Rebirth (2)

Didn't know what happened yet, brandy opened his eyes to find himself in a place full of darkness.

' where am I? '

He looked around, but the only thing that can be seen is just the darkness, there is no light here.

He tried to remember what happened before he comes to this place … right, a bus hits him and he transmigrated to his favorite anime world, then he was threatened by the most villainous character, gin.

" I'll give you five seconds … where is that woman? " suddenly, a cold voice echoed in the whole place.

Brandy's body trembled for a moment, he turned around, facing gin who pointed his gun toward his head, he didn't know why, but it seems that gin appeared from nowhere.

' gin … '

No matter how many times he saw these eyes, brandy can't stop himself from fearing, although this time he was a little bit calm than the first time he met him, not like before.

" 5 "

" 4 "

Gin starts counting while a devil and cold smile could be seen in his face.

" w-wait a minute, gin … " brandy walked back a few steps and said with a voice full of worry and fear.

" 3 "

" 2 "

It seems that gin was not hearing him, he still counting while he pulls the trigger slowly.

Seeing that, brandy's eyes trembled, he walked back a step, then turns around and starts running with all that he got.

" 1 "

Brandy didn't stop, he must survive no matter what, at the same time he cursed the fate that led him to this situation.

Gin's cold smile expanded while he says with a loud voice " ZERO! "


He pressed the trigger and a bullet was fired with the speed of a missile, toward brandy's head …



Brandy woke up from his bed screaming with panic, his body was full of cold sweat, while his heart was beating fast and he was panting deeply.

Was that just a nightmare?

' w-what happened? '

He quickly looked around, wishing that all that he saw today was just a dream … he was on a white big bed, next to him was a rectangular table, with a computer and other devices that brandy didn't know on it.

On his right side, there is a blood transfusion stand with a bag full of blood, it seems that his arm was injected with blood.

On the side of the room, there is a window with white curtains.

' am I in a hospital? '

When he knew that, brandy somewhat relaxed, after a few minutes he started to be a little worried.

He is in a hospital, but what hospital? … which world he is in now?

He wanted to check out quickly, but he didn't know how to do that.

" ah … " he groaned in pain after touching his head.

He wanted to stand up and get out from here quickly, but he felt a great headache.

When he touched his head, surprised by a bandage at the top of his head. Then he remembered what happened before he woke up, right, that damned haibara hits him with an iron rod, causing heavy injuries in his head.

He felt somewhat disappointed, but it seems that he really transmigrated into detective Conan world.

' no … I must escape from here quickly! ' Although he didn't know why he still alive after gin was willing to kill him, because gin is a cold-blooded monster, he is not that type of human who shows mercy.

But he did not think too much, he took out the injection from his arm, then stood up and quickly walked to the door of the room, intending to run away.

At that moment, he heard a voice from out of the room.

" Does he really lost his memories? " the speaker seems to have been surprised.

' Not good … that was vodka's voice! ' brandy recognized this instantly, he strained until an idea came to mind, he returned the injection into his arm, then lied on the bed and closed his eyes.

He must pretend to sleep until he gathers enough information about his current situation, before acting recklessly.

" yes … it seems that he has been hit hard in his brain, causing him to fully lost memories. "

Brandy didn't recognize the voice owner, from his words, he assumed to be a doctor.

" I think that traitorous woman hits him before she escapes … " vodka scratched his chin and said calmly while he looking at gin.

"Humph, I'm still not satisfied that he lost his memories … " gin said with a cold voice.

Of course, brandy immediately recognized him, he would never forget that voice.

He was confused, why gin didn't kill him before? Is it because he knew that he lost his memories or what?

While he still thinking, the room's door suddenly opened, and three men had entered.

Gin, vodka, and a young man in his twenties, the young man wore a white apron, he's the doctor who oversees bandy's current condition.

Vodka looked at brandy and said " when will he wake up? It's been ten days already since he lost consciousness. "

' t-ten days since I lost consciousness?! ' brandy felt like a thunderbolt hits him, that was truly unexpected, ten days in a coma is somewhat …

" brandy is supposed to wake up today or tomorrow, he would take more time, he was badly injured, after all, it's a miracle that he's alive yet! " the doctor said with a smile.

While gin looked at brandy before he narrowed his eyes.

" humph, he woke up a long time ago and still trying to trick us. "

" what? " vodka asked with a loud and surprising voice.

' he exposed me! ' brandy's heart starts beating fast in panic, what will happen to him now? Will he die?

' no … I should calm myself first, if they were really intending to kill me, they will do it a long time ago and not wait until now …' brandy calmed himself and opened his eyes.

He gets up from his bed and looked at the other three with panic " who are you? Could you please let me go? I really do not remember anything, sorry if I do something bad to you before … "

Gin looked at vodka, the two of them walked out of the room after gin said to the doctor " I want his memories back soon! "

" yes … don't worry. " the doctor said with a smile and little anxiety.

Just when the two get out from the room, brandy looked at the doctor pleadingly, he wanted to escape from here as fast as possible, and now since gin and vodka are not here, then, of course, he will take the opportunity.

" doctor … please save me … I promise I will do anything to you in the future, please! "

The doctor was silent for a moment, he looked at brandy as if he was looking at a stupid, he said " I'm not sure you remember that or not, but … we are in one of the organization bases, and I'm one of the doctors in here, so … no matter how hard you try I will never help you. "

Hearing this, brandy felt like a big cold water bucket poured into him, he didn't expect he was in one of the organization's bases, so that's why gin and vodka did not bother themselves watching him.

GREAT, with that all of his hopes of escape are gone.

Brandy was silent for a moment, he said " could you please tell me? What is the organization, and why they want to keep me here? "

Although he knows everything, it's safer for him to continue pretending he doesn't know anything.

" umm … I can't tell you much information but … all that you should know is you were a poor and orphan little boy, and to pay your family debts, you had resorted to us, you worked for the organization… after you join the organization, you can't leave it because no one should know about us, the only way is … death! "

' I knew it … damn! But I lost my memories now, then why they don't let me go? " brandy felt annoying when he heard that.

" but now I lost my memories … "

The doctor interrupted him and said " there still a chance of getting your memories back in the future! And now you heard about the organization from me, Not just that … that long silver-haired man, his code name is gin, he was going to kill you, if it's not because someone from a high state in the organization sent him a message to keep you alive… so be grateful and work hard to pay your debts to the organization. "

After he finished talking, the doctor didn't want to stay here more and walked to the door, he stopped and said " your code name is Brandy, remember that! "

After that, he left the room.

Brandy's face darkened when he heard the doctor.

' someone from a high state in the organization, sent a message to gin to keep me alive? '

He felt that is somewhat … weird.

After all, he knows that there are not many members above gin in the organization…

' could it be the second-in-command RUM? Or … the boss?! '

He wondered about that, then he shook his head, he didn't want to continue thinking about it more, the important thing is that he is alive, as for other things … he will think about it later.

He tried to remember his memories from his previous life, although it's a little blurring but still clear to him, the only thing that he couldn't remember is his real name, every time he tries to force himself and remember it, he feels a big headache.

He sighed deeply and said " all of this is just making me tired… anyway, there is nothing forbidding me from sleeping, right? "

He chooses to accept his fate as a black organization member and lied on the bed, he wanted to sleep again.

But… the moment he closed his eyes, a loud voice rang in his head.