Chapter 11: Escape

* As the city slowly caught fire and chaos set in, the army gradually reorganized itself. Several kilometers from the city hotel, an armored vehicle carrying 4 young students was speeding by. Sitting in his seat with the glass down, Jonas watched the city go up in flames. Missiles fired from everywhere and so did bombs *.

-Jesus .... What did we do to get there? * Asked the young man *.

-You think it's .... Hell? * Asked Susane *.

-No. * Said Annie very calm *. It's just a Krawl attack. They devour everyone in their path, men, women, children included.

-And if we don't get out of here quickly, we're going to serve them a meal. * Jacob said *.

* As the vehicle crossed the bridge connecting the east-west part of the city, an earthquake caught them off guard. Jacob hit the brakes causing the car to skid several times before finally stopping in the middle of the bridge *.

-What was that ? * Asked sweaty Jonas *.

* The back of the bridge exploded, flying thousands of debris over several hundred meters. A shapeless creature of about fifteen meters came out of the breach and tried to climb on the bridge causing it to collapse little by little. This one had a more human appearance with arms and hands, only his whole body was covered with this strange metal and his mouth resembling a beast. His hands were as sharp as claws and he was desperately trying to climb up to the deck, screaming horribly *.

-It sucks it sucks it sucks. * Said Jonas panicked *.

-shut the hell up. * Jacob yelled *.

* The 4x4 was finally able to start again. Jacob had his foot fully on the accelerator as the bridge behind them collapsed like a domino *.

-Faster faster.

* It was then that a fighter plane appeared in front of them, skimming the ground. This one had no bombs compared to the old one *.

-Oh not yet.

* The plane passed the truck and immediately changed into a mecha twenty meters tall. The inertia caused by his acceleration threw him against the monster he grabbed by the shoulders before dragging it with him into the hole. The students, surprised by the unfolding of events, continued to advance despite everything *.

- Phew, he wasn't a psychopath. * Breathed Jonas *.

-He was mostly a freak. * Jacob said *. What an idea to take this monster with him.

-Take the next right. * Said Annie *. We are more than a few Kilo .....

* A brutal shock interrupted him. The rear of the vehicle was hit by a 3-eyed Krawl that appeared out of nowhere. Jacob tried to keep control, but the vehicle still rolled over several times before entering a jewelry store window opposite. The 4 teens were still in shock as the alarm sounded again. The krawl inched forward as its slime traced a purple line on the ground. Jonas managed to open his eye somehow and saw the monster's open mouth in his direction. Suddenly it was his turn to be thrown into the back of the jewelry store by an enormous armored truck bigger than the 4x4. The truck backed up slightly then the machine gun on the roof opened fire on the Krawl. Jonas saw a woman come down the driver's side with a grenade launcher in hand. She fired 3 direct hits in the eyes of the Krawl who collapsed in flames *.

-You are fine ? Check if there are still people breathing.

* Jacob manages to get out of the vehicle although injuring above the eye. The group that had just saved them was a convoy of 3 armored vehicles. Most of them were dressed in civilian clothes and the woman who led them had a magnum on her belt *.

- I recognize you. * Said Jacob *. You are one of the hostages of the city hotel.

-Take care of them. Quick.

* At headquarters Liore observed the situation from the control room. Lying against a wall with his arm in pieces, the colonel observed the Jaeger scornfully *.

-How did he manage to arrive so quickly? Even with his racing car, it's impossible. Unless....

* He observed Liore more closely, he was sweating under his jacket and his breathing was irregular *.

-Don't tell me he pushed the vehicle? No it's foolish he must have used a flying machine. * He thought *. Anyway it's exhausted it's my chance.

* His hand was moving slowly but surely towards his inside pocket but Liore then gave him a quick look out of the corner of his eye *.

-Don't think about it. * He said with an amused air *. I may be exhausted but I am still 3 times stronger than you. Getting disarmed at this distance took me seconds.

- Lieutenant-Colonel Armor 2 has finished engaging Class 2 on the bridge. * Said Olga who was now the operator *.

- Balance sheet? * Asked McMannus *.

-The target has been exterminated, he continues on his way.

-Armor 2 made a memorable score today. Tell him to join Garza and Flynn.

-Armor 2 you have new orders ....

* While she was dictating the instructions Liore saw 3 different points approaching the city hotel *.

-What is that ?

* On the side of this HQ, the 3 armored vehicles forced the blockade which had become inexistent with the escape of most of the police before parking a few meters from the command tent. Armed civilians got out and brought down many other civilians. Most of them were hostages of the hotel *.

-What .... What? * The chief of police wondered.

-What are they doing there? * The Ricker asked Katy *. And where did you get these weapons? Don't tell me ...

-Long story. * she replied *. These people must be evacuated as quickly as possible.

-But damn this is exactly the most dangerous place in town.

