Chapter 17: Job offer

* Seeing him unload Jonas could not help but ask himself more questions. Sam kept his cool face and leaned against the wall with her hands in her pockets *.

-That's it, have you come to your senses?

-I ... I don't know. * He said exhausted *. Where are we exactly?

-On Lekka in the Sutherland system.

-On the ... No, it's impossible how long I was asleep?

-3 days if you believe my watch. * He said staring at her *.

-3 .... 3 days? How did you manage to get Jeremiah to Sutherland in 3 days it's impossible. * He said *.

-On Valentine's Day all Warp portals of all systems are wide open. It becomes possible to communicate with other system but also to travel as you want. And it's because you got run over like a jerk.

* Jonas analyzed a little more trying to get his thoughts in order *.

- Where exactly am I?

-In one of my apartments. * He said *. But you must be shaking no. So enjoy your stay here a little.

* Sam walked out of the room leaving young Jonas still in the dark. He fell back asleep under the duvet, uttering a groan of despair. For him what was happening there did not make sense. But since he was still alive, there was a reason. The next day the young man got up deciding not to let go. With Soong's apartment fully equipped, he got ready to eat and then changed after a good hot shower. He then turned on the TV to face the news *.

-In all and for all the attack on Kai'O made more than 50 thousand victims. The number of injured is estimated to be almost as much. The government calls what happened a miracle, knowing the ferocity of the Krawls this number should have been 10 times more. But thanks to the help of our armed forces the situation is under control.

-It looks like everything is fine there. They have already forgotten to track down terrorists. * He said chewing his chips *.

* He saw one of the images showing a Typhoon slicing up a Krawl. He recognized the scene and changed the channel to a local news channel *.

-Tensions are increasing more and more in the Sutherland system. More and more people are demonstrating in the streets to .....

* He permanently cut off the TV. It was there that he saw a satellite telephone * on the edge of the table.

-I wonder if he's powerful enough to call up Jeremiah.

* Out of curiosity he grabbed it and dialed Susane's number. She picked up after a minute *.

-Hello who is it?

-Hello it's Jo ...

-Jonas is it you? * She yelled at the device *. We were worried damn it's been 3 days since you answer.

-Jonas is it really you over there? * Said Jacob *. Damn tell me you're okay.

-I ... I'm fine. * Said he intimidated *.

-More importantly, did you ask Annie? What did she say ?

* Annie, the famous Annie Schröder. Jonas felt his heart break when he heard his first names *.


-She refused. * He said broken *. She told me that she was already engaged to another and that her father had already arranged everything.

-What ... How? * Said Susane shocked *. It's not possible.

-And apparently he would be a childhood friend. I don't know if it's the truth or .... * he said upset *. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

-Jonas on ....

-Take care of yourself.

* He hung up the phone and threw it on the table. Now angry he grabbed a vase which he was about to throw out the window *.

-Ah no not this one. It belonged to my mother I care. * Said Sam who had just arrived *.

* He took his vase from the young man's hands and put it on the table *.

-I was curious to know why you threw yourself under my wheels but I think I already had the answer in the end. Because it is the truth you would not wander in the street not true.

* He fixed him with a piercing look which made the young man wobble *.

-Well, I'm disappointed. It is a fragile like you who piloted Armor 2.

-H ... How do you know that?

-I know people. * He replied simply *. You have a gift for piloting that's for sure. But you still lack practice.

-What makes you believe that I want to go back up in this machine? * He said irritated *.

-Oh but nothing. * Fit it after opening a bottle *. I did some research on you. Jonas Astray. 22 years old, brilliant student. You obtained the BAC * at 15 years old then you did medicine like your father for 5 years before suddenly twisting to become a lawyer.

Ndt: Yes this diploma crosses the ages *.

-Yes that's right. * He said in a shy voice *.

-What I want to know is why you wasted your talent frankly? No in fact I already know? It's because of this girl isn't it ? You made the same thing as this girl, hoping to stay with her and now that you ask her, she is blowing you up.

-In short, yes.

-Well she is a very beautiful whore. * He said, taking a drink *.

-I forbid you to talk about her like that. * He shouted *.

- But don't you think so?

-No I....

-Admit it. You feel betrayed don't you?

* He clenched his fists growling in anger *.

-Yes, it's true. I sacrificed everything for her. I got trouble with my dad, chose a career I didn't like, and even had to pilot a fucking combat robot. All this for what ? * He said *. She just pulls it out of nowhere for me. 3 years that we were together.

*Tears started to flow from his eyes and he ended up crying. Soong emptied his glass and moved closer to him before giving him a hug*.

-Go ahead, go and empty your bag. * He said, stroking his hair *. It is well decompressed.

- Why is this happening to me. * He said in tears *.

-From now on I will take good care of you. * Said Sam with a sly smile *.

* After that Jonas decided to stay on Lekka for a while to change his mind. At Kai'O in a hospital, Ricker had just received the most shocking news. He watched his sister devouring her meal through the window but his heart was filled with a certain sadness. He went out to decompress and made an unexpected encounter. Reuss in civilian clothes*.

-F ... Flynn? What are you...

-It can not be seen. * He said taking a beer from the vending machine*. I accompany my son to the dentist. But no worries, white teeth like his father. * He said with a forced smile *.

