Hotel's murder case (1)

' even if I lost memories, they can't stop me from getting out of here … right? '

After he took out the blood injection from his body, brandy stood and walked slowly to the room's door.

He extended his hand and opened the door before he hears a voice talking to him " where are you going? "

Brandy was a little surprised, he looked toward the voice owner to see the doctor from before.

" I want to go out for a walk. "

" a walk? " the doctor looked at him with a wondering look.

" can I not? " seeing the other's wondering expressions, brandy started to worry, he quickly asked.

He was worried that the organization will not let him go out until he regains his memories, if so, then it will be not good for him.

" no … it's not like that, it's quite the opposite, when you go out, maybe you will see something will help you regain your memories, so no one will stop you, just … if you say one word about the organization … it will be game over for you. "

When he said the last words, the doctor's expressions turned cold, of course, brandy understood immediately the meaning of these words and shook his head, he was not stupid enough to open his mouth about it.

" you can go anytime you want, here, take this phone with you. " the doctor took a black phone from his apron's pocket while he said that.

' a phone? '

" it's for receiving orders from the organization, you destroyed your phone before the organization locked you in the Gaz room, so you can take this one, you don't have enough money to buy a new one after all, right? "

" oh … thanks … " brandy holds the phone and said.

"no problem, just make sure you return to the base quickly … there are some clothes that fit your size in the closet of the room, remember what I said to you just now … one word about the organization, then you might turn to ashes without knowing that." After he said this, the doctor walked away.

Brandy did not waste more time and walked to the room he was in before, There were many sets of clothes that suits him, he changed his clothes quickly, washed his face then came out of the room.

He needed to walk for minutes and asked someone until he knows where is the exit of the base.

He opened the door to see a wall two meters away from him, it seems he was in some alley, he walked out of the alley, to see a big hospital in front of the building he was just in.

The organization base was in a big building as expecting.

Brandy sighed deeply and continued to walk, first things first, he needs to know the place he is in, then he should discover Tokyo, after all, this world's Tokyo is a little different from Tokyo in his previous world.

He took his phone and checked the latest news.

Surprisingly, there was one news at the top of social media, he was a little bit interesting too.

( Sudden combustion of a pharmaceutical company, the reason is still unknown. )

Of course, this pharmaceutical company wasn't odd to him, 'cause it was another base for the organization where sherry's laboratory was.

She was doing experiments about the drug APTX-4869 in that lab.

But now, after sherry escaped, naturally the organization will erase all the threatening.

' as expected from the black organization … acting fast and do not waste any second. '

Brandy smiled lightly before he turns off his phone, he remembered the sub-quests list in the system, there was an achievement called (kill Pisco), right?

This means that it will not be long before he meets sherry, no, her current name is haibara ai.

When that time comes … he will make sure to return that hit in his head, f*ck, even when he walks, he still feels the pain coming from his head.

Suddenly, brandy stopped in his place, because he saw a long red tower several meters away.

' that is … Tokyo tower! "

Brandy was a little shocked, if he can see Tokyo tower here, then that's mean he is in Tokyo's Minato city.

But that was not what shocked him, because of his knowledge from his previous life, Tokyo metropolitan police department headquarters are located just north of Minato city, how could the organization build her base in a dangerous place like this?

After a while, he calmed himself, the organization isn't stupid to build her base next to the police headquarters unless they have a reason and plans to escape if they were discovered by someone.

He sighed in relief, now he is a member of the organization if the police found out about him, he will be in a bad situation.

After that, he continued walking about half an hour and discovered many things about this world's Tokyo, now the time is 5:00 pm, brandy decided to go back to the base, but at that moment, his attention attracted by many police cars and ambulances in front of a big hotel.

' what's going on?'

He walked toward the hotel and asked the employees here.

One of the hotel receptionists answered him " it seems they found a woman hanged in her room. "

Hanged in her room?

" what the number of her room? "

" If I remembered correctly, it's the room 304. " the receptionist answered.

Hearing her words, brandy immediately walked to the elevator and went up to the floor where the room is.

