Chapter 21: Umino Factory

* One month after the attack on Kai'O, a minor event took place on the planet. It could be qualified as a minor event, but for those present it was something very, very, very important. Something even imperative. At the town hall, barely rebuilt on the site, a wedding ceremony * took place.

-Olga Sierra want to take you husband Liore McMannus. To love him to cherish him ...


-And you Liore McMannus ....

-Yes Yes Yes.

-But the ceremony requires ....

-SAVE THE CRAP PRIEST. * Kane yelled *. These two love each other madly.

- Yeah, do it faster we have a 3 o'clock maneuver.

-A little respect you morons. * SoF yelled *.

-Good. * Said the embarrassed priest *. Since that's how I declare you husband and wife. You can kiss the bride.

* Olga hastened to throw herself on Liore who kissed her under the nourishing applause of the guests. There were people from all over the place. Olga's family, a few base officers and other civilian friends. Flynn and Katy had been chosen as marriage witnesses and both wore civilian clothes. Kate wore a black evening dress and Flynn wore a navy blue suit but without the tie. After the church reception, Liore and Olga played games organized by their friends. The young, newly married woman was taking a selfie with her friends *.

-Come on Kate, don't be shy.

-Are you sure? I mean ...

- Come on.

* She pulled her by the arm and forced her to take a group photo. Liore when he was being hazed by his comrades. Old Sof had taken out a whole bottle of wine which he kept under his elbow *.

-Go cusec.

-No, but I can't ...

- McMannus cusec. * Forced Terry *.

* Liore who saw himself forced by force of circumstances to swallow up the whole bottle all at once. He blinked lightly but didn't collapse like he should *.

-Wouhou it's a genius. He didn't even blink. * Cried Terry *.

-It's his Jaeger blood. * Said Flynn *. Do you want to be one Terence?

-The success rate is too low. You want me dead major ?

-Bah what it's gone up to 17% these days. * Laughed Kane *.

-She tells crap does not listen to her. * Said Liore *.

* Berthold who was the master of ceremonies and the only member of the family present picked up the microphone *.

- Ladies and gentlemen, it's slow time. Singles it's time to find someone. Besides, I am also single for whom that interests.

* Everyone tried to find someone. Liore and Kate stepped aside, not preferring to dance at all *.

-It reminds me of our wedding. * Said Katy *. Do you remember ?

- Yeah. I have very good memories of it even if I could not be present in flesh and bone.

-It's true that getting married through a hologram is not the best. * She said embarrassed *.

-We can always make a real one you know. * Said Flynn who smiled *.

-What are you serious?

-What. And this time Jake will be there. Besides, he lost his energy the champion.

* He pointed him in the distance who was sleeping at the table where the kids were sleeping *.

- I love this kid. * Said Flynn *.

* Katy put her hands around his neck and smiled *.

-You'll have plenty of time to thank me in bed tonight.

- Calm down tonight, it's Liore the star today.

-Oh sorry major.

* But it was all behind them. The next month, Liore was in a shuttle heading to a planet watching a video on his smartphone *.

-Sorry for not having been present. * Said Ricker *. You know what it is I was transferred without warning and ...

-I don't blame you Rick. This is how this job is. We are transferred without warning. Anyway have a good evening.

-Thanks dude. You will send me a video from the wedding.

* But Liore was not alone in this shuttle. With him on board there were 8 more men, all in special forces tactical equipment. They were cocking their weapons and activated their equipment. However Liore was in civilian clothes, he wore a cold suit and had a bag next to it *.

-Colonel McMannus it's time.

-I count on you capitaiiiin?

* He tried to read his name on his uniform but there was nothing *.

-Call me Chen.

* He squeezed his hand and boarded the shuttle before sitting down in the corner reserved for him. He looked at his wallpaper one last time then closed his cell phone *.

- What were you watching? * Asked one of the soldiers *.

-The photos of my wedding. It was last month.

-Oh. * Said the jaded soldier *.

-Hey ... what is this reaction ? * Liore asked *.

-Arklight has been divorced 3 times ,he didn't believes in love too much. * explained a guy sitting next to Liore *.

-Ah sorry for you then. And you you are ?

- Sergeant Crimson. * He said shaking his hand *.

* Crimson was young, about the same age as Liore, brown hair, bob cut with a scar above his left eye that traced a line *.

-That's not your real names, eh?

-No, not even. * He laughed *.

-I guess I'll trust you then. *He said, perplexed *.

* Umino factory, the factory of corpes as we give it the nickname. This place is a laboratory located on the glacier-type planet Umino in the Reimstein system. The weather conditions on this planet are so harsh that it is difficult even with current technology to land safely. The surface of the planet is often swept by a violent blizzard. And it is there on this planet that the laboratory is best equipped in terms of advanced genetics. There, scientists strive to study the Krawls and their anatomy, their incredible adaptability and their evolution. But who says Krawl research says * ....

-Are there Krawls held captive in this lab? * Asked Arklight *.

-According to the rumor, yes. * Chen replied *. But it's not our job.

-Excuse me boss but once again why we have to escort his majesty to the lab already. I mean it's just a lab.

