Chapter 29: 1st approach

*Since the creation of the interstellar federation but especially since the unprecedented discovery of adaptive living organisms also known as Krawl the main enemy of humanity has been the latter. All scientific or military resources had been urgently mobilized to counter the threat. Then in the year 176 when all that finally stabilized and that humanity gradually recovered its status it had the first crisis, for the first time since the unification of humanity the discord threatened to spoil everything. This is how the central command took the decision to create an organization aimed at putting an end to any rebellion in the bud, the inter-human conflicts will have to be settled as quickly as possible and without error. Also born in the middle of this furnace the FIS, intelligence service of the army. Composed mainly of officers and special forces agents from the four corners of the universe, their mission is to deal with the human enemies of the federation, regardless of their nature. Their existence is crucial for the stability of Minos and also of the central government. Agent Sykes leaving the training center had a good idea in mind. It wasn't her first mission, human or Krawl she was used to making targets disappear. Berthold had trained her himself and she was now a living weapon, his favorite weapon. Before she landed on Tobias he briefed her.*

-When you arrive on Tobias you will be deprived of any modern electronic equipment. Your body should be jamming the sensors so there's no problem with your implants.

- Can I keep my guns on me? *she asked*.

- Negative it will be noticed if you are forced to use it.

- What to do then? *she asked*.

-Once there you will contact the agent Dent. It will be your contact and your teammate, you will have to accomplish the mission together, there will be no real hierarchy.

-It's understood.

*Sykes wore a half-open khaki shirt with denim jeans and boots. She was lugging around two large rather suspicious bags, but as she passed through the gate, the agent told her that her arms were not up to standard*.

-Sorry. War injury. *She said taking out her tag*. I lost them during my last deployment.

-Ah sorry... And thank you for your service.

* Of course, she passed without a hitch. Also Berthold had briefed Dent on the arrival of her teammate. Dent was redheaded with sideways hair, square jaw and blue eyes but his belly was sticking out. He wore a lumberjack shirt and had a gun in his belt. Sykes met him giving him her luggage*.

-When you meet Sykes I want you to be careful. She's not used to working in a team but she's a pro.

- Copy that boss. But with your respect, if we use Tobias' guns, we'll never be able to take down our target. Bullets from conventional firearms do nothing to Jaegers. *Dent said*.

-I'am aware. That's why you'll get it there.

-How are you on the spot?

*Coming across Sykes at SpacePort the two agents nodded to each other then exchanged passwords before getting into a pickup*.

- I'm Dent and you?

-Mira Savage. *She said coldly*. From the immigration office.

-Ah and a piece of advice don't stare insistently at her chest or she'll rip your arms off. *Berthold had said*.

*He barely had time to look at his decolter when she closed the last button*.

-Go roll. *She says putting on her sunglasses*.

*Dent was to provide most of the listening and communication monitoring equipment. His apartment was on the second floor of an old hotel but he had booked another room at the back, that's where he kept his gear and his computers. Even for the special forces it was difficult to integrate so many electronics on Tobias you had to be cunning and not get caught. As for weapons, it was even more complicated*.

- Country bastard wanting to live 400 years back. *Swear Dent*.

*Once in the apartment Mira unpacked her belongings, in one of the suitcases there were her clothes and in the other there were bladed weapons, knives, sabers and other such weapons. Dent surprised stared at the young woman*.

-Wow wow where does it come from?

- Don't worry sweetheart. This is not for you. *She said winking at him*.

-Agent Sykes is an augmented. *Berthold had said*.

- An augmented? A cyborg? But it's illegal and I thought the project had been abandoned.

- Stop believing and listen. If it can reassure you, only its members and some organs have been modified, the rest remain the same.

- May I know which part in particular? *Insisted Dent*.


*While Dent was being briefed in the living room, Sykes now Mira was taking a shower, it had been a long time since she had left the center like this. She took the opportunity to clean herself properly but something else, she started to vomit or rather she forced herself to. She thus spat out a Plasma Pistol that she had hidden in her belly. It was her secret weapon to finish off Jalel and she hid it in the ceiling. After her shower, she put on her white T-shirt, then new jeans and boots. She tied then plaited her hair which fell in her back then she returned to the briefing room with Dent*.

- Can I know what organs it is?

-Negative. But she is there you can ask her.

*Dent turned around in surprise*.

- Mira? So the shower isn't too cold? Finally I say this....

-It's okay, I have turn off sensors under my skin.

*sits down and crosses her legs on the table*.

- So Prophet. Tell us what we're doing here. *She says*.

*Berthold, who now had his agents on site, was going to tell them everything*.

-I think you all know about the attack that took place on Kai'O, don't you?

-The queen who laid alone the 3 types of Krawl? We know yes.

-I was talking about the group that had mounted the attack to kill Jalel Archibald.

-Ah this attack there.

