The Wedding

Plot: The group goes to Valkyrie's and Sif's wedding.

Tone: Fluff

Note: There are some song lyrics in this one: I'm a Believer by All Star and I'll Cover You from Rent by Jonathan Larson. I didn't want to waste pages copy and pasting song lyrics so neither is the full song.

Loki was on the couch, scribbling on a piece of paper. The room was mostly empty, apart from Bruce and Peter, who were lounging on the couches nearby. Pepper was on the couch as well, eyes intent on her book. Meanwhile, the guardians had decided to congregate at the kitchen table again, raiding the fridge for snacks. All of the eggs had disappeared.

After the battle yesterday, Steve's funeral was held. It was at a nearby church, nearly everyone went, out of grief or respect for the fallen hero. Loki went as well, mainly to support Bucky. The service had lasted about an hour, with a few of the Avengers sharing speeches about their fallen friend.

Sam was the first to speak, tears rolling down his face.

"We met when we were both out jogging together. He would always overlap with me, he'd say 'on your left!' every time. We hit it off pretty quickly, both of us being veterans and all. So I helped him out with his numerous endeavors. I even went to jail for the guy. I thought I would always have him to fight beside but… well, I'll always have a piece of him with me."

Wanda was next.

"Steve was a great teammate. No, he was more than that. He was a leader to us. He led a rebellion, he gave us hope, and he may have lost, but he freed me. He reunited me with the late Vision, and I'll always be grateful to him… for everything he did." Once she had finished speaking, Wanda dipped her head and made her way back to the seats.

Clint and Steve had gone up together, giving a shared speech.

"Steve was our teammate," Clint began, dipping his head. "Our fellow Avenger. Losing him is like losing a brother.

"Even when we didn't all agree with him," Bruce cast a stern glance at Clint. "We all respected him."

"He never ran from a fight. He always believed in doing the right thing, no matter what the cost. Even in his old age, he risked everything to save an innocent person."

"That's how we'll always remember him: a true hero."

Clint smiled, nodding to Bruce. "And a true inspiration."

However, the speech that would always stick with Loki was Bucky's. He had talked last, occasionally sobbing as he spoke.

"Steve… You all knew him as the former Captain America. I knew him as the kid who spent all our train money on hot dogs. The guy who never ran from a fight with bullies, even though he knew he never had a chance of winning. The guy who dropped out of art school to join the war despite everything working against him. And in the end, it paid off. I promised I would be with him to the end of the line, and I was, I just never expected it would be this soon. I'll remember him as a hero, but most of all, I'll remember him as my friend."

Bucky had sat down next to Loki, all of the tears he had suppressed throughout his speech breaking free with one, ear-piercing sob. Loki pulled him in for a hug, the tears of his own memories rolling down his face.

Now, the battle was over, the jotuns had gone home, and everyone was just sort of hanging out in the tower, waiting for their flights home. Loki had asked Valkyrie to wait for him, as he had something to do.

"Okay, we should definitely add that," Loki muttered, scribbling something onto the list. "That's a lot to miss." He glanced up at Bruce and Peter.

"Well, it'll surely keep him busy," Peter replied, gesturing to him.

Loki smiled, looking back at the paper.

"What else?" he asked, tapping his pencil against his chin.

"Ooh! Queen!" Loki raised an eyebrow at Bruce. "You know, Queen? Like the band?" Bruce threw his arms into the air. "They're musical legends, how could you not know about them?!"

"I do," Loki replied, writing down 'Queen.' "I just love seeing you implode with anger."

Bruce let out a chuckle. "Cause now it won't end with you on the floor," he replied with a wink.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Peter asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, hm…" Bruce rested his hand on his chin, staring at Loki. "You know, I'm not so sure that it is." Loki and Bruce both chuckled.

Bucky walked into the room. "What are you guys doing?" he asked, casting a glance at Loki.

"Oh, um…" Loki tilted the paper up so Bucky couldn't see it. "Just making a list."

"I think it's done, actually," Bruce replied, gesturing to the paper.

Loki took a deep breath and made his way toward Bucky. "So, I've been informed that you haven't enjoyed Earth's pleasures in years."

Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Yeah...?"

"Well, here's a list of things you could do." Loki handed him the list. Bucky took it and read it, his head tilting to the side.

Things to Try on Earth

Star Wars

The Internet (Be careful what you search!)

Avatar The Last Airbender

Microwave Meals

Cell Phones




Bucky looked back at him. "Loki, I don't know…"

"Trust me, having something to do…" Loki cast a glance at the guardians. "...and people you care about are great remedies." Loki rested his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "And of course, take time for yourself when you need it."

Bucky smiled. "Thanks."