-His majesty as you say is colonel. * say Crimson *. And also your superior.

-Yes, but....

-I am the Commander's son. * Liore said serenely *. Stop beating around the bush. Other than that I have nothing special. And I'm there for research as a civilian so my rank doesn't mean anything.

* Chen, who was standing, clutching a tie, glanced out of the corner of his eye at Liore *.

-For me you are just a package to deliver.

-We are entering atomsphere. * Said the pilot *. Get ready.

* Chen sat down as the shuttle entered the atmosphere, crossing a vast cloud of snow covering part of the planet. The shuttle did take a few jolts but nothing it could not endure. Thunderstorms and lightning on the other hand were less reassuring. Sitting in front of Liore Arklight gave him an amused smile *

- Are you scared princess?

-Nah even. I've done this before with guys from the 82nd AP.

-The 82nd AP is ... The Undead? * Crimson asked *.

-Yes why ?

-You're not a normal guy, eh. * Said Arklight touching his rifle *.

* The tremors continued a little but the apparatus ended up passing the storm and arrived under the clouds. One would have thought it was much more beautiful but no, there was a rather terrible snowstorm which made all visibility zero *.

-I'm going into Blizzard mode. * Said the pilot *.

-It's good you can relax. * Chen said removing his belt *.

* The aircraft was covered with a sort of invisible holographic shield which allowed it to navigate better in this horrible weather. Chen grabbed the radio and decided to contact the center *.

-UFO it is Razor Beam we just got you on our radar do you copy ?

- Another ten minutes and we'll be there.

* Liore took out his phone and looked one last time at the photo he had taken with Olga before she left. He also remembered when Burges had stuck this assignment on him. Liore would be standing while her brother was behind the desk *.

-Congratulations on your promotion, little brother.

-It's rare to see you compliment someone. But when you do it it's always in all sincerity so I accept.

- You know me I am an honest man. By the way what happened between you and Belial ....


- What he's trying to say. * Said a voice from the back screen *. He's sorry you lost your neural connection. I know you and Belial were close.

* The person speaking was far from human, but his voice sounded like it was. It was a holographic projection of a Striker, in fact it was Burges' Striker speaking to them *.

-Ga ... Galactica. * Liore wondered *.

-I don't think I invited you. * Said Burges *.

-As if I needed your permission. * Laughed Galactica * Anyway Liore I fully support you. Just do your job and everything will be fine.

-It's nice to think of me thank you.

-Stop being so sad you're going to make me cry.

-Haha I doubt it.

- So we could come back to the main topic of the discussion? * Said Burges with a serious expression *.

* He pressed a button and forced Galactica to disconnect from his desk *.

-You turned off all electronic devices in the office. Smart. * Said Liore *.

-Since you taught her how to Hack, she thinks she's allowed to do everything this damn robot . But let's move on, Liore, I want you to be assigned to the Umino Factory research center.

-Umino Factory? This center is ...

-Where we grew up I know and I'm sorry to impose this on you, but research on the Krawls has stalled since this lab was privatized. We no longer have the right to put pressure on them to force them to make things happen.

-Which doesn't prevent you from doing it you are Burges after all.

* Burges stood up and walked over to the screen, which he stared at, crossing his hands behind his back *.

-I know you just got married, I followed the ceremony through the cell phone of one of your friends. I'm happy for you and I'm not trying to separate you from your wife, but since your neural link has been severed your fighting skills are no longer needed but your intelligence.

* Liore, who at first felt uncomfortable, nevertheless understood what his older brother was trying to make him hear through this spiel *.

-After all * he said, patting his temple with his finger *. You have the most powerful brain in the universe.

* Burges said it with a certain pride and Liore felt it. Since the time they knew each other, it was the first time he had opened up so much to him *.

-So dismiss.

-Yes sir.

* Come to think of it Liore felt a little weird. But as he was thinking about what to do when he got there Chen came to him with a serious expression *.

-What is wrong ?

-We have been trying to contact the center for a good ten minutes, but no one answers.

-What? What do you mean ? And Doctor Astray.

- Either this old man is working in his lab and doesn't hear the screams around him. * He said cocking his assault rifle *. Either he's dead.

-What how's that screaming?

-Ah I didn't tell you. There was a breach in the Krawl system and I don't know which one made it out of its cage. * Chen explained *. Get ready, we're going to turn around.

-A Krawl ... escaped? * Liore said to himself aloud *. And you ... You're going to turn around ?

-We have to, we can't guarantee your safety.

* The pilot started the return sequence while Liore sat down chattering his teeth as he imagined what was happening in the center. Simple scientists left to themselves to devour alive by a monster who only wants to eat them. As the shuttle turned back it suddenly began to redirect to the Umino * research center.

- Pilot, I gave you an order, what are you doing here?

-I ... I don't know. I don't control anything anymore ... Looks like I don't control anything anymore.

* Chen then turned to the snow-white haired man who gave them a determined look as he saw streams of energy flowing over his eyes *.

-You ... You Hacked the shuttle.

-We are going to enter this center. And we won't give up on anyone.

* End of chapter *.