Chapter 14: End of the nightmare

* It had been a minute since radio silence was broken with Armor 2 and the Mermaid was already heading towards the city at high speed. Facing his screen Flynn tried to remain unmoved. Without Garza he would have to deal with the forces involved. For his part, Liore also recovered. A feeling they wanted forgotten was resurfacing but now was not the time *.

-The nests have all been destroyed sir. Our squadrons regroup to destroy class 3 ....

-Change of plan the Mermaid aims you, leave the combat zone.

-A Stryker? Quiet sir, we are 12 we will manage.

- Obey damn it ....

* They changed thus passing in combat mode but the Mermaid was no longer playing. Once in front of the first he cut it like butter without being able to defend himself. The Stryker drew a saber whose edges began to vibrate thanks to the ultra sound. It made a quick turn on itself sweeping half of the machines in the sky thanks to the shock wave *.

-But ... What is ... This monster ... * Said the terrified pilot *.

* And the massacre continued. For his part Reuss remained fixed on his screen which he began to squeeze very hard, biting his nail *.


* The image of Garza came back to his mind and he punched the table *.

-Shiiiit. If only...

* With the loss of air dominance, the outcome of the battle had drastically changed. Isolated military companies would soon be surrounded and decimated *.

-Mr Zion class 3 he moves.

-Not now. * He thought *.

-What are we doing ? Sir?

* The situation had never been so desperate. Reuss had a mini-smile on his face then slumped against the wall *.

-Pray for a miracle.

-About what ?

-But it will not be necessary this time .....

* A red glow crossed the sky at high speed. She was going far too fast to be both a Typhoon or a fighter plane *.

-Mr an unidentified machine flies over the sky.

-A Stryker? From whom? * Liore asked *.

-Berth? * Say Olga *.

-No it's not me, unfortunately. * Said the general who had just entered the room *.

-Bert ....

*Everyone was schocked to see him*


-Oh Sorry * He smirked *. It is because I had an important phone call to make all that.

-A call ?

* The machine landed in the middle of the river which crossed the city. The impact lifted all living beings and vehicles in the air for several meters before bringing them violently to the ground. Nearby soldiers could see the machine's name on the IFF *.

-He's here .... I couldn't believe it anymore. * Said Flynn *.

-He finally took it out. * Fenrir * Our Bloody Wolf

* The Stryker was silvery in color like snow, but its form was far from human. Already he was rather bent and his long arms almost reach his legs. It had claws and its head looked like a wolf. Everything about this machine was like a beast. As the Class 3 Zion within 50 yards neared, Bloody Wolf howled as his color changed from silvery to bright red. His emerald green eyes turned to black gold *.

- Burst him .... Bloody. * Says Reuss *.

* There are two ways to kill a Krawl. Rip out his head or destroy his heart. But since there are many cases of oddity with them, he is more sure to liquidate his heart. A Class 3 Zion is able to move its heart through its body to make it undetectable. Yet upon seeing the corpse of the creature towering over fifty meters high lying on the ground, all were stunned by the sheer power of the Stryker which had caused a shower of blood. The beating heart of the Krawl stood in the palm of the Stryker. He squeezed it and blood spattered the place and then he let out a terrifying cry again. The civilians who witnessed the scene got scared and fled in all directions. Fenrir then spotted the Mermaid and rushed at him. The shock between the wolf's claw and the scales made the last skyscrapers still standing collapse. He might be a machine, but the Stryker felt an incredible thirst for blood. Bloody crushed the Mermaid's arm and kicked the abdomen, giving the machine another claw. Bloody Gushed out of the cockpit and the machine bit Mermaid's neck squarely before ripping parts of it *.

-From ... Since when did Jalel fight like that? * Liore asked scared *.

-If it has become so strong, its compatibility rate must have increased. * Said Bert *. It's another Fenrir that we have in front of us.