Loki flicked his hands dismissively. "Oh, please, don't mention it-"

"No seriously, Loki… you're really cool."

Loki looked away, his lip twitching up.

"Alright Loki," Valkyrie strutted across the room, nudging Loki as she passed. "You coming or what? We still have a wedding to plan, after all."

Sif's eyes widened. "The wedding! Oh my gods, I almost forgot!"

"We're behind schedule, come on." Valkyrie gestured to everyone, walking toward the door. The guardians jumped out of their seats in the kitchen and followed her.

"Hey, uh…" The group stopped, glancing at Bucky. "Can I come too?"

"To the wedding?" Loki asked, raising an eyebrow. Bucky nodded. "Sure, if you want to."

"It would give me something to do," Bucky admitted, his gaze darting toward the floor.

"I wanna go too," Peter added, raising his hand. "Where is it happening?"

"New Asgard." Peter tilted his head to the side. "It's in Norway," Loki added.

"Norway?!" Peter exclaimed, nearly falling on the couch as he leaped backward. "I can't go to Norway!"

"Don't worry, it's a fast trip," Loki replied, making his way toward Peter. "We'll get you home on time, I promise."

"Well, okay, just let me tell Aunt May." Peter grabbed his phone from his pocket, swiftly typing out a text.

"Hey, do you guys have a flower girl?" Pepper asked, looking up from her book.

"What's that?" Valkyrie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's the person who throws flowers all over the aisle before the bride or groom walks down it. It's tradition, and I know someone who would love to do it." Loki smiled when he realized who she meant.

Sif and Valkyrie exchanged glances. "Okay, sure," Sif replied with a shrug. "We can pick them up on the way."

"Anyone else?" Loki asked, looking around.

"Eh, sure." Bruce shrugged, getting off the couch. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Alright let's go." Valkyrie gestured to the group, and they made their way toward the ship.

It had taken forever but finally, the wedding took place. Loki sat between Quill and Mantis. The three of them were wearing fancy tuxedos, while everyone else in their group wore their regular clothes. Loki looked around. The altar was still empty, apart from the ring bearer, though it seemed that everyone else had arrived.

"Are they gonna start, ever?" Nebula asked, rolling her eyes.

"They're waiting for the right moment," Quill replied, gesturing to the altar. "It's gotta be dramatic."

After a few moments, the music began to play. Morgan walked down the aisle, wearing a light pink dress, sprinkling flower petals from her basket all over the ground. She stopped once to wave at her mother. Pepper chuckled, waving back at her daughter and encouraging her onward with a flick of her hands.

Once she reached the end of the aisle, footsteps echoed behind them. Valkyrie and Sif appeared at the end of the aisle. Sif held the bouquet of pink flowers, wearing silver wedding armour, which had the Asgardian symbol ingrained on it. Valkyrie wore armour as well, her's being white with spiked shoulders.

The two stared at each other for a moment. Sif took Valkyrie's hand, the two of them carrying the bouquet as they charged down the aisle. They stopped on the altar. Valkyrie and Sif kept hold of the bouquet as they turned to each other.

The ring bearer opened his book. "Queen Brunnhilde, do you take the Lady Sif as your lawfully wedded wife and queen, in sickness and in health, for the rest of your days?"

Valkyrie nodded. "I do."

"Lady Sif, do you take Queen Brunnhilde, as your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness, and in health, and accept the position of Asgard's queen?"

"I do," Sif replied, smiling.

"Then I pronounce you, as wives and queens." The ring bearer held out the two rings.

Valkyrie took them both, slipping one on her finger before taking Sif's hand and putting the other ring on her finger. Sif smiled, wrapping her arms around Valkyrie. She leaned closer, and the two pressed their lips together, prompting cheers from the crowd. Taking Sif's hand, Valkyrie turned to the crowd.

"Welcome, Sif. The queen of Asgard!" Valkyrie announced, holding Sif's hand up in the air.

"Queen Sif! Queen Sif!" People began to cheer.

"Long live Queen Sif!" Loki joined in on the cheer.

Once the cheering died down, Sif turned to Valkyrie and whispered something that Loki couldn't catch. Valkyrie smirked and nodded. Sif took the bouquet and turned toward the crowd. Loki's eyes widened. Oh boy.

"My subjects, since we are living on earth, it seems only fitting to try some of their customs." She raised the bouquet into the air. "Catch this and you're next down the aisle!" Sif chucked the flowers into the air.

There were some murmurs of confusion, as a few people stood up out of their seats. The bouquet hit Nebula's head, then fell in her lap. A few people gasped.

"Ooh, Nebula!" Mantis gasped, gazing at Nebula with wide eyes. You caught it!"

"You're next down the aisle," Quill added, smirking mischievously.

