towards me.

I instinctively aimed my hand toward the robed person first but.

While he was running towards me, he used hand gestures to try and draw a dick quickly and effortlessly. Why did he draw that?

"Oh, it's William."

I still fired the ice spikes because the rushing wolves are still there...

William jumped up high and dodged Mitch's musket bullet flawlessly. I told Mitch to stand down from the base of the castle wall. As such, he moved to the next tower.

William landed gracefully without looking behind towards the jousted wolves before they disappeared into particles.

"So, is your part done?"

"It sure is! I've also got some information." - William

"Relay it to me after I finish this lap, head towards the designated inn. Malech is in there."

"Sure thing!" - William

William jumped over the castle walls and went directly towards the empty inn that was set up to protect everyone.

I continued jogging without minding multiple things such as scouts looking at me. Those scouts will either be shot by Mitch, or get struck with lightning by Karl.

Just before I could finish a lap, there was a small siege that showed up. Around five ogres and a stone catapult lead the siege, along with a bunch of small fries.

"Ugh, this is annoying."

Lightning struck on one ogre and ten goblins. Karl shrunk their count by twenty percent only and moved to the next tower.

So I have to handle the rest of it huh?

The ogres are holding large logs that they could really harm me if I'm not careful. So I took out a pair of gauntlets and used the perfect weapon for them.

"Transweapon tech! Minotaur Blade!"

A greatsword, this weapon is highly advisable to be not used by me because I am not suitable with this kind of weaponry.

I held the greatsword with two hands and created a large amount of momentum. I charged in towards the ogres and made a large swing towards them. It was a close call but I cut two ogres in half with major effort with carrying the greatsword.

"Transweapon tech! Elemental Reaper!"

A sickle and chain weapon, basically Malech's expertise but with a twist.

I had the chain end to be made with a hook, the reason for that is a lot so.

The catapult fired one large boulder towards Seymour's castle so I flung the chain and hooked the boulder back towards the catapult.

The giant boulder reached the end of the chain and was forcefully pulled back with the same amount of force as it was flung.

I moved away from the trajectory and changed my weapon once again.

"Transweapon tech! Duality Blades!"

I transformed the weapon into a pair of blades.

The boulder crashed towards one ogre which dropped the log just to catch the boulder. However, it wasn't able to stop the momentum.

As such the ogre kept getting pushed back until it crashed into the catapult and a bunch of goblins.

In the end, around thirty targets and a catapult were crushed by their own projectile.

Now what's left is one more ogre and a few more goblins.

I charged in towards the ogre to eliminate it as soon as I can. I raised the pair of swords, ready to change into a greatsword in the last second.

"Transweapon tech!"

And here I only noticed that the goblins are actually aiming their bows towards me.


I converted the weapons into a shield instead to block the arrows.


I got smashed by a giant log to the ground instead.

That hurt! I immediately took out something from my breast pocket.

The ogre prepared to smash me again deeper into the ground but, I activated my tarot card as soon as I can.

"Tarot Card XI! The Strength! Activate!"

I immediately rolled to the side to avoid the trunk that was about to hit me.

More arrows were shot towards me but I rolled forward sustaining a few hits.

My health literally went from full to half in that single blow from an ogre, so the chances that the summoner who brought this has a summoning level of almost one hundred.

However, everything has a flaw or two...

"Transweapon tech! Composite Sword!"

I changed my vajra into a large snake blade and ran up to the tall body of an ogre. I then raised it high from my right and swung it around the head of the ogre. After that, I pulled the sword soon after and it beheaded the ogre.

More arrows kept flying towards me in which I mostly dodged. I still sustained damage within the acceptable margin.

I kept moving around removing all the arrows from my body before making one last large swing with my composite sword.

As such all goblins have been eliminated by turning into two pieces each.

"Phew, finally."

I deactivated my tarot card and drank one healing potion to restore some of my health at least. I started to jog back towards the main entrance where Robin is waiting.

Before long I finally finished the whole lap which took me two hours overall. There were many kinds of hindrances that ranged from packs of wolves up to a siege that might happen. I relayed all those information to Robin, as it's his turn to jog around now.

"That's quite a lot of monsters huh? You should take a rest for a while, we never know when it might start being hectic around here." - Robin

"Yeah, message the whole group if it does happen, it will be bad if they just went all out today."

I left the area and started walking towards the inn.