He arrived at the floor after a few minutes, and as expected, the police were filling the place and room 304 was easy to find because the policemen were inside it.

He came closer to the room.

The door was sealed by a yellow restriction tape that forbids people from entering.

Brandy didn't care about the tape and entered the room directly, to be frightened by the sight in front of him.

There is a woman's body, the woman seems to be in her thirties, with black long hair, but the problem is … the woman was hanged in the middle of the room, with a thick rope around her neck.

There were some criminal doctors who put her body down on the floor before they start to check it.

Seeing this, brandy's body shook a little, then he closed his mouth with his hand and run to the toilet. well, this was his first time seeing a real human corpse, of course, he will feel nauseous, he can't do anything about it.

" you! How did you get in here? This place is not for children like you, get out from here, now! " a man with a thick mustache and thick eyebrows, he wore a brown hat and coat, Brandy recognized him instantly.

Juso megure or inspector megure, he was the inspector responsible for the murder crimes in Tokyo.

" arhh … I'm sorry, I was a little curious … " brandy answered while looking at the inspector with an apology, then he walked to the room's door, he wanted to act like a detective, he didn't expect this to happen.

' foreigner? ' inspector megure surprised when he looked at brandy's face, because of his azure eyes, he thought that the other was a foreigner, but it's clear that brandy was speaking Japanese fluently, and his face was somewhat … familiar to him, could he be a half Japanese half foreigner?

Anyway, that's none of his business, what matters now is the case.

Inspector megure looked at one of his men, the man was a little brown with black hair, his name was Takagi Wataru, or as the others call him, detective Takagi.

' who is the victim? '

Takagi took out a small pocket notebook and said " Nonoka Asami, 28 years old, she was found hanged before a quarter-hour, the criminal doctors assume that the death time was between four to four and a half pm. "

" between 4:00 to 4:30 pm? Are there any suspects or relatives to the victim here? "

" yes … there are three friends of the victim … " when he said that, detective takagi walked back , then two men and one woman entered the room with anxiety.

The man in the right was Yamamoto sendo , 29 years old .

And the man next to him called Sonoda shusui, 28 years old.

And the woman is tsukuda jinko, 28 years old.

Takagi said while looking at the three suspects.

" We will interrogate you for a while, I hope you don't mind this. " Inspector Megure looked at them and said .

" interrogation? Asami did not commit suicide? " Sonoda shusui said with strain.

" We still don't know if it was a Suicide or not yet, so until we get to a conclusion, all of you will stay here. " inspector megure shook his head and said.

' suicide? '

While brandy was looking at them with a wondering look, then he seems to remember something and looked at the place where the woman hanged.

The gallow rope was tied with the ceiling fan, if it was really a suicide then that's mean the victim tied it there.

Then, he noticed a standing wooden chair under the rope next to a wooden table, he was a little surprised, he looked at the policeman beside him.

"excuse me, can I ask you something? " brandy said with a low voice.

" yes of course, what do you want to know? "

Brandy raised his hand and pointed toward the wooden chair , he said " this wooden chair … did it was in this position when the police enter the room? "

" the chair … yes, it was like that all the time, why? " the policeman didn't understand why this young man would ask him about the chair.

' the chair was standing, and not falling on the ground? '

Usually, when someone hangs himself, his legs would hit the chair, and that will makes it fall on the ground, but … this wooden chair was not fallen when the police came …

But still … that is not enough for deciding if the case was a suicide or not, maybe the victim jumped from the table and the chair has nothing to do with.

The only way is …

Brandy looked at the woman's corpse, the criminal doctors put the corpse on the ground then cover it with a white blanket.

He walked slowly toward the corpse, he extended his hand and take off the blanket, uncovering her head.

Seeing this … brandy smiled lightly.

There were blue marks in the victim's neck, indicating that she had died of suffocation, but … there was another thing besides the blue marks.

These blue marks take the rope's shape, but there are not only blue marks … Brandy can see tiny bloody scratches caused by the victim scratching her neck during resistance.

That's mean … this is not a suicide, but a murder! And the woman … did not die hanging.