Chapter 9: Panic

POV Jonas

*Here we are, today gonna be a great day. I dreamed of it so much that I didn't sleep at night. I will finally be able to ask her .... My name is Jonas Astray I am 22 years old and I am a resident of Kai'O. At least until the end of my studies. I aspire to become a lawyer in order to follow a different path from a doctor like my father. I have brown hair messed up and cut short and also wear glasses. Idiot will tell me you saw the time but it has its uses. After putting on my sweater I took my coat and an umbrella since the weather forecast had called for rain. Fortunately, they did not announce shells, moreover, given the explosive situation of the city hotel. So I went to my meeting place. A terrace on the top floor of a mini-skyscraper. I say mini because there aren't many large buildings here. Once there I went there they was a restaurant for the students of the campus because yes I study in this building *.

-Jonas. Comes by ... * A girl waved at me *.

* My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. She was just gorgeous, her blue eyes, her yellow hair, her gaze of calm and serene faith. Her name was Annie Schröder and we study at the same university. His father is a fairly well-known lawyer in the field. He was nicknamed "Shark" but that's another story. So I end up sitting down, pretending to be calm, while in real life I am stressed to death. It was then that a television advertisement called out to me *.

- Look * said one of the students *. He has come, he has really come.

-The son of Commander McMannus. It feels like a full action movie.

-What's the point of saying the Commander's son has 5 more. It must not be important to him.

- What do you think Jonas? * Annie asked me *.

-Oh me ..... I don't know. * I replied with a silly laugh *.

* Hey shit, I shouldn't have *.

-What are you talking about you are a student in political science. You owe it to yourself to give an opinion. * Insisted Susane another girl in the group *.

-That is to say....

-It's not going to kill you. * Alfred told me *. Go a little analysis from our expert.

* I caught my breath and took the small screen in hand *.

-In my opinion the Jaeger attaches a lot of importance to life just like us that's why they have all these restrictive laws that prevent them from abusing their powers. We can say that they are monsters or even Krawls, the fact remains that it is thanks to them that we won the war. Liore McMannus is surely a good guy that's why he came to trade his life for ....

* I would have liked to have continued but when I saw the hostage taker go out with a handcuffed woman I was more sure. He exchanged a few words with McMannus and then followed an exchange of incomprehensible stuff. I felt two gusts of wind above our heads and it was starting to pull in all directions *.

-Look at he's protecting the Jaeger .... * Said Alfred *. I was right.

-You suck as an analyst. * Said Susane *.

-Hey ... And then shit do whatever you want.

* Annoyed I left my seat to go to the drinks machine *.

-Jonas is waiting.

-Leave him. He will not be discouraged for so little.

-Look at it shoots all over the place.

* The situation in town was still explosive. The anti-jaeger movements have been around for a long time, but they never dared to act in this way. I had heard rumors that the army was eliminating them cleanly. The reason they are rejected in real life is because humans love human heroes. But it is precisely because they are not human that they are heroes *.

-Human heroes are just murderers. * I say out loud *.

* At that moment everyone stared at me and I felt borderline embarrassed *.

-Sorry Sorry...

* Ha, they must have taken me for a fool. But hey I digress at the base I had just come to make my request to Annie. But*....

-If she refuses .... If she finds that I'm going too fast .... If I abrupt her. Now is the right time ....

* There I realized that I was still thinking aloud. Right next to the concierge who was staring at me with annoyance. I felt he was judging me *.

-You really have a small problem.

* And he went away without saying another word. I caught my breath. To make up for it, I had to bring back a tray of 4 glasses of coffee so that no one was upset. I stopped short a few feet from the table and saw her laughing with the others. In the end what I had to lose. I had to go for it or I will regret it all my life *.

-I go....

* I still had to be able to take a step. Because the building suddenly began to shake which made me spill the coffee. I saw the students rush to the ledge and did the same to find out what was *.


* A huge metal pick, the kind you see around the Strykers had just hit our building. Was it McMannus'? Or*....

-Hey watch it move ..... * pointed to a student *.

* The peak was as if covered with scales which gradually disintegrated. Leaving out an animal's head. He had 3 purple eyes and gray hairs spiky like never before. It looked like it merged with the structure of the stake. Merged with .... *

-Oh my God. * I say, my eyes widening *.

-What's the matter ?

- RUN ...

-About what ?

-No time to explain will run. * I screamed again *.

* I took Annie by the hand without thinking and started to walk towards the elevator, but I felt the building move more and more like it was being eaten away *.

-Quick run ...

* But as I got to the elevator a huge mass leapt up and came between me and my only means of escape. Right in front of a huge monster of about 3 meters. He looked like a wild beast and his body was covered in steel scales made from the pick material from the Jaeger. The only part that was still organic were his purple eyes from which a liquid seemed to escape. I then felt Annie shake my hand and I understood that she too was terrified. No more than me, however *.

-We ... We are going to die. *She says*.

* Die? Not even in dreams. I then felt the building move again as if it was still eaten away *.

-Susane, Alfred follow me.