- Well I have a man infiltrated in this group who keeps me informed of the smallest facts and gestures. I had placed him there in the hope that he would lead me to Jalel and yesterday at 7 p.m. precisely I lost contact with my spy.

-And where is the link with Tobias? *Asked Dent*.

- We lost contact with him here on Braggon. *Says Sykes*. In other words, either he got burned...

-Either he found what he was looking for and got killed. That's right Savage. In short, your little section has 3 days to locate my man, I have already sent you the useful information on your PC. Questions ?

-How do we deal with firearms? *Dent asked again*.

-Deal it yourself. *He says cutting the connection*.

- The motherfucker. *Sighs Dent*. There's more than to get to work it seems.

*Mira put on her leather jacket and headed for the door*.

-I'm going for a walk.

-Get me some coffee and burgers. I can't work without.

*She ignored him and left, slamming the door. It all starts 24 hours earlier on Tobias' capital planet Braggon. As a reminder Jalel had resorted to a Jaeger deception to be able to infiltrate the various systems in order to be able to return home, only once on Tobias he had nothing to give a shit and resumed his initial appearance. Back in his hometown, everyone knew that the little hero of the Archibald family was back, so a little party was organized in his honor*.

-To little Jalel, Who has finally become a man. *yells the bartender*.


*Everyone drank their glass, it was a bit crazy and hysterical in the saloon with lively music to warm the spirits. Jalel was with his little sister Julia and her friends and everyone was celebrating*.

- To Jeena. *He yelled raising his glass*. And to Mermaid who was faithful to her until the very end.

- To Jeena.

*Jalel then landed at the bar where there was a dark-skinned man with a square cut. He wore an apron and rubber gloves as if he were a butcher.

-Take out your special Uncle Dayton, you know that ordinary booze doesn't bother me.

-Since when are you an alcoholic? *Asked Julia*.

-I'm not, the guys from the 82nd have changed me like that. But forget me, Julia is your fiancée is coming or not ?

- he's not my fiancée, he's my boyfriend.

-It's the same thing, what's the difference?

*Two girls passed by the table and tried to pick up Jalel*.

- Come have fun

-Sorry doll, Family emergency.

*He stared curiously at his sister again*.

-So when does he come?

-I don't know he...

*The saloon door opened and a man came out. He was tall, rather handsome like a movie star, dark hair with a beard, leather jacket, black pants and denim shoes. At the time Jalel thought he was pretty good. This stranger crossed the saloon under the curious gaze of people, it was obvious that he was embarrassed to interrupt the party given the way he looked around him but everything dissipated when Julia threw herself into his arms *.

-Sweetheart *She screamed while kissing him*. Stop staring at him like this he's my boyfriend.

-Oh... You break my heart. *chuckles a customer*.

*She leads him to the bar where he exchanged a firm handshake with Jalel*.

- Big brother, this is my little friend Cole Davis. And Cole, this is my big brother, Jalel Archibald.

-It's an honor to meet you, well I say that but until recently I didn't know she had a brother... I mean I didn't expect... Well I... .

-Relax Davy, there's no fire. Have a drink with us. *He says pouring her a drink*.

*He was a little intimidated but grabbed the glass and emptied it dry. Jalel chuckled patting his back*.

-So what do you do for a living?

-I work for an NGO. We take care of the children who lose their planet during the attacks of the army.

- Krawls. *Specified Jalel almost angrily*. They are the enemies.

-Maybe but when the army intervenes it doesn't care about civilians and it creates more victims.

- You wouldn't be calling us murderers already? *Asked Jalel who frowned*.

*Cole a little scared looked at Julia then stared at Jalel again*.

-Look, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to... You see, I'm not looking for trouble. Sorry.

- But no, it's okay. I'm just teasing you.

*Sitting at the back of the bar Paimon watched Jalel play the boring big brother while trying to be discreet. She danced with the country people but she was very attentive to what was happening outside. Outside the bar there were about 5 silhouettes of guys watching the little Saloon in town. These guys were dressed like everyone else but they had guns on their belts.

-This is Emerson, we made contact with the Target. Request permission to shoot.

-Wait until she's alone, *Said the man in the headset*. It has to be done in silence without arousing the suspicions of the local authorities.

*Inside the bar Jalel continued to harass Davis*.

- Otherwise, where have you been for the past few months?

-Bah At home, on Kai'O.

-Were you on Kai'O? *Worried Julia*.

- Don't worry, I wasn't in the city where the attack took place. But it scared me a lot, I must admit. We're really safe nowhere.

-That's what you have to fight for. *Said Jalel, glass in hand*. The government said the war is over, but Kai'O happened anyway.

-I say we have to go into their hive and set it on fire. *Said Dayton*.


-LET'S KILL THEM ALL.*Screamed everyone in the bar*.

Ndt: Starship trooper reference

*Dave a little scared stared at Julia*.

- You didn't tell me that your brother was the quiet type? There he is totally belligerent.

