Rebirth (1)

Someplace in Japan, Tokyo …

In a small dark room, a young boy with black hair opened his azure eyes with pain.

The young boy felt a big headache, everything was turning around him.

Holding his pain, the boy raised his head slowly.

' w-where am I ? '

He didn't know what place he is in, in fact, he doesn't remember anything from what happened before he opened his eyes in this place.

He wanted to stand up, to be surprised with something hold his arms, he turned his head and found metal handcuffs hold both of his arms into the wall.

' what is that? Why am I tied ?! 'The boy felt scared a little, he tried to get himself free from these handcuffs but he couldn't.

At that moment, the boy's fear increased, he started to think that he was kidnapped, but when he looked around … though the place was dark, he can see some Gaz pipelines, is this place a Gaz room?

Suddenly, he heard a voice next to him, his body shakes a little before he looked to the place that the strange sound comes from.

When he sees it, he opened his eyes in a shock, 'cause in front of him was a little girl, a girl with a light brown curly hair, wearing white clothes, the strange is that white clothes were too big for the girl body, the boy still think why a little girl like her in a place like that, from what he sees, the girl's age was about six to seven years old.

He checked the girl's face.

' isn't this girl … a little familiar? '


Before he could even think, the girl holds a metal rod that was thrown on earth, and then, she hit the young boy's head with all the power she got.

The boy opens his eyes in shock for a moment, before he closes them again, he lost consciousness.

The blood starts flowing slowly, because of the hit, he was seriously injured in his head.

The little girl gasped heavily after she hit the young boy.

' Did he die? '

Unfortunately, the brown-haired girl did not have the time to check the boy's status, she looked around and then start running to a small metal door, she opened it and quickly jump into it.

While the young boy left alone in the room, losing consciousness.



After several hours, the boy finally opened his eyes.

But this time, he felt so much pain in his face, it seems that someone hit him hard to wake him up.

The boy could not think anything other than that little girl and the painful blow she gives him, f*ck, how dare that f*cking girl hit me?


Before the boy could respond, he was hit hard, again.

" ARGH! " the boy groaned painfully spitting blood.

He swear if he was not handcuffed, he will hit this guy to death, first the little brown-haired girl, and now this? What is next then? Please don't tell me that I'll be beaten all day.

The boy slowly raised his head and looked to the guy that just hit him, at that moment, his eyes expanded in a great shock.

The guy that hit him just now was a guy with a huge physical structure, he wore black clothes, black hat, and black sunglasses.

Behind him, stands a tall man wearing a black fedora with a grey hatband, black trenchcoat with the collar upturned to obscure part of his face and a loose white turtleneck, his silver hair that was long until it reached his knees, and the eyes … his eyes were cold and full of killing intent.

The boy shakes for a moment, he felt like he was looking to a wild monster, not human.

' t-those two are … gin … and vodka?! '

The boy still in disbelief, he was one of the famous anime's big fans (detective Conan), there's no way he could not get to know them.

' what on earth … is going on? '

He forced himself to remember what happened before that, but no matter what, the only thing he remembers is that a big bus hit him when he was walking in the road, in addition to some other memories.

But the most terrifying thing is … his name, he couldn't remember his name !!

" heh, finally woke up? How lucky are you, I was really going to kill you if you didn't wake up after that kick. " the huge structure man, Vodka smiled when he talked to the boy.

The boy didn't respond, he was busy processing what is going on now, if a bus really hits him, then why he was still alive? And why these two are doing this to him?

Unless …

Unless he was transmigrated to another world?!

The boy found it somewhat hard to believe, but he did not have any choice but to believe.

Currently, he is in a dangerous situation, after several minutes of thinking and looking around, the boy was able to collect some clues about this place.

Anyway, he had no memories from that body he is In, so it seems that he has no choice but to rely on himself in front of these two monsters, vodka, and the tyrant … gin.

He deliberately turned his facial expressions to panic and said " w-who are you …? Are you two kidnappers? "

'kidnappers ? ' vodka looked at gin with a strange look, before he laughs out loud, then said to the boy " haha … don't tell me that you lost your memories after all that hits … Brandy! "

Brandy …

It seems that this is the code name of this body's owner in the organization, although he felt confused because after all these years watching the anime from the start until the current episode, he never heard of a character in the organization named BRANDY.

(note: here, the current episode is episode 860 with the title { security system's pitfall } )

Anyway, this does not matter now, What matters now is how to escape the clutches of these two monsters.

" Brandy? Is this a wine name? I don't know what are you talking about, please let me go … " he must pretend like this as long as he can, wishing from the depths of his heart that these two will fall to his trick.

" shut up, and stop this child's play already, brandy … I have one question for you if you don't answer it, then forget about keeping you alive … WHERE IS THAT WOMAN? " vodka shouted annoyedly.

' woman? What is he talking about? ' the young boy thought in his mind.

" woman? I really don't know what are you talking about … sir, please save my life, I promise to give you the amount of money you want … please! " the boy said with intense fear and pain, or as vodka called him with his code name, Brandy.

While gin, with his cold and deadly eyes, was looking to the two of them, vodka and brandy.

" The amount of money I want? … hahaha … what's wrong with you brandy? … do you really forget that you're just a poor and orphan child? Otherwise, you will not resort to our organization! " vodka initially surprised, but he laughs out loud before he looks at brandy and said sarcastically.

' the f*ck I'm trying to tell you from the start … I don't have any memories from the owner of this body, I did not even hear someone called Brandy in the original anime, so I don't know anything you fool! '

Although brandy was annoyed and a little angry, the panic expression still on his face when he shouted loudly " please save me … I don't really remember anything … "

" enough! " seeing that, gin speaks.

Hearing gin's cold voice, brandy's body shakes for a moment, he raised his head and looked at this monster's eyes.

Before he could say anything, gin was already holding his gun with a silencer and pointed it toward brandy's face, in the middle of his forehead.

" brandy … I'll give you five seconds to stop this bullsh*t and answer my question … Sherry, where did she go ? " gin speaks coldly with his gun still pointed toward brandy.

Brandy could really feel gin's killing intents, he didn't dare to think that GIN will let him go easily if the other does it for real, he will cough blood.

Cold sweat gushed down brandy's back, he was thinking of a way to escape from here quickly and now! But with this f*cking handcuffs holding his arms, he couldn't even move.

" 5 "

Gin starts counting.

While brandy was thinking of a plane, trying to satisfy gin with words? That will not work with gin's personality.

Come on Brandy, come on! Rack your brain!

" 4 "

Then … should he tell gin the truth?

He was able to know the place where he is now and the date of today.

" 3 "

That brown-haired girl that hit him, she was the woman that betrayed the black organization, sherry or haibara ai if we used her fake name.

If he told gin the truth about the drug that shrinks the bodies…

" 2 "

But that will not help, gin will kill him no matter what.

Damn, what can I do now?

" 1 "


' w-wait a minute … gin … '

Brandy really wanted to say something, but he couldn't, the words refused to come out from his mouth, suddenly, he felt dizzy.

" ZERO! "

Gin smiles coldly, while he pulls the trigger slowly.