episode 2

Hello,Girl meets world fans, I know that you people are wondering what is with Patricia,is just a one time friend or will she stay,.

Well, I will answer the question about her, and it's something on easy situation,where Farkle, Riley, Lucas, Zay, and Maya are at Topanga's, talking about what happened yesterday.

"What are we going to do, I mean we just let a random girl, help us with our relationships?" wondered Lucas.

"We should be grateful that somebody helped us, when didn't know what to do", said Riley.

"I think this is ridiculous,that we're still talking about this. A girl came put me and Lucas together, and you with Farkle, and now we're happy,the end", said Maya, holding Lucas hand.

"What do you think, Farkle?" asked Riley.

"I think that if you truly want to be together, then let's give this relationship a try", said Farkle, holding Riley's hand.

"Great, everything is settled, got anything else to say, Ranger Rick", said Maya.

Lucas thought about something right to say, but Zay interrupts.

"Did anybody hear from Patricia,since Yesterday?" asked Zay, feeling that he might like her.

"She said that if we would like to meet her, there's always the park", said Riley.

The screen goes to the park, where Patricia is wearing sunglasses, a yellow shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, writing a story on the bench.

"Patricia, we found you", said Riley, in a surprised tone.

"Why surprised, I've called many things, but liar isn't it, so goes couple. But, by the judge of your faces, I might've caused a rush, man I hate it, when that happens", said Patricia.

"I think that it's a wonderful thing, that got this dilemma solved, but Huckleberry here seems to think it's not that easy", said Maya, referring to Lucas, when she said Huckleberry.

"I see, sit. I know people don't like when other people solve their problems, but I sense there's something else wrong", said Patricia.

"Maya, since that time we were at Texas, I started to realize that I might have feelings for you. But, I didn't want to hurt Riley, when you choose Riley on the bay window, I wasn't sure how to react. But, now I know, I want to give this relationship a chance", Lucas admitted.

"You choose me, but it's always been you and Riley, why pick me?" wondered Maya

"True, but to be honest I think we were rushing things before, which is why they relationship ended badly", Lucas figured out.

"I guess I'm just not sure how this is going to work", said Lucas.

"It's okay, that you might be a little frightened. But, don't let fear ruin something special, you care about each other, that's what matters", Patricia told them.

"Thanks, but we came to ask you, why did you help us" Riley told Patricia.

"I'm kinda one of those girls, that finds people that need help and goes right to it, and before you ask, this had nothing to do with a previous relationship. You see ever since I was little, I watched couples, people who were married, even crushes go through the same thing and how they fix it. Then, soon I learned to fix love problems", Patricia explained.

"So, you helped us because you saw a special spark between us", Farkle figured out.

"Exactly, I could that friendship between all of you, which made you afraid you would hurt the other, well now you don't have to worry about that", said Patricia.

"So, what happens now?" asked Riley.

"Well, we are at the park, how about a picnic date", Patricia suggested.

Patricia gets three picnic baskets from behind her bench , and gave one to Riley, one to Maya, and one for herself.

"Where you get it from?" asked Riley.

"It's couples picnic, I'm always prepared, hey where's Zay" answered Patricia, then noticed Zay is missing.

So, Patricia looks all over the place, until she sees Zay sitting alone.

"Feeling like a third wheel already, normally it takes longer than a few minutes", said Patricia, making a little joke.

"Problem solved, but where's that leave me", said Zay.

"Me, how about a picnic, it's delicious, sandwiches, cookies, and cool drinks", said Patricia.

"You sure you don't have a boyfriend?" asked Zay.

"I'm normally, not the dating type, but I'll make an exception", said Patricia.

So, they enjoy the picnic date together, just like the other couples, except they didn't kiss.

"Remember, we're taking things slow, oh and remember to call me. Bye, everybody", said Patricia, handing Zay her phone number, then blows a kiss and waves goodbye.

The screen goes to Riley and Farkle at the Matthews apartment, when they enter the door, which is when they see a woman with blond hair, wearing a blue suit and a man with brown, wearing a dark blue suit.

"Hello, do you know where our daughter is, her name is Patricia?" asked the woman.

That moment switches to Patricia entering her home, feeling happy with a big smile, looking for her adoptive parents, then sees a note.

"Dear Patricia, went to show those flamingo dancers, who's really best. Be back soon", read Patricia.

"That's like them, always ready for some competition, oh well, better look on the news", said Patricia, entering her room.

Inside her room is a computer, TV, two closets, a bunch of books, movies, and journals, and posters.

Patricia lays on the bed and turns the TV on to see the two adults that are at the Matthews apartment claiming to be her parents.

"That's impossible, my parents have been gone for years. Somebody is messing with me and putting my friends in trouble, better go. No one messes with my friends", said Patricia, then leaves her house.

Before the episode ends, a mysterious guy appears in the dark answer a phone in his office.

"Yes", answered the mysterious man.

"We got the kids you wanted, boss, and our spy has spotted Patricia", The man/ fake Patricia's dad tells his boss.

"Excellent bring them in, soon", said the mysterious man, then hanged up.

"Soon, that girl will pay for her parents doing and I have lab rats to have with me", said the boss.

The man evil laughs.

To be continued