* I started running in the opposite direction towards the ledge. My friends did the same without understanding why. The Krawl, on the other hand, rushed at us. I heard excruciating screams and noises from people being eaten but I could do nothing for them. My priority was getting my friends out of there. No matter what I Won't Die *.

-Hey do you have a plan at least? * Alfred asked *.

* My plan was my total trust in dear J-C and the laws of nature. The building tilted back slightly but in our opinion we still continued to climb. The goal was to get to the edge before slipping into the monster's mouth. Once near the edge we jumped in the air all 4 before starting to slide on the windows towards the peak at the origin of all this *.

-Youhouuuuuu you're an Astray genius. * Said Susane enjoying her descent *.

* But another Krawl came out of the caracasse. It was similar to the first one with the same aura, the same face and the same size *.

-Not so great that aaaaa. * She yelled *.

* I didn't know what to do except hope for a miracle. And the miracle was precisely two missiles that hit the Krawl full force, throwing it out of the tower. A fighter plane passed at high speed and grazed the building, the shock wave broke the windows and we fell on the penultimate floor before the metal spike before sliding towards the lower windows this time *.


-Annie takes my hand. * I screamed *.

* But she found no hold and went through the window. My heart stopped beating as I watched her take a free fall. I did not even realize that we were all 4 in full fall towards .... The swimming pool of the building next door *.

-Impact Coming.

* We were sinking we melted water and I admit that I never imagined that the extravagance of a billionaire would save my life. So a missile hit the building again and I felt the pool empty. The 4 of us were sucked into a pipe that expelled us like shit. I believe that even my high school PE teacher would never have planned such a sadistic journey *.

-HAAAAAAAAAAA * That's all that came out of our mouths like his *.

* Fortunately the pipe exploded us on the top floor in the water reserve of the swimming pool. We extricated ourselves as best we could and we arrived in the alley next door. When I looked up for the first time I understood what we had gotten into. It was just * ...

-The mess.

* The city was on fire. The army was in the streets but also in the air. The plane that saved us was a Typhoon V-2 transformable model. The best human-flyable weapon yet. The pilot seemed gifted as I saw him raze our building again and reduce the Krawl there to dust with a beam of greenish plasma. He changed into a plane again and left immediately. Elsewhere it was a mess, there were dead bodies in the streets, wounded here and there. The worst was the army which did not hesitate to bomb Krawl in areas where there were civilians *.

-We have to move. We have to move. * Alfred repeated *.

-A ... Wait. *I said*. My glasses are ...

-What the hell bro. * He said angry *.

-They are cracked and I can see nothing without my glasses.

* I then saw him move towards a corpse and remove the gentleman's glasses. This one was half devoured *.

-Lord .... * He said disgusted *.

* He came back to give me a new pair that fit quite well *.

- Come on, we have to move.

* When I had barely regained my sight I saw a little girl in the distance who had her leg stuck under a car *.

-Hey look. * Say I pulling my friend's blouse *.

-The poor girl. * Said Susanne *.

-Let's leave it there. * Said Annie *. She will slow us down.

-He .... * I said surprised *.

-Don't say anything Annie. * Said Alfred *.

* Al and I ran in his direction but suddenly a Krawl jumped on the vehicle and pulled it free. Before our terrifying eyes he grabbed the kid by the chest with his jaw and began to slowly crush her ribs. I threw up immediately when I saw this. But the worst was to come. He turned his head in our direction and swallowed the kid except part of the leg. As soon as he took a step in our direction a shell hit him full force. The kid was half burnt in her face. When I looked up I saw a Typhoon loaded with bombs under its fuselage *.

-Oh my ... Run .....

* He dropped his bombs in the street and the fire spread throughout. We started running like crazy towards the entrance to the building opposite but the ground cracked and we fell into a basement face down *.

-Stay lower. *I said*.

-Oh swears. * Alfred said ironically as the fire passed over our heads *.

* Once that was done we finally got up to catch our breath. The basement lights were on. But even better *.

-YES .... * Said Susane *.

-Underground parking. * He said *.

- Let's go. * I said heading towards one of the cars *.

- Which one do we take? * Al asked *.

-The convertible. * Said Susane *.

-The 4x4. * Resumed I * it is more solid.

-Or the Armored Van right there. * Said Annie *.


* We turned our heads and we could see an armored 4x4 as seen in the super-cop movies *.

-Well done Annie, you watch it.

-Rest more than forced.

-Not get excited. * Said Alfred * I'm the one driving.

* While Al and I were looking for a way to climb we heard the sound of automatic unlocking which made us jump. I saw Annie looking at us smiling before removing her hands from her pockets to wave a sort of miniature remote control *.

-It's a master key that my father gave me. With that you can easily hack any vehicle. But beware, it's a secret. * Said she not winking at us *.

* Definitely I loved this girl even if what she had said earlier intrigued me. Finally, we end up getting on board with Alfred at the wheel *.

- Let's go to the city hotel. * He announced happily *.

-HEY ....

*To be continued*