Chapter 20: Interview

* The federation as the name suggests is supposed to be an organization made up of several other states headed by governors. However, far from being a democracy, the Military power of Minos takes precedence over everything else. However each solar system directed by it has the right to forms of elections in order to choose the leader of said system. Thus some are monarchical such as Sutherland or Olong, Symbolic or even deetic such as the Shogunate based in Unrai or quite simply democratic such as Tobias and Seagal. This system is of course set up in accordance with the customs and customs of the peoples living in these systems *.

-And it turns out that the Seagal system is in the midst of an election to elect its next representative. * Sam explained *.

-And you want me to go there incognito and help your "Ex-friend" win, right?

- At least you don't have a negative IQ. * He said while watching *. Well, it's time and I don't have time, frankly so, kid.

* Jonas Astray lands on the capital planet of Seagal. "Lyons". Arriving at the airport he took a deep breath a second time before looking around. It had nothing to do with the dumping ground Lekka was, for the first time in a long time he felt like he had joined civilization. Sam had it all figured out, Jonas had an apartment, a work space, a car and a credit card at Soong's expense. Jonas sagged down on his bed, letting out a big, exhausted sigh *.

-Why he makes so much effort to help me. It is nothing to understand. * He thought *.

* He looked at the card Sam had given him. His name was well written on it, it wasn't a fake *.

-I still have a margin before the interview, I might as well order myself a good coffee.

* Much further on Kai'O, Flynn had parked his motorbike just in front of a bar entrance. After making a obviously very important phone call he entered. Seeing him enter everyone gave him a quick glance. Seeing the tattoos on his arm and head they immediately understood *.

-Flynn Reuss? * Asked a drinker *.

- Himself.

-I offer you a drink my brother. You saved our families.

-No thanks but i'm not here for that.

-I can help you so I know everyone here.

-I'm looking for a certain Jose Grayson I was told he was a regular.

-Grayson? He only comes late at night after work. Why are you running after this fag ass?

-Personal matter. * He said, staring at his watch *. Very personal.

* Flynn took a seat next to the man in the hunter's vest and looked at his tattoo *.

-What a unit.

-25th genius. We put up the barricades and so on. They have never been used against big jaws.

-I confirm. Bartender. This is my tour for all the tables.

* Everyone raised their glass *.

-To Reuss.

* As he was about to start his drink a newcomer showed up and went straight to the bar. He was wearing a scruffy suit and reeked a bit of dirt. After chatting with a guy who handed him a bag of white powder, he took a drink and got ready to go out, but Flynn intervened *.

-Larry. * He said to the hunter *. Get the other asshole.

* Although grown fat Lard Larry took off the dealer and exploded him on the ground. Seeing this Grayson freaked out *.

-I told you if you hit her again I'll find you asshole.

-You have nothing against me motherfucker. You're the one who messed up the shit in my life as a couple. Before you came everything was quiet. But since she knows you ...

* Flynn punched him and then punched him again, causing José's nose to bleed. He then smashed his skull against the edge of the bar which left him on the ground half stunned *.

-Becca and I fought together asshole. * He yelled *. I should bury you behind the yard but she begged me to be magnanimous. Having said that, my reserve of mercy is almost dry.

* He took out his six-shot revolver and pointed it at Grayson's head. This sweaty man almost pissed on himself *.

-You're going to go home and you're never going to put your dirty bastard paws on her again, have you understood?

* Flynn then threw him out of the bar, hoping that Jo had taken the threat seriously except when he got back to the QH he was surprised at Becca * reaction.

-What did you do ? * She yelled *.

-I just did the right thing.

-No. * She shouted *. You just made it worse. Jose is on edge these days, it's normal for him to drink.

-It does not mean that he should raise his hand on you. And Wade in all of this eh. He is only 9 years old and he has to see his parents arguing all day long.

-Leave my son out of that, I'm talking about you.

-It's you trying to run away from the subject. But you know what the hell this bastard is fucking another girl every night. Where do you find the strength to fucking forgive him ?

* She slapped him in the face that would kill any ordinary man but not him *.

-I forbid you to talk like that about my husband. * She said with a dark look *.

* Flynn spat blood on the ground and gave her a contemptuous look *.

-I'm trying to help you but it looks like you like to suffer in fact. * He said *. Fuck you Leland.

* With these scathing words he turned around. Soldiers had observed the scene but went back to work without flinching. On his way home Flynn stood alone in front of the TV and skipped the channels. He was pulling his face so hard that his bad mood had reached his wife *.

-What's wrong ? * Asked Katy who had him pressed to her chest. *

-I do not want to talk about it.

-You'll have to tell me about Flynn Reuss I'm your wife.

-It's secret defense.

-It's about Major Leland, right?

-Her husband is a real asshole to her, but she does not care.

-What's your connection to her, did you stab her too?

-Hey of what? * Wasn't he sure he understood what she was referring to *. Finally, let's say that we have a rather special bond that unites us to each other. In short, Jose is a bastard.

-Do you think killing said Jose will help matters?

-Keeping him alive doesn't do any good.

-If you want to help your friend I think you should let her rebel on her own.

- Impossible she submitted to him like an animal.

-Do not underestimate what a woman is capable of doing for her child. *She says*. If that asshole like you lay a hand on her kid he's screwed.

-Rebecca has a biometalic arm. If she assaults him she will go to jail any officer decorating she is. And Wade will go to host family.

* Katy whispered words in his ear and he twitched in surprise at the proposal *.

-Are you serious here?

-Come on I'll go to bed holds.

* Light years away on Lyons, the young Astray finally came to pass his job interview. In front of him was a man with a tanned complexion, hair the same color. It was probably a mixed race, middle-aged man beyond the meter 80 and dressed in a suit. He wore a confident smile and stared curiously at Jonas *.

- Your name is Jonas Astray, is that right? * He asked *. Do you have someone link with .... No forget. * Did he cut it *.

-Thank you for taking me into your office, Mr. Kilroy. * He said excitedly *.

-Come on cool down boy. The elections are still in one month and the big debate is approaching. Having a tough young man by my side is just a precaution.

-Of my temper?

- I nosed around a bit you know. * He said getting up *.

* He walked over to the window and stuck his fingers through the blinds to look outside *.

-It seems that you left the Faculty of Medicine for the Faculty of Law. You wanted to become a lawyer. But with the attack on Kai'O you decided to stop your studies and come straight to work.

-That's right.

- That said you still made 2 me without giving any news it's weird. Where have you been ?

-Well .... * He said lowering his head *.

* Before arriving on Lyons Jonas had asked Sam what kind of person Kilroy was and he had answered *.

-A big bastard. A perfect asshole, a pathological liar in short, he has everything the perfect politician. One look and he'll know if you're lying or telling the truth. This asshole is super sensitive to details and that's normal given his previous career. Human reactions hold no secrets for him.

* So Jonah knew he couldn't say where he was or why *.

-My girlfriend, I proposed to her but she refuse. I don't know if it's Kai'O or if she was making fun of me from the start but it was a shock. It was because of her that I went to law school, you know, but now that she is gone ... I have no reason to stay.

* A beautiful lie enveloped in a minimum of truth, that is what Jonas had to find in order not to get toast. However Kilroy was much smarter *.

-He didn't answer my question * Thought he *. He deflected the question by telling me about his personal reasons so he didn't really give a date or specify what he did during these two months. It is skilfully playing especially that I do not have any particular reason to insist, what he has just said passes for a break in his heartbreak.

* Johnny smiled at him and held out his hand to greet him, so Jonas hurried to shake his hand *.

-I can't wait to work with you Astray * He said *.

* End of chapter *