Chapter 13: Afraid

* The rescue team place by the navy had made the trip as fast as possible. Civilians began to be evacuated by air and various secure routes. Several refugees flocked to the ruined hotel which had become the new headquarters of the armed forces. Several companies were now circling the area and evacuating the civilians *.

-Please give me your weapons madam. * Said a soldier to Kate *.

*She looked at him hesitantly then stared at Ricker. He nodded to her and she will comply*.

- No, I keep it. * She said picking up Dave's pistol *.


-Give up. The evidence is already infested enough like that.

-I thank you. * Said she smiling *. To say that you became a cop here. You were among the coolest at the time, that doesn't surprise me.

-You think so ?

-It's going to be your sister? I hope she will recover from it.

-Yes I hope so.

-Good. * Says Reuss *. Once the Typhoons have finished bombarding the scales you will attack class 3 according to plan.

-At your service. * Did the pilots *.

* Being in control of a vehicle is something. The first time you feel all the tension, anxiety and then the adrenaline all giving way to a feeling of incredible satisfaction. The more the speed increases, the more there is danger and the more the feeling of ecstasy is felt. But what about a fighter plane capable of exceeding the sound barrier 6 times? When your name is Jonas Astray and you get into this kind of machine without a prior combination, it's just *.

- Heeeeeell.

* Not having an anti-G suit, the Typhoon's AI then used an emergency mode. By injecting a strange liquid into the pilot it then becomes possible for the normal human body to take the G while going to MaCh 2. But despite this, the body of an untrained student teenager just couldn't resist *.

-Stop you're going to kill yourself. * Garza told him *.

* The lieutenant also did not have a suit but unlike the young man, he was used to high risk combat. For him this pressure was negligible but for Jonas *.

-I wouldn't give up ... I ... I wouldn't die ...

* How not to be under pressure at a time like this. The Mermaid was on his heels, sending a dozen messages via strange lines of code as if trying to communicate. The Stryker opened fire, firing a few lasers but Jonas dodged them before turning towards the forest. Once above, he swung straight into the trees and rushed in a straight line, slaloming. But the machine was so fast that it tore off a large part of it as it passed *.

-What is .... Garza tells the kid to follow the plan. * Says Reuss *.

-Bah he's the pilot here. * He said sarcastically *. The Mermaid is not at the top of its abilities. * He said looking back *. I can feel it by looking at it.

-According to Liore's report this thing is learning little by little. A bit like a newborn.

-She is learning ?! * Garza asked *.

-So we have a chance, but tell this kid to move his ass ...

-We will do it when ....

* As he came out of the forest he fell nose to nose with the Stryker. Garza reflexively deployed the plasma shield with his left arm, but the Valkyrie's machine ejected it with a flick of his hand *.

-What ... Has it evolved again?

* Suddenly the atmosphere became oppressive. The lines of codes on the screen became more and more numerous until they completely covered the dashboard. The entire interface was saturated. The typhoon remained in combat mode unable to move as cables came out of the Mermaid to hamper it *.

- She hacked us?

* Garza touched the eject lever but could not move *.


* Jonas meanwhile was paralyzed by fear. The machine in front was forcing access to the cockpit. In no time they would be in the open and they would end up being cut to pieces *.

-No ... It is .... Not possible .... I will ..... This thing is going to me ....

* As he was about to let go of the controls he heard a voice scream in his ears *.


* Garza's voice echoed in his head like it was his own *.

-Tell me Jonas are you afraid? * He resumed calmly *.

-F .... Fear? No, I'm even terrified. I knew it, I should never have followed you. * He said as his face burst into tears *. This is all your fault. When I left to help these people, it was not with the intention of being on board such a machine. I'm a student fuck, you're the military man. Do something.

* Garza let out a sigh and cut off all contact of his machine with the outside world. Neither Liore nor Flynn received it *.

-Lt-Colonel we lost contact with Armor 2.

-What? * Liore wondered *.

-Why did you put me in that Typhoon? * He asked as if emptied of his emotions *.

-Stop making fun of me. * Said Garza *.

-What ?! * Jonas wondered *.

-All you wanted is to take off this aircraft and run away with your girlfriend and your friends, am I right?

-I will never do anything like that. * He retorted *.

-Yet that was your intention. You were going to run away with one of our machines. You and your gang. You don't care that the planet is blowing up as long as you survive.

-So what. * He yelled *. How wrong is it to want to survive. This planet is fucked up anyway. And U.S. too.

-In this case, why did you come to the aid of the armor 2 pilots?

-I .... I wanted them to wake up ... to fight ... and to save us once more. I was far from suspecting that it was going to end like this.

