
(Denzel's POV):

I finally took off the mystic ore and started flattening it in the table to my left this time. After flattening it to a sharpness of a razorblade, I moved to the handle on the forge and increased the output of the heat. I clamped the piece of obsidian and let it heat up very fast.

I made gentle curves into the mystic blade and formed some edges as I will place this in the inner side of the scythe... I will heat this up again and merge it with the flattened obsidian this time.

I turned to the table on the right and took the handle to place it inside the cooling chamber. I will embed the blade into the handle using magic so it doesn't create any problems whatsoever.

I returned to my spot and took out the obsidian at the verge of melting and reduced the heat output of the forge. I then started flattening the obsidian to the table on my right to the point that it matches with the mystic ore. Now to merge both of these.

Mixing both of these may take quite a bit of effort, so I pulled the trick by placing both pieces together above the heat while using magic to turn them into a single entity. After some time I completed merging the blade and placed it to the cooling chamber. At this point, it's a short breaktime. Before I noticed there was already Rika waiting for me outside the glass wall with two bowls on the table.

"Good Morning Zel, it's quite impressive that you're the one making their weapons." - Rika

"Not the most impressive, today is a special case."

While slurping the noodles from the chopsticks, Rika's gaze turns toward me with a confused look.

"Though I did make the weapons for most members, we usually need the materials and schematics. Making Gayle's weapon from scratch was because an idea popped up."

"But still, beautiful craftsmanship, I'm quite jealous of your abilities." - Rika

"There's no need to be jealous of my abilities, most of which are accumulated because I was taken in by Seymour's group."

I took the piece of beef jerky and chewed on it like a monster, it's a habit of eating but it's more or less my usual. Though, I gotta say, Japanese food sure is the best! Second to this is Italian!

"What are you making?" - Rika

"I'm making a weapon that uses magic while you can swing it around for combat. It's a weapon that's tricky to master but it's not impossible even for a week. Its shape is similar to a scythe but there will be a flower on the top part, allowing the user to cast some abilities prepared by our royal magician."

"Royal Magician?" - Rika

Rika tilts her head from curiosity of Karl's existence.

"Our Royal Magician is also our magic researcher, he's the one that creates new types of magic attacks based on the elements and creates a magic formulae for it. I think he has dealt with mystic magic before but I sure do hope that it turns out well."

"What kind of a person is he?" - Rika

"He's more of a nerd but he has nice looks and a cool physique. But he seems to have issues with his love life."

Rika's eyes seemed to have gone sparkling after hearing some bachelor's tragic love life. She has probably read some romance stories which got her interest to a certain extent, but I myself don't know any details of Karl's romances.

"Sorry but I don't know the details."

"It's fine, what are you going to do after this?" - Rika

"I plan to test out what I can make with the ore Chrominus dropped, and maybe improve these bad boys I've had for most of the time."

"What do you call these weapons?" - Rika


"What does it mean?" - Rika

"It means, 'All kinds of weapons' in Latin."

I looked at the pair of white gauntlets with the diamond shaped crystal facing the roof.

"It really is your weapon huh. I wonder how Seymour can defeat you when you have a somewhat infinite arsenal." - Rika

"I'd say experience. He had more than ten years of self training ever since he was a child."

"Heeh?" - Rika

Rika's face came closer and supported her head with both of her arms on the table.

"Speaking of him, how did you two meet?" - Rika

"It's a long story, I'll tell the whole tale in bed later."

"I don't have anything to do though?" - Rika

Rika starts pouting and puffing up her cheeks. How cute! Lemme pinch em-

I pinched Rika's right cheek and told her to be patient.

"I have some work today, so allow me to finish up before telling the entire story."

Rika starts sulking right in front of me. Cute! Wait, don't sulk when it can't be helped!

A lifesaver arrived to the underground junction creating light footsteps from the stairs.

"Rikaaaa, are you here? - Thrish

And then my thoughts of the person incoming as a lifesaver, ended up making it a little more difficult. Thrish arrives and shows herself from the stairs, peeking around searching for Rika. She turned towards us and jogs lightly while humming. Somehow, I got a bad feeling about this.

"Rika, what are you doing here?" - Thrish

"Just wanting to see what Denzel is working on." - Rika

Rika forms a smile and turns to me this time.

