The Fight ? (Epilogue) ( Chapter 12 ) ( Ending Volume 2)

The has came to fight back as now Daniel knows that where was Darby because of his telepathy skills so he can teleport to him at any moment of second but he was waiting for a while as he was still watching Darby and noticing him as Daniel knows that Darby can also come here any moment so there was something troubling them so that's they had a problem in teleportation at each others as they can see each others across the galaxies so it was terrifying as you can see the opponents but can't punch but still they had a trouble so Darby tried throwing his trident but it didn't gone there it came back without hitting the object and now there was all foggy so now it was clear why Darby wasn't able to teleport as there should a big statue of something but can't see so it was the Statue of the Universe Creator as his statue was in between of both of them and it was also the middle most weak point of the universe so he made a statue so that peoples can know that this is the most weakest point in the whole universe and for one more reason that if someone manages to attack the weakest point in the universe so the statue it self was a guard as he had all powers of the Universe creator as his name was never mentioned in any book ir by anyone so they can't fight there as that statue had a power to know what's gonna happen and how will be happening so that's why it stopped Darby and Daniel from Teleporting at each other there as the bond would be broken and the unvierse will end and all Demon and the punishment of the God will be free and the peoples living will bw having a terrible end and it will be horrible as the whole universe will be erased and the curse will flow upon on the whole area and there will be no proof of that there was a universe ever so it is horrible so they need to change place so they both moved a step aside and then both teleported at each other so the fight began without any talking and then suddenly that statue was moving and it throwed a big stone on Darby and then he got fainted and then the last he moment he saw was that a big stone hitted Daniel too and he was also fainted and after that they both woke up and then saw that statue showing his back on the Darby's face and that too on Daniel's face and then he said that their king wants to meet them so they have to be ready as soon as possible and then he took them to their King of Gods so he was quite nice person with his words but his reactions to those words was deadly so he could be a nice guy or a strict guy as no one could tell like this that with his face or his words he was totally seemed angry as then he said to Darby that even you have God powers but you are not a God as a God itself has to take all responsibilities not to give others his responsibility and this is the only work did by Darby but then he said you are no longer a God and now you can't have those powers because he was fighting near the most weakest part in the whole universe and if even by mistake they touched it the universe would be just as dusts no one will ever know that this universe even existed it will leave no mark of living and it will not accept Darby's apology because some things cannot be changed so he exiled Darby and Daniel to a small land far-far away from that universe and then they both tried to fight again then a announcement was made telling that if anyone of them dies the another will die too so they couldn't kill anyone so they had gone to different directions and made a boundary so that they could never ever met and fight and they just started cultivating that land and been working so they were always trying to escape that place but they always used to be failed.

It's 2 years past now there was not a single day without they planning to escape but now they lost all hope as 2 years past that incident and now they were just been waiting for death as it can only help them as there was no such way to be ever go out they would just move round to back there is no end of this land it's all circle which would never end then that God comes there to vist them every week twice to just check them and one day he said that there is one way out for Darby as that God wanted a thing from Darby.


In this volume we made to see that Darby struggled a lot and made a lot of effort but all were usless as his one foolish move made him stick to a land far-far away from the Earth and now he has nothing to struggle and fight for and then he got a offer and what offer which offer we will know in the another volume and this volume been struggling for Darby as he has to go through every bad thing so now we will continue this journey in another volume .

Thanks for reading this volume and I will be making it more mysterious and the reason because of what i wasn't able to publish was that i was pretty unwell so sorry for late and we will meet in another volume.

And the main reason that why is this chapter late it's because i had to write two times as the first one was of 900 words and got delete i don't know how it happened then i lost all my story i need more time to write again so this is the reason.