Hotel's murder case (2)

' This is not a suicide, but a murder! And the woman … did not die hanging. '

Brandy's expression changed a little, he looked at the three suspects that Takagi brought, could it be that one of these three … is the murderer?

" YOU! What are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to get out of here a few minutes ago? This is a crime scene, " seeing brandy's actions, inspector megure can't help but scream with anger and annoyance, why this little brat keep entering the crime scene?

" N-no … I'm just … " brandy walked back one step and said with strain, he tried to think of some excuses but unfortunately, even if he racks his brain, he could not find any excuse.

" Get out of here now before you mess the crime scene up, I know that you young men always been curious, but we the police do dangerous work here, kids should never enter here " inspector megure put his hand on his forehead while speaking in a low voice but serious look.

' K-kid? '

Didn't really know why, but brandy started to feel so annoying from this inspector, he opened his mouth and said indifferently " what about Kudo Shinichi then? "

" What? "

" What about Kudo Shinichi then? We have the same age, but you let him always enter the crime scene, and even helping you solve the cases. even with that, you called me a kid, if I was a kid then what about him? " Brandy said with a serious expression. No matter what, he must solve this case, he was transmigrated to the detective Conan world, where the murder crimes happen every day.

He, a normal guy who lived a normal life before transmigrating, although he read many books and novels about crimes and solving cases, that will not help him, he must gain experience in this.

Kudo Shinichi's first case was in an airplane, but he solved it easily and quickly exposed the murderer, in that time he was just 16 years old, if he can do it, then there is no reason for brandy to fail in solving this case.

He has some confidence.

And, making himself a famous detective, he already set this as his next target, if he became a famous detective, then his future plans will be too easy to do.

" You … do you think that anyone has the ability to be like Kudo Shinichi? " inspector megure frowned a little, he was at a loss of words.

" Just let me try … if I solved this case then you must let me help you in the future, but if I couldn't, I promise you that I will never get close to any crime scene in the future … "

Although brandy hesitated a little in his last phrase, he didn't retreat from his words.

" You … " inspector megure was surprised by brandy's insistence, but when he thought about it, if brandy fails, he will not come into crime scenes in the future, so he didn't have any choice, he sighed deeply and said " okay … just make sure to not spoil the clues "

" yes! thank you thank you, I'm really grateful to you now! " a huge smile gradually appeared in brandy's face.

Inspector megure did not care about him, he turned to the three suspects and said " anyway … with who we will start the interrogation? "

" I-I want to start … " one of the two men raised his hand and said, Yamamoto Sendo, 29 years old.

Inspector megure nodded, " now, can you tell us about where were you and what were you doing between 4 to 4:30 p.m? "

" I was in my room, the room number is 303 and it's next to this room, I was checking the novel that Nonoka wrote, after that, Shusui came to my room, he wanted us to go to the hot springs " Yamamoto, looked at Shusui while speaking.

" Do you remember at what time he came? "

" It was 4:10 p.m … if I remember correctly. "

" Alright … " inspector megure nodded, then he looked at the woman, Tsukuda jinko, she has a small medical dressing in her left cheek, he said " what about you? "

" I was in my room, it's number is 305, my room is next to this room too. At that time, I was showering before shusui came to invite me to the hot springs too, I told him that I showered just now and I don't know if I will go or no … " jinko looked at shusui while saying.

Brandy noticed the medical dressing on jinko's face, he asked " this medical dressing … are you injured in your face? "

Jinko shook her head, " yes, after shusui left, I decided to cook something for me to eat, I injured my cheek with the knife unintentionally. "

" Alright … what about you? Sonoda Shusui-san? " inspector megure looked at the last suspect, Sonoda shusui.

" At that time, I was busy inviting these three to the hot springs, first was jinko, I invited her but she said that she doesn't know, because she got a shower just now, after that I invited nonoka, she said she is busy writing her novel for now, but she will come after few minutes. Finally, I went to Yamamoto, I found him checking the novel, but he said he will come soon, so I told him to remind the other two when he comes, after that, I went to walk around until everybody complete their jobs. The hotel employee can witness that, because she saw me do that when she serviced one of the opposite rooms "

" I remember that you said you were checking some novel… what novel did you mean? " brandy looked at Yamamoto and asked.

" Ah … in fact, Nonoka is a mystery novels writer, and I am her manager. She sends the novel to me before I checked it then decide if it will be published or not. "

" A writer … but if I'm correct … there is no mystery novels writer that called Nonoka Asami … " detective Takagi said when he heard him.

" yes … she doesn't use her real name, but the name Tsukuno Ajin " Shusui replied.

" Do you mean that famous Tsukuno Ajin? " detective Takagi's eyes shined while he said with excitement.

