Chapter 26: The McMannus Clan: A & B

* Everywhere in the center it was activated to find the two fleeing brothers and because time was running out because Logan needed his injection. As time went on Logan gradually changed, his fingernails grew like claws and his teeth grew like fangs, but he clamped down on them whenever he got close to brother. The blizzard had passed, making the radars operational again. We would have to find a way to leave this planet safely *.

-Belial do you know a sure way to leave this planet without trouble?

- Leaving the planet would be inadvisable. According to my data, the planet of Umino is the most isolated from Reimstein's system. The area is surrounded by the federal fleet which monitors the slightest gesture and gesture.

-I see. We will have to leave the solar system then. Tracks ?

-The Warp portal is closed, we will have to wait for its reopening to be able to pass.

- Can't we just hack him? * Asked Liore *.

-My capacities are limited I cannot penetrate such a thorough system.

- Was to be expected I'm new to the game. * Liore sighed *.

-Uuh ... Liore. * Said Logan *. I have...

-Don't worry Logan, nothing will happen to you if you stay with me.

* The young boy could not express himself in front of the confident smile of his brother. At the other end of the planet, nearly 3 strykers had just taken off before leaving in all directions on the planet. In central Alberta somehow tried to detect Liore and Belial with army radar but it remain unsuccessful. The fact that she couldn't do it made her bite her thumbnail which regenerated each time *.

-It's not possible. What is the range of the center radar?

-2 to 3500 km madam.

-They would have traveled such a great distance in such a short time. He sure is a Stryker. * She whispered *. What if I used the army satelite above our heads?

- Using it as an amplifier we would go within 8000 km.

-So let's go.

* The scientist obtained the accreditation of the captain of the vessel who let him access their satellite. Alberta, which was using it as an amplifier, suddenly widens her search area. Radar was then able to detect signals from nearby Strykers *.

-Haha I see them. Natak, Kurokami and Galactica. I am the best. *She says*.

- Except that the one you are looking for does not yet have an IFF and is still invisible. * Said Bert *.

-I know I know. It's strange besides stick it is done that we still can not detect it.

-This radar sweeps over 8000 km impossible for him to miss.

* Alberta took off her drift helmet and began to think with a sigh *.

-Liore motherfuckeeeer ....

-Cursing is rude.

-I know thanks. I'm trying to think about it. We don't all have our brains that process data in 0000.3 seconds.

* She remembered that Liore had managed to avoid the cameras for almost a week without being detected, but had they really avoided them? She replayed the record and scanner data from that week. As she sped through everything she was processing the data as fast as she could then she stopped and smiled *.


* Her cry startled Berthold and most scientists puzzled *.

-Liore smartass. You haven't really been hiding, it's just us not using the right eyes.

* Alberta disconnected from the army satelite altogether which surprised the assistant as she redirected herself to something bigger, more powerful. The stellar satellite that watches over the entire solar system *.

-Please enter the Commander password. * Said the AI ​​of the satelite *.

- ## ** # € ##

* Alberta pronounced it in a language almost incomprehensible to human ears, but not to the Jaegers *.

-What .... How did you ... Where did you get the old man's password from? * Berthold wondered *.

-Oh it was easy when you take the time to make research.

* The super satelite was finally connected and this time nothing escaped Alberta *.

-Burges? I send you the Coordinates hurry to go there.

- Did you finally find him?

-It's a machine without IFF identifier I doubt it's some kind of Krawl.

* Galactica which was at the other end of the planet abruptly changed course and rushed at full speed towards Liore's position *.

-How did you find him? * Berthold asked *.

-Oh it's not that complicated when you got the point. * She said taking off her helmet *. A radar works by sending waves, then the waves come back to the main antenna which interprets the data. Liore's Stryker absorbs these waves and sends back new ones filled with fake data.

-Well that's ingenious.

-Oh but that's not all. In the waves that he brings back there is the virus of Liore which propagates in the system

-A virus in wave form? It's impossible.

- With all due respect. * Said a scientist who raised his hand to speak *. We live on a permanent desert of ice so a virus in wave form I can believe it possible.

-But wait if he spreads his virus through this wave, that means he infected the stellar satellite, right?

- Impossible for 2 reasons. * Said she smiling *. Already because we can not hack this thing and 2 because his machine is not powerful enough to send its waves so far. I only had to detect the breach in the radar and ....

-Enough Fobbits * shit but I'm approaching the unidentified Stryker.

Ndt: Non-combatant personnel or the stashed ones. This term also refers to the Geek of the army.

* For his part, Belial's sensors panicked as he watched Logan and Liore play in the snow *.

-Liore ... Liore ...

-What is it?

