episode 4/final

The episode opens in Topanga's,where Riley,Maya,Farkle Lucas,Zay,Patricia,and Patricia'sa adoptive parents,with the sign outside says "closed".

"So,what now? Patricia? Since our secret is out of the bag?" wondered Patricia's dad.

"Please! Don't tell me,we have to move again,it was so hard to find a place as wonderful as this", Patricia's mother begged.

"Absolutely not. 1. I have new friends. 2. Our enemy's minds are erased. 3. I love this place: And last, I called you here to tell you,I must warn the terror that is coming", answered Patricia.

"Terror!" gasped everybody,exceptPatricia obviously.

"Oh! Wait,that was a line from my new favorite soap opera", Patricia realized.

This made everybody calm down

"What I meant to say is Valentine's day is coming", Patricia remembered.

*Valentine's day. And why does this concern us?" wondered Maya

"Hmm...Maybe because you all are couples, Valentine's day is literally the holiday for couples and people who love chocolate", Patricia pointed out.

"But,it it in three days,why talk about it now?" Riley asks Patricia.

"Just to see how you would respond", answered Patricia.

Particia gets up from her seat, and starts walking around.

"You see throughout my time,helping, watching,and admiring couples. I have noticed that each couple has their own unique way of celebrating Valentine's day; some people don't care about this special day, some come up with a complicated plan to make it perfect and others just go out and have fun", Patricua explained.

"So,why bring us here?" asked Patricia's Mom.

"Oh'! Easy, I need to ask you a small favor from you two and my new friends for Valentine's day", Patricia responded to her mom's question,easily

"What?!" They all wondered.

"Can you please stay far away from as possible during Valentine's day,also I need to stay away from anybody in love?" asked Patricia,begging.

"Oh! Yeah! I almost forgot,there was a flaw figured out about our daughter during this holiday", Patricia's mom recalls.

"Yeah! She filled with negative energy that was suppose to make her hate everything that has to do with love", Patricia's dad recalls too.

"But for some reason,this flaw only seen to affect her on Valentine's day", Patricia's mom smiles nervously.

"That seems kind of ironic, since you said you love everything about couples: married or not,and helping them", Zay joked.

"Yeah! How did this happen!" Questioned Riley.

"And also do you have anything on your phone that show the results of this strange behavior?" Farkle wonders..

Patricia's mom gives her phone to Farkle showing a video of a wild/evil Patricia taking the feeling of love away from every couple,she came in contact with,and the video ends with her having an evil laugh.

"No way!" gasped Maya

"It's a past,I'm not proud of,along with what trapped me in that ice so long ago,it was a tragic time of my life", Patricia tells them with her head down.

Riley gets up from her chair,walks up to Patricia,and says "So, Valentine's day isn't your best day,there are plenty of other holidays,that prove you are a great person".

"You're right,and now that those agents are gone, I have almost nothing to worry about", Patricia smiles with joy.

"But,if you can't enjoy Valentine's day,how can we?" Riley finally spits out.

"Don't worry about me,I'll be fine,besides I'm used to this", Patricia assures her friends,then walks away.

After 5 minutes, Riley,Farkle,Lucas,Maya,and Zay walk to Riley's house.

"Okay! Riley, I know you are thinking it, that Patricia doesn't mean what she says and we should throw her a pre-Valentine's day party", Maya figures out, reading Riley's mind.

"Yes! But,where should it be at? And how are we going to do it?" Riley agrees.

"Easy, we call Patricia's parents asking her what she likes, the location doesn't matter,and we can all help", Zay decided.

"Excellent,but can we finish it today?" said Farkle.

"With our luck, I'm sure, we can, Ranger Rick", said Maya.

"Well, let's prove that", smiled Lucas,acting like he has a hat on.

They head to Riley's apartment.

The apartment has Riley's parents and Auggie playing a puzzle, when Riley, Farkle, Maya, Lucas, and Zay.

"What's going on?" asked Topanga.

Riley explains their current situation, so Riley's parents and Auggie insist that they will help.

Soon, there were heart-shaped ballons,cake on the table, cards hanging from the ceiling, and lots of stuff all over the place.

"Everything is ready", said Farkle.

"I'll be honest, I didn't think we would finish so soon", replied Lucas.

"But, we did, now we just need to get Patricia here", said Riley.

Everybody looks at Zay.

"What?" asked Zay, looking nervous.

In Patricia's room, she is watching anime about a girl from Mexico having to move to Japan, dealing with hardships of moving, meets new friends, and discovers she has new powers. The anime is called Silver Flower.

In-between the time, she is watching this, her mom comes in, so she pauses the video.

"I thought you said you couldn't bare the thought of watching Silver Flower because the main character Rino, acts too much like an airhead", Patricia's mom remembered.

"Jennette called back, saying they made a remake of the anime, where they completely changed her personality, now she's more aware, adventurous, and knows karate like in the manga", Patricia told her mom.

"So soon?" asked Patricia's mom, surprised.

"For the original, they only made one season, this time, it's going to be two seasons with 26 episodes for each season", Patricia pointed out.

"Impressive", said Patricia's mom.

Patricia giggled, then looks at her mom and says "Mom, I know you didn't just come up here to ask me about Silver Flower, there's something else".

"You caught me, your friend Zay is downstairs", Patricia's mom giggled too.

"Really?" asked Patricia, surprised.

Patricia heads downstairs, seeing Zay leaning on a door.

"Hey! Zay, where's everybody else?" exclaimed Patricia.

"At Riley's apartment", answered Zay.

"So, my suspicions were correct, they are throwing me a party", Patricia thought.

"Well, let's go", said Patricia, holding Zay's hand looking cheerful.