Chapter 18: Crisis Meeting

* At the beginning of March, the system of Tobias finally reopens its doors after a blockade of the federation. The said System was surely the most peaceful and restful. Already because of the infrastructure that made you think of the Old West era. Nature still had its rights there; flora and fauna abounded. You could say that in Tobias they are underdeveloped but in reality that's what made the charm of this system. For example in elementary school children still wore uniforms. That day there was grammar class. The teacher, a young blonde woman with blue eyes, had come earlier to correct the copies. She was wearing an old cowboy hat, a plaid shirt, old jeans, and leather boots. At the beginning the lesson was going well, the children were even obedient, but the more it went the more noise set in *.

-Quiet Please. * She said politely *.

* Of course they did not listen to him and continued their chatter *.

-Silence. * She resumed a little annoyed *.

* Unfortunately the noise was getting louder and louder. She then opened a drawer and took out an old Colt 44 which she put on the table *.

-Silence. * She said always so polite *.

* The sound of silence, no one said anything and they had become docile. Except that someone knocked on the door to disturb this harmony *.

-I said if ...

* She was ready to open fire, but at the sight of the face of the one who had just entered she was not ready. Blond with red eyes of medium height. He barely entered when she threw herself on his neck *.


* She hugged him so hard that he almost choked on it. The children at first surprised began to laugh *.

-The teach's lover.

-He's not very handsome.

* But she quickly cleared up the misunderstanding *.

-A bit of respect. *She says*. It's my big brother.


* Shortly after, he returned to the hall to chat freely *.

-So what happened to Jeena is true. * She said a little annoyed *. Even when they sent this reconstruction of his remains, I didn't really believe it.

-I saw it with my own eyes. But the most shocking thing is yet to come.

-There is more dangerous than this Krawl who devastated Kai'O?

-Sorry but this one is extremely weak compared to Nessa's bosses. * Said Jalel *. Well, I didn't come to talk about it.

* He took her by the hips and lifted her up, smiling *.

-What is this ring on your little dungeon finger? * He said while doing tricks on himself *.

* She laughed a lot and even the children who observed the conversation in secret laughed. Jalel ends up putting her on the ground *.

-I'm engaged, it's true. * She said, stifling her laughter at his behavior *

-But that's fantastic. My little sister is engaged. What's his name?

-Ha you will meet him in due time. We need to go visit dad first.

- Does that mean that we will have more lessons? * Asked one of the students *.

-You are dreaming as a kid. * She said glaring at him *

* Light years from here on a space station in Jeremiah's system, Reuss and Leland were walking through the halls of Space HQ. These two had an important date and wore their ceremonial uniform *.

-This is your first strategic meeting with the members of the general staff so hold on tight. *She says*.

-If it were up to me I won't even be there and you know it.

- Don't shame Flynn. * She said calmly *.

* The door to the room opened and they both entered at the same time. The interior was very different from the rest of the station, from floor to ceiling everything was made of glass and you could see the space through. Just under their feet we could see Kai'O moving slowly past. It was a strange feeling but not new to them. They took their places around the meeting table where most of the officers were already. They all had the same uniform but the color differed from body to body. Green (Ground Army), Red (Air Force), Blue (Space Navy), Black (Jaegers Corps). Both Flynn and Rebecca were in green *.

- Looks like someone is still missing. * Said a woman sitting at the end of the table *.

-We will do without.

* The man who chaired the meeting in many ways ressembled the Commander very much. He had the same build but a fairly young face with a half-shaved beard and a goatee on his chin. His hair was as white as Liore's and his eyes were deep blue as the ocean *.

* Burges McMannus: Brigadier General 31 years, head of the strategic defense complex and the capital's intelligence services. Elder of the McMannus family. Member of the Jaeger Corps and by far the most powerful of them *.

-Today we are holding a closed meeting to avoid any escalation within our army. * He said *. I brought in those whom I consider to be the representatives of the different army corps in order to discuss together how to organize the defense of certain systems.

