Chapter 15: Fallout

* Either a medal, or a body bag, or both. It was the motto of the special forces. But in the present situation maybe there weren't enough medals for everyone. In the hangar of Kai'O airbase stood a man in front of a dozen or so coffins all covered with their country's flag. He was in ceremonial dress, a green suit with its stripes on the shoulders fixing the coffins. One of them was red with a glass skull as an emblem half covered with the federation flag. The man brushed it with his gloves for a moment, as if he could still feel the person inside. A woman then put her hand on his shoulder. She was of mixed race and had curly hair in formal dress as well. She stared at him with a sad look *.

-It's time. *She says*.

-Do you know that the body was not found?

-He was hit by a particle beam. It's normal. * She explained *.

- What do you think he would have wanted right now? * He said sad *.

-That you remain who you have always been.

* He let out a sigh and put on his cap, then stroked the plaque on which the soldier's name was marked. It was written "Hansell Garza *.

* After the Belial and Mermaid escaped the remaining Krawls found themselves at the mercy of Jeremiah's space fleet. Led by Takeko Takemikazuchi it was only a matter of time before the area was safe again. The 81st Titan Battalion nicknamed the "Undead" were the first to arrive. Before the arrival of the reinforcements they had already mastered 80% of the enemy threat without suffering any loss. The Kai'O Crisis came as a huge shock to many people, one Stryker had merged with a Krawl and another had been hijacked something impossible without the pilot's death. Liore McMannus was placed in examination before being finally released. Having lost his pilot title, he submitted his resignation to the army headquarters but it was obviously rejected. Colonel Verner was demoted and transferred to a 12th system planet while Rear Admiral Vexus Gray, he was made Vice-Admiral and chief of the planet's defense forces which were improved. A ceremony was held in honor of all those who died in action, civilian and military, and Commander McMannus personally made the trip *.

* 11 February 226 day of medal ceremony. The ceremony took place at the entrance of the air base which became a space base. The open-air courtyard had welcomed several thousand soldiers, families of victims and friends. On the podium stood the imposing commander who gave his speech to reassure the population *.

-Ladies and gentlemen the events that took place here at Kai'O we all seriously shake up what happened cannot be erased, but that's why we owe it to ourselves to hold our heads high. For all those who have left us and who are watching us here below, we must continue to move forward. Otherwise their sacrifice and the fight we have waged would be meaningless.

* Baptiste's speech touched hearts to the core. Some women moved by crying while others felt galvanized *.

-Some people take advantage of our closeness and the fact that we have been struck to disturb the tree established to stir up revolts. But all this only breeds chaos and war in a world where we need unity more than ever. * He said, joining his hands to signify the union *. Human, Jaeger we all live on these planets in perfect harmony. The humans created the Jaeger then the stupidities of the Jaeger by extending those of the humans. Do not allow yourself once again to be dominated by these mental and physical limits that we are accustomed to setting for ourselves but let us look to the future together and build together the future of tomorrow.

* More whispered arose in the assembly *.

-He is right, we must not be divided.

-Especially these days.

-Now let's make way for the medal ceremony, please. I'd like to call Major Flynn Reuss to my side.


* Indeed, Flynn had now received a promotion and had risen in rank. He calmly walked over to the commander without batting an eyelid. As he walked he took a quick look at the spectators where he could see his smiling son and his wife with him. The commander shook his hand and smiled at him *.

-Bravo son you did a great job. One more time.

-I'm very proud, thank you. * He replied *.

-Not very modest, eh. * Baptist laughed *.

* He hung a medal on him then the two men gave a military salute before Flynn returned to his seat *.

-Then I would like to call to my side the one who carried out the clean-up operations which made it possible to eradicate the remaining Krawl. And this without any deaths. Major Rebecca Leland.

* The mestiss with curly hair got up and walked in turn to the commander *.

* Shortly after the medal ceremony, a small party was given to lighten the atmosphere. Jake was playing with a model airplane while Liore carried it on his shoulders *.

-Warning my colonel a Krawl ... * Said the kid *.

- Proceed to the soldier elimination.


* Olga and Katy were chatting in a corner while Flynn was completely isolated with a glass of champagne in hand. His jacket was completely open and his tie undone *.

- Are you still isolating yourself? * Said Rebecca who had found him *.

-My father always told me that the excess reward was there to mask the general incompetence. To pass a humiliating defeat for a great victory. But in this case it's hard to say.

-Where did serve your father?

