The Fighting Match

The next day I did not mention the kiss to Carson. I acted normally around him because I didn't want him to think that I was thinking about it. In case it didn't mean anything, which I'm sure it didn't to him.

To be honest, that kiss was all I thought about since it happened. I've had kisses before, but none of them affected me the way Carson's did. Carson also was back to his usual self, with his annoying, witty and smart comments.

School had just ended for the day and I was waiting in the parking lot for Carson. Carson had told me that I should always wait by his car, so we could go home together. He didn't want me walking in case my stepfather had any bright ideas.

Finally, I saw him and his friends walking from the school building. His friends head to their cars and Carson walked over to his car, where I stood.

"I'm going to drop you off at home and then I have to head to the gym." He said, when he reached me.

"Can I come with you?" I asked. Carson looked at me hesitantly. "Come on, I'll be bored for the rest of the day not doing anything."

"Okay fine. You can come." He replied. I smiled happily and went into the passenger seat of his car.

When we got to the building, I saw the other guys' cars just parking in front of the building. Carson parked his car also and I got out. I waved to Michael, Jordan and Jayden and they waved back. They raised their eyebrows at me and grinned like they knew something I didn't.

Once inside the building, I just sat quietly and watch Carson train. I was captivated by everything he did. He lifted weights, he did standing and sitting work out positions and he punched a punching bag. I was amazed at how his shoulder muscles flexed every time he threw a punch. He even spared off with Jayden to help him be prepared for his opponent.

We were here for almost two hours now, when the boys said that they were going to get something to eat. When they left, Carson looked up at me and asked. "Do you want to learn how to fight?"

I was intrigued by the idea, so I nodded my head. "Okay, sure." I walked towards the platform, where Carson stood.

"I'm going to show you a few tricks, but first, let me see your fighting stance." He said.

I didn't have a fighting stance, so I tried to do what I see people do on television. I spread my foot apart and put both of my hands up in a tight fist.

Carson lifted his eyebrows at me and chuckled. "That's your fighting stance?" I nodded at him and he burst into laughter. "Really? You look like your sitting on a bike. Your feet are on the same level and also they are too far apart."

I stopped what I was doing and punched him on his shoulders hard. "How am I supposed to perfect my fighting stance, if I haven't done this before?" I asked. He was still laughing, so I glared at him. "Would you stop laughing? It's not that funny."

Carson finally stopped laughing, but he still had a smile on his face. "Okay, okay. Let me show you how it's done." He came towards me and showed me how I should set my foot.

"When you are set like this, it's less likely to fall if an attack is directed at you." He then pulled my thumb from the inside of my fist and put it on the outside. "Always keep your thumbs on the outside, so when you throw a punch it won't break." I nodded and he stepped back from me a little. "Okay, now hit me with your best shot."

I dropped my hands and shook my head. "No way I'm doing that."

"Come on just try." He said.

I brought my fist to his face, but he blocked it. I tried again and he blocked it.

"Come on Kitten, you're not trying hard enough to hit me." Carson said as he continued to block all my moves.

"I'm trying, but you keep blocking every one of my punches." I said in frustration.

"That's because you need to focus. You should never let your opponents anticipate your next move." He said. As soon as he said that, I directed my fist straight for his nose and punched him. "Ouch." He groaned rubbing his nose.

"Yes!" I shouted, jumping up and down. "I got a punch in. I so beat your ass, Knight."

"It was just a lucky hit." Carson said, crossing his arms and giving me a lopsided smile at my excitement.

"Whatever, but I still punched you." I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

Carson continued to grin and shook his head at me. He then showed me how to block an incoming attack. He also teach me some more punching attacks, such as the uppercut, jabbing, cross-punching and hooking.

I was now trying to trip him, however, I failed miserably. He wouldn't budge, he was built like a brick. Carson knew that I couldn't do it either. He just enjoyed teasing me. Suddenly, Carson used his foot to trip me and we both fall. He shifted his body just in time to cushion my fall, so I landed on top of him.

