Chapter 27: The Traveler

* Logan McMannus is an even bigger phenomenon than his brother. At ten years old he had already assimilated everything that could be taught to him in the center. He received a rather particular and strict education until he was able to go to a foster family. The guy already mastered all the fighting techniques that could be taught to him, shooting like driving or piloting had no secrets for him. Once in the host family, he will remain under army surveillance because Umino's scientists had failed to cure him. He had a dose prescription that he had to respect if he didn't want to turn into a canibal monster. So far Logan hadn't caused a major incident in his life with humans and had even integrated quite well. He had been hosted by the Reynolds family in System Number 10, Seagal. That day he was in the living room cooking for the whole family. He was wearing a black T-shirt with gray jeans and sneakers. He also had an AI watch he had invented and sunglasses. He still looked just as much like Liore, but the hairstyle and facial expressions made them different. Liore was generally moody and not very smiling because of the life he lived where Logan exuded more zest for life and normalcy *.

-Hugo don't runn in the halls, and you Jules are going to do your homework.

-I don't want to.

-If you don't, I'll cut your internet connection.

-But nooo.

* The little guy did so. The two Reynolds children were between 11-14 years old. He had finished breakfast and stacked them in boxes which he spread out on the table. He then went to his room and began to tidy up his things *.

-You're not going to say goodbye to them? * Said a girl's voice behind his back *.

-I already said goodbye yesterday to the whole family so the tearful goodbyes very little for me. * He said, filling up his last bag *.

-Are you going to say goodbye to me too?

* He turned and saw the girl about his age. She had long brown hair that fell over her shoulders. She was just wearing her mini-shorts and a tank top *.

-Ok come this way.

* She approached and he hugged her very tightly *.

-Here you have enough of my scent on you to not wash this part of your body.

-Hey. * She said, pulling away suddenly *. You are disgusting.

-Haha you looked for it too. * Said he putting on his bag *. I don't know when I'll be back so take care of yourself Gladys. And choose your friends better, frankly...

-Take care of yourself Logan.

* At 17, Logan left the Reynolds' home and began a life as a "traveling photographer". He began to visit the various solar systems other than Seagal. Unral and Oloong were still traditionalists, but their technology was enough to make Minos blush. He also realized that Reimstein was not the desert of ice that he imagined, Umino was the most distant planet of this system from or his frozen desert. The rest of the system was more beautiful and welcoming even if damn industrialize. Jeremiah was a quieter system and nature was respected there. It was the second system with the purest air. Logan took his best photos which he sold on the net. Tobias was also very famous for his culture, Logan met Chief Archibald and daughter Julia, having grown closer because their brothers were all in combat. But Logan didn't just go to holy places. In system 11 to 12 he was present to witness the ravages of war and the constant attack of Krawls. It was there that he saw them for the first time. And that he also saw a Stryker eliminated a Krawl in front of his eyes *.

- What did this Stryker look like? * Asked Liore to his brother who was explaining his story *.

-A sort of orange Samurai with tiger stripes on it.

- Stripes you say? ... It was a Takemikazuchi. Nagatora I believe.

-I had guessed.

* Logan passed through several refugee camps and realized that in this war the civilians were taking as much money as the military. After his many travels he finally went to Sutherland where he stayed for nearly 6 months *.

-But you know Liore rather than telling you all that I could just connect with you you know. Like when we were little.

* Liore smiled when he heard that but he was also depressed sharply *.

-You wouldn't like to know what's on my mind today. And then I sent you lots of video journals.

-Yeah I watch them all until you stop sending me.

-Truly ? Why have you been to Sutherland before? This place is dangerous. And why did you last so long there?

* Logan smiled and suddenly he slammed his brother against the bed. Liore tried to struggle, but Logan had more strength. He crossed his fingers with his brother's and pressed his forehead to hers. The woman watching the scene from the camera in the hall jumped *.

-Oops I spilled my coffee.

-What is happening ? * Gordon asked *.

- Nothing, nothing at all. * She said, blushing *.

* The two brothers remained in this position for a while then moved away from each other. When he opened his eyes Liore saw Logan's smiling face *.

-Liore ... You got married ... Congratulations.

-You ... Did you see ...

- Don't worry, you don't have to be ashamed of your past. But at your request I just touched on that part.

-Oh I see. But wait, who is this girl on Sutherland? Don't tell me that ...

-Yeah ... She was my girlfriend. We've been together for so long but before I knew it the meds couldn't calm me down. So I decided to come back to the only place I knew I could be helped.

-Umino factory ... Is that why you're here? Because your Krawl part takes over?

- She's everything for me, I didn't want to hurt her.

* Liore smiled at him and patted his head *.

- Don't worry, we'll find a solution.