-8 years old on a border planet of System 9, Sutherland. Then he converted to civilian life and became an engineer. Come to think of it, he's been lucky to live so long so close to the front line. * He growled before taking a drink *.

- To hear you, you would almost die. What happened to Garza isn't your fault.

-Of course it's not my fault. What I would like to know is why he put a civilian in that cockpit and let him fly. * He said irritated *. What went through his mind?

- What was this kid called?

-Jonas Astray.

-Ah yes Jonas. He made a hell of a good score it seems. If we remove those of the previous pilot, he shot down more than 20 Krawls of class 1 and 6 of class 2. That is to say 56% of the victims of the machine.

-These stats don't interest me. Damn he clamored. * He said, emptying his glass *.

* He wanted to reserve another but she stopped him and stared him straight in the eye *.

-Stopped. * She said cold *. It doesn't look like you.

-S .... Sorry. * He resumed, putting down his glass *.

-Now you will stop being so pathetic and become a good Soldier.

* She buttoned up her shirt and put her tie back on. Then she kissed him on the cheek and hugged him *.

-I will always be there for you, you know that. *She says*.

* It was then that Katy appeared out of nowhere interrupting the hug *.

-I see that sir has found comfort. * She said sarcastically *.

-Ka ... Ka ... Katy.

* Reuss feel melt inside. A big "kill me" sounded in her mind but Rebecca turned the situation around *.

-Are you Flynn's wife? *She says*. The one who was a history student at the college near the base? I saw you on the news during the hostage-taking.

-Oh I haven't done much.

* She moved closer to Katy and started a discussion that momentarily saved Flynn. Even more Liore and Olga landed with Jake *.

-What are you doing here all alone? * He asked *. Oh I see a bad misunderstanding.

-You want to shut it up.

-How would you like to come and celebrate Valentine's Day with us? * Proposed Katy *.

-It means that ... * began Liore *.

-We accept. * end Olga *.

-And you Leland?

-Sorry, I promised to return to my planet. I have to cook for my son * She said *.

-Ah bah family meal then.

* February 14, 226 residential area of ​​the army, The Reuss welcomed Liore and Olga at home. Around the table followed by a prayer before starting the meal *.

-In the end we didn't find the Fenrir. * Said Liore *.

-Bloody Wolf does whatever he wants. * said Flynn, chewing the meat *.

- We don't talk with our mouths full. * Jake told him *.

-You are right son. * He said stroking his boy's bangs *.

-But it's a shame since he was promoted to captain.

-The grade does not matter and not on that the interest. Besides, I understood that you had resigned. Suddenly losing your connection with Bell is scary.

-They refused and I was appointed colonel. I will be assigned to the research department on the Krawls themselves. You will have to deal without my services.

-I never needed it. * He said arrogant *. On the other hand, Olga, I have an analyst job for you.

-I would love but I like to take pictures.

- So much the worse we will compose without you. Besides, Ricker's sister was irradiated. Doctors say his condition is uncertain.

- Poor girl, such a brilliant police officer. * Said Katy *. It's a waste.

- By the way, I have important news to tell you. * Said Olga *.

* Liore looked at her a little surprised and wanted to stop her but choked on a piece of meat in his throat *.

-Liore and i. We're getting married next month.

* Crazy silence settled in the room before Katy pounced on them and hugged them *.

-Congratulations. *She says*. You deserve it well.

-Uncle Liore is getting married. * Said Jake running into the room *.

- Wait, it's not over. We want you to be our witnesses.

* Lightning struck and the rain began to fall *.

-Oh no I left the line extended. * Said Katy *.

-Wait I will help you

* As they walked away Flynn stared at Liore with a sly smile *.


-Come on said, who asked who?

-C ... She's the one ...

* Flynn laughed as Liore tried to strangle him. However, this Valentine's Day evening was not a happy one for everyone. As the rain was in full swing a young man sat at the foot of a half-restored building. In his hand he held a silver ring which must have cost him the equivalent of a year's savings. Yet he was sad *.

-Annie, will you marry me?

-I ... I'm sorry, but ... I'm already engaged to another man.

* This revelation sounded like an axe throwing in the heart *.

-These years I spent with you were really nice but I'm sorry I kept that from you. I cannot accept your request.

* Sitting in the middle of nowhere, the young man got fed up. Dropping the ring and headed for the road staring blankly. He planted himself there as a vehicle at full speed approached him and knocked him over *.

* End of chapter *