-Defense. Tch * pouted a general who was seated at the back *.

-Takeko gives us the toppo. * He said *.

* A young woman seated to her left stood up and walked over to the monitor screen. She had long, silky onyx hair. Her skin was white and soft while her face was Asian. She wore a long coat with fur collars over her military coat *.

* Takeko Takemikazuchi: 26 years old, Shogun. Head of System number 2 Unral, 2nd most powerful Jaeger. Leader of the most powerful fleet in the army and currently leads all armies in Jeremiah's system. Aside from her military obligations, she is also an idol known throughout the universe for her movies, series and songs. She manages to juggle her various obligations perfectly despite her busy schedule. Flynn and Rebecca know her very well for having fought alongside her *.

-If we have to sum up the situation apart from Kai'O we have not suffered any major attacks. Attacks at the border of Systems 10 to 12 are less and less frequent. The Jaeger were divided according to their level and the dangerousness of the systems.

-It's good to hear. * Said an officer in blue *.

-With the loss of Jeena there are now 107 active Striker pilots. If we remove Liore McMannus who lost his neural link with Belial and Jalel Archibald who is now rogue we arrive at 105.

-That's a third of what we had at the start of the fiftieth anniversary. I guess we did well. * Said Burges *. Major Reuss it seems that there is a potential candidate on your planet do you think she can strengthen our ranks?

* Flynn crossed his legs and turned his chair in his direction *.

-She may be a good fighter but she is mentally unstable. Personally, I will recommend that she be removed from all military activity.

-Your personal opinion does not interest us here. * Said a woman sitting next to Burges *.

-I wasn't giving it to you either. *Reuss added *.

- You insolent ...

- That's enough Mathilda, we're not here for that.

-This man does not even have the required rank to attend this kind of meeting.

* Mathilda McMannus: 31 years old, Colonel and chief of defense of planet number 1 of Minos in other words the metropolis *.

-It was I who asked him to come to support me. * Said Takeko giving her a piercing look *. A problem with that?

-If I could, I would hit you right away. * Said Mathilda smirk *.

-With all due respect, I too don't have the rank to follow these meetings, but I've come more often than you. * Leland explained *. Alek Yuveri was also less rank but came here constantly.

* Burgess slapped his palm on the table and silence returned to the room *.

-That's enough. * He said in a threatening voice *.

* Silence returned and he turned to Takeko, motioning for him to continue *.

-Good since we are there, Jeremiah's system was soon cleaned up. Having said that, we have lost track of Belial and Mermaid. Jalel Archibald was last seen around the Sutherland system.

* Reuss and Leland twitched at hearing the name of this system *.

-Reuss you know who he is going to meet there? * Asked a young person sitting in front of him *.

* Richard Armristar: 25 years ship captain and representative of the 2nd fleet *.

-How I would know I am not his nanny.

- Are you trying to get fired? * whispered Leland *.

-I am only asking for that. * He replied silently *. More seriously. * He resumed aloud *. The crime on this system is explosive and no one has ever done anything. The current leader is a 13 year old girl going through puberty and she has to juggle problems inherited from her father.

-A renegade soldier can easily hide in this system where the army has no real hold except defense against the Krawls. * Said Richard *.

-Even there it is a Jaeger attached to the royal family of Sutherland who provides security. * Said Takeko *.

-One Jaeger for a whole system? * Said a man in red *. We will have to strengthen the security of this system before it falls on our face.

* Enyx McGohen: 41 years Colonel, head of the frontier defense of System 12 *.

-Since we have talked about an unstable system it is soon presidential elections on Siegal and the area is not known for its joie de vivre you see. * Explained Enyx *.

-At the maximum there will be riots but nothing to be alarmed about. * Said a man in green *.

* From the start there was a general at the back of the room who did not speak. He had gray hair but his face was still hard and firm. His uniform was the same as Reuss and Leland's except that he was the most senior man in the room *.

