Chapter 18: The Undefeatable Sin of Wrath

Jonathan's P.O.V

It has been 5 weeks since our arrival to our home as new invaders began to invade our home. Apollyon and her armies invaded our home while I was away to Tsushima and when we arrived, thousands were massacred. I then went to the village and saw that it was on defence so when they saw me, they lowered their swords and helped me build a counter attack and push the forces back.

"Thank the gods you came back." Crusch said in relief

"If we perform a full countermeasure attack now, Apollyon will fall."

"But that's the problem. If we attack, we will fall."

"What has happened?"

"The knights and your soldiers tried to fend off as many of her knights as possible but her soldier's have proven strong as they knew our tactics." That makes me smirk

"Oh they're gonna love the ghost and me." I said sinisterly

"What do you mean?"

"Me and Lord Sakai will show you soon but first we need to plan our attack."

Suddenly, A viking man , A knight, and A Samurai woman went into the war room.

"If ye want te bring doun apollyon, ye need us more nor iver." A viking said

"It is true what the viking said, My lords." The Samurai bowed to us

"After Apollyon's fall, we must be united and not against each other's throats, understood?" I asked them as they all nodded

We then rode to Apollyon's castle that she'd taken over and saw that the knights and king of all regions had been slain and as Me and Raphtalia held each other's hand.

"COME OUT HERE, YER WITCH!" The Viking shouted as he took out his axes and suddenly a woman in dark armor was on top of the draw bridge with her archer.

"Ahh if it isn't the demon lord himself, I've been waiting a long time for this moment to kill you and rule these lands." She said as she ordered some of her best swordsmen to kill me...

Narration P.O.V

*Suggested song: At Doom's Gate by DOOM*

And from that day, The Demon Lord was known as "The Undefeatable Wrath" as when Apollyon's men challenged him to a duel and he quickly slew 9 men as Jin slew 6 and now the war had finally begun. The Demon Lord and The Ghost slew hundreds after hundreds of Apollyon's men and women who had tried to fight them off for their queen but had proven failure as their body parts flew into air as The Demon Lord and The Ghost killed half of Apollyon's armies as they continue onward and into the castle.

Jonathan's P.O.V

I then stabbed the knight as he looked down on my blade and pushed the handle of my blade in as my blade got out of his body. Me and Jin then got up and saw Apollyon, waiting for me.

"Sakai, go and help the others."


"NOW!" I shouted and he nodded as he left me.

It's just between me and Apollyon. We spared no seconds as we tried to land a blow on each other but failed to do so, we then clashed our swords.

"You think you can defeat me, demon lord?"

"Oh I know I'll defeat you." I told her as I kicked her foot and unleashed the heavenly strike on her.

When she looked at her wound, she laughed.

"It is true what they say, you are fast." she then pointed her sword at me.

"But not fast like me!" she shouted as she thrust her sword, trying to stab me but failed as I countered it by using my foot and driving it down to the ground.

I then tried to slice her arm off but she parried it.

"So you're using a samurai sword, a pitiful choice to use it against me." she told me.

I then sheathe my sword and prepared to attack and in the heat of the battle.

"But you forgot one thing."

"What is it?" she asked

I then faked my attack and Apollyon took the bait and attacked first and I smirked.

"This blade is forged with dragon glass and Valyrian steel too."I dodged her blade and released the dance of wrath on her.

She then falls back as she swings her sword from left to right.

*Suggested song: Bad to the bone by George Thorogood & The Destroyers*

"You'll.. never-" She was cut off by me slicing her head off of her body.

I then took the head and went to edge, put my foot up and Apollyon's head up, I then shouted

"HEED MY WORDS, CULTIST. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED BY THE UNDEFEATABLE SIN OF WRATH. CEASE YOUR FIGHTINGS AND COME QUIETLY BEFORE I KILL YOUR GODS TOO!!" I shouted and threw the head off and it landed down as the knight grew scared and ran off and we finally put fear into the hearts of the enemy.