The Trident (Chapter 09 )

As Darby step ahead the princess got shy a bit and then Darby was being scared as her shyness wss being too much and then king pushed Darby and he felled on the bed and then the king gone out of the room and locked it Darby wasn't knowing what was going to happen and then the princess slept as Darby was wasting too much time and it was like more than two hours she kept waiting and then she got slept as anyone would just sleep if you aren't saying anything and if someone is expecting something from you so when princess slept Darby felt comfort and then he also slept and in the morning when he woke up the princess was serving him with a glass of wine and some sort of different food and that Darby ate it and then he drunk the wine he lost his control on his senses and then his eyes was closed and when he woke up he saw he was in a dark room and he saw a sort of blue pr black light coming towards him he saw Daniel !! then he was shocked and asked Daniel what he is doing here and then they talked about something private and then Daniel said you are not a good friend because friends invite there friends on there marriage and he didn't so he just disappeared after saying that and then Darby entered the real world and he woke up he was on the same bed and then there king and princesses stood there and asked about his health and what had happened to him and is he ok its obvious that Darby said ok and again didn't mentioned Daniel and moved away from that room and then he heard that there is some kind of training course here so Darby got there and he was shocked he found his friends sitting there and just looking at themselves and then Ken looked at Darby but gave ni attention and then Darby got near them and asked that how are they now none of them said a word even after Darby asked a thousand times they didn't reply to him and just keep looking at themselves

and just keep repeating it and it made it worse after Darby was going back then and then suddenly Ken said betray at its best and keep repeating it Darby thought he is in a deep shock as Daniel was his best friend then moved to check the weapons and try some and found a trident made of crystals and then the the head of the weapon area came and said that these weapons are not choosen by master the weapoms choose there master this was his line and then he asked that to keep his palm open and the weapon most suitable for him would just come and then from no where a big trident was coming everyone thought its a attack but it was pretty much bigger than ordinary tridents and then landed on Darby's hand and then it's size became normal and then when it landed the all weapons in that area came and then everyone came on there knees and said you are a God because the trident belonged to a God who made this universe but unfortunately we don't know his name but now we know its you our God then Darby asked him to tell the complete story he told that the trident was much more stronger than that God but he created that trident so that if he is wrong someone could kill him with that weapon but he was also scared of that if the weapon is used for some wrong purposes he also can't do anything so he created two of them and the most powerful is in his hand and the second most powerful is still on the another universe beacuse the God use to carry that one only and one day he throwed it on some another universe's smallest planet and no one knows about it more than it and then the God throwed this trident also but he can't throw it that far as his time was over so then he cursed it and his words were this weapon could only be held or thrown by the man who is worth it and then disappeared and then the trident glown and it too disappeared and said no one knows where did it even existed and then told the coordinates where its said the trident was thrown when Darby checked the cordinates they were of his home in his room then it wa prooven that its not any coincidence its God written thing no one can change his destiny and then Darby moved with the practice of the trident it was said whenever the God used to throw this wherever it used to fall there was a lightning bolt attacking at the same place and the place used to be abandoned and the trident used to not come untill it hitted the place where the God wanted to throw and its said that the trident used to talk with the owner and it used to do things according the one who is holding it and it can create or destroy because it was made by the universe creator so it had the powers to create black hole or a white hole which can create anything and it use to do things according the owner wants and it helped the owner very much as the owner of such great thing could not be not powerful enough so mean while on some another universe Daniel found the another trident and it was said that when combining both tridents makes a deadly weapon which can't be destroyed by anything and even the owner dies the weapon has the power to make his owner again to life but this power was only with one trident which was being held by Darby so the next night Darby again had to sleep with the princess today he was not scared he just gone on bed and just kissed the princess and slept and the next morning the princess used to shy a bit much more and today Darby was being married to the princess and he was completely nervous and scared that marriage is okay but at night what would he has do those things so he was nervous and then the King brought his friends they were completely different from the ones he met yesterday at the training camp but he was happy that his friends are now back to normal they made Darby ready for marriage and then he started mo ing towards the hall and then he saw the princess was looking gorgeous at that moment he just lost himself into her beauty and let it be in her beauty till the time she came on the stage and then the king was doing all rituals and then Darby was married to the princess and then she was so shy at that moment then King asked to go into there room and do their thing and then Darby and Princess started walking into their room and then when they entered the room .