-I detect a heat source coming on us at 3.5 times the speed of sound. She'll be on us in two minutes.

-2 minutes ? But it's ... Tch.

* They got back into the Stryker and Liore warned. Burges' machine came to a halt above their heads and the supersonic boom it created almost deafened them. Belial looked at the machine, it was much taller than him by 5-6 meters which made it imposing. Its frame was all white and its arms and legs looked like rods. But the frame becomes more consistent and a sort of metal dress surrounded her belt. The head was adorned with a golden striped helmet *.

-First Stryker Battle Mover class. Code name Galactica. * Said Liore *. This stuff is really powerful.

-Liore ... Liore can you hear me? Are you still in this machine at least?

-I'm not just a machine. * Belial replied *.

-That voice ... Oh sorry but who are you?

-The custom is that you introduce yourself first.

-He has guts. * Said Galactica amused *.

-My name is Burgess McMannus. I'm the older brother of Liore ... and Logan. Are they with you?

-And i'm Battle Mover Galactica but just call me Galactica. Since I've been around for more than 16 years, that makes me your eldest, don't you think?

-My elder ? So you are my big sister?

-That's right and big sister asks you to bring Liore home.

-And if I refuse. * Said a voice from the cockpit *.

-Liore? * Shouted all the siblings. *

-I already didn't want to pilot this machine but here I am forcing myself to enter it. And now you want me to go back to the operating table? It is out of the question. Neither I nor Logan will be going back. I'd rather die again.

-Liore. * Berthold yelled at the microphone *. It's Bert. Listen, we've got everything sorted out here, they won't hurt us any more, I'll take care of it. Remember I promised you no one would ever hurt you. Well there it is, no one will touch you. So please come back to HQ.

-You say that but do you have any idea what I just went through? Have you ever experienced an Ark Kortex merger? Have you ever suffered so much that you had the impression of passing out. Do you ever hear me again? I didn't want to go through it again, and I didn't want Logan to live it either. So please let us leave the planet.

* The McMannus siblings shut each other as Logan begins to feel more and more weird *.

-That's enough. * Shouted Galactica *. Raaah you've been driving me crazy for a while now. And then what else did you suffer? Because what do you think you're the only Jaeger to suffer? In the other compartments of the other families you have no idea of ​​the quarter of pain that these children endure.

-Galactica enough. * Said Burgess *.

-No he has to know. The Jaegers who grow up in this center are destined to become weapons. Many will never have a normal life and will surely die in battle. Don't you want to suffer? What next.

-Galactica I said that was enough.

-You know what kind of fight test Burgess and I take? Berthold fails to synchronize with his Stryker, he is forced to try to connect and he endures the pain of the first connection once again. When in Alberta you have no idea how many times she nearly died on burnt out synapses so stop talking about pain to the family. * She shouted *.

* Burgess and the rest of the family were dumbfounded at Galactica's words. Indeed Liore unlike his brothers underwent rather simple and basic tests unlike the others who lived daily torture sessions. Learning all this he began to breathe heavily not knowing what to think *.

-I witnessed a robot shouting match. I can die quiet. * Said a doctor *.

-Liore ... Liore? * Called Burgess *. Who cares what we put you aside doesn't count. You remain our brother and Logan too. Come back to the center and we'll put it all in order.

-There is more important. * Bert shouted *. Time is almost running out. Logan is going to freak out. They must be taken out of the Cockpit.

* Logan when he couldn't control himself at all and even started to transform. Little by little his eyes in the whole turned black and he almost pounced on Liore. His roar echoed into the microphone *.

-Liore ... Liore are you okay?

* Burgess wanted to approach but his brother's Stryker started to move and punched him. By reflex he succeeds in avoiding it by stepping back *.

-Logan ... Logan it's me. Liore your big brother.

* But Logan instinct just wanted ju devour Liore. And it was hard to contain him because he had so much physical strength as Bert *.

-Damnit let me approach. * Said Burgess angry *.

- I won't let you take Liore away.

-Miscalculation. * Says Galactica *.

* Burgess activated the neuro-link with his stryker and the Green eyes lit up. Belial raised his arm which turned into a plasma cannon and fired. Burgess managed to dodge it by leaping through the air and descended to a tremendous crash causing cracks in the mountain. Belial, who had avoided the kick by stepping back, returned to the charge with an ice spike as a bat. The woodpecker exploded on Galactica's head, then kicked and punched the stryker several times as he dodged backwards. She then did a circular kick which threw Belial out of the mountain, triggering an avalanche in her fall. She flew in his direction and landed on top of him, crushing his head under her foot. Inside the cockpit the two brothers were shaking in all directions, Belial activated a powerful force field which repulse Galactica into the air and made a hole in the mountain. The Stryker remained stationary and bombarded Belial with beams of green plasma as the Stryker glided across the ice, flying low to the ground. He even sank under the blanket of snow for protection and came out once at the foot of the mountain where Galactica slapped him with a huge metal stick. The Stryker crashed into a hill and Galactica reengaged her weapon *.

