Chapter 25: The McMannus Clan: B & B

* Arkortex fusion is known to be the most painful thing long before childbirth. We feel the veins that heat up, the nerves that tear both the head and the heart are as if caught in a big 8 of suffering. The pain is such that it is impossible to think, impossible to speak, impossible to do anything but scream. From the hangar there was nothing Logan could do except listen to his brother's cries of Agony with his face in tears. As time passed the Stryker took shape. A dark black color, a head adorned with a jackal cap, wings on the back which was rare for a Stryker. At the end of the transformation purple lights lit up on the Stryker making it look menacing. It looked like a giant bald smile. The scientists and the guards took a step back except Wiggins who felt proud. Liore's voice had been missing for a while and it was silence. Beams came out of the Stryker's eyes and scanned not the room or even the building as standard would ... but the entire planet *.

-Name me?

* The robot's voice was anything but not mechanical, it was a man's voice, a young man's voice and it addressed Liore with humility and politeness *.

-Please name me.

* Liore did not move, the sync pain had disappeared as if it was a bad dream but the memory of what he had just experienced was inked in his soul *.

-Who are you ? * Asked the young boy curl up on himself *.

- I don't know myself. Please name me.

-I see. So that's what will determine the personality of my Stryker ... The name. *He says to him*. Tell me do you want to know your name?

-Yes, that's what I want.

-Ah, because you have desires?

-How is that strange? Please name me.

-If you want me to name you, you'll have to do what I say.

* Outside the others still didn't understand what was going on waiting for Liore to get out of his machine *.

-What are they doing ? * Asked the assistant *.

-They're meeting. * Said Vick *.

* Suddenly the lights of the Stryker came on. The guard holding Logan was suddenly shocked by his suit and collapsed to the ground. A strong magnetic field scorched the devices as the cables supposed to hold the robot's fasteners gave way one by one. The machine stepped forward and his hand went to Logan simply telling him *.


* Logan surprised that this machine has such a human voice, however, didn't hesitate and went upstairs. Once in the Cockpit he found Liore who had changed eyes. But especially the hair that has turned white *.

-Big Brother ?

-Hold on, little brother

* All HQ was on alert. While the partitions of the roof gave way one by one *.

-Fucking cut off the power. * Wiggins shouted into the headset *. Turn that stuff off.

-Sorry but the Strykers generate power on their own, like you and me by generating walking. * Joras explained from the control room *. They are independent.

-Shit. I thought he could only hack some computer. How infected are we?

-Given the extent of the damage ... I would say that all our facilities are at his mercy.

-His fusion with the Stryker made him so powerful?

* The roof had just opened when the Stryker spread its wings and launched into the air. At the beginning the take-off was slow and took time but the more it climbed the more it accelerated and left the complex. When he left, the military forces present were already waiting for him *.

- I detect a hundred presence which turns out to be hostile. Do you want me to take them down young man ?

-Do not kill them put them out of action with an EMP.

-Typhoon type machines are immune to EMPs.

- Then it will be necessary to sow them.

* The EMP blocked all the devices as well as all the weapons of the base. Only certain reder and typhoon could move *.

- Where do you want me to take you?

* Liore looked at Logan and took him by the hand he squeezed tightly *.

-The furthest and safest place.

* The Stryker spread its wings and rushed at full speed brisk as the wind. The Typhoons wanted to hunt but Liore had hacked the afterburner which prevented them from reaching the sound barrier. They all finally gave up on the chase and stopped. The black and crimson Stryker vanished into the frigid black sky of Umino. This was the beginning of the first signs of the Umino incident. After Liore escaped, Wiggins decided to turn to the only people who could stop him *.

-Burges ... I need your help.

* Confused Burges who had not seen Liore since his escape was surprised to learn *.

-Liore ran away, right?

-Yes with a very Unstable ... patient. To tell the truth, I don't think Liore is aware of the danger that awaits him. If he continues to rub shoulders with such a specimen, he risks endangering himself.

-The specimen in question ... Is it a human? Say it clearly.

-It's a Jaeger so ...

-The Jaegers are human doctor. * He said threateningly *.

-Otherwise, tell us how Liore was able to escape from the number 1 research center in the universe when he is 11 years old, he is surely on foot and is freezing to death by your incompetence. * Berthold growled *.


* After explaining how Liore became a pilot it didn't take much for Berthold to guess the rest. He leapt at the doctor and squeezed his throat with extraordinary force. Burges, who normally was stronger than him, couldn't get away *.

-Berthold ... Berthold stops.

-This son of a bitch made Liore ride against his will I'm sure. Liore would never get into a stryker without a good reason. I'm sure he did all of this so he could get away. CONFESS.

* But the Doctor couldn't breathe and was going to pass out. Berthold imagining the pain he must have felt wasn't ready to let go. It was then that a taser knocked him out. Burges fell to his seat with a huff as he watched Alberta heaping him up *.

