episode 3

Previously on Girl meets world.

At Topanga's.

"What's there to talk about a mysterious girl put me and Lucas together and Riley with Farkle, we're happy, the end", said Maya.

At the park, Lucas and Patricia on the bench.

"Sometimes fear stop people from doing something special, taking a chance. Don't let fear control you", Patricia told them.

Patricia goes to Zay with a picnic basket.

"Problem solved, but where's that leave me?" wondered Zay.

"Me, how about a picnic", answered Patricia.

Then, Riley and Farkle go to the Matthew apartment, to find a man and woman claim to be Patricia's parents looking for her.

At Patricia's house.

"That's not possible, somebody playing a trick on me", said Patricia.

"We got the kids", said fake Patricia's dad.

"Excellent", said the boss, revealed to have blond hair, wearing a blue suit and black shoes.

The screen goes to the Matthews apartment, in the kitchen.

"We don't know, the last time we saw her, she was having a picnic with our friend: Zay", answered Riley

Then, the door opened slowly revealing Patricia, once it was all the way open.

She recognizes the two people in the apartment, so she grabs her friend's hands and goes outside.

"Don't trust those two, they're not my parents, they're just two annoying agents of my parent's archenemy", Patricia warned them.

"What's going on, Patricia?" asked Riley.

"Your adopted, you never saw parents did you", answered Farkle, looking at expression on her face.

"No, I was adopted when I was five, don't remember much about them", Patricia told them.

"So, what should we do?" wondered Riley.

At that moment, Patricia grabs Riley and Farkle's hand and runs to avoid the dart. That the spy tried to shoot at them.

"I also forgot to mention that parents were scientists/spies trying to take down a company from another country. That wanted to get rid of special kids or teens", Patricia remembered, while running.

"This is very weird, I like I'm in a spy show", said Riley.

"I thought that the same thing, when I first got chased by them", Patricia admitted.

Once,they head outside, they see the spy and the fake parents followed them

"I never can shake off, but I can stop them for a minute", said Patricia.

"Listen take this, I'll meet you at my house", Patricia whispered.

"There's no way we're leaving you", said Riley in a quiet tone.

"I'll be fine, after all, I can take care of myself. Now go, please", said Patricia.

As they walked away, Patricia uses karate moves on the spy and the two agents, while making sure nobody finds her.

Next, it shows Riley and Farkle entering Patricia's house, which turns out to be right around the corner, there they see a woman with brown curly hair, wearing a red dress, and a man with blond hair, wearing a blue outfit.

"You must be friends of Patricia, what's wrong", said the woman a.k.a Patricia's adoptive mom, sitting on a chair.

"Umm, Patricia is fighting spies", said Riley, in a weird way.

"That's our girl, she wanted to find her birth parents for a long time, so we search through the computer. Which is when we found about the spies, good thing i'm a good at cracking codes", explained the mom.

"So, she's going to be alright?", asked Farkle.

"Of course, she's a tough girl, she should be her now", responded The dad, having coke cola.

Unknowingly, Patricia on purpose gets caught on purpose, so she could end this never ending game of spy.

But, before she leaves she sends a message to her adoptive mother, and father, then gets teleported to the headquarters. Where it's almost pinch black, which has three tubes filled with green liquid, a desk, a big screen TV, and a closet.

They walk closer to the desk, seeing the boss, by the way, she's a woman. Who has an evil smile.

"Well, look who it is, my old friend, where are you new friends. At home with your adoptive parents", said the boss, in a funny voice.

"How do you know that?" asked Patricia.

"Oh sweetie, haven't you heard that rumor about the government using the satellite to spy on you, well it's true. And since I hacked into the system, I've been able to see everything you do", said the boss.

"What do you want with my friends?" Wondered Patricia.

"I'm glad you asked a long time ago, when your parents and their rebellion was trying to stop my company, I created an experiment. That was used before mutation", said the boss.

"Impossible, that's just an old myth, I mean it has been proven the existence of mutants, but speeding up the process, could be a diaster", assumed Patricia.

"That's what many scientists thought that you're just born into it, but I found a way to fix that. And now, I have my chance", explained the boss.

The boss pushes a red button from under her books, causes a laser to appear next to the tubes and blasts Patricia, as she tries to unlock the handcuffs.

Patricia is lying on the floor, when her eyes turn green, which surprises the boss and gets the strength to get up.

"Surprise, it didn't work, but thanks for the power up", said Patricia.

"How, that could happen if you were", said the boss, shocked.

"A real mutant, well yeah, I'm Dia. You see I was adopted by my friends that got me out of an ice block, so I assumed the name Patricia to throw any of my enemies off", said Patricia.

"But why get captured?" asked The boss.

"To do this", said Patricia, destroying the tubes with the snap of her wrist, and vaporizing any of the green liquid.

"You knew all this would happen, it was a trick", The boss figured out.

"Clever, and you won't ever remember bye", said Patricia, then snaps her fingers, which knocks out the agents and the boss.

So, Patricia opens a window, flies out and locks it, then goes back home.

Where Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas hug her.

"What a warm welcome", said Dia.

"Okay, let her breath, what happened", said Maya, breaking up the hug.

"I gave the agents a good run for their money, but I couldn't find anything on my parents", said Dia.

"Umm, Patricia. We already know the truth", Riley told them.

"I was afraid of that, and to think I thought everything would turn back to normal", said Patricia.

Anyway, Patricia decided to sit at the table with the Matthews explaining everything that happened band that they can't anybody about her secret.

At the end, Zay and Patricia are talking on the phone, by the way. Their relationship isn't a joke.