"Heeee? You brought some bowls and chopsticks though?" - Thrish

"Well, it was good timing since I was going to take a break too. So, used to the life in my crystal palace?"

"Yep! Even though it's a single structure, it's still huge! Even larger than the castle keep back there in the mountain range!" - Thrish

"It's well designed too, how much time did you make this again?" - Rika

"It was around half a year. Some materials were gathered from the caves below with the help of everyone."

Thrish turns her gaze towards the forge, looked through the glass with interest, and turns back at me.

"What room is that?!" - Thrish

It seems the bad feeling was just an illusion. But I kinda want children now, both Gayle and Thrish give me a heartwarming feeling of a child. I turned towards the forge so I can answer her question.

"That's the forge, it's where I convert minerals collected to create the weapons for our use."

"What kind of weapons?!" - Thrish

She seems interested so I'll show her my prowess.

I equipped Omnitelum and opened multiple portals.


The crystal from both gauntlets started expanding and coating the white gauntlets. I made this function and completely forgot to use it during the fight with Chrominus. Well, it does eat up more mana so I might lose if I used that. Anyways, showtime for my improved gauntlet.

I stood up and moved to a more open part of the hall before forming a stance. I punched forward and immediately converted the gauntlet on my right with a whip sword. The form was also crystalized and made a small sweeping motion. I didn't continue further than that.

"I can't really show it in a small hallway like this, there's a dojo in the other staircase downwards but I have to resume work now."

"Ehh?" - Thrish

"Is it about to finish cooling? Alright then, Thrish, let's go upstairs to everyone." - Rika

Rika stood up, brought the two bowls with her and started walking towards the staircase. Thrish looked a bit disappointed since I couldn't fully display the prowess but she seems plenty interested. I promise to show everyone later.

I dispelled the crystallization and returned to the forge. I took out both the blade and the handle and moved to the table once again. This time, I merged both pieces carefully with magic and fused them together to form a powerful scythe.

And~~~ Scythe Complete~! Now, to enchant it using Karl's Parchment.

While waiting, I started using the "Gear Switch" skill to try and get myself lucky with the prefix bonus. A solid hour later, a notification finally arrived from Karl with a black button attachment. Yay, it's here!

I clicked the black button and a parchment scroll replaced the message box. I reopened the message relay and sent a message to Karl.

"Thanks! I'll send some mystic ore extract for your use later."

Since there is still quite a bit of mystic ore left, I cut both in half to share with Karl for later. I managed to get the best prefix, I read the contents of the parchment which is filled with multiple spells.

"Mystic Barrier, Mystic Rift Cutter, Mana Share, and Mystic Ward."

I read each one and thought that these are just combat and utility skill. But the moment I read what Mystic Ward does.

"Mystic Ward state is a power team utility skill that will buff allies within a five meter radius from the scythe with health regeneration, mana regeneration, and major stat boosts. This will also generate a magic barrier and bestow weapons used by allies with the mystic mana siphon skill."

Karl! Ain't this overload?!?! Karl has made another outrageous parchment without even knowing who will use it. No, it's not like I don't trust Gayle but still.

Giving her this almighty weapon is a bit. I wonder how she would react though.

I moved to the room opposite of the forge and placed the scythe down in a magic circle that will assist enchanting using parchments. I then rolled up the parchment and held it in both ends so it won't fold back in.

"Enchantment commence!"

I recited a long chant that will embed the entire magic circle to the scythe. After completion, the parchment was dissolved and the scythe glowed for a purple and pinkish light for a moment. Weapon creation success.

I turned to my back and saw every resident in the palace including Leo and Miguel. They were looking at me with dumbfounded eyes while the others looked at me with admiration. Bella's camp watched me with the usual proud eyes.

I got out of the room and immediately got questioned.

"Denz, what the hell is that?" - Malech

"It's a weapon request from Gayle. I had to ask a certain royal magician for a magic circle though."

"What kind of magic did Karl make today?" - Bella

Bella seemed to ask that since she has known about Karl's outstanding intelligence.

"Actually, today is the testing phase of the weapon. So Gayle, get ready."

"Ah! Nn! But." - Gayle

Gayle seems to have something on her mind. Is it her abilities?

"Not confident with your skills?"

"No, not that, what would you name this weapon?" - Gayle

Ah I see, I think I got a good once.

"Let's see, how about Mysteria?"