
Plot: Thousands of years in the future, everything Loki feared has come to pass: he is alone, and slowly dying. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel…

Tone: Introspective and Somber (Seriously, this one is depressing until the end.)

Loki was laying in bed, his entire body numb from pain and exhaustion. He hadn't left his bed in days. Healers often came by, trying to give him treatments for this strange illness but nothing seemed to help. He cast a glance at the mirror across the room. Loki's hair had gone completely gray apart from one strand of Bucky's hair, which he had braided into his own after his friend's death. One of many deaths…

The door was thrown open, and Queen Erika rushed inside. "I came as soon as I heard!" she exclaimed, skidding to a halt by his bedside. "How bad is it?"

Loki struggled to lift his head from his pillow to look her in the eye. "According to the healers… terminal."

"There's… there's nothing they can do?!" She gasped, staggering back.

"It doesn't seem so," Loki sighed, his voice sounding as if there were smoke in his lungs. "Erika, can you fetch my children?" Erika nodded. She was about to dash out when Loki continued, "If they're too late… tell them I love them."

Erika dipped her head. "Of course." She turned to leave, but Loki grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"And you, Erika-" Loki broke off in a fit of coughing. "Your parents would be proud." Erika seemed stunned for a moment. She let out a soft sigh, dipping her head as tears filled her eyes. Then she turned and left.

Loki remembered Erika's christening. It was a miracle to New Asgard: a child being born to two women, thanks to the ingenuity of Earth's scientists. Valkyrie and Sif asked Loki if he wanted to be their daughter's godfather. Though shocked, he agreed. While he couldn't always visit Erika growing up, he always sent her presents around Christmas and her birthday and did his best to show support. At times, he had thought of Erika as his own daughter.

Now, she was the queen of Asgard. Her parents had both passed away a couple hundred years ago. They had ruled to the end of their lives, remaining strong in their old age until the bitter end. The same couldn't be said for Loki. Ever since Mantis's death, his mental and physical health had deteriorated dramatically. Loki let out a sigh. Mantis lived nearly two thousand years before passing away peacefully in her sleep a few hundred years ago. This may seem like a lot to humans but to Loki, it was only a few years of his life: the last few, by the looks of it. He still felt her absence, even now. He gazed at his hand. Loki had kept his wedding ring, all these years later, along with the bracelet. Mantis had worn the pairs to her grave. After her death, Loki officially retired to Asgard, living through the deaths of Valkyrie and Sif, and their daughter's coronation. Now, it seemed like he only had one more death to get through…

He gazed at his wedding ring. Loki and Mantis had dated for a whopping ten years before Loki finally decided to propose to her. He first made sure she understood the concept of a proposal by showing her movies before heading to earth to buy a ring. Later that day, they went to a city park. Once he was sure they were alone, Loki got down on one knee and proposed. Mantis let out a gasp, and actually laughed a bit. For a moment, Loki was terrified until Mantis grabbed her bag and revealed an engagement ring of her own. Then Loki couldn't help but laugh as well.

Loki and Mantis had their wedding on earth, in New Asgard. All the guardians had a part to play, with Quill as best man and Nebula as maid of honour while the others were groomsmen or bridesmaids. Pepper and Morgan, sixteen at the time, were in attendance as well as Valkyrie, Sif, Farbauti, Bucky, and Peter. It was one of the best days of Loki's life. He had walked down the aisle, in his dazzling outfit, nearly toppling over when he reached the altar and stared at the woman he loved with every fragment of his heart. Their kiss at the wedding had been just as loving and passionate as their first.

They stayed with the guardians for around two hundred years. During those years, Loki seemed to attend more funerals than any other point in his life. Rocket was the first to go. He had been just a little too reckless during a battle and was struck down. Then, Pepper. After Morgan moved out, she lived alone, her daughter visiting her as often as she could before Pepper passed away of old age. Soon after, Clint and Bruce passed away. Clint had died from disease, surrounded by his family in the hospital, and Bruce had died from battle wounds, with the others being too late to save him, as they had been with Steve.

Give it another forty years, and Quill was dying of old age. He had been given a ravager's funeral, with his former colleagues coming back and lighting up the infinite void of space in his honour. The Force Theme of Star Wars had also been played, as Quill's final request.

The guardians had taken the loss of their two leaders hard and to Loki, the guardians seemed emptier than ever, even as new people had joined at that point. Loki gazed at his necklaces. After his death, Loki refused to take off the necklace Quill made him that one Christmas, wearing it alongside the locket Tony gave him.

