Deadly Training Time (First Half)

(Robin's POV):

I have thought about what to do with their current capabilities. The first thing that comes to mind is do a check on how they fight each other. So currently, we're in a large open underground space which has the entrance to the mountain gauntlet. I told them it was a check so they didn't think that I'm gonna make them fight me but, that's what's exactly going to happen.

"So guys, since I'm gonna check your abilities there will be a series of duels or so."

"Really? Who are we going up against? Each other?" - Jay


Jay starts showing a relieved smile in his face. Let's burst your bubble aight?

"But actually no, against me."

Jay smile disappeared for a second but it was immediately returned.

"A combat test against a higher up... I'm somehow excited." - Jay

"Oh, it will be a series of one vs ones so if you're excited then you can go first."

"Alright, what do we do though?" - Jay

"Well for starters, you guys are allowed to go all out, have at it when in combat."

"What about you?" - Ridley

"I'll be multitasking during combat so I'll of course fight in a manner that you guys could see things to learn more."

"Alright, Jay goes first?" - Grace

"Yeah, you guys can discuss the order while the duel is occurring."

"Wonderful, we'll try to learn your fighting style though." - Rylle

Apparently, the others seem to have no complaints with Jay going first. Since Jay is a Recon Scout, I'll try to fight using ranged attacks...

Both of us moved to opposite sides of the area. It had a line mark to signify that this will be starting positions for one duelist. A full large arena is actually built but we still use this since it's quite a comfortable place to fight in duels.

Grace moved to the center of the arena after reading the instructions with how dueling works here.

"Robin!" - Grace

"Duel health!"

"Jay!" - Grace

"Duel health!" - Jay

"The moment I set my foot off the square from this rectangle, the duel begins!" - Grace

Grace slowly steps back to the outside of this border arena which we basically painted white. The thing about this arena is that it has stalactites on the roof which we could attack to drop something on our opponents. The area is about an entire basketball court but we have to be careful since flying is a bad move here.

*Clop clop..... Clop...*

Grace had set foot off from the square area. Jay immediately fired a sniper bullet. The bullet speed is extreme as usual and could be a dangerous thing to fight against if I'm not careful.

I brought out the Enchanted Sword and Starfury and deflected the sniper bullet with precise movement. I then started attacking by simply slicing air.

The good thing about the Enchanted Sword and the Starfury is that they actually shoot projectiles when swung. The Enchanted Sword fires a glowing sword while the Starfury shoots a small trailing star.

Jay starts dodging pretty skillfully and brings out a quick draw pistol to start shooting.

I dashed to my right as a few bullets graze my body. I then swung my Enchanted Sword, aiming towards some stalactites above Jay. A few stalactites fell, one hit Jay but it got his attention so I swung both swords and closed my position towards him quickly.

"Cra-!" - Jay

Jay fired another sniper bullet which I dodged by hairsbreadth. The Starfury in my left hand was hit so I brought out Mana Breaker, which is a runic blade made by Denzel and Karl. It disperses all forms of mana it passes through, even the atmospheric mana.

It's a little unfortunate that I couldn't really drain the mana of any person I hit with this but the fact that it can destroy magic defenses and attacks is already overpowered.

Jay dropped his sniper rifle and started shooting and bringing out a holstered dagger in his left hand. He then shot multiple bullets in which I deflected a few with my Mana Breaker and Enchanted Sword.

I tried to slash him but he managed to parry my Enchanted Sword. However, he didn't stand a chance as I simply dropped my grip on that sword and turned a full circle to strike Jay with Mana Breaker. I then stopped as the Mana Breaker nearly slices off Jay's neck.

"And that's game."

"....Did I do well?" - Jay

Jay was sweating pretty badly out of the pressure he went through.

"You have some melee capability, I think you could learn some more from Grace. As for accuracy, sniper shots are perfect until you are against a perceptive enemy. When using against sharp targets while backing up, try to change trajectory at the last second."

"What do you mean?" - Jay

"Against players chasing you, try aiming for their head and suddenly change to their leg or foot at the last second."

"I see..." - Jay

"In terms of quick draw, it's already at a pretty nice level."