"Wha- but I don't give a shit about this nonsense." Nebula tossed it at her sister. "You take it, Gamora."

"What makes you think I care, either?!" she snapped, glaring at everyone. The others pointed at Quill.

He took a step back. "Guys, come on, leave her alone," he insisted, gesturing to her.

"You take it, Loki," Gamora growled, tossing the bouquet at Loki.

Loki nearly dropped it. "Guys, this isn't how this works-" He let out a sigh. "Oh, whatever. Mantis, do you want these?" he asked, holding them out to her. "I don't have much use for them."

"Oh, thank you!" Mantis exclaimed, taking the bouquet.

Quill snorted with laughter.

"Why is that funny?" Loki asked, glaring at Quill.

His eyes widened. "Because… well…" He looked away. "It's not."

Loki smirked. "Correct. That's a good boy."

He patted Quill's head like a dog. Quill looked away with a grunt, his cheeks turning bright red. A few of the guardians chuckled.

"Alright, let's get the music going. Anyone got a request?" Valkyrie asked, looking out at the crowd. Loki and Quill both raised their hands. Valkyrie pointed at them.

"I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth!" Quill called, hopping up and down excitedly.

"I'll Cover You from Rent!" Loki added, nudging Quill a bit.

"We…" Valkyrie glanced at Sif, who shook her head, "Don't know either of those."

"Oh, I could show you!" Quill offered, making his way through the crowd. "What are you getting music off of?"

"We were just gonna…" Valkyrie cast a glance at the altar. "Well, the musicians are late anyways. We could use some human technology."

"What were your requests?" Sif called, glancing at Quill.

"I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth and I'll Cover You from the musical Rent. Here, I can help you set it up." Quill made his way toward them.

Sif and Valkyrie nodded to him. "Thank you."

Loki glanced at the flowers, which Mantis was attempting to straighten. Perhaps Mantis and I can use those at our own wedding… Loki's eyes widened. Why am I… picturing that? Smiling, he cast a glance at Mantis. One step at a time Loki, one step at a time…

Music began playing. Loki glanced up at Quill, who had plugged in his phone to some speakers, which were blasting "I'm a Believer."

"I thought love was only true in fairy tales," Quill sang along to the song as he made his way into the crowd. The guardians began to file out of the crowd. The Asgardians exchanged a few confused glances before some of them started to dance along, some with partners, others on their own. Quill stood in the middle, dancing his heart out.

"Then I saw her face!" He pointed to no one in particular as he sang. "Now I'm a believer!"

"Who is he singing about?" Drax asked, tilting his head to the side.

"The real singer or Quill?" Rocket asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Quill," Drax answered, pointing at his friend.

"Probably that other version of me," Gamora growled, rolling her eyes. "He's never going to move on."

"Maybe not," Loki admitted with a shrug. "But moving on isn't the same as moving forward, and he's definitely moved forward." Loki rested his hand on his heart. "You'll never stop missing someone when they're gone, but it gets easier."

Mantis met Loki's gaze, smiling with understanding. Loki glanced down at her lips.

"We are still talking about Quill, right?" Drax asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't believe so," Nebula replied, meeting Loki's gaze.

"I am Groot," Groot replied, smiling.

"Now, Groot, that's jumping the gun a little bit," Rocket insisted, flicking his paw dismissively.

Loki looked around the area, which had practically become a dance floor. Bruce was on the sidelines. He was with a few Asgardians, the group talking and laughing. Pepper, Morgan, and Peter were on the sidelines as well, chatting with each other while the Asgardians danced to the strange music they had never heard before. Valkyrie and Sif still stood on the altar. They awkwardly stood in place, swaying back and forth and tapping their feet to the beat.

Among the dancers was Bucky. Loki was surprised to spot him dancing with another man, the smile on his face actually reaching his eyes. Loki couldn't help but smile. I actually made a difference in someone's life that was positive… He cast a glance at Mantis. Now, however, he focused on her hand, glancing back and forth between her and the dance floor. He took a deep breath.

"Mantis, um…" Mantis met his gaze, her eyes wide with curiosity. Loki held his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

Mantis smiled. "Of course."

She put the flowers aside and took his hand, walking by his side onto the dance floor. I'm a Believer was just ending. Quill let out a gasp as Loki turned to Mantis, taking both of her hands in his.

"But I, uh…" Mantis looked away. Loki bit his lip, waiting for her to continue. "I must admit I've never… danced before."

"It's alright. Just follow my lead." Loki pressed his fingers against her chin, raising her face to look into her nervous eyes. "And keep your eyes on me." She smiled, blushing a little.

