Chapter 28: No hard feelings

* Planet of Kai'O in the Jeremiah system, the renovation works of the ruined city were in good voice. The governor of the planet had decided to make a speech to raise the morale of his fellow citizens. He therefore went to the memorial escorted by twenty police and soldiers. From his desk on the base Flynn listened to the news on his TV screen while having to deal with a major problem *.

-You failed. * He announced curtly *.

-What ?

* The person in front of him was called Shalon Ricker. She was 22 and an extremely competent police officer. After the Kai'O attack she had been irradiated by the Mermaid and taken to the operating room to undergo the Jaegers operation. Not only was the operation a success, it was immediately taken over by the Typhoon squadron of the Undead. She was indeed posting incredible scores even on Inhibitor, but now that she was in front of Major Reuss she was having a hard time realizing what he had just said *.

-You failed. * He said *. Or more specifically you have failed.

* Shalon still in shock ran her hand through her hair *.

-There must be some mistake the last I heard is I'm the best. I mean my piloting skills have been called extraordinary by Major Leland. I pass the basic training with and without an inhibitor. I already have hours of flying under my belt and my leadership skills as well as my Marksman and my CQC are no longer to be proven.

-Leland is an excellent pilot * Says Reuss before putting a file on the table *. But she's not a shrink. Your psychological assessment is a disaster. Doctor Cobroose is adamant you must not approach a Stryker.

* Annoyed, she got up, banging on the table *.

-What ? * She yelled *. But he had said that everything was going well.

-I don't know, but he's the shrink. With a file like that I'll be crazy to let you get a gun near you. I even wonder how the police recruited you. But basically it's not my problem.

* They crossed their fingers and leaned back in his chair before saying it again to Shalon *.

-You are not fit.

* Something passed through the wall of the Reuss office, it was his table as well as his TV. The frightened guard soldiers rushed into the room and saw Shalon come out of the hole in the wall with tears in his eyes and his eyes full of anger *.

- This is all Rick's fault. It's him, he keeps pushing me wrong. Every time I try to do something I like, he pisses me off. I'm sure it was he who made the candidacy fail.

-Shalon, Sergeant Ricker does not have this power. * Said Flynn who had his hands in his pockets *.

* A young blonde woman entered the room with a response team and everyone pointed their guns at Shalon *.

- Are you okay Major?

-I'm fine Second-Lieutenant Webber, it's just a formality.

-You, * she said, staring at Shalon * please follow me immediately.

-No it's okay leave it there, don't lock her up.

-As if they could ...

-Don't underestimate us. * Said Webber threateningly *.

-I said enough. If you think Rick was able to influence anything go see him. But it's going to be tough, he's posted to Lekka in SutherLand.

-Wha ... what? What is he doing there?

-I don't know and I don't give a fuck. Now get the hell out of my base.

* Shallon groaned and retracted. She was escorted outside the limits of the base, the camp was now forbidden to her. Just like carrying a weapon for that matter, but the day had only just begun for the major *.

-I think we should have locked him up Major. * Says Webber *. This woman will eventually cause civil unrest.

-We are soldiers Eda. Not cops. Go back to work.

* On the tarmac at the base were 3 young people hanging out. Finally only one was doing push-ups while the other two were watching a video on the net. It was an idol group that was starting to get talked about on Lekka. She had a series of hits and their choreography was perfect. Music was secondary to these two, they especially wanted to see beautiful girls *.

-Oh my God what a nice thic.

- Especially the leader Mirai. I wanted to hug her. * He said with a lustful look *.

-You want to dive into her chest yeah. I prefer Saika. She dances pretty well.

-Looogik she is the choreographer. There's also Kelly with her street punk style that I love.

-And Veronica in her wacky costumes. Haaa I'll kill for a trip to Lekka now. * He sighed *. And you, Pryatt, which one do you prefer?

*Pryatt was still doing push-ups right next to his shirtless side. He was a healthy young man, six feet tall, tanned skin, dark hair with a square cut. He stopped his push-ups and got up *.

-I don't know, but this kind of thing doesn't interest me. Groups always end up separating.

-Bad Law is eternal budd. These girls are awesome.

-So this is where you were hiding you dumbass muthafucka * A voice shouted behind their back *.

* Frightened the two soldiers got up and stood at attention *.

-So what were you doing?

-N... Nothing Staff Sergeant Guarnere. We were just watching a concert on a friend's smartphone.

-Oh really ? And while the others are working their ass off you are laughing, that's it. You are going to give me the pleasure of moving your faggot ass immediately and giving me a complete tour of the base, is that clear?

-Yes Staff Sergeant.

-And I'm confiscating your fucking smartphone.

* He picked it up and yelled at them as he ran before letting them continue on their own. Then he turned on the cell phone and watched the broadcast *.

-Oooh Mirai is so cute.

* In the distance Flynn who had observed the scene was jaded by his attitude *.

-What a moron this Terry. If Kane finds it, she'll fold it in half.

-He can't look on his cell phone, she'll know right away. * Explained Webber *.

* Flynn glanced at Pryatt *.

- Is that him you wanted to talk to me about? Solomon Pryatt.

1st class but brilliant soldier, he enlisted at the age of 18 and served for 2 years in the Federal Guard on Sutherland. Currently he is the best recruit. After Shallon Ricker of course, he's as good at fighting as he is at leading. The others plan to make him pass Sergeant at the end of his training ...

* As Webber lost herself in detail, the gaze of Flynn and the young man merged. For a moment the black man stopped doing his squats and observed his superior for a long time *.

-He comes from which system? * He asked calmly *.