Pretty much everyone Loki had known on earth had passed away as well. Peter, Morgan, Bucky… The last of the guardians died at least a hundred years later. Drax had died of old age, and Gamora and Nebula had died in battles, fighting till their very last breaths. Groot was still alive, last Loki had heard at least. Loki glanced at his nightstand. Struggling toward it, he grabbed a piece of metal: the only piece of Nebula left. He stared at it with a sigh.

After the death of their final friend, Nebula, Loki and Mantis had decided to leave the Guardians. They bought their own ship and flew to a remote planet. With his powers, Loki managed to terraform part of it and they built a home there, living a quiet life together. Well, it didn't stay quiet.

Loki always thought he would have kids one day since he was raised thinking he would be a king one day. However, he never thought he would want them for any other reason. The idea had come up a few times when Loki and Mantis still lived with the guardians but Loki always dismissed it, saying they lived an overly dangerous life. Only once they had settled down did Loki realize that wasn't a lie. He did want kids. Not so he could have heirs but because he loved Mantis and wanted to start a family with her which they could. And Mantis wanted the same.

They had two kids, a son, and a daughter. Loki had named the girl Morgana, or Morgan for short after his late niece, Morgan, and Mantis had named the boy Peter after their deceased friend, Peter Quill. The kids were only a few years apart. They had both been born with Loki's ice powers and Mantis's antennae and empathy powers. Peter even had red eyes, like that of a jotun. It was definitely an interesting experience for first-time parents with no one around to help them to say the least.

Once they were all grown up, Loki and Mantis decided to take them to Jotunheim and Asgard, so they could meet others of their species since Mantis's people were extinct. Peter and Morgana both felt at home. Morgana became efficient in combat and ice magic, deciding to join Jotunheim's army and eventually being promoted to a general. Peter meanwhile was more interested in his empathy powers. He also learned Asgardian spells, becoming particularly skilled at healing spells and after much deliberation, had decided to become a healer for Asgard. Morgana and Peter were first distressed at splitting up but eventually eased into it. Loki didn't think Asgard and Jotunheim could be closer than they were now. It was somewhat thanks to him.

Loki let out a dry chuckle. If Odin could see him now, he would probably be proud that Loki had finally done what Odin always wanted him to do: "bring about an eternal peace to Asgard and Jotunheim." Well, I did it. And I did it without your manipulation.

Loki sighed. At this point, he wasn't even bitter about his father anymore, but he didn't exactly love him either. He accepted him as his father. However, that was only because he wholeheartedly saw Frigga as his mother and Thor as his brother. And to do that, he had to accept his entire family. Now, looking back on his life, he had so many people he could consider his family. The guardians… Mantis, Morgana, and Peter… Tony's family… Farbauti… Erika… Even Bucky he had felt protective of in a similar way he felt protective of his own children.

Loki thought back to his Asgardian family. He had no real friends growing up on Asgard. No one really wanted to be around the weird magical prince so Loki had grown up a loner. Thor was both the cause and the antidote of that. Everyone wanted to be around Thor, the confident athletic prince that Odin made no secret he preferred, so Loki was in Thor��s shadow practically since birth. However, Thor was his brother. He was Loki's one companion, the one person he always had by his side, for better or worse. But that shadow loomed over him regardless. After his death, Loki had been forced to become his own person, find his own friends, and find out what he really wanted, not what his family wanted from him. Loki wished it didn't take Thor sacrificing himself for him for Loki to improve himself.

Loki then thought of Frigga. Unlike Odin, Loki actually hoped he had made his mother proud. She had always been there to support him. It seemed like she always loved him, even after Loki had killed countless people and ended up in jail. Yet Loki had taken her for granted. Loki thought back to his final meeting with his mother.

Loki watched as the warriors dragged in new prisoners from the battle on Vanaheim. "Odin continues to bring me new friends." His voice was dry. "How thoughtful."

"The books I sent, do they not interest you?" Frigga��s voice echoed from behind him. Loki turned to see her, well, most likely a clone of her, standing behind him in his cell.

"Is that how I'm to while away eternity, reading?" Loki asked, making his way toward her. Is that what his life had come to?

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki," she replied, her eyes narrowed, though her voice was soft.

"Have you?" Loki stopped in front of Frigga, glaring at her. "Does Odin share your concern?" he sneered. "Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient, them asking after me day and night." Isn't that what he had always been to them? A burden?

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here," Frigga replied, her tone stern.

"My actions." Loki rolled his eyes and walked away. "I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king." That wasn't entirely true but at this point, Loki doubted anyone would believe or even care about the truth: that he hadn't been in full control.