* He approached Rick having noticed his sad expression and offered him a can of coffee *.

-So ... what's the problem?

-Shalon. The Mermaid's shot totally irradiated her. Doctors said she had more for a few months.

-What's that ... * Said Flynn not surprised *. There is a solution no. That's why you're so sad.

-I think we both know her.

*A deadly silence settled between the two men. The mood was getting worse and worse*.

-You know Shalon is my half-sister. * He said crossing his fingers *. We don't have the same parents but that doesn't matter to me. She has always had fragile health for a robust body. Doctors implanted nanomachines in her when she was 6 years old and she has never been the same since.

-Nano-machines? A military prototype?

* Rick remained silent as if he had hit the mark *.

- I doubted it. That explains her strength.

-Since she woke up she only read articles on Jäegers and their structure.

* Flynn took a deep breath and let out a big sigh. Seeing his son come in the distance, his hard gaze changed to a smile *.

-You know I don't give a fuck about your family business. Your sister is crazy but a good cop. If she wants to become Jäeger, it's her choice. You are being too selfish to procrastinate by telling yourself that she could stay there. In truth you're just scared and that's understandable but it's already better to try something rather than let it clamor.

* He recovered his son which he placed on his shoulders *.

-So champion how was it?

-Not even afraid. White and healthy teeth. * He said proudly *.

-You see I told you. Say hello to your Ricker.

-Hello Uncle Ricker.

-Now say goodbye.

- See you again.

-He is completely gaga when he has his kid in his arms. * He thought *. Didn't you just quote Yuveri just now?

* But he ignored it and moved further and further away *.

-You know what you have to do.

* The days passed and the catastrophe seemed far away now. Jonas had decided to stay with Sam at his request to help him with his work. He continued to work and to follow his correspondence courses. At least up to a point *.

-Mr. Astray the boss wants to talk to you. * Announced the assistant *.

* Jonas therefore found the boss in a hangar of his complex outside the city. He was always so flashy in his chic clothes, but this time his serious demeanor was gone *.

- Let's walk a bit you want. I have two things to ask you.

* Jonas agreed to follow him without asking a question *.

-So you recover?

-It's nice to worry but it's okay now. He really worries about me? *he thought*

- Tell me do you know what we do in this company?

-Do you sell weapons to the highest bidders?

-False. * He said dryly *. At least you are right. But my job is to sell security. And in our time, security is more important than ever.

* As he listened to him he saw the engineers raise a gigantic machine. It was silver with red stripes *.

-That ... it's ...

-Fenrir * Said Samahel who continued to walk *. Bloody Wolf of his nickname.

-What is this legendary Stryker doing here?

-I watched you you know. * Said Sam *. You work hard. You probably hope to finish your studies and get closer to this girl.

* Jonas was silent as an answer but that didn't seem to bother Sam *.

- You are very naive. * He said, staring at him out of the corner of his eye *. Schröder will soon be leaving the bar for politics. He intends to stand for election in Reimstein's system.

-The 10th system? It's right next.

-Oh, don't get excited, it's me who pays the transport costs. Anyway, he's planning to use his daughter for his campaign, a convict like you can't be seen with her.

-And? * said Jonas curious *.

-And this is where you come in. You will become the security advisor for one of the candidates.

-Really ? Are you going to send me to him?

-At the moment the Sutherland system is in the throes of riots. It would be dangerous for you to stay here even if Lekka is not afraid. And no you are not going to go with Schröder.

-Who then ?! * He wondered *.

* Sam passed him a magnetic card *.

-Johnny Kilroy, you know? The current vice president of Reimstein. You will go there officially as a press officer, but unofficially you will be his bodyguard.

-Heh ... Wait, I never said I was going to work for you or even ....

-That motherfucker from Kilroy. * Said Sam who seemed to come up against him *. He dared to criticize my security systems to be able to buy me drones in shortest price. He thinks he can fuck me but I'll get that swelling.

-Hey ... * Said Jonas *. Don't ignore me. I am not a soldier I will never be able ...

-What are you talking about ? * Said Sam fixing him with a dark look *. I pay for your studies not to mention your last year, you eat and sleep at my expense. I took care of you while I will have....

-I ... I didn't ask you anything. * He said unsettled *.

-Steve Declan his name is.


-Your girlfriend's fiancée. * He said, staring at the sky *. He's a Typhoon pilot. Handsome, bright, good at sports with good grades in himself, he is the ideal son-in-law. In front of you has a weakling unable to do anything. Who mope without stopping.

-I find you a little hard on me I'm still studying you know.

-But damn it be a man. * He said putting his hands on the youngster's shoulders *. See it as a job offer. And then it's not like you're going there to fight, you're just going to give me little feedback from time to time.

* He stared the youngster straight in the eyes with a sly smile *.

-Hey Jonas ... You don't want to take revenge on that bitch who walked you around?

* Further in a laboratory on Jeremiah, a very delicate operation was underway *.

-Are you sure kid? * Asked the doc, your nano-manchins have been desactivated the pain sensations are going to be ten times stronger than normal *.

-Go for it. *She says*.

-When to go.

* End of chapter *