Chapter 22: The Breach

* A few hours earlier inside the complex, the scientific team had gathered to celebrate the birthday of one of their member, Dr. Jugarev. This kind of event was for them the best way to relax on a planet swept by snowstorms. Jugarev was a man in his thirties with an outline of a beard and a pack of cigarettes in his pocket *.

-Happy birthday Gael. * Said a woman from the team *.

* She approached him smiling and gave him a wrapped present *.

-Thank you Leti. I'm going to ask you how you got yourself something like that, right ...

-It's top secret. * She said closing her eyes *. Come on, I have to go back to work.

-What already? The old demon won't let you rest.

-What do you want, I have to pamper the cranky old man.

* Leticia Azul was a woman with a rather mature face and wore rather special glasses. She also had a big breast which turned the eyes of the members of the team towards her but she had learned how to get used to it. As she took the elevator to the last level other guys got on with her *.

-Hey Leti what was in Gael's gift?

-Don't tell me you used the teleporter.

-oh nooo and risk opening a breach in the warp of the solar system? You take me for a jug.

-If the gate is closed, you can use it.

-Aaah you know what Gordon leave me alone.

* The two men arrived at their floor and abandoned her, winking at her. She sighed and waved to them. Once only the atmosphere becomes downright more austere. she landed on the last basement where the class 1 Krawls were kept, that is to say the smallest. Crossing the hallway she ignored what was left to right and walked straight until she reached a room. There she found an old man with his back tweaking a corpse of Krawl on an operating table *.

-You are late. * Said the old man *.

-What type? * asked as she went to put on her work clothes *.


-Ah ... the worst.

- Don't slow down kid, I've already lost a lot of time like that.

-You underestimate me. I'll wrap this up in 15 minutes. * Said she smirk *.

* An hour before the arrival of the shuttle, the festive atmosphere had given way to the usual cold calm. However, no one let himself go to depression. In the main room sat behind his screen Gordon watched the meteorological survey of the planet *.

-Hey do you know? * Asked his friend next door *. Looks like we're gonna get a visit from a new guy.

-A new guy? Who is that ?

-His name is Liore McMannus. It's a Jaeger.

-Oh ... A Jaeger ... And a McMannus you say? * Said Gordon *. Wouldn't he come to shut down the center?

-This center is no longer under the control of the army, why would he close the center?

-Because the center brings back bad memories, especially to the McMannus. * Said Gael who came to interrupt them *.

-This place was the scene of many experiments on the members of their family and it was not joyful. Go to work you two.

-You're the boss.

* It was at this moment that one of the assistants noticed an anomaly in one of the sectors *.

-Doctor Jugarev come see this.

* He who was about to open his gift had to drop it off and looked in the direction of the screens *.

-What's the matter ?

-Bah the inmate of prison A-4 panics.

-then like every day he blames but does not die.

-This time it's different sir. * She insisted *. It keeps bumping into the wall as if ...

- How long has he been doing this?

-It lasts 2 hours sir.

-2 ... Wait. * He said as he settled down to his post. *

* He typed some programming sequence then the camera ended up displaying correctly *.

-Oh damn the images were looping. * Said the young girl *.

-That's not what worries me. * Said Gael *. What was there in cell A-4.

-A chimera. * Gordon shouted in the distance *. But mainly a Ukron

-It's not true, it's not true. Anyone have a visual of the other Ukron's in the building?

-Me sir. * An assistant replied *. All the Ukron captives on all floors are panicking sir.

-Activate the pheromone radar.

* The radar activated but it was red. The whole building was red from the basement to the building above. And all the Ukrons by dint of restlessness at the same time would end up breaking their cell *.

-Fog them. * Ordered Jugarev *.

-But Sir.

-It's an order. * He yelled *. Kill all Ukron in the complex.

-A .... At your command.

- You crazy old man.

* He did not see the silhouette of one of those insectoids pass behind. Meanwhile in the last basement, Doctor Astray who had finished his little session allowed himself a cigarette break with his assistant. He was an old man and had a rather porous face with light burn spots on his forehead *.

-You see Leticia what we just killed is a kind of queen mother among the Ukron. She is class 1 since she has not had time to develop which explains her small size.

-A queen ? Reassure me sir you warned the others that you were going to dissect her so that he put the Ukrons in isolation.

-Of course no these bastards wouldn't listen to me. They refused to dissect the only queen we had so I took the lead.

* She dropped her cigarette surprised at his behavior *.

-You know it's fascinating. Unlike the Zions who give up all fighting spirit or the Golons who run away at all costs, the Ukron queens when they die release a large amount of pheromone. This excites the whole colony and drives them into a murderous rage.

-Absolutely. * Azul yelled *. And that's why it was necessary to avoid. The little Class 1 Krawls I am not saying but the chimera that we have on board can at any time break free and cause a massacre.

-It's the fault of the designers for not having been able to design adapted cells and deny us access to the Grand Genesis.