-That's not how I imagined my first fight with my little brother.

-Neither do I. * Said Burgess *. Time is running out help me stop him.

-Let's go. Synchronization at 82%.

* Suddenly Galactica became extremely faster than Belial who no longer had the time to calculate or anticipate her movements. He took a blow in the gut, another kick crushed his leg, the stick pierced his abdomen under the cockpit and he suffered a blow from a ball disrupting his internal circuits before being crushed to the ground. Galactica crushed him to the ground with her foot as she tore off his arms. Liore then let out a cry of pain along with the Stryker. Bert remembered then that Liore was still connected and that he had felt most of the blows since the beginning of the fight. The prospect frightened him and he let go of Belial's arms, just tearing the cockpit away. There he found Liore passed out while Logan, who had recovered his sanity, tried to wake him up *.

- Big brother ... Big brother.

*At the same time in the sky, the model Kurokami, Darkstar and Natak arrived floating in the sky*.

-I was telling myself that it was normal for us to be the only ones to return to base.

-We did well to follow you.

-Please. * Said Burgess exhausted *. Help me carry it.

* Belial was brought back to HQ and locked in a hangar while Liore and Logan were indicted. It thus passed into the hands of Doctor Astray *.

-It's okay, his connection to the Stryker was cut off when he passed out. Still, you stopped my shuttle when I just wanted to go home. I have a child too, you know.

-Thank you for your collaboration. * Said Berthold angry *. Doctor.

-I'm going to shut my mouth. * He sighed *.

* Bert threw himself on his brother whom he hugged. He squeezed him so tight that Liore almost blew him away.

-Never do that to me gain you hear me ? Never. * He said as tears came to him *.

* All eyes then turned to Logan who was sitting shyly in his corner *.

-I am sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have ... I'm going to go back to my cage.

* He stood up and as he walked towards the door Burgess stepped in and stared at him grimly. Logan took a step back, but Burgess crouched down and stroked his head *.

-So it's you Logan. It be 10 years between us? Ha me it's Burgess McMannus I'm the eldest.

-Is that you ... Burgess? Your hair is all white.

-Ah that ... It happens when we synchronize up to a certain point.

-Delighted. I'm Alberta. Your big sister ok? * She said haughtily *.

-Oh you are the devil ?

-Hey what?

* He then turned to Bert who was still shocked at the resemblance between these two. Having said that, he walked over to Logan and hugged him tightly *.

-Welcome to the family. Logan

* The young boy began to cry. It was the first time that he had received so much affection at once from several people. The McMannus had accepted it without asking any questions for them it was more than another helpless Jaeger, it was their little brother. Baptsite was very pissed off when he learned of the revolt of the last pilots. Eden's Sphere was closed due to inhumane experiments carried out on the children of the great Jaeger families. They were all brought back to their respective systems where each received the education due to him. The pilots, on the other hand, went to the military academy and then to the battlefield. Burgess will become the spearhead of the army granting them several victories on certain planet thanks to the power of Galactica. Beerthold will not become a pilot but will integrate the special forces and quickly become a leader among the intelligence services. Alberta will join the army's robotic research unit, ironically she was working with those who tortured her. Liore will enter the battlefield at age of 16 and his skills will prove useful in battles in the 12th and 13th solar systems. He then joined the 82nd astro-range where he fought on Black Nessa but that is another story. Concrrning Logan, it was the first and first McMannus in history to have been conflict-free *.

-Please. * Liore said *. Don't let Logan become a weapon. Don't let him go to the front lines. He more than all of us deserves to have a normal life.

- Do you want him to evade his duty? * Said Berthold *. I could not say for the others but he is a McMannus he has it in his blood.

-Exactly. It's because he's got it in his blood that he should have a choice, don't you think?

* Logan will be sent to a foster home and will live the life of a more or less ordinary child until he is 17 years old or he will decide to make the "Around the worlds" by traveling on all the habitable solar systems. He will use his abilities in charitable and humanitarian works without ever going to the front. In short, one civilian among many others. At least until Liore found him in this complex which was originally the source of their misfortunes. His brother was devouring a Krawl like then and behaving like a beast. Some special forces people were trying to put a bullet in his head and Liore as at that time intervened *.

-I won't let you hurt him.

* End of chapter *