-I know I find it weird too. He has changed a lot. Well that's not all but I have lessons to prepare for kids. See you tomorrow. *She said giving him a kiss*.

- Hey wait, don't leave me alone with him?

* The night took its course, Jalel tried to stuff his host but he dodged when he realized that the Jaegers were not stuffing at the same speed. He left the party before it even ended but Jalel followed him anyway. At the end of a certain number of streets he turned around*.

- You know that I can call the police for harassment? It's obvious that you don't like me, but leave me my personal space.

-Oh I'm not following you, I'm going in the same direction, that's all.

-Tch is grotesque.

*Dave turned around but with a sprint Jalel caught up with him and gave him a violent punch. Suddenly he turned around, grabbed Archibald's wrist and threw him through the window of the nearby clothing store.*

- Hey but you are sick. *he yelled*.

*The store was empty and given the system at the time there was no alarm*.

-Tch I suspected. I knew it from your approach, you're a soldier, aren't you?

-It's ridiculous. How weird is it to meet ex-soldiers here?

-Not really, *Jalel said as the blood on his forehead disappeared*. But I watched your reactions when you walked into the bar, your behavior was completely normal from start to finish.

-I really don't see why....

-On Kai'O a special government unit tried to kill me. I know this because one of your members now walks with me. *He said raising his smartphone*. And she showed me the picture of her team members.

*Dave frowned and suddenly pounced on Jalel, punching him in the stomach. He cashed to spit blood and he understands that the guy in front was not normal. Dave pulled a knife from his jacket and tried to slice Jalel but the tear grazed his face. Jalel blocked his right arm and tripped him with a brush and pinned him coldly to the ground*.

- Actually, I don't have a photo of you. I lied. *he said smiling*.

-Oh... And what betrayed me?

-Your gait, your watch. This model is mostly used by special forces guys. But in truth I never really trusted you.

-You paranoid Siscon.

*Dave kicked Jalel in the back, who freed himself and both men got to their feet. Jalel sent several blows that Dave deflected before catching him by the wrist, then gave several quick strikes in the face of the young man who recoiled. He followed up with a double circular kick that made him cross the plywood of the wall and land in the back shop. Dave stood for a moment staring into the darkness*.

-If you want to know everything I met Julia 3 months ago, it was well before the official announcement of the end of the war. I didn't know she was your sister. And to tell the truth, it would suit me if she didn't know anything.

-I believe you. *Yells Jalel*. You seemed surprised to see me too. Damn you hit hard, what do you eat in the special forces?

- Rations and water like everyone else.

- Infects, their rations.

-What are you complaining about motherfucker the Jaeger eat like rock stars.

-Not in the 82nd believe me.

-Chance would have it. *He said entering the back shop*. But you're wrong on one point, it's not the government but my boss who wants you.

- I understood that. *say Jalel who was right next to him*.

*By the time he reacted Jalel hit him in the back with a baseball bat, Dave turned around and wanted to kick but Jalel hit his shin, he wanted to punch but the Jaeger aimed for the wrist then punched Dave*'s knee.

-Damn he's aiming squarely at my fists.

*He jumped back but Jalel grabbed him by the throat and hit him so hard the bat burst on his arm. Dave heard a crack signaling that his arm was fractured*.

- Now you are going to tell me who sent you. *he said clenching his fist as his wounds slowly healed*

* Outside the special unit had set up around the store waiting to be able to neutralize Jalel if necessary, but it was starting to take time. Emerson signaled his snipers and headed for the building with 2 of his guys. Their movement was coordinated and precise, but once in front of the door of the building one of them took a sniper bullet and collapsed on the ground in blood. Panicked, the other two hid behind a garbage bin*.

-Overwatch what is this shit, who shooted?... Overwatch you hear me?

*He continued to speak into the void because shortly before he reached the store Paimon had broken the Pointer's neck, then strangled the Sniper with barbed wire, she was wearing leather gloves so as not to hurt herself. Once done she grabbed the old shotgun that served as a sniper rifle and wounded Emerson in the abdomen who was about to go in first. While the remaining 2 were hesitating she climbed down from the rooftops and ran at top speed through the streets using her enhanced abilities. She went around them then grabbed the nearest one before stabbing him several times in the back, the other turned around and aimed at her but the wall of the store exploded and a man fell on him. To Paimon's surprise it was Jalel who got up covered in blood. She saw the other on the ground moaning in shock and broke his neck with a good kick*.

-Jalel? What the fuck...

*Before she even finished her sentence she saw a man come out of the hole in the wall and stare at Jalel*.

- Dave?


*The two colleagues were surprised to see each other in such circumstances, especially since Dave was covered in blood and his arm was bleeding*.

- And then shit goes again, come on. *He says pointing his knife at her*.

*The undercover agent that Sykes had to find was none other than Lt. Davis*.

*End of chapter*.