- Damn, I knew you were nuts, but not that bad. * You sighed *.

* She ran over to the phone and tried to call the center but the line was sticking out until someone picked up *.

-Ah finally. Gordon I ....

* A huge shrill insect cry answered instead of his friend which made his blood run cold. She trembled slightly and decided to contact the security group *.

-Hello ... Can anyone hear me ... Tom?

* But no one answered and it fueled his fear even more. She had no idea that right now it was a bloodbath in the complex and that the drop in blood pressure had momentarily freed half of the Krawls present. Annoyed, she decided to take the pistol from the drawer and then went to the elevator *.

-Where are you going like that?

- I'll get help. If I can contact the army they will surely come to our aid.

* The doctor smirked and stubbed out his cigarette while lighting another *.

-Sure you say. Who ardently refused the influence of the army before? Why the fleet supposed to protect us is ruled out to one ship in your opinion. Do you think they have the material?

-So you suggest that we abandon them is that it? * She said angry *.

* He got up from his chair and walked over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders *.

-You are a very courageous Leti woman I admire this. But what makes this center so important is its research, not its researchers.

-How can you ... You disgust me. * She said moving away from him *.

- Calm Leti. Even I know it would be difficult to continue without a researcher that's why I'm going to guide you to the center console so that you can contact the army. They won't be able to ignore a breach in the system especially if you tell them that "Grand Genesis" has been forced.

-You want us to lie? Well, I guess we don't have a choice.

-Don't worry about me, I'll be safe in the secure room behind. With all our research.

* So Azul left the most secure basement in the world by taking the elevator armed only with a pistol she had never used in a real situation. Doctor Astray was going to guide her through the atrium *.

- Can you hear me Leti?

-Yes sir ... I ... I receive you.

- Calm down Leti Calm down. * He said in a calm voice *. Breathe deeply. You are ready ? Go for it.

* She left the center, being careful to look around and even above. Astray who had access to the cameras. She walked through the hallways saw guts and blood on the walls. The young woman stopped and threw up her lunch. What she saw was really horrible. As she looked up she saw a man in a blouse wandering around an intersection *.

-F ... Fabian? Fabian is that you?

-No Miss Azul he was infected it is not ...

-What are you talking about it's right there.

-Your friend is already dead.

* Fabian who was walking like a zombie suddenly turned towards her *.

-Help me.

* Suddenly long paws of Arachnids pierced him. He was dismembered and a Krawl in the shape of a giant spider began to devour him by stabbing him with its stinger. Trembling with fear Azul began to shoot him but having her eyes closed she only touched him once out of 5 *.

-Doctor Azul stop you are going to call all the Krawls of the floor. Your friend was being manipulated, you remember, the cerebral insemination capacity we saw in progress ...

-I ... I ... Fabian ...

-Run as long as you can.

* She glanced one last time at her friend who was asking for help. She wiped her face and ran full speed in the opposite direction. She took one last look and saw that the Krawl who devoured her friend was being attacked by another Krawl *.

-But they're crazy.

-The pheromones of the queen make them attack all even their colonies.

* After this altercation she hid in an air vent and caught her breath *.

-I'm sorry ... sorry to have lost control.

-I understand you. Theory is one thing, but the practice is a whole different story. When it happens to you in real life it is much more difficult to accept reality.

-I thought I was ready but ... I meant without you ...

-Come on stand up. Your job is to call in reinforcements, not to be reinforcements.

-Yes sir. From now on I will follow your orders scrupulously.

* She got up with a bang and left the gate. Astray gave her clear instructions, so she was able to avoid a large part of the Krawls and arrived at the level of the center. She looked around and saw no apparent Krawl and rushed over to Gordon's console. There was only a huge puddle of blood left. She refrained from throwing up and dialed the SOS * sequence.

-Hello ... Can anyone hear me? Here Doctor Azul is anyone ....

-UFO here Razor Beam we just got to you.

-God be praised someone hears me. Please contact the cruiser orbiting Umino. Tell him to send a rescue team.

-What is your concern doctor Azul? * Chen asked *.

-Class 1 Krawls broke their cell and started killing the researchers. Please help us.

-Do not worry madam the help will be there soon. In the meantime, go and hide yourself.

* The communication was interrupted and she finally let out a sigh *.

- Did you hear professor?

-Yes I heard. They will come and get us.

-So professor? What's the plan to get back?

-I'm sorry to tell you that but ... Your repeated moves have drawn quite a large number of Krawls and they are all converging on your positions. There is no longer any back-up voice.

-Hey, but it's you who .... You used me. * She said as she realized *.

-Don't worry our research are safe.

- You old ...

-And don't worry. Good luck Doctor Azul.

* The doors opened and the Krawls entered the room, rushing towards the young scientist who screamed in terror. With the line still open, Chen heard what happened there and made the choice to come back. Only Liore did not hear it that way *.

*To be continued*