-Since earlier I have heard you talk about your bullshit and I must say that it saddens me greatly.

* He got up and put a box on the table which projected an image on the wall. This image showed a desert planet but covered by a huge black fog. Around a fleet of ships that had surrounded him. Seeing the planet Reuss and Leland went into spasms and began to have a panic attack. But not just them, Enyx and Armristar too *.

-I see that some still have this planet in their skin. * Said the general putting his hands in his pockets *. What you see here is the current Nessa. Now covered with a stellar cloud making any recognition impossible. This planet has never earned its nickname *Black Nessa* so much.

* The officers recovered to better observe the presentation *.

-Instead of discussing unnecessary things, we will have to admit the truth. The war is not over. * He announced *. And our enemies are right there. On the 13th system, Umbrella is still under enemy rule. The Krawls are not yet wiped out.

-As if we could ... * whispered Flynn *.

-I can't hear you son?

-Sorry sir, I didn't want ...

-We are not here to debate that, the more time we lose, the more the enemy gets stronger. I sent scouts to see what was happening on the surface but they were swept away in no time. Our enemy has changed and he has grown too strong. If you plan to leave it as it is, you will have the death of a thousand innocent people on your conscience.

* This old man had hit where it hurt. No one wanted to hear from Nessa or even see her in pictures and yet she was going to have to be taken care of one day or another *.

-This cloud is surely created by Belial. * Mathilda whispered to Burges *. When did he become so powerful?

- I do not know and it is not normal.

* Army General Sylas Wykes: Chief of the first division of the army and chief of the interstellar expeditionary force. The only known friend of Commander McMannus, or rather his last surviving friend *.

- So what are you doing Burges?

-With all due respect, General Wykes owes me the final decision of this assembly and I declare that we are done with the Krawls.

* The furious general hit the projection box which was destroyed by his fist then he put his hands back in his pockets *.

- This is all a waste of time.

* Then he suddenly disappeared because yes this meeting was happening thanks to multiple holograms. That said, no one in the room will give Burges wrong because from the bottom of their hearts they refuse to return to fight on this planet *.

-Nessa can wait until we have some internal issues.

-I agree. * Said McGohen *.

-Armristar tell your leader that the 2nd fleet will take care of the surveillance of Nessa and hurry I refuse that the 1st division does as it pleases.

-At your service.

-Enyx I want you to dispatch the 136th squadron so we will need a Seasoned pilot.

-Yes sir.

-Takemikazuchi you will stay to take care of Jeremiah for a while until the situation is stabilized. Leland will assist you.

-It's OK.

-Reuss the Undead are doing a good job as always. You will have a supply of new blood I count on you to train them properly. Your Unit is part of special forces now.

-To your orders general.

-On this break off.

* All the holograms disappeared leaving only Flynn, Rebecca and Takeko in the room. The latter collapsed the minute the meeting ended. Flynn and Rebecca pounced on her *.

-Takeko. * They shouted *.

-I'm fine. I just haven't slept in 5 days.

-Do you intend to continue to rough it for a long time? * Asked Rebecca *. Flynn, you take her home, I'll take care of the rest.

-Your wife will not be embarrassed to see me disembark?

-Ha she will die of hype especially. Go stand up miss long legs.

- Don't call me that. * She growled *.

* On the Metropolitan System Burges leaned back against his chair, pinching his nose to think. Right next to him his wife who looked at him a little surprised *.

-He had to talk about it. * He said *. Frankly I have neither the strength nor the mind to go back and fight against this filth and you?

- Device but we'll have to sort it out one day or another. The worst part is that we can't even blow up the planet, you realize.

-I know it and it's not the worst with this planet. But hey, everyone has their role to play in this crazy world.

-That's why you sent Liore this far?

-It is no longer useful since he no longer pilot so I send him on vacation. Umino is a good place to relax. And with a little luck he will learn some interesting things. * He said smiling *.

* End of chapter *