-It's wrong. * Cut Garza *. The truth is, you're like a guy I know. Both of you have .... This visceral fear of dying.

* This sentence appealed to Jonas who felt totally abandoned *.

-Personally I find it pathetic. Whether we are strong or weak, death will come to visit us all. It is inevitable, there is nothing we can do about it. The guy I'm talking about was a friend and he ended up dying.

-So ... Sorry I ...

-So I said to myself that maybe by putting you in this cockpit, by beating you up to face danger, I might be able to escape this fear. At least that's what you want to hear. * He resumed sharply *.

-That ?

-Sorry but no.

* The energy of the machine was starting up again, loosening itself from the grip of the Stryker *.

-That you have a fear of dying I can understand but from the moment you get into this machine you have a responsibility towards all those you have left behind. It is too late to have regrets. Assume your choices and be a worthy man.

* Energy escaped from the reactors as well as steam. Once restored to 100% Armor 2 cut the cables that held him prisoners. With a quick kick he pushed the Stryker back and changed into an airplane again before heading straight for the Canyon at full throttle. The Mermaid immediately set off on the hunt, entering the canyon following the Typhoon closely. Jonas was twirling in the air, zigzagging between the rocks. He had tears in his eyes but whatever he was determined *.

-The joke has gone on long enough, Garza. Take back control.

- I restarted the system and transferred all the energy to the kid. * Said with folded arms *. All I can do is just stand there and wait.

* A Laser skimmed the wing, scuffing the paint, but Jonas panicked for a moment before accelerating even more *.

-I didn't want to die I didn't want to die I didn't want to die.

* He repeated it over and over like an almighty mantra, avoiding shots. Everyone at the command center could hear the cry of distress from the young boy in tears at the controls of his Typhoon. At that moment Liore clenched her fist in anger. For it was true, Garza's whim had forced them to rely on a civilian, not an inexperienced young man who saw the horror of combat for the first time *.

-If it doesn't work we'll just squeeze the biggest assholes around. * Said Liore shrugging his shoulders *.

* Armor 2 approached its destination as the Mermaid gradually reduced the distance. When Jonas finally arrived at the designated coordinates he came face to face with a raiglun cannon attached to the exit of the ravine *.

-Oh Shiiiiiiit.

- ******

-Pike. FIRE

-Oh fucking ....

* Out of pure instinct the young man twisted backwards before diving down into combat mode. The Railgun shot squarely lifted the trees in the area, and the bullet shot faster than any arrow. As he approached the area the Mermaid barely had time to detect the bullet. The impact and the blast of the explosion made the ground tremble like never before giving cold sweats to the soldiers. For a moment that seemed like an eternity we could hear the crackle in the air. The noise which emanated froze the blood *.

-This one was for class 3 but we have to believe that we will have to make concessions. * Said the man who had secured the Railgun aboard his Reder *.

-We ... got it? * Jonas asked *. We did it. * He repeated with enthusiasm *.

-Of course not. * told Garza *. But at least we'll have destroyed his shield.

-What ?

* Jonas didn't have time to understand what happened next. He was suddenly thrown out of the cockpit of the machine as he noticed the lack of power *.

- More kid. We will be one of these 4.

-What ?

* He saw the Stryker coming out of the Fog, rushing towards Armor 2. Garza pulled him into the air and they exchanged extremely quick saber blows. The lieutenant seemed to have the advantage despite the frail build of his aircraft. The shock of the lightsabers created lightning bolts unleashing their energy across the forest. The Mermaid, known to be infinitely more powerful, seemed to be fighting on equal terms with him. In addition, a crack had appeared towards the cockpit. Proof that the magnetic shield was indeed dead. The two planes continued the joust in the air at a subsonic speed, it was to wonder who was in these cockpits. It was then that the Mermaid left an opening. Garza succeeds in destroying one of the swords with his lightsaber, aiming at the Stryker's hand. He then planted another blade in the belly of the device *.

-Oh! * said Garza *.

* The pilot regained altitude to better counter attack but when finishing him the machine stopped. No more energy, she was no longer moving *.

-No no no no. * Said Jonas in Panic *.

-Garza eject yourself. * Liore yelled *.

* The Mermaid shot a particle beam in its direction radiating the entire surface of the device. Armor 2 caught fire and its IFF disappeared from the screens. The device then changed into a fireball crossing the sky before going to crash and explode at the other end of the forest *.

-Not impossible...

* Jonas having witnessed all this could not help but burst into tears. The young person faints once on the ground *.


* The Mermaid with a lightsaber in the abdomen headed for the city again at subsonic speed *.

- * [I 'm in paiiiin] *

* End of chapter *.