-Apparently he's from a Colon family on System 11. But they all died in a Krawl attack. Well, I'm talking but you were probably there at the time.

-A Krawl attack eh.

* As he watched the recruits practice his phone rang *.

-So honey.

-Flynn? It's Katy. I just got a call from school.

-From school ? Jake had a problem?

-Yes. But I can't leave I'm overwhelmed with work, but you can surely do something.

-I find a time slot and I go ...

-No. * Did she cut it *. Go now.

-Yes maaaam.

* Flynn gave the rookie one last look *.

-He doesn't interest me.

* Later he arrived at school in his big military jeep but to tell the truth he did not have a civilian car. He therefore went to the principal's office where he found his son Jake sitting in a corner while at the opposite were 3 kids and their parents *.

-He Shit. If I had been told that being a parent was as much a hassle.

- Sit down, Major.

-Thank you. * He said as he sat down *. What did my son do?

-Early this morning your son attacked 3 students with whom he got confused in the playground. * Explained the principal *. As you can see they are all 3 quite....

- They are the ones who started it. * Said Jake *.

-Liar. * Replied one of the kids *.

* They started to get confused and the principal screamed in silence *.

-What brutal world do we live in? * Said one of the mothers *. Such a nice boy beaten so brutally. What kind of education do you give to your son? Ah yes sorry you are military, you are never there.

* Flynn frowned and looked at her. She turned her head because she couldn't support his gaze, Reuss smiled and stared at the main one *.

-You are telling me that my son ... Jake ... 3 v 1 ... He beat 3 kids ... All alone. Is it me or is there something I am not told?

-This child is a savage ....

-Madam if you still open your Ugly ass mouth I send you in orbit you and your son is that clear?

-What are not told you, Mr. Reuss? * The principal asked *.

-Bah already why he did that? Why would Jake attack kids for no reason when he's as calm as a Krawl in stasis?

-They were bugging Courtney ....

- Not even true, it is you who ....

-The boys. * Said Flynn in a deep voice *. You don't speak when the grown-ups are talking.

-Yes Major. * They intimidated *.

-The problem is not the why but the facts .... Your son attacked his comrades and that shows a bad image of our establishment. We do not tolerate any act of violence of any kind.

* Flynn crossed his fingers and gazed into the woman in front of him *.

-You don't tolerate violence? So how do you explain the bruises on my son's body?

-Bruises ?

-May we stop the bullshit for two minutes ? The lady over there is your sister, that's why you've been making fun of me for a while now. Jake is a nice boy but since he has been in this school he has been bullied in silence. My son comes home every night with bruises on his body and scratches on his hand, but no one tells me about it.

* The main catch was looking for a suitable answer, but Flynn followed suit *.

-I think this time Jake got fed up and decided to defend himself and it turned out badly. Your boys turned out to be weaker than my son and he gave them facials again.

-And you find it normal that he messed them up so much?

-And you find that normal * cut Flynn *. That my son cries alone at night in his pillow? I wonder what's holding me back from razing this shit school or suing you for not helping your students.

-Mr Reuss ...

- This is what I propose. Jake will be punished but not by you. He will spend a week at home and when he comes back he will always be a nice little boy, but if I hear that a student provoked him or that he fought for some reason, I will put a lawsuit on you. Is that clear?

* The intensity of his gaze made the old ladies shudder, who could not help but lower their eyes. In the end, the families reached a compromise. Flynn embarked his son who will be exempt from school for a week. Once in the car he stared at his son who had a bad head *.

-You beat yourself up Jake. Your Mom told you should avoid it with what you got in your blood.

- I'm sorry dad. Really sorry but they were bothering the other students and ...

-I do not blame you you did what was necessary. But I have an important question.

* He turned his head towards his son whom he looked at intensely *.

- Did you win?

* The young boy bulged his chest and replied proudly *.

-Of course.

-That's all I wanted to know. * Said he smiling *.

- By the way, can you really make school disappear?

-I'm your father not the Commander.

-Well too bad * Jake sighed *.

* He started the car and left the school. Elsewhere, somewhere in this vast universe on a remote planet, in a kind of swampy jungle, a group of people were advancing to Taton. In this jungle there was a Krawl, class 1 about 4 meters high, he was Zion type and parts of his body looked like armor. The Krawl didn't move but seemed to have sensed someone's presence *.

-I have the target visually what are your Orders Sea-lion? * Asked a woman's voice *

-How far away is the target?

-Approximately 500 meters is playable.

-Good. Proceed with the elimination.

* A shot from nowhere and an electric shock crossed the forest before decapitating the Krawl which collapsed dead. The printer then deactivated its optical camouflage and became visible again *.

-End of the exercise. Nice job Sykes.

* Zone, place and classified system. FIS (Federal Intelligence service) training base. The woman named Sykes was a member of the government's special forces *.

-Sykes in my office right away.

* She went to change, took off her uniform and put on something more comfortable. She was quite muscular with abs, her skin was brown and her hair was metallic gray, it was long, thin braided and tied up. As she entered the office she greeted the colonel in charge of the base *.

-It's not me you should greet.

* She turned her head and saw sitting on the sofa a man with blue hair in a 3 piece suit *.

-Pardon sir I didn't see you * She said greeting Berthold *.

-Agent Sykes, I understand you are very good at surgical tactical target removal. Also I will get right to the point I need your skills.

-If he's a Krawl, sir, whatever his class, I'm up for it.

-It is not a Krawl that I send you to hunt but a man.

-And who is this man sir?

-Jalel Archibald.

* End of chapter *.