Chapter 16: Fugitive

* A few days after Valentine's Day, several light years from Kai'O. Sutherland 9th solar system under federation control, planet of Lekka. A very different planet from Kai'O which looked very peaceful. This planet was nicknamed "the empty ball of the universe". The Sutherland system was the most unstable of the 13 federally controlled systems, and small armed conflicts between criminal organizations broke out from time to time. It had become a den of bandit and rot of all kinds, but the planet Lekka was something else. She was spared everything. No fighting, no crime, nothing, as if all the bandits had agreed not to defile this planet. In truth the main city on this planet was run by a bank company that kept all these assholes' money on the stock exchange, race results everyone leaves them alone. But above all, it was the best place to disappear *.

* At the top of one of the towers overlooking the city, a man was making love to a woman inside one of the bedrooms. Their antics were so passionate (or not) that the man pinned the naked woman in plain view against the window. He continued to penetrate her as she admired the view several hundred meters above the ground. She moaned louder and louder taking pleasure while her bare breasts found themselves pressed against the glass. She turned her head to kiss the man who was lifting her up like it was a roller coaster. They continued like this for several minutes before ending up on the bed *.

-You were on fire tonight. *She says*.

- Yeah maybe. * He said not very excited *.

-But what happened to that youngster you knocked down the other day.

- I don't know. I hope he's really dead. And if he's alive he has forgotten everything.

- You then what garbage you do. Does your wife know you're here at least?

-My wife knows too little and that's good. * He said straightening up *.

* He ran his hand through the woman's red hair then smirked before kissing her. His phone rang *.

-Who is that ? Your wife?

-Not sure that her phone is so powerful to emit so far.

* He stared at the number and saw that it was masked. At first suspicious he hesitated for a moment then picked up *.


-So you like to take her against the window. You pervert is going. * The voice tells him *.

-We are over 100 meters high. I doubt it bothers the neighborhood much.

-You make a point it's true but it's not holy. A Sniper can deliberately get you high and you die like that. The cock in the air.

-It would be ugly indeed. What do you want from me?

- Come closer to the window, please.

* He complied and stared in front of the Veranda window, phone in hand. He couldn't see anything. The man opposite, however, saw it clearly. Very good*.

-Oh fuck. Seriously go put your pant on.

-Why does it bother you? ya sax me fuck so show my cock ...

-He's pretty well ride. * Said a woman's voice *.

* She was holding a Sniper rifle and had it on visual *.

-That's who asked the redhead in bed.

-It's not your problem. * He replied dryly *. Well if you finally told me who you are.

* The man saw a red rocket in the sky, then a green then a blue in that order. The man had an amused smile on his face, sipping his brandy and just Say a *


* The next day in a military compound outside the city two men stood side by side as a truck loaded a huge gray machine inside a hangar before slowly making it disappear underground. One of them wore a black T-shirt and a jacket over it over sky blue jeans. He was blond, blue eyes, straight hair. The other was Asian style but was much classier. Full burgundy red suit, light blue shirt, rings on the fingers, a wedding ring on the left hand, sunglasses and a perfectly groomed beard. It was the day and the night *.

-Are you sure she'll be safe here? * He asked *.

-If you prefer to hide it in the mountain, say so. * He said ironically *. Hopefully the army's high-precision scanner won't detect your well-camouflaged machine.

-Shut up you nut.

-That's exactly why I put it here. In the midst of all this military activity it's hard to tell one titan from another.

-Thank you Sam, I really owe you a lot.

-We'll say I'm doing a brother-in-arms service, but that's all. * He said *. I remind you that you are still a fugitive in the eyes of the state Jalel. You disappeared after a battle, stole a Stryker.

-Bloody Wolf is my machine I won't let them tear him away. * He said coldly *. And the real scum is garbage like you who profit from misfortune who sell weapons on systems in distress and who incite people to violence.

-Yes and thanks to my money I was able to finance the projects which improved the weapons which allowed the Undead to put an end to it once and for all. * He said with a hint of pride in his voice *. And then fuck you.

* He threw passports in his face as well as a card *.

-New identity. Fake passport money everything.

-Thanks again.

- Don't care about your thanks. * He said putting on his sunglasses *. We were never friends, you remember. Just colleagues.

* He walked to his car with his hands in his pockets. Once inside he gave Jalel one last look and then started his convertible towards the city. Archibald watched him go and had a grateful look. He headed out of the compound where a car was waiting for him. He hastened up *.

-Who was it ? * Paimon asked *.

-Samahel Sung. He was in the 81st 3 years ago. An ex-daddy's son who became an arms dealer. He helped us quite a bit and continued to fund research on the Krawls. He was a soldier with a sense of honor but today he's more than a playboy who lives the good life and enjoys his money. At least in appearance. * He said *.

- Where are we going now? * She asked *.

-Tobias system. I have one last person to see.

-You're sure ? If there is a place where the federation will look for you, it is there. *She says*.

* He turned in her direction with an amused smile *.

-Let's see they're looking for Jalel Archibald.

* His blue eyes turned red and his hair turned brown. Paimon stood for a moment with her mouth wide open, completely surprised *.

-Uh .... uh .... How

-I'm Roy Sanders now.

-All Jaegers know how to do that? * She asked *.

-Not just a few. I also changed the structure of my footprints.

-Have you remade a DNA? * Said she surprised *

-No I replaced it with a substitute. It's not easy to do and it's a little trick that my sister taught me. Now drive.

-You are really monsters. * She said with a sigh *.

* Back in town, Soong went to his office. He walked through the halls, his face tight. His laid back demeanor was gone and he was in serious mode. a flood of people accosted him with notebooks *.

- Mr. Soong our contract with the army has just expired, please sign here to renew it.

-Yes, I am fine. * He said crossing line one the paper*

-Mrs your doctor has just sent you the prescription for the care of your child.

-Send it to my wife.

-Mr, this is the account form for this month

- Transfer to the office ...

* He accepted and thus rejected a dozen proposals up to the elevator. Once he closed no one followed him. Well almost. A secretary passed the group and landed right on the elevator with him. She stumbled and found herself leaning against his chest as he held her in place *.

-Well we can say that you are very motivate.

-I ... I'm sorry. * she said embarrassed before stepping back *. The man you .... I mean you know. He just woke up.

-Oh! Good news at last. You will have a hold increase.

-T ... Thank you sir.

* Soong left the elevator to walk towards the place where the man in question was sleeping. So as not to arouse suspicion he had placed him in his apartment. Once in the room he could see the young man with brown hair sitting in his bed looking around still disoriented. Soong allowed himself to enter and faced him with a friendly smile *.


* The young man who was none other than Jonas Astray *.

* End of chapter *