Fallen From Grace

(Grace's POV):

After I ended up in a dark hallway, I had to bring out a lantern and carried it in my left hand. I had a katana ready just in case I have to fight against some monsters in this narrow place.

What is this place…

I didn't have much ideas when it comes to the location as we entered this fountain gauntlet without any bit of information. However, from Robin's lessons, I have to act by improvising only. I cannot try to plan out in a situation where I'm all alone in a gauntlet.

"Anyhow, this place looks pretty creepy… Are ghosts gonna come out somewhere?"

I spat out complaints while walking down the dark long hallway with very little visibility. Ah, I have to deal with this visibility quick. Surprise attacks and traps are hard to deal with alone.

I activated some wind magic to get through this hallway without much trouble. I then stopped as the hallway started widening up to an open space. I felt something stopping my wind so I immediately stood guard as I hid the lantern to the inventory. It's gonna be fine if I rely on wind here I guess…

"There's no need to worry about using wind. I'll turn on the lights for you." - ???

When I noticed, a voice resounded within the area. The voice had a similar tone to mine and has some knowledge about myself. When I turned to my left, the wind passed through some fire which changed its direction to light up something big.

The same also happens when I turned right, I then looked forward and saw the person wearing the same exact clothes as me and the same weapon in her hand. At that point I knew what I am about to fight against…


"How is your life today? Surely you've missed Terrence since he was found by Gayle and Lester. I wonder what happened to him for the past year." - Reflection

"I, I don't know… I hope he's safe, and sane…"

"Sane? Why'd you think of that?" - Reflection

"Ah, since he's with those two of course."

"Really? I guess he might look for a girl to flirt with." - Reflection

Huh? Wait, no! Anything but that!

"What are you gonna do about it? Me?" - Reflection

"I… I don't know…"

"Anyways, what about your parents? Do you think you can run to them for comfort? Of course not! You'll be alone again!" - Reflection

"S-stop it…"

Terrence, please…

Without thinking, I dashed forward to try and eliminate the reflection quickly. Both my katanas slashed down towards the reflection but both were blocked by a single blade.

"Getting feisty there? I'm impressed you could still fight despite all those bad feelings in your heart. You're pretty destructive after all, I wonder if Terrence had-" - Reflection

I kicked forward and tried to shut the reflection up. Stop it! Anymore is!

"Your thoughts are flowing out you know? Are you scared that he might have enough of your destructive attitude?" - Reflection


I was struck by the handle right below where the ribcage is located. I ended up kneeling in the position and couldn't move easily.

"What's more, do you think your friends would continue to accept your destructive attitude after some time? Of course they won't!" - Reflection


"What is that? Not believing that they might start avoiding you?" - Reflection

I was kicked on the face and got launched a little bit to the right. I ended up falling and had to raise up my body while dealing with the pain in the cheek.


"Tailwind." - Reflection

No way… It even has…

"Did you already forget what Robin told you? You should know a lot more to be honest." - Reflection


Right, Robin will help… I should get something done here…

I tried to stand up once more but I started hearing something in my mind.

They will leave me… What's the point…

It was purely negativity and degrading myself…

All my friends, after all these years…

"Yes, everyone will leave you for your behavior." - Reflection

Terrence… Please…

"Not even Terrence." - Reflection

At this point, I was no longer able to recover.

"Now you have finally woken up…" - Reflection

I stood up while having a very painful feeling in my chest. My entire body wanted to give up, but I forced on with just one thing in mind.


I dashed forward and started slashing endlessly against the reflection.

"Oh! You're gonna kill me?" - Reflection

"If they are gonna leave me alone then what's the point of living! If I'm gonna die I'm taking you with me!"

"And she has gone insane." - Reflection

I continued slashing and overwhelming my reflection at a rapid speed. The reflection slowly started to catch up against me and started parrying all the slashes I made while making painful counterattacks.


I got struck in the gut which made me flinch a little bit. I still continued on and tried to eliminate the clone for good.

Both sides sustained injuries but I slowly start to gain more while my reflection is getting lesser and lesser cuts.

I have to!

"Twisting blade!"

