Chapter 12: Bushfire

* At the end of January 226, Kai'O is attacked and the only people able to defend her are from the local garrison, cruelly lacking in experience. And even though they were commanded by an exceptional officer, Flynn Reuss was not the good Lord so there was only so much he could do as a commander. In his helmet echoed the cries of units being destroyed one after the other. Admiral Gray's fleet was observing several kilometers from town, awaiting instructions. Typhoon's squadrons remained in the sky on stand-by *.

-That's enough. Rear Admiral let us go. If we don't go, more people will die. * Said the squadron captain *.

-He is right sir why do we stay here to wait? * Asked another pilot *.

-Tell your men not to move. * Said Flynn *.

-You heard ? * Repeated the admiral *. However, I understand that their fear is well founded. What's on your mind, captain?

- Trust me, Rear Admiral, or you might regret it. * He said coldly *.

* He didn't lift his head once so he didn't even pay attention to the Typhoon vs. Krawl fight *.

-Breath kid. * Said Garza *.

-I ... I'm calm.

-No kidding. * He thought *. The Krawls are divided into 3 categories spread over 5 classes. The first is the most common Zion which has a beast-like form. The second and the most annoying the Ukron which makes them think of insects. Most fly and others dig tunnels in short, I'm not a biology teacher.

-And the last ?

-The one we like to have in our sights. * He said with a smirk *. The Golon which draws more from the human in terms of form.

- Shoot the human eh?

-Classes 1 go from 2 to 6 meters they are relatively small. Class 2 between 15 and 20 meters. Class 3 are in the 60s and over. Classes 4 are big caps with special abilities. Size doesn't matter.

-What about the class 5?

* The Krawl suddenly leaps at them. Totally caught off guard Jonas didn't know what to do with the control panel in front of him. As the claws drew closer to the helmet the Typhoon ducked before mowing down its opponent with a whalebone. The krawl stumbled down the alley to the HQ. As he tried to get up the machine quickly came back and leapt into the air before landing on the throat of the monster with a nudge. He twisted in the air again and stabbed him with a plasma saber, decapitated him badly. The blood of the beast spilled in the streets and splashed some civilians in the camp *.

- I hate to be interrupted. * Said Garza coldly *.

* The typhoon resumed its airplane mode before gaining height *.

-Unbelievable. * The young man echoed *. Hey are you sure you need me? * Jonas asked *.

-From now it's you who pilot. * He said, letting go of the controls *.

-But stop ...

* Jonas took back the controls while the helmet of the machine came to be placed above his glasses. His vision was immediately improved, and he could see some data that was not showing normally. The whole cockpit gave him the impression of being alone. The view was panoramic he could even see through the floor of the device which made a funny effect on him *.

-Hey, you don't have time to go into ecstasies. We have work

* Jonas took a deep breath, his hands were still shaking he was so unsure of himself. But all around him suddenly became calm *.

-I'm ready sir.

* And the plane left in the heart of the city at full speed. Ricker, who had just seen him walk away, walked over to wound them in search of his sister *.

-Shalon ... Has anyone seen Shalon?

-Sorry, sergeant. * Said sullivan *. We lost sight of each other.

* Said Shalon had remained inside the building and stared at the Stryker from a window with a bewildered look *.

-Oooooh, so you're causing all the commotion in town.

* She climbed back down from the window and resumed walking through the halls dragging a corpse in one hand *.

-I think I'll keep getting bored if no one wants to play with me. * She said before throwing the body through the window destroying the premises *.

* She then saw a room filled with military equipment. The hostage takers had to abandon a good part of their weapons during the flight *.

-But that's what makes a hell of a lot of explosives. * She said a sly smile *.

* For her part Kate observed her husband completely absorbed by his screen. It looked like the state of battle had drag his soul. Everything in his way of expressing himself was different *.

-As I thought as long as you don't lock it, it doesn't attack.

-Flynn. * Said Liore who had just entered into communication with him *. We have confirmation from one of our scouts that the unidentified critter from earlier is indeed a Class 3 Zion.