Lok let go of one of Mantis's hands, moving his free hand to her back. She rested her hand on his shoulder. Her arm was on his. They began to sway back and forth, stepping backward and forward throughout the first verse.

"Be my lover…" Loki moved his arm aside, keeping hold of Mantis's hand as he took a step back. "I'll cover you…" He twirled Mantis around in a slow circle before they returned to their initial position. Mantis was now smiling. They swayed like that throughout the next verse, a little faster this time.

"I'll be there." Mantis stopped, holding up Loki's hand. Dipping his head, Loki allowed Mantis to twirl him around. "And I'll cover you." They took each other's hands. Throughout the chorus, they stepped back and forth to the beat, still holding each other's hands.

"On life…. Be my life…" Loki and Mantis stepped closer. They held each other close, trying not to mimic the impossible movie choreography as they spun around. Then they grabbed onto each other, almost like a hug. Loki stepped behind her, taking one of her hands as he wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Just slip me on, I'll be your blanket," They swayed to the beat, now replicating the movie choreography. After a moment, they returned to their original position, holding hands while their other arms were stacked like a pyramid. They began to sway.

"You'll be my king," Mantis gestured for Loki to dip his head before twirling him around. "And I'll be your castle." She let go of both of his hands, to run her fingers through Loki's hair.

"No, you be my queen," Loki took Mantis's hand and twirled her around. "And I'll be your moat." He rested his hands on her cheeks, stroking her shoulders and arms before gently taking her hands again. They stepped back and forth throughout the next chorus.

"On life…" Loki took a slower step forward, raising Mantis's hand into the air and holding it there for a moment before letting it drop.

"All my life…" Mantis mimicked that movement. With his hand in the air, Loki rested it on Mantis's shoulder. She placed her hand on his hip.

"I've longed to discover…" They intertwined their other hands and spun around, gradually gaining speed.

"Something as true as this is." Loki picked up Mantis, slowing down a bit as he continued to spin them both around. Manti smiled. She draped her hands over Loki's shoulders, her hands entwined behind his neck. At the end of the lyric, he put her back down.

"So with a thousand sweet kisses." Loki and Mantis stood in place for a moment, holding their hands as they caught their breath. Moving his hand to her shoulder, Loki swayed them around slowly. Mantis rested her hand on his hip. They swayed like this throughout the verse, Loki pulling her closer for a moment.

He rested his hand on Mantis's chest, feeling her fast heartbeat. "When your heart has expired."

"Oh, lover. I'll cover you." They continued to sway, slowing down and wrapping their arms around each other as the song came to end an end. Once it faded out, Loki pulled Mantis in for a hug. She hugged back.

They backed out of the hug, still both out of breath as they chuckled. Loki's gaze shifted between her eyes and lips. Should I…?

Once they had both caught their breath, Loki rested his hand on Mantis's cheek. Her eyes widened for a moment. Then she smiled and mimicked the movement, her warm hand feeling softer than feathers against his cheek. Taking a deep breath, they leaned in. Then their lips locked.

Loki pulled her closer, ignoring the cheers of his friends. This wasn't his first kiss, not by a long shot, but it felt so different from all those other kisses. It felt… right. After a few moments, they backed out of the kiss. Mantis took his hands, her breath the only sound in the world to him as she met his gaze.

"Are… are we a thing?"

Loki smiled. "My love, we are everything." They leaned in for another sweet kiss, one of many to come.

"Hey!" Loki and Mantis gasped, pulling out of the kiss. "Earth to Loki and Mantis?!" Quill waved his hand in front of Loki.

"Are you guys gonna do that all the time now?" Rocket groaned, his shoulder slumping.

"Not all the time…" Loki paused just long enough for Rocket to let out a sigh of relief before adding, "Just often enough to annoy you."

"NOOOOO!" Rocket yowled to the sky. "It's Quill and Gamora all over again!"

"I am Groot," Groot replied, nodding and scowling.

"I like it," Quill added, resting his hand on Loki's shoulder. "I'm happy for you man, I really am."

"Me too," Nebula admitted with a shrug. "I don't get it, but I do like it." Loki smiled at his friends.

"It does make sense," Drax added, smiling at Mantis. She smiled back.

"Just don't make a habit out of the kissing," Gamora grunted, folding her arms.

Loki shrugged. "Can't make any promises."

"I can." Mantis raised her hands on Loki's shoulders, leaning in for another kiss. Loki happily kissed back.

"Ugh, save it for the wedding!" Rocket groaned, shielding his eyes.

"But that won't be for a while!" Loki protested.

"Exactly!" The guardians all chuckled to themselves as Rocket bristled with anger.

The wedding reception had lasted an hour more before the guardians decided to ditch the planet, and Loki followed them onto the ship, his hand intertwined with Mantis's hand.