Gayle's Request

(Denzel's POV):

Gayle stood in shyly clasping her hands together. It seems to be a request, let's hear it.

"What do you need?"

"Ahh! Umm, you promised, before the war." - Gayle

Promise? With Gayle? Ah wait, it's about finding her boyfriend huh?

While ponding about which promise, Gayle continued her words.

"Lester... I want to find him." - Gayle

"Ah, I remember now, do you have any hints about where he is?"

Gayle pondered for some time and shrugged her shoulders afterwards.

"None." - Gayle

"I see, can you contact him?"

Gayle starts thinking and shakes her head this time.

"I don't know." - Gayle

So she hasn't use the long distance comms huh? I guess I should teach her then.

"Alright, let me teach you how to use them."

"Huh?" - Gayle

Gayle was confused to what I said and tilted her head. I left the bed and noticed that my current clothes are filled with decade-old memes.

Gayle chuckled as she saw the old rage comic meme faces in my clothing. Heh, stylish right?

"Anyways, let me teach you on how to message people on your friend list. Do you mind opening it?"

"Mm." - Gayle

Gayle nodded and opened her friend list, it seems a bit on a large scale. How many is this? I moved closer and checked some names that aren't really relevant in my case.

"Press the username of your boyfriend."

Gayle scrolls upwards and clicks the topmost name. He's first in the list huh? We're they in a relationship before we got sucked into the game?

I guess their relationship is gonna be very solid then.

"Now click the fourth tab over here."

I pointed to the yellow tab after a new panel opened when Gayle pressed the username, her hand them moved to the yellow tab and tapped it similarly. Another panel opened and two text boxes with a keyboard below the 2nd one.

"Alright, the top one here is the subject and the bottom box is the contents. It's like sending an email, so just write what you need to know before sending it towards him."

"Thanks!" - Gayle

Gayle smiled in both joy and relief for being able to contact her boyfriend now. Pretty sure the name was Lester? I don't know what class he uses but I sure do hope that I can use him in the future.

While ponding about utilizing people as good pieces for planning, Gayle suddenly tugged my sleeve and pleaded for something.

"I have... Another favor..." - Gayle

As far as I know, I don't know about the combat prowess of Gayle and the other girls. They could be a great force in some aspects. Gayle then took out a softball sized purple ore that seems to be oozing out some particles. Could it be?!

"I want you to make me a weapon, a large scythe perhaps." - Gayle

"Heh, I haven't heard about your class though?"

Gayle handed the purple ore to my palm and it had a bit of weight in it. Oh man, I was thinking of testing Chromium today but this mystical ore is very rare in the mystic biome in the southwest. Yes, there are biomes that didn't exist from Terraria which was unexpected. However, giving me a wonderful opportunity like this, I'm gonna make a very powerful weapon.

"Do you have more of these?"

I inadvertently asked that question to check if there are more mystic ore that she has so I can upgrade my gauntlets further... But she shook her head lightly as if signifying that she doesn't have more of it. Well that's too bad.

"Alright, give me two hours. You can find me in the forge."

Gayle nodded and left the sky floor. She went to the two new houses that were built nicely at the foot of the palace, it had a good pavement on the ground to signify as a path. The design looks like a genuine house in the snowy areas.

I feel like the more I become acquainted to people, the more this place is gonna become a village.

While pondering so, I took out a sign to place in the front door of my room, changed to casual clothing and jumped down the spiral staircase and grabbed on the ledge of the staircase after falling two floors down.

I pulled myself up instantly and opened the door to the public storage room.

With the hundreds of chests that I see in the room, moved to the section that contains the pieces of steel materials and gems that I have collected in multiple mining sessions.

I took out a piece of platinum, tungsten, gold, and silver to compare each one to the purple mystical ore. Since this ore has high purity, the amount of magic it can hold is great. Which eliminates both Platinum and Tungsten. With Gold and Silver remaining, I pondered for some time since both ores have high purity of magic power. But thinking that gold and purple will go well, I have chosen gold.

I returned the other three ingots to their respective chests and took out an additional piece of gold. I then opened the chests that are filled with lots of gems. I doubt anyone would steal so yeah. Each chest had a different gem that it made choosing one was kind of difficult. However, my eyes were immediately pulled by the frost crystals I collected some time before the grand invasion.

"This should be fine enough."

I took out three frost crystals that are as large as a golf ball. I then closed all chests except for one. The moment I saw the contents of the chest, an influx of ideas came to my mind.

"You know what? Why not?"

I took out a piece of obsidian on the size of a softball and smiled.

"Gathering these without Michael's help is nearly impossible. So I sure do hope it's gonna go well."

I closed the chest and moved to the forgery while humming. I descended the stairs until and moved to another staircase room which leads to the forgery. I then opened the room and with the frost forge and poured in mana to a piece of crystal that acts like a switch. Multiple crystals start to glow in the room, clearing off the darkness in the room.

Now then, how should I make this mystic scythe.

Judging that Gayle wants a weapon, she may be a Mystical Assassin. So I have settled with a weapon that can be used well in both magic and physical combat. The most probable weapon for her is a scythe.

First is the handle.

I concentrated some magic in the small handle to the left of the forge. This allow to apply magic to activate the blue fire to smelt the mystical ore.

I applied more and more mana to slowly amplify the strength of the blue fire. Now is to heat up the ore.

Why am I doing this manually when I could simply convert the ore the normal way?

Custom made materials are definitely superior than the listed weapons that can be crafted without precise handiwork or so.

I set the heat of the blue fire to slowly heat up the entire ore to make it easier to change its shape. I then clamped the ore to a crystal handle and placed it at least half a meter over the blue fire. While waiting, I took the two pieces of gold ingots and placed them just above the blue first while being supported by two parallel needles.

I then stood up from my spot and moved to the chest on the side of the room. Seeing the black hammer I used for forging, I felt a sense of familiarity.

"It's been a while."

I took out the hammer and closed the chest that stores it. I then returned to my spot and took both pieces of gold.

I turned to the table to my right and placed down the two pieces of gold, I started flattening both pieces until their height reaches about one centimeter. Then I cut both gold to make the scythe reach 1.5 meters in length.

Now to shape it in a cylindrical manner. I use magic when doing that since it's troublesome to get a perfect circle manually. Now to shape the end of the scythe with some detailing. I shaped it like a blooming flower. I then embedded frost crystal to form petals with a gem at the center.

To test, I poured in some mana into the gem and it works finely.

Now since I have no knowledge about Mystic magic I have the perfect person to contact.

I opened my friend list and pressed Karl's username. I then pressed the second tab to try and contact him with a communication channel.

"Ey Karl, you busy?"

"No? What is it about?" - Karl

Karl seems to be working on something without having pressure, so I guess it's good timing?

"I need a magic formula for a weapon that uses Mystic Ore, got anything you can recommend?"

"Mystic ore you say?" - Karl

Karl seems to be thinking about it and replies after a few seconds.

"Let's see, if offense, it can suck up the mana of the enemy it damages and summons a mystic blade that will attack only once before disappearing. If it's for defense, then it's the same but it generates an anti-magic barrier instead, this one however can last until outside combat." - Karl

As expected, these are pretty great in combat.

"I think I can add both along with a utility function and a trump card." - Karl

"Really?! As expected of the great magician!"

"Ahaha, it's no big deal. However, it may take up some time. Between forty-five and ninety minutes. The contents of the abilities will be written in the notes which I will send along with the scroll." - Karl

"Thank Karl! You're really a big help!"

"Don't mind it." - Karl

Karl laughs a bit before hanging the call. Now I have to finish these up in thirty minutes.