"You did that on purpose." I exclaimed, hitting him on the shoulders. He chuckled and I felt his chest rumbled beneath me. Being aware that I was still lying on him, I tried to move, but he held me in place. "Let go of me, you idiot."

"Now, now Kitten. It is not nice to call people names." He said smirking. I could see that he was amused by the situation. Before I could say anything, I heard a voice.

"Do you guys need some alone time? We don't mind waiting in the car." Michael said in an amused voice.

I quickly came from off Carson and sat on the floor as soon as Michael had spoken. Thankfully, Carson let me go this time. I looked up at Michael and he was smirking. The twins were behind him with similar grins. I blushed from embarrassment. I looked at Carson and he didn't seem bothered at all. As a matter of fact, he was amused by my flushed face.

"Yeah, we could do that." Jayden put in. "I wouldn't mind eating all this food by myself."

"Haha, very funny. Why don't you guys join the circus?" I asked. They just looked at me and grinned.

Carson stood up from the floor. "Come on Kayla," Carson held out his hands to help me up. "Let's get some of that food, before they decide on not sharing it with us."

All of us walked over to the benches and sat down to eat. After we were finished, Carson was ready to leave. He was getting all his things together, when I asked. "When is your next match?"

"On Friday." He supplied.

"Can I come and watch?" I asked hopefully. I was interested to see Carson in action.

"No." He said immediately.

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's a really bad place, Kayla. You don't know what kind of people go to that place. I won't be there to protect you because I'll be in the ring."

"Please Carson. I will like to experience watching one of these fights." I begged, hoping he would change his mind.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come." He shook his head vehemently. "I can't risk something bad happening to you there."

"She can stay with us. We will keep an eye on her." Michael suggested, walking over to us. Jayden and Jordan nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes, I will stay with them. Please." I replied, putting on my puppy-dog face.

Carson looked at me for a long while contemplating. I was sure he was going to say no, but then sighed heavily and rubbed his hands over his face. "Fine, you can come."


Friday came and I was getting ready to go to the fight. I have never seen a fight before and I was interested. I also wanted to see Carson in action.

I went downstairs to see Carson in the living room, waiting for me. "You know, you still have time to change your mind." He said hopefully.

"I'm not changing my mind, Carson." I said firmly.

He sigh. "It was worth a shot. Come on let's go."

We left the house and got in Carson's car. After half and hour of driving, Carson pulled up in front of a two storey building. Carson and I got out of the car and he led me to the door. Before he pulled it, he turn to me.

"Listen, stick with the boys at all times. Do not talk to anyone, draw any attention to yourself or leave your seat at any time. You got it?" He asked sternly.

"Got it." I said, giving him a thumbs up.

"Kitten, I'm serious. Most of the people that comes here are not good people. They are bad news." He said in a serious tone.

"Yes Carson, I promise I won't talk to anyone." I said reassuringly.

He smiled. "Good." He then pulled the door and we entered the building.

I noticed that it was a bar. A few guys were inside playing pool and smoking. The place was foggy with smoke and the stench of beer was strong in the air. Carson called to the man at the counter. I felt all eyes on me and I was fully aware that I was out of place here. Carson slipped his hand into mine and lead the way to a door at the back of the bar. We then climbed down a stairs to what seems like a basement. As we neared the bottom, I saw a dim light filtering from a doorway way.

As we stepped through the doorway, I thought I was going to go deaf. It was really noisy in here as the crowd shouted wildly. Carson pulled me through the crowd of people, which wasn't easy because the place was closely packed. I couldn't even see my own foot. As we neared the front, I looked in front of me to see a boxing ring. Two people were currently fighting each other. Carson spotted his friends and he pulled me in that direction.

When we reached where they sat, Carson turn to me. "I have to go now." I nodded my head and he disappeared into the crowd. I sat down on the bench between Michael and Jordan. Jayden sat on the other side beside Michael.

