Deadly Training Time (Second Half)

(Robin's POV):

"Ridley, your turn?"

"Yeah, we decided by rock paper scissors so we can't really say anything about it." - Ridley

After discussing the limits of Jay and Grace, they seemed to have simply sat down for a while and talked about how they felt about going against me.

At some point, I heard Jay say some things.

"Man, there's no way we could fight against one of them that easily." - Jay

"Yeah, they could completely perceive our attacks already but it's something that we could reach if we continued to train." - Grace

"But, we can't really train if we're incomplete... Kaede... Is with that guy..." - Jay

"Yeah, Terrence is most likely with them and is having some trouble." - Grace

"Wait, before we continue the duels, we'll discuss about about your other friends."

"Eh? Ah, Gayle, Terrence and Lester? As you mentioned, they're currently in your friend's crystal palace?" - Grace

"Not yet at the very least, Denzel is at least going to evacuate some of Gayle's friends out from some place in the desert. It was said that they're under attack from Independent Marionettes."

"Independent Marionettes? Yeah, those guys are pretty troublesome. We've had some attacks from them often. They're a pretty strong faction once they dispatch something that includes a mage or two." - Jay

"Our info brokers have entered their claimed territory and is actually living within the Mystic Biome. He's currently collecting information on them and is not having any trouble or so."

"I see, their higherups are pretty coordinated. What can your friend do against them?" - Jay

"Oh no, don't underestimate the master of precision and timing in our group. He could eliminate them if he wanted."

"I see, who do you think is the strongest between you three?" - Grace

"We're equal, without a doubt. If went on a three-way battle, it becomes a first to land a hit wins."

"Really? How so?" - Rylle

"Well, if one of us gets damaged, we target it. For example, if a three-way battle starts between me, Michael, and Denzel occurs, we'd try to constantly fight two enemies at the same time. If I get hit, I'd become a sitting duck against those two. No mercy is involved by the way."

"Uwah, somehow... I want to see it." - Jay

"Well, we'll show you soon."

I stood up feeling refreshed and moved towards one end of the cave. Ridley went to the other side with Grace going to the center of the arena.

"Let's begin... Robin!" - Grace

"Duel Health!"

"Ridley!" - Grace

"Duel Health!" - Ridley

Now, I wonder about Ridley's class and abilities...

"You know the drill." - Grace

Grace starts stepping backwards slowly as me and Ridley started preparing our weapons. I brought out Heaven's Beacon since I am unsure about his skills and combat techniques.

When she stepped off the border, I immediately pointed Heaven's Beacon and attacked using ranged magic.

"Searing Light!"

"Whoa there!" - Ridley

Ridley casually dodged the attack with simple flowing movement. This dodging is obviously Michael level...

After dispelling, I instantly dashed towards Ridley and slashed Heaven's Beacon at him a few times. He simply dodged it all flawlessly but, I did notice that my attacks went through his flesh. Phantom types... Troublesome...

He finally took out a weapon which is a dagger and tried to cut me down pretty quickly. Now's my chance...

I grabbed his arm now that he's not phasing around and dropped Heaven's Beacon once again. I dropped that to strike him with a spear hand to the throat. I pulled up his arm and forced him to miss which gave me enough leeway to attack him. Suddenly, I simply phased through him. Damnit, I have to ensure he takes damage as he could phase willingly.

I dashed forward through him and brought out something I don't want to use yet.

"A third runic blade?!?!" - Jay

Jay's shout was heard on the entire cave. I understood that he's somewhat excited with a new weapon being unfolded. I brought out a sword handle and hilt without a blade. I poured a some mana which made the runes in the handle start to glow and create a blade made up of mana. While waiting for that, I tried to attack Ridley by swinging a few slashes. He tried to dodge smoothly but he took some damage and started bleeding in his cheek due to a small cut.

"Oh boy..." - Ridley

Ridley dashed back which gave me a chance to bring out Mana Breaker. The funny part about my Mana Phaseblade is that it can also phase through objects like the swords of light the only difference is that I can actually manipulate the swords of light to fly around with just my thoughts.

"This is checkmate in the next few moves. So how about going all out while you can."