-Is that so ? Yet I don't see any Krawls. * She said dryly *.

-She's right. * Cut Flynn without looking away from his Tac Map *. For some reason no Krawl protects the queen. Which makes this the safest place in town until further notice.

-But ... What if they all decide to come back here?

-I'm going to ask for a chopper breaking in, hoping that's enough. The station is still under control. * He replied *. Sparrow Five move you 3 degree North and open fire through the wall. Lone One and Two Barrage at Coza's villa.

-As you can see the captain is busy. * Told Garza *. Until further order these civilians are yours. This is what you wanted no ...

-And Shalon? * Ricker asked * Has anyone seen Shalon?

- She didn't come out that I know of. * Garza replied *

* At that moment a strong vibration emanated from the Mermaid. A fighter plane arrived on the area. Everyone raised their heads to better observe *.

-It's Armor 2. I'll be able to fight. *said Garza*.

-Look. * Said Susane *. It is the plane that had saved our lives in the tower.

-And who also almost buried us. *Said Jacob*.

* But the Mermaid sharply turned his head in the direction of the plane and sent a beam of plasma at it. Surprised the pilot did his best to avoid it but at the speed at which he was going, he ended up stalling and crashed into the debris of a building nearby *.

-Son of bitch. * Said one of the civilians *.

-We're all gonna die.

-Do not panic. * Said Flynn completely stoic *

* At that precise moment a sound of footsteps was heard in the distance. On the other side of the impact zone a metal giant had just appeared and it was not a mecha of the federation. This one also had a purple eye but on the left side of his chest *.

-We are all dead. * Said sweaty Chuck *.

* In a gesture probably to despair Jonas started running in the direction of the downed Typhoon followed by Garza who did the same *.

-Jonas where are you going like that? * Jacob asked *.

- We must help them. * He said in a hurry *.

* The young man quickly climbed the pile of debris and hit the cockpit with all his might, screaming *.

-Hey hey ... wake up dammit.

* The Cockpit opened automatically which surprised him enough and he could see the pilot and co-pilot unconscious *.

-There are two places? * Jonas wondered *.

-It is a training device. * Said Garza who had just arrived *. The guy in the back was to be the instructor. Bad luck they got shot.

-You are really insensitive to someone who has just seen his comrades get shot. * He said with a lump in his throat *.

- I did not know them and even if it was the case it does not change from usual. * He said coldly *.

-May be for you but me ... * He stared at Garza in tears in his face *. These men have saved our lives a bunch of times today.

* The young man put his hand on the board and deactivated the device before extricating the pilot from his cockpit. He also withdrew the instructor who was in much worse shape. As he watched Garza tilted *.

-Jonas what are you doing? * Asked Annie who had just arrived with the others *.

- We must help them they are ....

-Get in this V-2 right away * Garza ordered who pointed at the young man with his pistol *.

* Jonas remained motionless paralyzed with fear. It was the first time that he had been pointed at with a weapon *.

-What ... What are you doing? * He asked scared *.

-You know the mechanism of this machine rather well. You easily deactivate the security and shut down the machines before rooting out the pilots.

-I have .... I just been in this simulator once. But it was....

-It will be enough. * He said, resting his gun on the kid's forehead *. Climb into the Typhoon.

-What you do you do not have the right. * Said Annie *.

-Stay in your place the pisseuse. * He said pointing his gun at her *.

-No no no stop. * Said Jonas *. Don't shoot I'll do it.

-Well then. Suddenly you are very docile. It's your girlfriend ?

-Jonas nothing forces you to go. *She says*.

* He will be fisted in the face of her helplessness then he stared her straight in the eye with a smile *.

-Do not worry everything will be fine. And I'm warning you * he said to Garza *. I've never driven for real.

-We'll see that. * He said with a practically demonic smile *.

* On the other side the Krawl continued to wander in the street as if he wandered aimlessly then he suddenly turned his head in the direction of the mini-refugee camp which made the blood of some *.

-Do not panic he will not attack while his queen is around ...

* Big mistake. He turned to them and began to run like an athlete in their direction. Each stride brought him closer to the camp as everyone panicked. Suddenly a fist came and lodged itself directly in the face of the monster making it twist in the air. The Krawl was thrown several tens of meters devastating the buildings behind. The humans who witnessed this scene had just seen a Krawl being taken apart for the first time. It was then a huge cry of joy and encouragement that enveloped the square *.

-Listen kid. * Said Garza *. We will skip 6 months of intensive flight training to go straight to the fight to the death square. When I give an order you obey. One misstep and we both die. Is that clear ?

-Sir Yes Sir. * He said stressed *.

-Are you sure what you're doing? * Reuss asked *. His simulator was surely a video game.

- Don't bother me and watch your screens. I do my job and you do so...

* The Krawl on the ground got up little by little and seemed to recover from the punch in his face *.

-Armor 2 ... engage battle

*To be continued*.