Chapter 8: Awakening

* Kai'O located in the Jeremiah system, the 5th system of federation, is a fairly normal planet. Most of the inhabitants live in the countryside or in villages which creates a rather friendly atmosphere. In terms of urbanization, only 3 large cities and only one military base ten kilometers from the spaceport. The inhabitants are rather used to the tranquility especially since it has never been attacked by anything and nothing. Yet the next 24 hours were going to be nightmarish *.

-But what the hell is .... * Said the chief mechanic in front of Jeena's Stryker *.

* Liore had analyzed the current situation and he had turned the problem in all directions he came to the same conclusion *.

-It's guys are the diversion the real goal of this attack is elsewhere. * He announced *.

-Yes but who's the target * Flynn asked *.

- Wait, you tell me that everything that is happening right now is just a diversion? * Asked Chuck *.

-The aversion to Jaeger is very real, it is a fact, and even a well-concealed fact. * Liore explained *. Only the population is not stupid to the point of not recognizing that without them they would be digesting themselves alive.

-And so.....

-Pay attention to the Jaegers, * Liore whispered * a very real hatred or so ..... Flynn I think .....

* A huge figure crossed the sky at lightning speed before crashing on the roof of the city hotel. The shock wave of the impact blew through the windows of nearby buildings and unarmored police vehicles. Liore and Flynn then left the tent to make a statement but what they saw left them speechless. Liore even more *.

-I ... I ... I dream .....

-Good blood from ..... It starts again. * Shouted Flynn *.

-What is this crazy thing here Captain .... * asked Garza who could not keep his cool *.

-What's the * MERMAID * here.

* 15 miutes earlier, when the secret commando led by the mysterious Paimon had succeeded in infiltrating the base *.

-We arrived safely in the area. * Confirmed one of his men *.

- Well let's find the target. * She said with a smirk *.

* They infiltrated the premises of the base eliminating the guards in the greatest secrecy. Paimon seemed to follow a graphic map that she was looking at on her tac map *.

Ndt: Tac Map for tactical map.

* They avoided unnecessary fights and non-hacked cameras. Meanwhile, Berthold who was in his office received a call *.

-Here Berth ....

-General McMannus. * said Sof *. Something has been wrong for a while now.

- Speak I am listening to you. We don't mess with his boss. He thought.

-This is Jeena the Mermaid's Stryker. He started to make weird sounds. Its frequency is changing.

-Say sincerely Sof you think Jeena is still alive inside? * Berthold asked in a calm voice *.

-I don't know, but a Stryker who reactivates only means one thing.

-Open the cockpit. * Shouted a mechanic *

* From his device Berthold could hear the noises of the machines at work while a saw tried to drive the torso of the machine. Places where the cockpit was *.

-It would go faster if we had this damn password. * Sof complained *.

- Except that this damn password like you say is known only to the person inside. * Said another mecanno *.

-Surprising that she survived so long does not prevent. I expected no less from the Valkyrie ...

* The Cockpit finally opened and a strange vapor escaped. The surrounding mechanics continued to stare at the stressed interior, impatient to see Jeena tumble down. The fog cleared and the first thing they saw was Jalel's sister's face. But before anyone wanted to help him. Another detail disturbed them. A sort of black ball similar to an egg was stuck to his chest. Seeing this Sof's face was completely terrified *.

-But ... But .... What is this? * Asked a mechanic *.

-Run. * Sof said calmly *.

* On the cell side, the area was cleaned. A cell had just been opened, but only one in particular. That of Jalel. In front of him the woman at the head of the commando. She took off her helmet and you could see her smiling face. She had two tribal tattoos on her cheeks and her black hair was tied back. His face was typical Asian. She kept staring smugly at Jalel. The latter had a rather dark look *.

- We will have made noise to find you. * She announced before pulling out one of her many pistols *. Now is the time to die.

* Jalel who had been silent until then raised his head and stared at her with a dark gaze that changed to a smile *.

-What brings you here?

-Oh me .... Just the job. I have nothing against you personally. But I have to eliminate you.

* He laughed softly looking at the ground. P being surprised at his attitude lowered his weapon *.

-You are really weird you. Do not believe that because you are a jaeger you will survive this shot, these bullets were specially designed for .....

-No it's nothing. I was just thinking that humans make me laugh sometimes.

-Humans ?

-Stop messing around P, we gonna run out of time. * Said one of his men *.

-I don't know who sent you but he should have come in person rather than sending an underling. If he thinks he's intimidating me he's screwing his finger in the eye.

* Paimon walked over to get him drunk with his words and put his gun on his head *.

-I think I've had enough of your monologue. It's a shame because I thought you were really cute.

* Despite the gun on his head, Jalel didn't look away once. Paimon then smiles and a detonation sounds. But it was not his weapon, but a gigantic blaze that had devastated the hangar. The flames had spread in the hallway and had swept part of the team. Jalel's cell went into automatic confinement mode, locking him up with his executioner *.

-What was that ? * The base chief yelled from his checkpoint *.

* From where he was Berthold had sensed what was happening and that too well. The earth was almost shaking and half of the base was on fire. It was then that a machine about twenty meters long slowly extricated itself from the ground. Seeing him one of the officers made the sign of the cross squarely. Several pillars floated around this stryker *.

-The .... The .... Mermaid .....

* The Mermaid gradually gained altitude and suddenly took the direction of the city at a crazy speed. In nearly 30 seconds he traveled the 20km that separated them and landed just above the city hotel in a huge crash. To be precise, it floated above the building slowly spinning around itself as its many reactors stirred up dust. Everyone watched him speechless *.

-Keep the civilians away, the civilians away .... * Ordered a police officer *.

-Look, it's a Stryker. * Said a teenager taking pictures *. The ultimate fighting machine.

- Get rid of you kid. * Said an officer pushing him *.

-What the hell does that mean? * Reuss wondered *

* The Mermaid then circled around and stared at the crowd with all cameras on him, then he lifted the giant spikes he was magnetically flying and swung them across the city. 8 giant peaks flew across the city and crashed into the ground. A vibration then emanated from the Stryker and they broke. At that moment those who knew a minimum of the Krawls understood what was going on. When a Krawl is born it merges directly with the first material with which it comes into contact. It is this process that allows them to survive regardless of the climate or temperature of a planet. What had just happened there was simple. The egg in the cockpit had hatched and merged with the first material in contact. Jeena and her Stryker *.

-Flynn ... * Said Liore *.

-Yeah, I know.

-Shit going on.

*To be continued*