episode 1

 Hello fans of Girl Meets World, I have a special treat for today.I will be completely honest with you,I have been thinking about Lucaya and Riarkle and this is going to be a story of them being confirmed please don't hate or thank me a thousand times.

I forgot, to describe the characters.

Riley is happy, always has a smile, cares about people and loves her friends like family.

Maya is tough, artist, and likes to make fun of Lucas.

Smackle is Farkle's old archenemy, yet she likes Farkle, and is intelligent. She has autism.

Farkle is intelligent, loyal, caring, and wants to rule the world.

Lucas is tough, from Texas, agrees with almost everything, and stays true to himself.

Zay is Lucas best friend, funny, and a great person.

Patricia is a complete mystery.

This story starts with a normal day in high school, where everybody is at Mr. Matthews class and he introduced the lesson of Dilemmas.

"Dilemmas, they are the inevitable, you try to find a solution for them, but never really solves it. What dilemma have you ever faced, did you really solve it", explained : a man with brown hair, wearing a white shirt, brown jacket, blue jeans, and black shoes./p

Then, somebody is lurking by the front door and sneakily sits down in an empty seat by Farkle.

"Hello, my name is Patricia, what's yours", said The new girl: with red hair, wearing an orange shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes.

"His name is Farkle, and i'm his girlfriend Smackle", replied Smackle, seeing how the new girl looking at Farkle.

"Whoa calm, i'm just introducing myself to a friend, or classmate", said Patricia, just realizing she felt something strange looking at Farkle.

"Looks like somebody has a crush on Farkle", whispered Riley.

"Oh, this should be interesting", said Maya.

"But, what Riley didn't know was that inside of her, she was jealous of somebody else looking at Farkle,a certain way.

"Since, she didn't know what she was feeling, she looked at Lucas and ignored the feeling of jealousy she had.

The scene goes to Topanga's, where Riley, Lucas, Farkle, and Maya are talking about what the lesson could be about.

"I'm just saying each lesson has something to do with us, but everything is okay with us right", said Riley.

"Yes, normally, I does have something to do with us, but I feel this time it's purely coincidentally", said Farkle.

"Maya, you have to think something is off", said Riley.

Instead of answering, she was staring into space thinking, is she actually over Lucas.

"Maya, are you okay?" wondered Lucas, seeing uncertainty in her eyes.

"Yeah, just thinking about trying to pull a fast one on us", said Maya, trying to hide her feelings, but Farkle and Riley knew Better.

"You people are a square, oh and have you met my new friend, Patricia", said Zay

"Yes, Zay. What do you mean?" asked Riley.

 "He means you're all a different part of emotions, and you don't know which one belongs with which", explained Patricia.

"But, we already know who we are with, I'm with Lucas, Maya likes Josh, Farkle likes Smackle, and Zay likes that girl in Texas",Riley disagreed.

"Riley, I can sense that you have faith in your heart, but you also know that something is up with your friend. Are you positive that you know you solved the solution", replied Patricia.

At that moment, The group of friends realize that Patricia might be right about them;not sure about who likes who.

"After the silence pause, Patricia is enjoying a smoothie with Zay, while looking at his friends.

"How long until they turn back to earth?" asked Zay.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Patricia counted, then everybody stopped looking at each other and look at Patricia.

"Then, what are we, if we don't know who is with who?" asked Riley.

"Normal, many people think that you know what you want and still feel like something is wrong. I can't really help you, but I can say look at the past and now think of what changes", said Patricia, then grabs Farkle and Riley and takes them outside.

"Why us out of all people?" asked Riley.

"Your happy, loyal, caring friends, figuring out their high school life on at a time, and yet you'll seem to be the most confused", answered Patricia, then goes inside.

"Riley, what's going on?", asked Farkle, seeing something is wrong.

"It's just I thought me and Lucas being back together would be great, but it seems more awkward than before. Then, I felt weird when I thought Patricia has a crush on me, now I don't know anymore", said Riley.

Farkle smiles a little nervously.

"What?" Riley asked, seeing the way Farkle looks at her.

"Because I felt the same way, after I saw you back with Lucas", said Farkle.

At that moment, seeing they are on the same page, they finally admit it.

"I knew I always love you, but what about you", said Farkle.

"I love you too, Farkle, more than a friend", Riley admitted.

So, they kissed for real, like they meant it.

Back inside Topanga's, Maya and Lucas are trying to figure themselves out.

"I know that you liked me, since we went to Texas, but I never knew if you stopped, and your feelings got deeper", said Lucas.

"I didn't, because that's all been thinking about for the last days, that's why I was so quiet today", said Maya, then they look outside and see Farkle and Riley's kiss.

"Wow, I knew, but it's still shocking, so what's going to happen now, Huckleberry", said Maya, acting like herself, but still shocked.

"I love you too, and I want to be with you", said Lucas, then they kissed.

Zay and Patricia watch the love between their friends happen, and that's when they start talking./p

"You some kind of love expert?" asked Zay.

"No, but I do like fixing problems, it's a thing I tend to do wherever I go", said Patricia.

"So, you want to go to the park and hang out?" asked Zay.

"Hang on", said Patricia, looking at the watch, and counts down her head, which is when Riley and Farkle enter the room.

"So, you and Farkle", said Maya.

"Yeah, I guess the dilemma is solved", said Lucas.

"But, what about smackle, she's not around and she still thinks we are a couple", said Farkle.

"Actually, she was watching the whole entire time, but she watched to you something", said Patricia.

Smackle revealed where she was and tells them that she actually is moving and she is happy for everyone.

"How you do that? It took them weeks to admit how they thought they felt, but you made feel real love in a day?" asked Smackle.

"I tell people, that sometimes there's a hidden element deep inside us,that makes do things they didn't think they could do before. Which is inside of me, hope you have a good time, but I think somebody wants to say goodbye", Patricia says modestly.

"Smackle, I want you to know that we always think of you as part of the group", said Riley.

"And I'm glad that you feel that way, Riley. Farkle", said Smackle, then sees Farkle come nears her.

"Smackle, I know that we are geniuses, which we thought made us a couple", Farkle pointed out.

"But, you still love Riley and I knew that you probably still do after the new year party", said Smackle.

"I hope we can still be friends, and be able to talk to each other", said Farkle.

"Always, Maya, Lucas, have anything to add?" wondered Smackle.

"We're going to miss you, Smackle", said Maya.

"Yeah, you're a great person", Lucas complimented Smackle.

Smackle walks out the door.

The screen goes to school in the next morning, in class again.

"Dilemmas, they may seem difficult, but they actually can be easy to solve", said Mr. Matthew.

He mouthed "thank you".

Patricia mouthed,"your welcome".

"So, that's the beginning of a wonderful season.