- I suspected it. But his position has still not changed since his appearance so we leave him there. We don't have the means to bring it down right now.

-Garza could do it ... * suggested Liore *.

-Garza you say ....

* On the control screen Olga observed the movements of Armor 2 and these were extremely irregular *.

-Liore you have to see that ...

* The Lt-Colonel approached the screen and saw the dot indicating Armor 2 moving at an extremely irregular speed. He was heading towards a point indicating a Krawl then this one disappeared he went towards another and the following Krawl *.

-That's actually 5 in a row. * Said Olga *.

-Damn Garza, he's on fire today.

-It's not Garza at the controls of this device. * Reuss announced *.

-Sorry ? * Said McMannus who couldn't hide his surprise *.

* The fast flying device approached a Golon which was attacking a Tank. Resuming his combat form he sliced ​​the arms of the monster with a plasma shot and planted his heart. It was neat and clean, not even giving the soldiers time to go into ecstasies. He also fired missiles at the Zion in the opposite street cleaning the area then he resumed his airplane form before heading back to another target *.

-I'm starting to understand how it works. *he says to him*.

- Are you finr kid? If you don't hold on ...

-It's okay. No need to remind me. * Said he exhausted *. One misstep and we're dead. It's just ... It's one thing to see them on TV but to see them in real life ...

* The device sharply veered and lasered a Class 2 Zion in the middle of the street. It was finished off by Reder's pilots on the ground *.

-You face these horrors every day. We are far from the monsters I see in video games. * He continued as he seemed out of breath *.

* The machine began to slow down a bit. Hiding behind a pile of debris a Zion came out the back and leapt at the Typhoon. Garza instinctively took control and nabbed the monster by the jaw before stabbing the plasma saber into its heart. The Krawl burst and its blood covered the machine. This explosion made the young Jonas react, who came to his senses *.

-So ... Sorry I ...

-When we get out of here. Go see the developers of your games and ask to be reimbursed ..... Because the reality is much more excruciating ...

* Jonas pulled himself together and smiled at Garza *.

- Sir when it will be finished that would tell you playing a part?

* A transmission was displayed in the cockpit for the attention of the pilots. It was Liore and Flynn *.

-No kidding. * Said Liore surprised to see Jonas at the controls *.

-What do you want, we're a little busy here. * Said Garza *.

-I have toured the planet. * Said Liore *. I Hacked the satellites and the detectors to make me burn my brains out and I can say with great certainty that the scales of the witches serve as layers for the Mermaid.

-How is it possible that a Class 2 or even 3 kind of thing so small? Especially since they are covered with metal. * Garza asked *.

-The ... The nano machines. * Said Jonas *. The armor of the Stryker is made up of thousands of millions of Nanomachines. If a Krawl egg is able to fuse with anything then it would take hundreds of equally microscopic ones. Their growth would therefore accelerate and it will be possible to have several hundred or even thousands.

* Jonas left his explanation saw the eyes of the 3 officers fixed on him which made him panic a little *.

-No but....

-Liore you're fired. * Said Reuss *.

-I'm your superior you moron. Garza where did find catch a kid like that?

-No I I ....

-What's the plan? * Garza asked *.

- Well let's see that seems obvious to me. * Liore smirked *.

* The tyhoon resumed its airplane form and headed towards the first scale at full speed. It didn't take long for him to reach the nearest one, the one planted in his school building. The building had curved forming a gigantic bridge or came out one by one of the hordes of zions. After a brief moment of hesitation he rushed through the building, stabbing him sharply. The metal scale had been split in two before exploding into pieces reduced to crumbs by a rocket *.

- I succeeded. * Said he smiling *.

-You don't rest on your laurels. continue.

-Sir Yes Sir.

* Armor 2 joins the next target. Meanwhile at the city hotel, the Mermaid turned his head towards the city. Reuss also looked up from his screen for the first time and observed Jeena's machine *.

-It's really you ? * He wondered *.