The fight that was currently going on was so gruesome. How do people watch this? I looked around at the crowd of people. The crowd consisted of rough men and women alike. Carson was right. These look like the kind of people that you don't want to mess with. They were all shouting and acting boisterously. I could see that this was their kind of thing and they enjoyed coming here.

Finally, the fight was finished and the announcer came on stage and called the winner. The crowd erupted with cheers and shouts. The announcer then spoke in the microphone. "Next, we have the Mighty Dynamite and The Dark Knight!" The crowd erupted in roars and applause.

Soon after he said that, I saw Carson climb into the ring. The crowd cheered louder and chanted his name.

"Dark Knight! Dark Knight! Dark Knight..."

He was then followed by his opponent who climbed into the ring and jump up and down, pushing both hands up in the air. He got the attention he needed as the crowd cheered for him. As I looked at Carson's opponent, I couldn't help but get worried for Carson. The guy was much bigger than him and her looked murderous. The expression on his face clearly states that he didn't take any prisoners. I looked to Carson again and saw that he didn't look worried at all. In fact, he looked calm.

I looked to Michael and asked. "Has Carson ever fought this guy before?"

Michael nodded. "Yeah. A few times." He said, then looked at me. He must have seen my worried expression, because he added. "Don't worry, Kayla. Carson always win." His voice was filled with pride.

I really hope he's right, I thought to myself. I turn my attention back to the ring, just as the announcer was calling the fight to begin.

The guy who calls himself Mighty Dynamite charged first. He threw a punch for Carson's face, but Carson dodged it. Carson in turn, aimed a punch at him. He dodged the punch skillfully. The fight carried on just like that with both Carson and his opponent getting a punch in now and then.

After a long while, I heard a bell signalling the end of round one. I watched Carson as he walked over to the side of the ring and someone used a towel to dry his sweat. After, they gave him water to drink. Soon after, the bell went off again signalling the beginning of round two.

Round two was much more bloodier. I watched in horror as Mighty Dynamite lunged at Carson and throw punch after punch. I was wringing my hands that was on my lap nervously. Come on Carson, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I couldn't watch anymore. Finally, Carson found an opening and shoved the guy from him.

I noticed that Carson's nose was bleeding and he staggered a bit, but that did not stop him. Carson instantly went after the guy and pinned him on the floor. He gave him a knock out punch, that was so hard, I thought he wouldn't get up. However, the guy got up and went back after Carson. Was he made of steel or something? There is no way a normal guy would get a hit like that and stand up so quickly, like it didn't faze him.

The bell rang again, signalling the end of round two. After the short break, it was time for the final round. With new found energy, Carson took this round like a pro. I watched as he punched, kicked and tackled the guy with all he got. The guy tried to retaliate, but it was difficult since he was stumbling all the time. All the hit that Carson gave him had rendered him weak. Finally, Carson gave him one last punch that sent him flying to the floor. He did not move for a few seconds, so the announcer came back in the ring and held up Carson's hand.

"Give it up for our winner, The Dark Knight!" The crowd cheered loudly and whistled. Carson's friends stood up as well and joined the crowd in loud shouting and cheers. I stood up as well and clapped. That was definitely something.

Fifteen minutes later, the boys and I were standing from the crowd waiting on Carson. Finally, I saw him walking towards us. Every now and then, someone would stop him to congratulate him or to pat him on the back.

I then saw a group of girls rushed to him. They all put their hands on his chest and rubbed down his arms. They giggled flirtatiously and whispered things that I couldn't hear. I couldn't help but feel jealous of them touching Carson and flirting. Carson said something to the girls and was able to squeezed through the six of them and walked over to us. When he reached us, I had the sudden urge to fling my arms around him, but refrained from doing so. I didn't want to freak him out. I said instead. "Wow, you were really great out there, Carson. I don't think I liked what I saw, but I'm glad you allowed me to come."

Carson smiled at me. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show." He then took my hand in his. "Come on, let's go home."