" Do you know her? " inspector megure looked at him and asked.

" yes, she is a famous author who joined the world of the novel two months ago, but she rose to the top easily, no one expected her to die today … "

Brandy can sense the sad tone in Takagi's words so easily, he couldn't help but sigh, if he didn't know Takagi well, he will never think this man will be a detective.

" Are you an author too? " inspector megure asked jinko.

" N-no, I and shusui are old friends of Nonoka, and because she became so famous, she invited us to stay in this hotel to try the hot springs, everything is on her account. " jinko shook her hands and said.

" umm … that's mean all of you, have an absence excuse …? " inspector megure closed his eyes, it seems that he was thinking about something.

" Then… does it mean she committed suicide? " Detective Takagi asked.

" Yes … I think so too " inspector megure opened his eyes and replied.

Hearing their words, brandy frowned before he said " I don't think so, inspector. "

" Do you mean it's a murder crime? " megure looked at brandy and said with some confusion.

" Yes, look at that chair, if Nonoka-san jumped off it, then the chair should be laying on the ground, but, when I asked the policeman, he told me you found this chair standing, not only that, there are some resistance marks on the victim's neck … " brandy touched his chin and said.

" No … you're wrong "

" Huh? Why? " inspector's reply surprised brandy.

" Look there… " inspector megure pointed at a wooden table next to the chair.

Brandy wondered a little, but he quickly understood what the inspector wants to say.

If the victim jumped off the table instead of the chair, then there is no reason for the chair to fall down on the ground… all that time, brandy was focused in the chair, so that he didn't pay attention to the table.

" Not only that … when we arrived, the two doors, balcony door and the room door, were closed with the key from the inside, so that no one can enter the room other than Nonoka-san. "

Locked room?

Brandy was shocked after hearing the other's words.

' Then … is it really a suicide? '

The inspector megure said " even if it was a murder crime, how could one murderer rise the victim's corpse and hang it, so that it seems that she died committing suicide? You must know that two of our men were to work together to put down the heavy corpse, don't tell me that the suspects collaborate to kill Nonoka-san. "

' When you mentioned it … I think that's true ' after all, brandy saw it with his eyes.

And even if the murderer was too strong to hold the victim and hang her, how could he get out of the room after that? The inspector said that the room was locked from the inside.

Brandy walked slowly to the wooden table, then he looked at the ceiling fan and the rope tied on it.

Then, he climbed onto the chair, before standing on the table.

" W-wait, what are you doing? " inspector megure said in worry when he saw brandy.

Brandy did not reply, he looked at the ceiling fan for a while, he was imagining … Nonoka's way of suicide.

First, miss nonoka closed the two doors, then she put a chair to help her climb onto the table, she tied the rope with the ceiling fan, after that, She wrapped the rope around her head and jumped?

But … if the matter was like this, why there are some resistance marks on her neck?

Don't tell me that she changed her mind the moment she jumped off the table and she wanted to live, that makes no sense.

" Inspector, we found this in Yamamoto-san's room "

Brandy turned to see the detective Takagi, he was holding a … fishing line?

" What is this? " megure looked at Yamamoto and said doubtfully.

" T-this old fishing line is mine, I found it in my possessions, I didn't see any need for it so I threw it in the trash. "

Brandy comes down from the table and went to the balcony, on the right side, there was the balcony of Jinko's room, while on the left side, the balcony of Yamamoto's room.

The distance between the balconies isn't big, anyone can jump from balcony to another, that's mean … miss Jinko or Yamamoto, one of these two is the only one who has the ability to kill miss Nonoka.

' Eh? Wait a minute, if I remember correctly… ' Brandy looked at the corpse that was lying on the ground before he walked to it, he took off the white blanket slowly.

The victim was wearing artificial nails, but this didn't attract brandy the most.

But the middle finger of the left hand…

That finger, there wasn't any artificial nail on it.

He raised the left hand slowly, to be surprised by small bloodstains in the middle finger.

' bloodstains? … could it be … ' brandy frowned, he looked at the three suspects that were talking to inspector megure.

' but, if the murderer was really him … where is the proof? And how he was able to hang the victim with only him? '

Thinking about that, he expanded his eyes, it seems that he discovered something, he came under the table and stared at the ground, as if he was searching for something.

After a few minutes, a smile found it's way to his face.

' as expected, it is not here, now, the only thing left is … how the murderer held the corpse and hung it? '

Brandy stood up, he put his hand on his chin, no matter how he thought about it, one murderer can't do it by himself.

Thinking about that, brandy's gazes landed on the table, it seems like a trace of something square was put on the table.

This …


Brandy's mouth corners raised gradually, to form a confident smile.

' I understand now, that's how it happened! '