* The Savage Fenrir howled even more and plunged its mouth into the opponent's cockpit. The Mermaid responded with a shock wave that drove the wolf back across town *.

-It's crazy he still has so much energy left. * Said Ricker *.

-No it's over. * Says Reuss *. Jalel will finish him off.

* The latter got up, closing his cracks as if nothing had happened, then he opened his mouth before spitting out a gigantic particle beam. The shot hit the Mermaid leaving a huge explosion in the sky. It practically formed a shining star several miles away. It was then that another surprise appeared. A 3rd Stryker. At that very moment Reuss lost his temper. He left his screen and went to observe the sky live *.

-The .... The Belial?

-Liore what is that? What is your machine doing there? * Bert asked *.

* The Belial, a splendid machine resplendent in black. His pair of wings gave him the appearance of a bat. His purple eyes froze the blood. With him the 3 Strykers of Kai'O were reunited. He too seemed different, not in appearance but in attitude. The machine was acting like a living being, it had deflected the beam with disconcerting ease. Bloody wanted to attack again but a message reached his pilot *.


* When he communicated Liore was struck by an excruciating migraine and collapsed to the ground *.

-My head...

-Liore. * yelled Olga, first to throw herself on him *.

* Flynn also received this message very well but he does not know what means *.

-We have no intention of continuing to fight. It would be futile for you as well as for us. And then our queen is still a child.

-Their ... Queen?

-Your queen? * Said the voice of the Fenrir pilot *. Ha ... Get your fucking queen out of my sister's machine. * He yelled *.

*he screamed so loud that all the humans around trembled*

-I see that you are not open to discussion but I cannot let you continue like this. And then....

* In the sky of Kai'O several military cruisers had just entered the atmosphere not to mention the overarmed Reder and Typhoon. These were clearly not from the isolated garrison of a small, untangled planet. Also but above all, a reder squadron with the Glass skull *.

-We are surrounded.

-Bordel de Bordel. * Said one of the pilots *. Who ... What ... How?

-What is that thing ?

* The situation on Kai'O had shaken them all. The Belial put his hand on the Mermaid and emitted a subsonic vibration which had the effect of destabilizing the aircraft and the pilots for a short time. They took the opportunity to fly into space *.

-Don't think you're escaping. * Jalel said with a sadistic smile *. I'll tear you up in shit.

* It flew through the air catching up with its prey faster and faster. Ashore Reuss, who understood what the Belial wanted to do, gave the order to his subordinate *.

-Bradley destroys the warp system *Cry Reuss to a pilot in atsmosphere*

Editor's note: Warp systems are like wormhole portals capable of teleporting from one place to another.

* One of the Reder with a sniper rifle turned towards the warp station and aimed at the portal. He opened fire and the bullet flew, but the Belial hacked the aim deflected the bullet and sent it at Bloody. The pilot started again but his shots were ineffective all deflected towards Jalel who avoided them *.

-That's all you got ...

* He disconnected his machines and switched aim and fired in manual mode *

-Don't miss it

- ****.

* The Belial opened a portal and moved closer to his exit door while he had Fenrir on his butt. Bradley opened fire and the bullet went straight. But too late the Belial entered immediately before cutting the system closing the gate behind. The bullet hit Bloody full force, and the machine went into atsmophère *.

- SHIT. * Reuss yelled *.

* But his anger gave way to a strange joy. He dropped to the ground and stared at the sky with a smile seeing all these ships approaching. But even better, Katy who raised him before resting her head on her knees *.

-You finally came back to your mind. *She says*.

- Hard life than mine, eh? * He sighed *.

* For his part Liore had finally finished his crisis and woke up *.

-Liore .... Liore ... Are you okay? * Said Olga, waving it *.


-I was so worried. * She said in tears before hugging him *.

-God thanks, you are fine. * Said Bert joining the hug *.

* Liore was still in shock to him and even cry*.

-I have .... Lost my neural link ... with Belial.

* End of chapter*