-I had to go at full power. You are all mad.

-I should say thank you but it was probably from a bad intention.

-Yes and no. I want to find Liore like you, but it is not by killing him that we will get there.

-Well I suppose you have a plan miss genius?

-Haha always. * She smirked *.

* At the other end of Umino on top of a mountain, Liore's Stryker had landed safely. The two brothers finally got out of the cockpit and could admire the outside. In front of them there was a huge desert of ice as far as the eye could see *.

-It's ... void. There's nothing except ice. * Said Logan *.

-The exterior is exactly as I imagined. Cold and freezing.

-It's a bit because the planet is a huge block of ice. * Said Logan *.

-It was a metaphor. * He sighed *.

* They heard a huge block of metal behind them and the stryker dropped to one knee and stared at Liore *.

-Who is this young man that you wanted to save so badly?

-He is my little brother. Logan.

-I see. So I'm registering this human in the name of Logan McMannus.

* Liore surprised asked him *.

-Human ? Not Jaeger?

-Hum ?! Are the Jaegers not human? Do you want me to separate the two? In that case...

-No nothing it's just ... No go ahead. It will be more practical.

-Very well register as Jaeger. Now the most important. Name me.

-Since a while ago you keep asking me that, why do you need a name?

* He straightened up and tucked his wings away as he stared at the horizon *.

-You know I only came into the world for ten minutes. Coming to this cold and icy shed, the only thing that connected me to the world was you. Thanks to my connection with you I feel I exist but I have no idea who I am or even why I exist.

-I see. You have an awareness of yourself. I can feel that it goes beyond a simple program. Well in this case.

* He put his hand on the leg of the machine which had a very pale color *.

-I have decided, I'm going to call you Belial.

-Belial? * Logan wondered *.

-Yes Belial.

-I see. So my name is Belial McMannus.

* Belial stepped back as his body transformed again and his colors became more than vivid *.

- On the other hand records that Belial, I do not want that one sees my last name on the IFF.

-It's understood master.

- And call me Liore. Then I am neither your friend nor your brother but from a technical point of view your father since without my connection you would not exist.

-So father ....

-Noooo. Just call me Liore. *He sighed*.

-But ... It's inappropriate to call your father by his first names.

-Yes, but it's an order.

* Belial clenched his fist in embarrassment but resigned himself *.

-It's okay father ... Liore.

-Ah you can call me Uncle Logan if you want.

-NO. * Shouted Liroe embarrassed *.

-I was joking.

* Logan clung to him, hugging him. Liore blushes with embarrassment *.

-What are you doing?

- Even though I'm a Jaeger, it's getting cold.

- Go upstairs I'll warm you up. * Proposed Belial *.

-That's my nephew. * Laughed Logan *.

-Haaa father at 11 years old.

* Back at the Umino Alberta center, Burges and Bert were back on their feet watching videos of the Belial transformation *.

-It's crazy he has wings. * Says Alberta *. Too stylish the bat.

-That motherfucker shouted Liore, damn it if I catch him.

- Enough of Strangulation Bert you looks like an animal. * Says Alberta *. Make your brains work.

-Go back please. Before Liore took off.

* She backtracked just as the Stryker reached out to the young boy. He was from behind so difficult to identify except but his dark blue hair intrigued them. Besides, he was the same height as Liore. Burges pulled the pictures back and saw the kid's face. The whole family was shocked *.

-Wtf ... It's Liore. * Said Burges *.

-Liore? * Bert wondered *.

-But ... How is that possible? The Stryker is not supposed to move or activate without Liore.

* They put the pictures back and saw the two boys near the Stryker *.

-It makes no sense. Liore activated the Stryker and he rode this kid with him. Who is ... His hidden twin?

-No no my mother only gave birth to us 2.

- Maybe she didn't know. Separate at birth and ...

-I said no shit. You watch too much series. * Complained Bert *.

-But then who is he?

-Don't tell me ... * say Burges *. He's a clone ... of him?

* The kids went back to the doctor and entered the control room. He was with his men looking for the Stryker *.

-Sorry kids not now.

-You are going to explain to us and do what this shit is. * Said Berthold pointing to the photo *. Why there are two. Which one is my little brother?

-Haaa it's not true. * He sighed *. You bring them back to their room right away.

* The guard stepped forward to force the kids back in, but something incredible happened. Berthold knocked him out with his sister's taser then grab his gun aiming at the doc. His gaze was more than serious *.

-Kid ... drop that gun. It's an order.

-Berthold are you crazy? * Burges asked *.

-I won't let them hurt my little brother. Tell me who is this kid with my brother? Why does he look like Liore? * He yelled *.

-Ha ... Even if I wanted to I couldn't tell you.

* Berthold sighed and opened fire. The bullet lodged right in Wiggins' assistant's abdomen and she collapsed to the ground. At that moment the doctor realized that he was not dealing with an ordinary kid *.