"A king?" Frigga replied, her tone laced with disbelief. "A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?" she asked.

Oh, you're one to talk. "A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself," Loki replied, starting to walk away again.

"Your father-"

Loki whipped around. "HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" he snapped, glaring at Frigga.

She glared back at him. "Then am I not your mother?" she murmured, her gaze suddenly softening. Loki's eyes widened. He hesitated, his heart pounding out of his chest as he gazed at Frigga.

"You're not," he forced himself to say.

"Hm." Frigga cracked a smile. "Always so perceptive, about everyone but yourself." She took a step closer, extending her hands.

Loki gazed back at her. He had known from the start that she wasn't really there but for a moment, a wild hope flared within him. Maybe, just maybe, she really was. Loki shook his head. He took a step closer to Frigga, reaching for her hand, and was unsurprised when his hand fazed right through it. She began to disappear. Loki looked into her eyes, which he now realized were filled with tears. Then she disappeared.

That was still one of the biggest regrets of his life. Sure, he reconciled with her during the time heist, but would she even still remember that? Thousands of years later, Loki still didn't understand any of that time travel nonsense. At least he knew she didn't hate him. But did Tony…?

Loki let out a sigh. One way or another, his thoughts lead back to Tony. Even after all this time, after only really knowing Tony for five years of his life, an infinitesimal period in his life, after falling in love with Mantis, he never stopped loving Tony. Loki still didn't understand why. It's not that he wanted to be intimate with him anymore but deep down, he still felt a deep attachment to his deceased friend. However, it was different from his attachment to Quill or Nebula. It was similar to how he felt toward Mantis… but why?

Perhaps some of it was gratitude. After all, if it hadn't been for Tony, he wouldn't have lived the life he did. He had opened up so much to Tony. His friend had shown him so much support and acceptance that Loki had never really gotten before then. There was an understanding between them. They seemed to have a lot in common as well, and Loki couldn't help but admire him. Mantis had made him feel the same way. As crazy as it was to say, Loki had loved both Tony and Mantis, and his moments with them were the happiest of his life.

"Dad!" The door swung open, revealing Queen Erika along with two figures: one blue-skinned woman and a light-skinned man, both with antennae and black hair. Loki's heart lit up.

"Morgana… Peter…" He broke off into another fit of coughing. Morgana and Peter were at his sides in moments, their eyes wide with alarm.

"Dad, it's okay, it's okay!" Peter gasped, resting his hands against Loki. "I can heal you! I can, I swear!"

"Peter…" Loki moved his son's hands away. "The other healers said it's terminal."

"No… no!" Peter backed away, his eyes filling with tears as he let out a yowl.

"Dad, we can't lose you!" Morgana gasped, grabbing Loki's hand.

A sob broke past her lips. Morgana's hand shook as she held her father's hand. Her eyes watered. Erika stood further away, tears silently streaming down her cheeks as she stared at Loki.

Loki longed to comfort them, all of them, but what could he say? He was suddenly feeling tired. He could barely keep his eyes open and the darkness seemed to be calling to him. However, it wasn't the darkness of sleep. Loki's eyes fluttered shut.

"Take care of yourselves," he murmured, his heartbeat fading as he rested his hand on Morgana's, in a desperate final attempt to comfort her. The last thing he heard was Peter's yowl of grief.

The dark stillness only seemed to last a moment, as if Loki had blinked. Orange light now surrounded him at every angle. He looked around. Wherever he was seemed to be completely empty and silent. He gazed at his hands. They were no longer wrinkled and were completely clean. A lock of his hair fell in his face. It was back to its black colour, apart from the strand of Bucky's hair.

"Hey." Loki stiffened at a familiar voice. He turned around and there, standing in the distance was Tony. Loki took a slow step toward him.

"Tony…?" His heartbeat was completely gone now, leaving him to stare at his friend in awed silence. Loki looked away, letting out a sigh. Is he… going to be mad about me kissing him before his death?

"What?" Tony took a few steps closer. "Am I not the person you expected?"

"I expected… anger."

"What- Oh, Loki! That kiss? Completely harmless." Loki's eyes widened. He met Tony's gaze. "I was never mad at you for that."

"Really? That's…" Loki wrapped his arms around Tony, pulling him in for a hug. "That��s good to know," he sighed. Tony returned the hug. Loki smiled, and though he couldn't see it, he knew his friend was smiling too.

"But, really..." Tony backed out of the hug, smirking playfully. "Not naming one of your kids after me? It didn't even have to be the son, I would've settled for an Antonia!"