"Heh? Alright then." - Reflection

After using the sword skill, I managed to damage the reflection by a little bit more. A little bit more!

"Twisting blade." - Reflection

My sword was instantly parried and was moved in a terrible position to my right. The katana of my reflection then stabbed me in the right shoulder as I try to dodge the sword.


I ended up dropping my katana on my right hand. With now a disadvantage in weapons, I had no other choice but to go for desperation.

"Tempest Blade!"

"Hoo?" - Reflection

My reflection somehow acted surprised with my use of my final trump card against anyone. I was completely out of choices that I had to bring this out of despair and destruction.

End everything.

I started slashing my reflection at an extremely rapid rate without stopping. A single sword managed to overwhelm an enemy with dual wield to the point that it could damage it.

"Fuh… Impressive but, did you forget that I can also use it because I am you?" - Reflection


With those words, I remembered who I was fighting against. I was trying to kill myself, because I just break down here. Before I noticed, tears started dripping from my eyes without stopping. My vision became blurry as I try to fight against the clone that has started to slow down. M-my chance…

Before I knew it, I was already slowing down and knelt right in front of the reflection. I then just started crying and couldn't think to continue on with my life.

"You finally gave up huh?" - Reflection

I simply knelt down and kept crying nonstop. My reflection stood there without moving, she turned her gaze somewhere and simply said something.

"Did you know, if you die here you'll actually be forced to enter a comatose state for half a year in that world? Because you couldn't conquer yourself, your doubts, and your own heart." - Reflection

I didn't bother listening and simply continued breaking down.

"Sorry but, this ends here." - Reflection

I was still crying and breaking down as I watched a katana raised up to kill me. Before it was swung down, it was suddenly flickered off from her hand.

"This ends here indeed… Clone…" - ???

A familiar voice suddenly resounded in my ear, I turned to where the source of the voice is and saw Robin heavily injured. Behind him were Jay, Ridley, and Rylle. They didn't have bad injuries aside from Jay. T-Terrence…

I tried to look for Terrence but he wasn't there. No where within the area…

I continued tearing up while kneeling down right in front of Robin as I couldn't handle the past.

"Guess you also had a rough one, I guess it's acceptable. Rylle, Ridley, retrieve Grace. Jay, I need your support here, my body is not in a good shape to fight right now." - Robin

"Robin?" - Jay

Jay had brought out his rifle while the two pulled me up and retrieved me back to the central area.

Guys, please…

"Whatever that reflection told you, we'll prove it wrong… We'll bring you to Terrence tomorrow." - Rylle

"Yeah, so for now, just rest up Grace." - Ridley

Ridley, Rylle…

When I turned towards Robin and Jay they seemed to have been preparing themselves for the upcoming battle while still completely injured.

"Oh! Ridley!" - Robin

Robin threw an ampoule towards Ridley which he caught pretty easily.

"Have Grace drink that." - Robin

"Eh? Sure." - Ridley

When I drank the potion all my injuries were healed up instantly. This included the pain in my shoulder and my cheek. What is this potion…

"W-whoa! What kind of potion is this! I've never seen something as overpowered such as this!" - Ridley

"Of course you haven't, because you forgot." - Rylle

"Pfft… Ahahaha! Nice one." - Ridley

I ended up chuckling as I laid myself down to the floor. I ended up resting here while I had my friends save me one more time.

(POV Shift: Robin's POV):

"This is a problem, we may have to deal with an empowered reflection Jay. You fine with it in your state?"

"Hell yeah I am, I'm rather excited to fight as your partner." - Jay

"Heh, let's get this over with then. Savor every part of it well to your brain."

"Got it!" - Jay

Jay aimed his rifle towards Grace's reflection while I stepped forward and slowly close the distance.

"Impressive, how are you gonna prove that the truth is false? Save her?" - Corrupted Grace

"Me? Of course nothing, I'll leave that to her valued friends."

I reloaded my revolver and brought out Mana Breaker. I'll finally fight with my expertise.

"I may be injured for a bit but, in your case right now, I won't be holding back."

"R-Robin…" - Jay

"Just to be clear, I'm not the one that made this line so…"

Taking a page right from Denzel's book…

"Your time of death has been decided."