Chapter 8

Long lost memories

Jaxon's POV

It's been past few months and yep my heart hurts so damn much I feel like something is missing from me I don't know why but I can't erase y/n in my mind did she really do this to me? Did she really made me happy to the past few months that we talked? Well for me I guess it's a yes for me  and I damn miss her so much. Damn! I shouldn't let her go that time fuck! I wish I didn't let her go and I wish I told her that I like her in the first place..."I miss you y/n" i whispered,I got up and take a bike in the morning and get a cup of coffee to get a little bit more energized. So I took my bike and get some coffee at the Starbucks so I ordered caramel macchiato and head to the couch. When the coffee maker called my name I get my coffee then scroll to the internet,after I finished my coffee, I get my bag then I come over to my bike but before that I accidentally push someone's shoulder and fell all of her books on the floor...

Jaxon:I'm so sorry miss I didn't mean to---

I stopped and looked at her for second,God! I miss her cute baby face tbh. She look at me but cold what happened to her? 

Y/n:oh hey Jaxon long time no see huh? Thanks for picking up the books that fell okay I have to go bye 

She said,she was about to walk away but I hold her arm...

Jaxon:y/n I'm sorry for what I did,I don't know what to do that time and it really hurts me because my father left me alone please you don't answer my calls from you I tried to come at your house but you weren't there I tried to find you but there is no trace of you and not only that. Y/n we made a lot of memories in the hospital even though it's only days---

She cut me off,and turned around to me... 

Y/n:just say it straight right now please 

She said,I nod then I hold her hand and looked at her straight at the eyes...

Jaxon: I like you more than anything else I want you to be my wife in the future y/n 

I said, she just looked at me and she smiled with tears

Y/n:me too Jaxon I love you and I don't wanna lose you Jaxon 

She said,I wiped her tears and kissed her in the forehead 

Jaxon:I promise I won't hurt you and I won't let you go this time,tomorrow and forever

I said,then I passionately kissed her...this is the best kiss that I ever encountered..... 

End of chapter eight