Loki chuckled. "I'm sure you would have."

"Anyways…" Tony gestured for Loki to follow him. "You should probably see the others."

Loki's eyes widened. "The others?"

"Yeah…" Tony suddenly stopped, gesturing ahead. Loki let out a gasp.

A crowd of people stood just a small distance in front of him. He spotted the guardians first.

They all stood clustered together, all looking as they did in the prime of their lives, all except for Nebula. Loki knew it was her due to the blue skin and dark eyes. However, she looked different: her robotic parts were missing and she had dark hair going down her shoulders.

Nearby, were his Asgardian family, Frigga, Thor, and Odin, who had brown hair and both of his eyes. Not far from them, Farbauti stood alone. Unlike everyone else, she had retained her wrinkles and shorter height.

Pepper and Morgan were there as well. Morgan looked to be in her thirties again, while Pepper looked the same as she had when she was married to Tony. Finally, Loki spotted Bucky, Valkyrie, and Sif. Everyone there stared at him with bright gazes.

Frigga dashed toward him first. Loki ran up to her, pulling his mother in for a hug and closing his eyes.

"Mom, I'm so sorry…" he murmured, trying not to keep his voice steady.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Loki," Frigga replied, hugging back. "I'm glad you took my advice." Loki's eyes widened. So she does remember what happened during the time heist. Loki closed his eyes, focusing back on the hug.

Something rested on his shoulder. Loki's eyes narrowed when he saw Odin beside him. Odin took a step back, looking away.

"Loki!" The moment Loki stepped out of the hug with his mother, he was pulled into another, this time from Thor. Loki stiffened as his brother's hug nearly crushed him.

"I've missed you too, Thor," he murmured, hugging him back. "I'm sorry you… you had to…" Loki bit his lip, unable to finish his sentence. Thor released Loki from the hug, his blue eyes soft.

"I never regretted it for a moment, brother." Loki and Thor both smiled.

"Loki!" More arms wrapped around him. Loki nearly melted when he saw Mantis, sobbing as she nuzzled against him. He wrapped his arms around her.

"Mantis…" He lifted her chin, pressing his lips against hers. "I've missed you." Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at Mantis, whose eyes were red from sadness.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you!" Mantis barely choked out the words.

"You didn't leave me." Loki was horrified she could even think such a thing. "That wasn't your fault." He nuzzled closer to her, resting his chin on her head and stroking her hair.

"How are our kids?" she murmured, her voice smoother now.

"They'll be alright," Loki answered, pressing his lips against her forehead. Mantis looked up at him. They shared another kiss on the lips before stepping back. He gazed at her. Mantis still had her wedding ring and bond bracelet on, just as Loki did.

"Hey…" The guardians came to greet him next, with Quill in the lead. "Thanks for keeping that crappy necklace." Quill pointed at Loki.

"Of course," Loki replied, his lip twitching up. "It was like having a piece of you with me."

"Pretty accurate piece," Gamora commented, smiling as she nudged Quill's shoulder. Quill smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Rocket, Drax, and Groot chuckled to themselves.

"You're one to talk," Nebula grunted, rolling her eyes. Nebula's voice was no longer scratchy and metallic as it was in life, but it was still quite gruff.

The others made their way toward Loki to greet him.

"Hey, uncle Loki." Morgan waved at him. Loki waved back.

Bucky strutted past, gesturing to the braid in Loki's hair. "Nice hair. Where'd you get it?"

He noticed his friend's metal arm was gone, replaced by a regular human arm.

"A dead body," Loki answered, nudging him. Bucky smiled.

Valkyrie and Sif approached next, their eyes wide.

"Loki, how is our daughter?" Sif asked, pushing her wild hair out of her face.

"She's fine," Loki answered, with a nod. "And a wonderful queen."

"We knew she would be," Valkyrie added, smiling.

He chatted with his friends, smiling and laughing as if no time had passed at all when he realized that one person hadn't gone up to greet him. Farbauti was still standing far from the group, her gaze fixed on the ground. Loki made his way toward her.


Farbauti met his gaze, her red eyes wide. "Oh… hello, Loki."

"You missed me too," Loki sighed, his head hung low. "You missed me the longest…"

"I just came here to support you," she replied, resting her hand on Loki's shoulder.

"You wanted to see your son, it's understandable." Loki took a step closer, wrapping his arms around Farbauti. She stiffened before returning the hug.

The others made their way toward them. Loki nodded. He took Mantis's hand and Tony's hand, walking between the two as he was surrounded by his friends and family.