* Going back to the research center when Azul stopped the special forces from killing Logan she explained to them how the young boy had killed the Krawls in the area while saving her. Logan had killed the remaining Krawls and had helped Doctor Jugarev get part of the team to safety. The head of security had barricaded himself in the armory with a few researchers. Gordon and Tyna, the control room girl had hid in a secret compartment in the wall before going out when it was all over. But Dr. Jugarev died devoured by the chimera after taking most of his colleagues to safety. Liore unlocked the place where Doctor Astray was hiding and he was locked up after punching Azul's fist in the face. The remaining researchers were freed by special forces and attempted to rehabilitate the center, which was difficult given the many corpses of monsters and colleagues around. A distress message was sent to the orbiting fleet and Logan was locked in his sterile room where he was to receive treatment. It was only after being stabilized that Liore was able to come and see him *.

-Tyna what are the two brothers doing?

-It's good there's nothing interesting anymore.

* Logan had put on his T-shirt and his watch which he showed to Liore. *

-I present you Advanced Watch Item. Or I.W.A.

-It shouldn't rather be AWI.

-Yeah but someone convinced me to change my name.

-A girl ? * Asked Liore Smiling *.

-Still Liore I have met a lot of people over the past 4 years, good and bad, selfish, hyppocrites and so on. I saw the devastation this war could cause and I understood why you were fighting ... I admit I felt guilty at one point. To let you fight alone.

-Hey I forbid you to think that you hear me? * He said taking his head in his hands *. We are the ones who have decided that you will be the happiest of us so your mission is to enjoy life, is that clear ?

-Very clear.

-Tell me more about the girl. How is she ?

-Baah she is beautiful, graceful, with an angelic voice, she dances really well and does quite original choreography.

* Logan got lost in detail as Liore watched him amused *.

-Saika her name was. She's on her way to becoming an Idol on Lekka.

-Idol? You were dating a super star * Said Liore mockingly *.

-I forbid you to say that. You got married with your childhood friend.

-Ok time out it was a unfair.

* While they were still chatting, in another room Arklight and his wounded friends were being treated by Doctor Azul. Crimson was there to watch them *.

-Liore can hack almost any military system using the satelite network he created is that right? This guy hacking our guns that's why we couldn't shoot his brother. If he's so cheat, why don't he get rid of the Krawls.

-What exactly do you want to Hack on the Krawls? * Asked Leti *. Their heart? Their brains?

-She scores a point. * Says Crimson *.

-In any case he survived 10 years of war so he probably knows how to deal with them.

-I heard he no longer had his Stryker. He's more than an ordinary human ... * Said Leti *.

-With a great brain.

-With a great brain. * She repeated *. Fine, Sergeant, you are back on your feet.

-Thank you my beauty. But I am going to stay a little stretched out so that you can pamper me a little longer.

* After which she sighed and left the room where she met Liore in the hallways. It was weird to see him smile so happy. After that the two researchers went to where it all began, in the cell of Doctor Joras Astray. The latter seemed delighted to see Liore McMannus * again.

-We have to talk to the old man.

-I was asking for that.

* At the same time a little outside the complex, the blizzard had just risen when 2 huge figures appeared. They couldn't be seen well because of the snow, but they clearly had Stryker's look. At their feet, 3 women, one of whom in particular had blue hair and wore glasses. She had a woolen shirt over a sweater, a collar around her neck, mini-shorts as well as a pair of tights and heeled boots *.

-This place must remind you of bad memories eh Patronne? * Asked one of the girls *.

* Name: Alberta McMannus. 23 years old, director of Minos research center.

- I don't care a bit Mei. * She said as she chewed her pipe *. I'm only here for work.

* Mei, had short messy brown hair and has a long, thin ponytail that reaches her ankles, her eyes appear to be a faded blue color with a bit of red concealer. She wears a dark blue dress, on her right arm she has an oversized sleeve while on the left side is not covered at all, while under this one wears a tight dress with black sleeves on her arms. She has straps attached to black leggings that cover most of her legs to the soles of her feet, covering some as she doesn't wear shoes. It was clearly not the best outfit in cold weather but the Jaegers felt it differently *.

* Name: Meiwa Shikoku, 23, ex guard of the Takemikazuchi clan, now close guard of Alberta McMannus *.

-You should quit smoking you know or you will regret it one day.

* The last girl was also a jaeger but she wore a fleece jacket and white mountain pants over heeled boots. She had sunglasses on and her hair was blonde cropped *.

*Name: ???? Alias: Storm, Age: unknown. Alberta Bodyguard *.

-With regenerating lungs? No thanks and it relaxes me. Well, it's time to go and cure my stupid little brother.

* End of chapter *.