I dashed and closed the position between me and Ridley pretty quickly. I slashed him with Mana Breaker and it missed quite horribly. I created a follow-up using my Mana Phaseblade which created another cut in his body. While showing a confident smile, I missed the fact that his kick was about to inflict some damage with a small sharp object hidden inside it.

"Khh! Lightning ball!"

Ridley was knocked back pretty bad while I got kicked back and started to bleed.

"A clean hit!" - Jay

Jay seems to have gotten excited since there was some damage dealt to me and caused me to bleed but, Ridley was lying down in pain leaning to the wall. What actually happened is that he got knocked back by the lightning and the shockwave caused a tremor which made a few stalactites. Lucky...

"That's game."

I went towards Ridley and offered him to stand up.

"Phew, that was a good one. You're really strong Robin, how was I?" - Ridley

"Dodging is Michael class, surprise attacks are to the point where I could take damage so overall is above average Asylum recruit, just like Jay."

"I see..." - Ridley

Ridley held and shook the hand I offered before going to Grace and Jay. Rylle came in towards me as the last match immediately.

"Can I go for the duel now?" - Rylle

"You seem to be itching, ready?"

"Yeah, need some rest?" - Rylle

"Nah, I'm good here. Illumination."

I activated a healing skill to refill all my health and refresh my stamina, and body.

I went to the other end of the arena once again and took all my weapons in. I brought out my Mana Phaseblade and Mana Breaker. Grace moved in between one last time and got us prepared.

"Robin!" - Grace

"Duel Health!"

"Rylle!" - Grace

"Duel Health!" - Rylle

"You know the drill." - Grace

Grace starts stepping backwards one last time as it is finally the last match to check on them. When Grace had left the border, I closed in the position immediately.

Suddenly, black smoke was puffed around which made it difficult to see. I see now, you're similar to Julius.

I twirled and dashed forward to get rid of some smoke and create a small area so I could see. When I tried to check using a small precise scan, his presence is everywhere. There's only one solution then.

I hid my Mana Phaseblade and brought out Heaven's Beacon. It is a nice strategy to get your presence everywhere but it's not gonna work against someone like me!


A black sword suddenly phased out of the black cloud surrounding me, interrupting my chant to create some counter-play.

I blocked it with my Mana Breaker but the black sword simply dispersed pretty quickly. So it's pure mana huh?

The possible trickery of Ridley and Rylle's cloud of confusion could be a terrible threat if handled incorrectly. However, I could manage it pretty well just by dispersing the mana since this cloud is made up of that.


Another black sword showed up which I dispersed using Mana Breaker. After that there had been follow-ups everywhere which gave me a troublesome time. I blocked and parried each attack without much effort and started dodging pretty well while receiving the least clean hits possible.

"I'm impressed since this is a pretty skillful way to eliminate someone."

Suddenly, some stalactites start falling which I dodged about most of them. One stalactite hit me on the right shoulder which crippled me badly. A few swords showed up for an all out pincer attack. Now!


A shining beacon of light was formed from my Heaven's Beacon. The smoke was instantly cleared up and Rylle was visible dashing close by.

I parried his attack using my Mana Breaker but he blinked away pretty quickly. I shot two lasers, one on his position and the other above his calculated future position.

"Whoa there! Ooh!' - Rylle

Another fluent dodger, at least he can't phase through attacks.

I dashed towards him mercilessly and overwhelmed him with attacks from two large swords.

He was dodging pretty well but he was slowly getting whittled down as he keeps stepping back to an onslaught of attacks from me.

Rylle was somewhat smiling but I had stopped since he reached half health.

"Good work Rylle, you're the only one that's not checkmated."

"Really? I'm at the worst spot when it comes to remaining health though?" - Rylle

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you'll take major damage pretty easily."

"True... So what's the overall rating?" - Rylle

"Talented level of a recruit, just like Grace. Anyways, good work all of you. You guys should be fine on joining me in for a bit."

"A mission with Robin huh... I'm somewhat excited." - Jay

"Well, I'll be leading you guys so we should get prepared for now. We're setting off tomorrow morning. All of you guys in?"

Everyone took turns at gazing each other before returning their view to me.

"Yep!" - Everyone

Alright, this is gonna be a long and fun trip...