-You ... Do you realize what you just did? * He asked *.

-I don't give a fuck? How many of your assistants am I going to have to stumble upon for you to speak. And you guys put your guns down on the ground or it'll be bad.

* The guards wanted to insist but Wiggins motioned to them and they slowly put their guns on the ground. They had no right to shoot him anyway *.

-Berthold no. * Shouted Burges *.

-Do not approach me or I swear i will make a mess. And you, Alberta, I have your taser so stay calm.

-As long as you don't shoot me I'm okay, but don't point that thing at me shit.

-Good, doctor ...

* He fired without looking to his right the bullet hit the shoulder of an assistant who was trying to help the woman on the ground *.

-Explain yourself. I wait.

* At the other end of Umino in Belial's cockpit the two brothers huddled together using their sweater as a blanket. Belial being a new machine it had no heating yet *.

-Excuse me Fa ... Liore. I noticed something during Logan's biometric scan. And I learned some surprising things. I searched for the nearest database and was able to see some disturbing images to say the least.

* He showed the footage of Logan's tortures *.

-Ah that we have already seen you can change.

-I've dug deeper into the origins and ... You don't have a mother ... Uncle Logan. Or at least you were raised in a test tube.

* Logan curled up in the blanket and Liore felt he was uncomfortable *.

-Belial you don't have a mother that I know of either.

-Yes it's true sorry. I am sorry for that.

- Here is which is better.

-But in fact he has a mother of unknown origin because he is the fusion of an ovul and the semen of the commander. So he is indeed your brother.

-Of course. He's my adored little brother.

* In the control room Bert was listening to Wiggins's confession *.

-I created Logan from the frozen semen of the Commander and a woman whose origin I will not say. It was a great success. I had to tweak the foetus a lot so that it could match what I wanted. This new McMannus had to erase the defaults of the old ones and be perfect. But it had to be done in a sterile setting and without the nefarious influence of either of you.

* Bélial explained for his part *.

-Wiggins wanted him smarter than Alberta, tougher than Burges, a brain more powerful than yours and Berthold's strength.

* Vick had his hands in the air but he had a sly smile on his lips *.

-Yes this strength that you hide for could stay longer with your brother. Did you think I wouldn't have realized that?

- I have nothing to say to you continue.

-Today he must be around 6 years old, I was able to test a lot of things on him, I even made him face class 1 Krawls. He ate some of them. It was from there that everything changed because he really became unstable. He developed a kind of animal instinct similar to the Krawls. Since then he has had fits of madness where he begins to devour living beings.

* Berthold surprised by the doctor's story ended up lowering his gun *.

-You are telling me that this guy is also our brother.

-That's right


-And that you tortured him and used him for years to make a weapon.

-I confirm. But it was for the greater good. You will not have known it would save you the day on the battlefield. The Jaeger is supposed to be above humans, well I am creating a superJaeger. A being who will be free from the defaults of the Jaegers.

-Nothing is perfect Doctor Wiggins. * Said Burges *.

-I don't agree. And if we don't cure Logan he'll end up becoming a cannibalistic monster. So I advise you to find your brother as soon as possible. Finally "your" brothers

* Berthold being the most annoyed he fixed the doc with his deadliest gaze *.

-Give me one reason not to kill you.

-I am the only one...

* A gunshot sounds *.

-Fucking shit Berthold. * Shouted Burges *.

* But the young boy had just shot him in the knee and he was writhing in pain *.

-Relax he's not dead yet.

* Berthold turned to the rest of the scientists, raising the pistol in the air *.

-All of you here are witnesses, this guy has clearly overstepped his duties. You are not all all white here and I know that some people do not condone what is happening to us, I could have killed you all but I prefer to refrain from doing such bullshit. You're going to help us find our brother and make it happen.

-Y ... Yes .... sir?

-Now I'm the boss. * He said *. And I declare that this center will close its doors to the Jaegers. Alberta takes control and finds Liore.

* Without offering any resistance, she sat down on a computer and put on a cyber diving helmet *.

-Tch Liore can do it without a headset.

-You stay smarter. Go ahead.

* She logged in while diving into the net *.

-When to you Burges. Heat up Galactica and bring our brothers back in one piece. We'll treat Logan for his illness and then shut down this ridiculous complex.

*Burges sighed and let out an amused smile*.

-As usual you always have your head on your shoulders, eh. Ok I'll let you order since you seem to know what you're doing.

*He ran at full speed and left the command center*

-The others open the doors of the Darkstar, Marshall, Archibald, AllStar, Natak and Takemikazuchi clans. Their pilot will help with the research.

-Roger sir.

* One of the assistants had been watching Bert giving orders for a while *.

-He may have the body of a child but his reasoning is that of an adult.

-Hold on Liore. Above all, don't get yourself eat.

* To be continued*