Chapter 9


Y/n's POV

Oh bruh me and jaxon are just here cuddling and it's fun me and him so yeah I'm visiting fbe again with him but he said that he will just have a small talk with his friends so yeah i nodded and then i went to the restroom because i will fix my contact lense because it's a bit irritating. While im walking i bumped into someone's chest by accident...

???:Agh! Bitch watch you were going!

She looked at me and smiled...

???:oh im sorry y/n didn't know that was you it's jayka btw

She said... Oh ik this girl she is a one of the reactors here....

Y/n:oh hi uhmm how did you know me?

I asked she raised her eybrow...

Jayka:oh bruh ofc! Your jaxon's girlfriend my gosh! Im so happy for you and you know what i wanna tell you smth

She said...

Y/n:what is it?

I asked...

Jayka:get the hell away from jaxon. Idfc if you guys are in a relationship I will get him and he is only mine not yours!

She said... I just laughed like im not threatened as hell...

Y/n:hmm 🤔 well im not scared or threatened hahaha! Because im not gonna be afraid of you because ik that jaxon is only gonna pick me and first of all why are you gonna fit yourself in even though you aren't really fit in? Are you a desperate person?

I asked she didn't answered but smiled...

Jayka:hmm really? Yeah im a desperate girl because i can get what i want! And are you sure that he will gonna pick you? Hmm? Well we will see about that

She answered and walk away. Aish! I really hate bitch people!

*time skip*

Jaxon and I are in the house and i asked him...

Y/n:jaxon... Can I ask you smth?

I asked, he looked at me nodded and smiled...

Jaxon:ofc anything

He answered i took a deep breath and look at him again then i kissed him. It took 10secs seconds to stop and i asked...

Y/n:pls promise me that you will never leave me alone and you will pick me whatever it takes

He smirked at me and kissed me again and then...

Jaxon:ofc i will pick you and i promised i will never ever leave you because i love you and that's what I really know i love you

He said, i hugged him...

Y/n:i love you too baby...

End of chapter nine