Back to Past ( Chapter 10 )

Previous night Darby was scared but then suddenly he fell down and just gone in a long time sleep and just slept nothing much happened that can be told .

Next Day Darby was just playing with his trident and was going good and then he by mistake throwed the trident and he was thinking of no one so the trident was in his full speed and then just disappeared and so darby also wanted to not to tell anyone about this so he moved checking other weapons and then after a hour or two the trident came back in Darby's hand and as Darby touched it his hand was burned as he saw up in the sky the sun's some part was missing and from that time Darby got to know that not to play with this thing has if he was by mistake thinking of any one else the would be in danger then he asked the king to make a special room for training for him with his trident so King didn't ignored it and he made it as Darby said and it was quite good as Darby was good at these things.

From then on wards Darby used to be in that room only and he asked the King to place a bed there so that he can sleep and practice with his trident and his sword because he need to to work on his fighting skills as Daniel was far strong than him and surprisingly Darby saw his past and rembered that his friends were really different and their responses were not same and then he asked the King the question that has he done something wrong with his friends King answered it in yes and said that and just took Darby to a secret place in ghe grounds of pogtopia and then he showed him that his friends have something wrong inside them and then told him to see and then Darby saw that there was a drop pf blood but in a solid form and it was dark in color and small in shape and if anyone touches it the blood drop use to go in and then the host wakes up and starts fighting and then suddenly a shock is given and then again the drop of blood comes out so they don't know anything about this and what had happened to them and then suddenly when the Darby touched the drop of blood then the drop of blood didn't gone inside it just came out and started glowing and then the Darby was confused and then asked the King that what's happening with him his hand was turning black and then he striked on his hand with his trident and then it was all okay accept his friends they were now alive but there eyes and body was becoming black and the last word spoken by them was Betrayal at its best and said to remember that forever and then it made more confusion than why his friends were turning black Darby was going to cry whenever he saw there faces and why are they still helping him and should leave this battle to him but they are not and then a drol of tear fallen on their bodies and then they can speak but can't move or do anything and just kept looking at Darby and be sad and then Darby stood up and asked the King to give him permission to leave but the King denied not because he is married to his sister he stopped him as he said how will he find the Daniel it was shocking as Darby or anyone didn't told him about Daniel but then king told that on that night when he was asked to sleep with his sister then he got a psychic attack and got freezed then he talking about Daniel and told everything but how could Darby didn't remember that then another vision came that Daniel is trying to search for the second trident and then found that the trident was never thrown to another universe it was with king and then he found that the planet on which Daniel was searching is in straight north and there stood a small planet on which Daniel was searching hardly and then Darby asked the King to go in that training room and then keep walking till 2 minutes then there will be a trident and bring that and the King leaves for the Trident.

The Darby could not move as if he moves he would just lost the correct location of Daniel and he and his revenge would be left a side so he asked thw King to bring the trident for him so let's move on

After sometime King came back with a red case which can't be opened then Darby touched it opened it was quite obvious so not such big thing then he joined both tridents and then it became a Godly Trident but it had four tips of trident and it was pretty good looking colour as it was black, blue and red mix it was looking so deadly and then Darby just disappeared and he was teleported to Daniel's correct postion and then he was invisible but Daniel could hear him then he started hitting Daniel and he nature was also with Darby the nature was helping him and then how can Daniel resist that the nature was against him so he teleported to some where else