"R-really?!" - Jay

"Yeah. Anyways, who's next?"

While Jay is going for a cheerful act on the area, Grace willingly stepped forward.

"I guess it's my turn? Please test me this time Robin." - Grace

"Aight, Jay! Mind being the overseer?"

"Ah! Sure!" - Jay

Grace brought out a single katana. That looks sharp and sturdy, and it's held with one hand... That's probably a samurai skill already...

"Robin!" - Jay

"Duel Health!"

"Grace!" - Jay

"Duel Health!" - Grace

"The moment I set my foot off the square from this rectangle, the duel begins!" - Jay

Jay slowly moves backward and slowly left the rectangle. The second his foot left the area, Grace immediately jumped in and closed the position. Aggressive huh?

I brought out Heaven's Beacon and simply raised it up as Grace closed in her position.

"Blinding Light!"

I simply just increased the brightness within the room to extremity for a second. With closed eyes, I then swung Heaven's Beacon to try and land some damage into her before she becomes trouble.

However, the only thing I heard was a clashing metal sound. After that, I started to hear some air being swiped. Shit!

While continuing to feel the metal, I immediately dropped Heaven's Beacon and dashed to the left side. When I opened my eyes, I saw Grace with closed eyes with having a katana in each hand.

"Seems like you're really planning to win huh?"

Aight, playtime's over.

I brought out Mana Breaker and a sword made up of nothing but pure light. Even if it's just light, it can sear the body of the person receiving an attack from this.

"W-wha..." - Jay

Jay was at a loss of words. I simply took out one of my main trump cards in the fit of a deadly battle.

"Trump card number one, searing blade. I'm impressed, but aside from the higher ups, you're the first person who got me to use this willingly."

"I-it looks so... Cool!" - Jay

"Heh, I'm quite honored if I have to say so. However, you're now saying that the real duel begins?" - Grace

"Yep, good luck."

I instantly distanced myself from Grace and suddenly closed the position unexpectedly. I swung Mana Breaker which was blocked by one katana. I then swung the sword of light which Grace reflexively dodge without hesitation. Seems like she just noticed what would happen.

After dodging she lowered her body and performed a sweep kick. I jumped a little bit to dodge but she immediately raised her body and performed a high kick. I parried her kick by simply bending my body back and converted my jump into a backflip with a kick which she dodged.

After landing, I immediately dashed to close the gap once again and slashed her using Mana Breaker. It was blocked but she flinched a little bit in reaction to her difficulty to resist the force.

"Overwhelming Light!"

I turned around in a full circle to strike her with the sword of light. She tried to parry it but the sword simply phased through. That somehow didn't make her panic but simply dodged by a back handspring. Too bad that doesn't end there.

I formed another sword of light on my right hand and tried to swipe down on her. She dashed back quickly but I followed up with a spinning back high kick once again. After that I continued creating endless follow-ups to the point where it's getting very difficult for her to continue dodging.

It turned into a one-sided attack so after getting her to a corner of overwhelming. I dispersed both swords of light and dashed back to collect the two swords I dropped earlier.

Grace seems to have gotten a breather and tried to close the positions once again. I blocked one sword with my Mana breaker and dropped it pretty quickly.

"!!!" - Grace

I used my grip to fling myself to the right. I then simplified the battle by dashing forward and flickered Grace's katana off her hand. She was not on time to block with the other one so it ended by stopping Heaven's Beacon before I sliced through her eyes.

"And that's game number two. Honestly, I never expected to use one of my many trump cards."

"Y-you have a lot more?" - Grace

After loosening up. Grace sat down exhaustedly while I wiped my sweat off pretty quickly.

"In terms of aggression, you are twenty levels below Denzel but, it's pretty good to the point where I have to be on guard. Your reaction time is close to Denzel's level which is quite monstrous for a person like you. Your defensive needs more practice in terms of dodging attacks without moving back or getting overwhelmed. Aside from all that, you're about the level of a talented recruit in Asylum."

"Fuah... I'm unexpectedly worthy for Asylum, I feel super relieved..." - Grace

"That's pretty good Grace!" - Jay

Don't worry Jay, you're somewhat above average in terms of your skills.

"Now, which of you is next?"