-Target 2 on contact. * Said Jonas on the radio *. Target 2 eliminated sir. Well, I don't know if that's how we say it.

* At this point the Mermaid turned to the city for good. From the machine emanated an unbearable pressure, it was maybe Reuss who felt hallucinating because of the fatigue and the lack of sleep but listening on the frequency of the Mermaid he thought he heard with a metallic voice *.

- *[My children]*....

* The soldier's eyes widened as the machine was about to take off. This is when the unthinkable happens. The roof of the city hotel was blown up by a gigantic explosion *.

-What ? * Ricker said surprised *.

-City Hall ? * Jacob wondered *.

* The blast did not touch any civilian because surprisingly the explosion was directed upwards. The building then collapsed on itself, scattering dust in the surroundings. For a moment the whole area was in a blur, but Flynn and Ricker could see in the midst of this ama of debris a police officer watching the Jaeger *.

-So what do you say about that, it stops you a corner eh? * Shalon said with an unhealthy smile *. I made sure that you were the only one to be touched quite a bit.

* The mermaid turned to the little one and took out a plasma cannon which he pointed at her. But the latter's reaction was to laugh at the top of her lungs *.

-I expected no less from the ultimate machine. Even my scratch.

-Shalon. * Ricker yelled *.

-Come on, I'm ready. * She said closing her eyes *.

-Shalon not kidding. * Ricker yelled, rushing to his sister *.

-Target 3 destroyed sir ....

* The mermaid's arm began to shake hesitantly before opening fire. Bad luck the shot passed but the shock wave projected Shalon several tens of meters back. The Mermaid let out a downright beastly howl before rushing off to Jonas and Garza. Rick meanwhile rushed to his sister. Shalon stood up with difficulty, her arm shattered. Blood was running down her skull and her left arm was completely covered with it. But she was stumbling along in the direction of where the Mermaid had gone *.

-No ... Coming back ... Why are you leaving?

-Shalon. * Said Ricker hugging her *.

-Brother did you saw that? * She said, trying to move forward *. This stuff is insane ... I wanted one.

-Calm down....

-I need one. He is all great ... All powerful ... My decision is made. *She says*. I go...

-Shalon * yelled Rick *.

* She laughed a lot before losing consciousness for good. For his part, Flynn resumed his post despite what had just happened *.

-Garza, kid I have bad news.

-The Mermaid is coming at us?

-How do you know ?

-I don't know, maybe because he's chasing us through town. * He yelled *.

-Ho la ho la ho la ho la ..... * Said Jonas excited *.

- Calm down, kid not of a dog.

* Jonas turned around a bend in an alleyway and took the underground tunnel as the Mermaid shot them with a plasma beam *.

-Fucking damn ray.

-It's a Jaeger ... We don't stand a chance. We have no chance, none none none none ....

-Are you going to shut it up. Dammit

* The typhoon came out of the tunnel and found itself at the other end of town *.

-Garza, attract the outside and as far as possible from the city. * Said Liore *.

-Seed the Mermaid with a training V-2 and a virgin at the controls? What a health walk. * He said Ironic *.

-Flynn has already fixed your route, just follow it.

-Tch ... Heard you kid take you back.

-No no I don't want to die like that.

-What are you still talking about asshole? If you screw up your girlfriend is going to die out of the nerve. * He said in an icy voice *.

* For his part, Flynn had finished with his preparations. He closed the screen and switched to the earpiece before heading towards the civilians *.

-Are you on your Flynn plan? * Liore asked *.

-And how. Rear Admiral Gray your men can finally take action. Their targets are the witch's scales.

-It's not too early.

-There is a Class 3 Zion ball. Avoid it. Let the rescue teams go to the point I have indicated.

-Chief. * Said a man on the radio *. Pike is in position. The railgun has just been recharged.

-Very well. Remember that if this messes up we'll get it in the bone up to the ass.

- ******

-You're right Pike.

* No one suspected then that further armor 2 pursued by the Mermaid was doing everything to get him away from the city *.

- *[My children]*.

* End of chapter *