The End ( Chapter 01)

In the previous chapter we have seen how Darby and Daniel are suffering and because of that suffering they both lost all possible hopes for freedom of their souls and now they are just waiting for death but this gave them a advantage of that Daniel and Darby became good friends because they got time to see each other again and now it was too long as last time they talked when they were at school so they both decided to kill each other as they both had powers of returning from death so they both just them selves but they both forgot that they are no longer God or Demon so they both just die and they are reincarnated into normal human so they were born again in the very rich families but they were across the countries Darby was living very far from the Daniel and their names were Darby was Liam and Daniel was Noah and they both used to meet in their dreams and once Darby that is Liam saw a dream in which a unknown person was shouting and at same time he or she was crying and their were many peoples and their voices then mixed it was horrible so Liam was scared of his last birth but he didn't know that those dreams were not only a dream it had a effect on Liam and Noah as Liam was seeing the dream the another dream was been seen by Noah he had a dream of a girl that is calling him Daniel she is again and again shouting Daniel like she was ordering him that you can't die now you have reached the your destination and now you didn't opened the door.

Hey, Guys in this I meant that like you are going somewhere in your car and then you reached the destination where you wanted to go and then you did not gone in their you stayed in the car so let's move so let's move on.

Both parents of Liam and Noah were scared of their dream but they didn't know about their last births so they took sons to the best doctor but the doctor also can't help as Liam used to be normal in front of the doctor he was sleeping well but on that same night Liam's father was recording the whole night and Liam was again behaving like he was been killed he was crying and saying why and why again and the Liam's father showed the recording to the doctor and he told this a normal case of disorder it's just a dream nothing further but Noah's case was totaly different as he used to see that some kind of monsters are attacking him and he used be cry in a second and in next second he laughs so Noah's parents took him to the physiatrist so her name was Glinda so she told his parents that Noah needs just to rest and focus on his brain and she made Noah follow some basic steps and Noah followed those steps but as she was going deeper in his mind she found out that there is q very big reason he has to tell to someone in that last birth but he wasn't able to tell him and that's why he regrets it till now but she was not able to know what was that reason so she told as far she can if she tries to go more deeper his soul would never let her away and she will die mentally so she stops because this is dangerous as she doesn't knows the truth about Noah's past life so she tried hard but she came to only results that he had some issues in his past life and which can't be fixed so she told Noah's parents that to stay with him and be always with him if then also he has some problems contact me she gave them her no. and then they all left and next few weeks were going normal until one day that Liam was asleep and then he saw two mans they were eating their flesh and then they attacked on Liam and then Liam woke up and he felt like he was been seen as he saw some sort of shadow on the window and then he ignored it and everything was going totally fine Noah and Liam didn't had any problems since 8 years and now they were teenagers and they were happy with their normal lives and their moments and nothing bad happened to them and they too forgot about that case so they were now happy and now they both were 25 and they were doing jobs like Liam had big business and Noah too had a big businesses and once for some business meeting they both have to meet so they met and talked about the businesses matters and then they both decided that they will finance each others businesses so both were going good even there mind also forgot what happened but one fine day both of them were riding bicycles and were in a good mood then suddenly they saw a lightning bolt stroke right in front of them on 2 mens and then they both were eating their flesh it was that dream which Liam had and then both started paddling their bicycles again as fast as they could it was like virus which started spreading and then suddenly they all attacked on them and then Liam woke up everything was fine and it was just a dream which was chasing Liam to go into it but Liam was not in a position to go into it so he used to just ignore those dreams and now he was completely fine with them he managed to win all the times in his dream it was like a game for Liam that he plays every single day but it used to happen in actual life but the time used to repeat till he gets the correct way to get out of it and Liam was totally like he plays game but it was actual incident which used to happen everyday with him and Noah but Noah didn't had a idea about this and dosen't used to see those dreams as time was repeated only for Liam not for Noah he used to face everything again and again and he didn't had a idea so it continued till one day.

Hey Guys, I know that this chapter is a bit late but i didn't had a nice story so i need some time and please do review as i need it please if you are reading this add my book in your library to be aware of the next chapter.